Seattle, WA: Bank attacked in revenge for Occupy Oakland

from the bourgeois press:

Seeking revenge for Occupy Oakland, someone shattered nearly all the windows and defaced a North Seattle Bank early this morning, according to the Seattle Police Department.

Police say someone used a tool to break windows and an ATM screen at the bank, located in the 1000 block of northeast 63rd Street around 2:50 a.m. “Revenge for Occupy Oakland,” was also spray painted on the bank’s southwest exterior wall.

Damages to the bank are estimated to be tens of thousands of dollars.

On Thursday, Occupy Oakland protesters and police became confrontational when a driver was unable to deliver portable toilets to their camp because he did not have the proper permit, according to the Contra Costa Times. Police also cleared campers from a vacant lot Wednesday, after they had taken it over a day earlier, according to the Mercury News.

It is unclear what the person was seeking revenge for.

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Greece: How Greek anarchists destroy CCTV cameras

Direct actions against modern totalitarianism

1.1) Why destroy cctv cameras ?

Trust your instincts, but if you need intellectual justification then:

“The gaze of the cameras does not fall equally on all users of the street but on those who are stereotypical predefined as potentially deviant, or through appearance and demeanour, are singled out by operators as unrespectable. In this way youth, particularly those already socially and economically marginal, may be subject to even greater levels of authoritative intervention and official stigmatisation, and rather than contributing to social justice through the reduction of victimisation, CCTV will merely become a tool of injustice through the amplification of differential and discriminatory policing.”

“an instrument of social control and the production of discipline; the production of ‘anticipatory conformity’; the certainty of rapid deployment to observed deviance and; the compilation of individualised dossiers of the monitored population.”

“The unforgiving Eye: CCTV surveillance in public space” Dr Clive Norris and Gary Armstrong of the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice at Hull University, UK.

“What we have been able to show is that CCTV didn’t reduce crime – if anything it has increased – and it didn’t reduce fear of crime. If anything there was a slight increase in anxiety.”

– Prof Jason Ditton of Sheffield University.


2.1) Dummy CCTV cameras

These should be destroyed and removed as they still induce paranoia and fear of punishment.
“Full bodied Dummy CCTV Camera including Lens and Mounting Bracket. Uses an actual Camera body so it looks like the real thing.”

2.2) Hidden CCTV cameras.

They are also useful for back-up surveillance in installations where the primary CCTV equipment is of a more traditional nature, i.e. standard cameras. In this case Covert Cameras can operate as a back-up where primary cameras are disabled by an intruder. Used mostly for temporary installations to catch repetitive criminal activity.

Discouraged by UK home office.

2.3) Wall mounted CCTV cameras.

Normally mounted just out of reach of an individual, but accessible by two people working together.
Mostly protecting private property, but often also covering public space.

2.4) Roof mounted CCTV cameras.

Normally police traffic cameras, but sometimes private or large offices or institutions.

2.5) Street post mounted CCTV cameras.

Normally local authority operated for surveillance of shopping areas or police traffic cameras.


3.1) Plastic bag.

Plastic bag filled with glue does the trick nicely.
Cheap and almost as effective as other short term techniques. Use Industrial grade bags which are thicker. Sometimes a camera going into repair will be ‘bagged’ over, so visually its ambiguous. To Bag a camera there’s a high chance that you can reach it with ease. If this is the case don’t hesitate to smash the glass, lens and any other components. Don’t bag it afterwards, people need to see the units smashed.
Gives clear indication of inoperability.

3.2) Sticker and tape.

Placing of sticker or tape over lense.
Good training activity.
Gives clear indication of inoperability.

3.3) Paint gun.

Use a childs power water pistol with household paint.
Fast, fun and easy method – Highly recommended.
Easy to disable many cameras in a short period of time. a typical one hour action can easily take out 10 cameras.
Carry reserve paint in plastic containers.
Filter paint to remove lumps to avoid blocking gun.
Go for lense first and then cover the rest of the camera and surrounding area.
Clear indication of inoperability, plus draws further attention to the camera.
Camera is easily cleaned so only effective for short time only.
We used super soaker SC 400 – 2000 Edition camouflaged for urban night actions.
With a 50/50 mix of water based house paint (emulsion) and water we could hit targets easily at 4.5m above the ground.
Such a paint mixture totally obscures view through glass lense cover once applied.
Be prepared to get splattered: use disposable clothing.
No climbing required.

