Seventh communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS)

received and translated by waronsociety:

“When the  blood of your veins returns to the sea
and the dust of your bones returns to the ground,
maybe then you will remember that this Earth does not belong to you,
you belong to this Earth.”
– Native American saying

Before beginning this new text signed by ITS, we want to express our enormous gratitude to the anarchist portal “Liberación Total,” since over the years they have disseminated our communiques despite the many uncomfortable circumstances that have presented themselves; in a note attached to a November 27, 2011 text by the “Animal and Earth Liberation Front of Mexico” titled “Conspiracy Theories and the Ridiculous Saboteurs”  [Spanish link*] which we quote, they said, “we will keep disseminating the information which has to do with the ITS,” and that is what they have done. Continue reading

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Séptimo comunicado de las Individualidades tendiendo a lo salvaje desde México

recibimos y publicamos:

“Cuando la sangre de tus venas retorne al mar,
y el polvo en tus huesos vuelva al suelo,
quizás recuerdes que ésta Tierra no te pertenece a ti,
sino que tú perteneces a ésta Tierra.”
Frase de nativos americanos

Antes de empezar este nuevo texto firmado desde Its, queremos agradecer enormemente al portal anarquista “Liberación Total”, pues durante estos años ha difundido nuestros comunicados a pesar de las tantas incomodas circunstancias que se han presentado; lo dijeron en una nota adjunta a un texto titulado: “Teorías de conspiración y lxs ridiculxs saboteadorxs” por el “Frente de Liberación Animal y de la Tierra de México”, el 27 de noviembre de 2011 que citamos textualmente: “seguiremos difundiendo la información que tenga que ver al respecto a las its” y así lo han hecho. Continue reading

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Final statement of ex-Negasi comrades about the trial of the killer of Ryo

from 325:

(This statement was read out two days ago while a meeting was held, this is a final statement from ex-members/comrades of Negasi and affinities, after a long and tired debate among the solidarians in last two months about the case of Ryo.)

Good evening,

For all who always rise their hand and never bow their head in front of injustice, society and all the enemies. Respect for those who showed their direct solidarity as a language of resistance. Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive attack against the Las Vizcachas police station in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, translated by wos

from the press

At 12:30 am on Saturday 9/2, a strong bang shook the Las Vizcachas police station. This was caused by the detonation of an explosive device, which was placed next to the the wall of the precinct which adjoins an irrigation ditch lined with vegetation. Continue reading

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“Prison, Torture and Injustice Don’t Take Vacations” – Letter from Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Prison, Torture and Injustice Don’t Take Vacations

After the most recent onslaught from the persecutive-repressive apparatus–the police, prosecution and courts–ended by suspending the trial preparation process that was in Constitutional Court since August of last year, with the aim of invalidating the whole slew of the prosecution’s already excluded and rejected evidence, evidence that was filed by the Military Court and pressed forward by the torturer Roberto Reveco to the Public Ministry (legitimating, in this way, acts of persecution and hatred). Continue reading

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Mexico: A researcher of the Institute of Biotechnology receives a letter bomb

from the press, transl waronsociety:

February 11, 2013

 Cuernavaca, Morelos: A researcher of the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) pertaining to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in the state of Morelos, received a letter that contained an explosive device. Continue reading

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Chile: Remember and Fight. Posters for Squatted Social Center and Library Sacco y Vanzetti within the call for a Black February in Santiago

From liberaciontotal translated by waronsociety:

This Sunday, Feb. 3rd went to the street to express on the walls of C.S.O. Sacco and Vanzetti, that memory is still alive and that not one space will die in the bastard prosecutor’s archives, memory as a weapon comes from the streets and through daily action. This act is framed within the international call for a Black February and remembers that this past January commemorates one more year of a construction of a space that aims at Power and its lackeys. Continue reading

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Seventh Communique of the CCF-FAI Mexico

Please note the date–the communique is from about 5 months ago.
from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

September 18th, 2012

To all anarchists of praxis,
To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity,

Communique of the CCF-FAI, Mexico City:

Arsonists at war against all authority!
All our solidarity with the comrades Mario López “Tripa” and Brualio Durán!
Solidarity with the comrade Felicity wherever she finds herself in struggle!
We celebrate one year of direct attacks on capital and the State! Continue reading

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Sixth* communique of the CCF/FAI of Mexico

Please note the date–this communique is almost 6 months old.
from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

August 21, 2012

To to arsonists and antagonists in affinity,

Sixth* communique of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico:

The arsonists in continual war against all authority have returned!
All our solidarity with the anarchic individualist warrior Mario López!
For the destruction of the system of domination!
For Total Liberation! Continue reading

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URGENT: Solidarity with Noelia Cotelo

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

A brief summary for those who are not up to date with her situation: Noelia Cotelo is a comrade who is participating in the campaign against torture and maltreatment in prison (PRISON=TORTURE) in the extermination center of Brieva. A few months ago (October 23, 2012) her prison guards broken one of her hands and gave her a brutal beating when she refused to cut off the telephone conversation she was having with her mother. Continue reading

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“Farewell Riyano”

from ultraegoist, transl waronsociety:


Obituary For Riyano

Ino, my friend, in a time when the air was still giving you life,
we both believed that one day we would see
with our own eyes a new world.
A world in which people are no longer wolves to each other,
a world in which we are all lovers and family. Continue reading

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“A Short Story” written by the dear comrade Carla from San Miguel Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

A Short Story

I grew inside a walnut shell, and there at the bottom of that little shell I had a bit of cotton for my bed, for shelter I had the petal of a purple flower, a leaf of coltsfoot made a canopy that covered me from the chill of some mornings and the sun of some middays, and when the moon was turning the leaf opened to the sky to watch it pass, and in this calm I grew… Continue reading

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Bolivia: Interview with Henry, the dignified comrade accused in FAI case [pdf]

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety:

Note from Solidaridad Negra: Thanks to some comrades who were able to travel from one city to another to visit the comrade Henry Zegarrundo, we were able to do an interview with him. To overcome the difficulties they carried out the interview during two visits, the first of which we made the proposal and left him the written interview so that he could respond in the same way. The second visit was to get his written responses and also share opinions-criterion about the repressive situation and about the solidarity of the anarchist-libertarian circles, collectives and movement. Continue reading

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Chile: Carla and Ivan released to full house arrest; Security Case trial preparation suspended again

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Carla and Iván leave the prison with full house arrest;
Trial preparations suspended

On February 5, 2013 at 9 AM the preparation of the oral trial began, in which they will decide what evidence will ultimately go to trial. The defense lawyers asked to postpone the trial preparations until March 20, 2013 in order to revise some evidence, also they need some details of the accusation from the prosecution. Continue reading

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