3.4) Laser pointer.

Fairly powerful laser pointers can be purchase for low cost (20.00GBP)
Laser pointers of <5mWatt or more can temporarily blind and may even permanently damage cctv cameras.
For guaranteed destruction a more powerful laser would be required.
But hazard of damaging eyes from misdirected pointing or reflection from the camera lense cover.

Also, very difficult to keep laser beam precisely still from any reasonable distance.
Can be attached to binoculars for better aiming.
No indication of in operability of camera.
Would not recommend this method.

3.5) Cable cutting.

Cables can be cut with either a sharp hand axe or garden pruning tools.
Make sure tools are electrically insulated to prevent shock from camera power supply.
Casual glance at dangling cables will reveal that camera is inoperable.
Requires complete costly rewiring.
Satisfying sparks emitted when cables cut.

3.6) Block drop.

Climb to the roof of the building on which the camera is mounted with some heavy weights eg concrete blocks and drop them on the cameras below.
Get correct drop position by dropping small stones first.
Camera will be totally destroyed in a shower of sparks.
Scaling tall buildings with concrete blocks requires a certain level of fitness.
Pay careful attention to safety of others below.
This is a seriously hardcore method.


Training is essential for not only fitness, but also for developing techniques and more importantly preparing for unpredictable events.
4.1) Working together.

Get to know your partner very well.
You will need to know your partners limits and abilities.
You will need to know how much you can trust each other.

4.2) Fitness.

You can never be too fit.
Vary your exercises, but best training is actually doing.
Play on the terrain you will operate on.
Start on something easy like stickering.

4.3) Learning territory.

Know every part of the area you will operate in.
Explore by day and night.
Climb every tree, building.
Explore every alley, bush and tunnel.
Climb every wall and railing and fence.
Don’t use paths or streets (only cross them at right angles).
If you have a police helicopter in your area then train aerial counter surveillance ie finding existing cover, flares, smoke bombs.

Let’s see how Greek anarchists destroy CCTV:

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Mexico: The Sole-Baleno insurgent cell of the CARI-PGG claims the package bomb sent to the attorney general

from culmine, translated by war on society:


The Sole-Baleno insurgent cell of the CARI-PGG declare that in the weeks of November 1 to 15 of 2011 a package bomb was mailed addressed to the general offices of the PGR [Federal Attorney General], to be explicit the package was addressed to the attorney general Miguel Mancera. Although our objective was to wound the heads or apparent heads of the police system, being that the package apparently “originated” from the general offices of Telmex, specifically from the person in Telmex responsible for the Secure City project — the assistant director of Social Communication “Concepción Rivera Romero,” the package would have been returned to him if it did not reach its destination. The package bomb was composed of a galvanized metal pipe, dynamite, a 2.5 volt source, matches, cable, a 9 volt battery, and shrapnel.

The super cop Marcelo Ebrad, who is obsessed with control and order, in complicity with the Telmex corporation, is creating and putting into practice a strategy of social control based on fear and the individual’s control of him or herself, the citizen as his or her own police officer and as his or her neighbor’s police officer, a police role that the citizenry accept without opposition, sometimes out of fear and others for the pleasure of serving the system, the nation in some way. We see that for this control to function it is necessary to employ the most advanced technology, which is in reality the high point not only for social control, but also for the total control of nature, for total and absolute control of the thinking and responsible individual who is able to manage their own life. Therefore it is necessary to attack the technological apparatus, although the struggle, our struggle, is focused on attacking the system of domination in its totality.

On the other hand, the police as an institution, their computers, their surveillance systems, their patrols, their criminologists, their experts and their gendarmes, are also destined for complete control, for the protection of the interests of those who have power, for the protection of the “social order” so loved by the social democrats.

The new democratic police are 100% aware of their situation and the work that they do as protectors of capital, of the social peace, of the citizenry and of the techno-system, therefore attacks against these enemies of freedom are without distinction fully justified, objectively directed, since a Federal officer who rapes and murders does not have or represent greater fault than a State or Municipal police officer, who for the same reasons or different motives also forms part of the control and order, and is thus disposed to kill, in part due to his own frustrations, although we must affirm that it is necessary above all to strike at the head of the police apparatus. The ways are diverse, from package bombs to direct executions, but always marking our line and principles, since we do not seek to discharge emotional violence but rather to utilize the offensive self-defense in the form of rational and objectively directed violence, a shot in the head is more than sufficient to wipe some repressor from the map, and if it is only a small warning, one may fire a pair of bullets into the legs, trying to cause as little sensationalism as possible and pledging that the attack remains within the rationality that lies behind antagonist violence. Violence is not the problem, it is as natural as fear, it is our sense of immediate self-defense that the State/Capital/Church mediates through their control, religion and — in the case of the anarchist and social movements — their “pacifist” leakages have intended to wrest from the individual; the problem is not violence, the question concerns the focus and manner in which it is utilized — even daily — in the strategy.

For the spread of attacks against the police apparatus!!!

For the spread and propagation of attacks against the system of domination!!!

For the spread of solidarity with our comrade prisoners of war!!!

At war against the State/Capital and for Total Liberation,



* Apparently the explosive did not detonate and was removed for investigation. Source (in Spanish) – transl.

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Chile: Letter to the CCF from a nihilist accused in the bombs case

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Greetings brothers and sisters of the CCF, and to Theofilos Mavropoulos, I send you a fraternal embrace full of affection and complicity across the distance…

It is certain that we are judged by some for being anarchists, the eternal enemies of power, and that it is our theory made practice for long years that they now intend to severely punish.

Your voice has reached my heart, those sincere words full of solidarity caress my face, that strength animates me and your conviction I love; knowing that behind those bars there are not groans of sorrow, but rather screams of hatred, rage, hope — this gladdens me and makes me reaffirm that we are on the right path; it is then that I realize that each day new comrades are born who return to give sense to our new urban guerrilla, which is no longer merely local but is international, thanks in great part to the FAI and the contribution by you the CCF. Moreover I consider important the contribution that you are making in the circles linked to anarchist individualism, and our new and beautiful Nihilism.

We feel the same hatred toward the state, the same total disregard towards the new happy slave, towards the stupid mass that lets itself be led, we feel the same impotence of not being able to demolish the extermination centers that hold us captive, we feel multiple orgasms when we deliver ourselves completely to the realization of anarchy…

We are far away, but from here the distance is nothing, we are sure that sooner than later we will find each other whether in Greece, Italy, Chile or Mexico; our insurrectionalist-Nihilist international has battle camps in the streets of the entire world and there will always be space for individuals who understand that anarchy is not a cheap ideology but rather an idea that lives and conceives itself in direct action, because we know that the damned powerful will not give up their privileges and will defend them to the end of their dirty lives…

It is for this reason that we must communicate the importance of the threat of our new nihilism, it is for this reason that we have to accept that in order to triumph with our idea, we must drown the enemy in blood, and so with our sharp knives we will continue advancing toward the encounter with chaos, toward the creative nothing, and we will throw ourselves naked into that beautiful abyss where there is complete individual freedom…

I endorse the FAI-IRF. The Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front that is doubtless the Black International of the anarchists of action, since it has shown its capacity to respond in the face of the challenges that are emerging around the world…

But your call is not only for those who are in the bombs case, but rather has passed also to our dear brother Luciano, to whom our greatest homage will be to give him the harvest of actions that we realize with our hands…

You have also dedicated words to our brother Cristóbal Bravo, who was recently beaten by paid cowards, and it is here that it becomes important to shout loudly that the attack on property is not sufficient, which our Russian nihilist comrades understood very well and showed us that we must go further, without fear of disaster, it is your lives or ours or that of some comrade in prison, for now the impunity of that deed strikes me hard in the heart; they say that revenge is a plate best served cold, they also say that vengeance kills the soul and poisons you, I believe strongly that vengeance is the dessert in a meal for a nihilist, therefore one must not wait for facts before acting, and the main course will be to take the offensive since there are stupid cowards on all sides…

Comrades, my most heartfelt respect to your organization CCF and for the revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos, for all your contribution to the anarchic struggle and all the dignity that has been shown during your trial and your time in prison, I want to tell you that as great as those walls may be they cannot hide the enormous dignity and the great courage that you have shown to us the anarchists of the entire world.

Today you raise your fist, yelling “SOLIDARITY” in the international language of anarchy. And at the same time, with the other hand you hold firmly the knife of nihilism to sink it into the bowels of this world of Power and submission, well good; I from here send you all strength and energy that you may never wane! And know that nothing can separate us, we have begun an international anarchist offensive and we will not stop until we get to see the total end of all authority, of all society, of all gods, of all morals…

I take with my two hands, firmly and without hesitation, your knife of nihilism so that together we sink it into the heart of every tyrant, of every cop, of every jailer, of every bourgeois so that upon their corpses we can dance, laugh, fuck, enjoy and conquer once and for all our total freedom!

The death of our brother Mauricio Morales and the death of comrade Lambros Fountas, the loss of Luciano‘s hands and the loss of Simos Seisidis‘s wounded leg are an eternal call to fight, no anarchist wounded or killed in combat will be forgotten, it is the hour to thrust our dagger into the heart of the capitalist beast, they are our nourishment.









NIHIL, an irreducible awaiting trial…

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Chile: Health update and judicial update concerning Luciano Tortuga

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

Update with respect to the comrade Tortuga’s state of health

Tortuga’s state of health, within the irreversible consequences, is rather good. The treatment for his burns continues, consisting of using a special garment on much of his body to avoid the formation of scars on his skin, in addition to applying rosehip oil on his burns to help with the regeneration of his epidermis.

His vision has recovered considerably after a surgical intervention in which intraocular lenses were inserted in both eyes achieving the recovery of 60% visibility in one, being comparable to the vision of a 45-year-old person. The recovery of this sense was increasing, since he could read and within the next days began to use eyeglasses.

In his upper limbs, in replacement of his right hand he frequently uses a hook that allows him to perform daily functions. On Tuesday November 8, he was submitted to a surgery for one of the fingers of his left hand on which was placed a small piece of metal to replace one of his bones and thus gain more mobility.

Police custody of Luciano is continual, a civil cop follows him on foot the whole day wherever he goes, accompanied by other custodians in a car, as well as stationed outside his house 24 hours a day.

Strength, Tortuga.

from Translate by sysiphus/Actforfreedomnow!

Comrade Tortuga in prison on remand for 75 days

First, a summary of Luciano’s case

tortuga 1

On June 1, 2011, Luciano along with someone else went to the comune of Ñuñoa, in the centre of Santiago of Chile, to place a bomb consisting of a kilo of black powder against a branch of Banco Santander. Both were on a motorbike which had been taken from the apartment where Luciano’s brother lives a few hours before. The bike numberplate had been changed with a fake one stolen a few days before in order to mislead the police. On the night of the attack, Luciano got off the bike to place the bomb, but at this point the accident happened for reasons that are not known: it may be that the timer system did not work correctly or that the bomb had received a sudden knock or that static was the cause of the premature detonation. Luciano spent a week in an induced coma, in the Indisa clinic. He underwent amputation of his right hand and has only two fingers left on his other hand. He also suffered serious burns to the skin and respiratory problems from inhaling the hot air. On August 20, he was discharged from the hospital and went to live at his mother’s house. During this period, Lucian has only been able to receive the visits of his companion, with whom he has a three year old daughter.

Pre-trial detention

Today, November 22, Luciano left his mother’s house at 7:30, aboard an unmarked police car. The hearing for the formalization of the charges began at 9.30 am, at the Septimo Juzgado de Garantía de Santiago. Tortuga was formally charged with “placing an explosive device” and “using a false number plate”, for using a different plate from the original one on the day of the attack.

Tortuga’s defence lawyer stressed that the comrade must undergo weekly treatment and that he still has to have eye surgery, but the judge accepted the request of the Fiscalía Sur (attorney) and the plaintiff, or lawyer of the Ministry … of the Interior. For this reason preventive detention for a period of 75 days has been decreed for Tortuga, ie the period fixed for the preliminary investigations. The place of detention has been fixed as the prison hospital in Santiago 1 prison. In other words, he will remain there until early February.

However, Tortuga’s defence lawyers will be appealing against this decision in the coming days. It should be noted that Luciano is not a “danger to society” (to quote the words used in court), because he is getting used to a prosthesis and is under medical treatment, as well as under constant police persecution. It is impossible for Luciano to be a “danger” therefore.

During the hearing, but outside the courtroom, comrades in solidarity unrolled a banner.

tortuga 2

The sentences that have been threatened against our comrade may be doubled due to the fact that he had “attacked a legal political and social system.” Tortuga faces a sentence of 5 to 20 years in prison.

Solidarity actions are needed now, it is now that it is necessary to show that Tortuga, and any other prisoner, is not alone.

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Chile: Communique for attack at Santander Bank where Tortuga fell

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


Clarification in regards to the attack that happened this morning at the Santander Bank at Vicuña Mackena and Victoria.

First, as clarification, although various communication media said that it was a fake explosive device, a simple fire extinguisher with a kind of wiring, just like they said that it was a sound bomb that did not explode; in the face of this we make our declaration, in order to clarify the issue and not lower the profile of the attack as the police and the bourgeois press try to do; and also to share our self-criticism with respect to the action.

We went to the site at around 2:30 am, with the device made of a fire extinguisher with a capacity of 10kg which contained inside 5kg of black powder and an attached timing system for its subsequent activation, which was held in a bag apt for its proportions. The device was timed for 20 minutes; and it is there where we find the error (we suppose), more specifically in the component charged with ignition, that is the lightbulb or the power source, which either failed or were not sufficiently apt for the magnitude of the explosive itself, it’s for this reason that it ultimately didn’t explode, being detected around 4am by the police, who developed an extensive operation to evacuate the site and proceed to investigate it.

The meaning behind this attack, in addition to attacking an entity of capital, is to avenge in the same place of his fall our comrade Luciano Pitronello, Tortuga, bearing in mind that this week the trial that intends to encarcerate our comrades is set to begin, a simple call to not forget that there are comrades who are in the clutches of the enemy taking the consequences of having declared war on this society.

Likewise, with the same air that fills our lungs, and that fills them as much with love as with hatred, from the third world we received with affection the words of war from the comrades of the CCF, who we salute with our action.

PS: Tortuga, we hope these words of sedition reach your ears, brother, since the main protagonist of this action was you, and with that we salute you and we recall that an anarchist of action is never alone, since the struggle bonds us. Also we ask your pardon since this propaganda by the deed was to be on the date of your birthday, which could not be by the same pulse of insurrectional practice in ourselves, but the vengeance does not end here…

Until we are… FREE AND WILD


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Chile: Barricades and clashes in Chillán

from culmine, translated by war on society:

At about 9:30 pm, in the context of the meeting of CONFECH [Student Confederation of Chile] in Chillán, encapuchxs [‘hooded ones’] blockaded with barricades two of the most central streets of the city, as well as dropping banners in solidarity with the political prisoners Gonzalo Zapata, Francisco Moreno and Cristóbal Franke in addition to a banner against capitalist Education. Molotov cocktails were thrown at the institutions of the State, banks and the larcenous and environmentally destructive business “CGE,” there were also clashes with the repressive forces of the State who, it’s worth mentioning, fired and threatened with their weapons those in the crowd supporting the encapuchadxs, as well as encouraging the lawyers who were in the plaza to confront the encapuchadxs, who also threw anarchist pamphlets to the crowd that observed the barricades, with the following text:

By means of autonomous, anonymous and subversive organization, we declare war on the dominant bourgeois system; on their State based on inequality and the capitalist dictatorship which keeps us poor, exploited and indebted. But through actions such as these, we defend ourselves from their neoliberal violence and their market education, separate from yellow false representatives and partyists who only seek to make political runs, as with the CONFECH spokespersons managed by the party also at the service of the bourgeoisie–P”C”. We are the sons and daughters of the workers who didn’t think twice in defending themselves against any form of oppression and authority. We are the insubordinate, we are in the streets, and we are bourgeoisie’s nightmare.

Moreover it’s worth mentioning that the yellow mouthpiece party leaders of CONFECH were escorted out in the face of the rage of the bases upon which they have for months sold out the movement, protecting the interests of their parties also at the service of the bourgeoisie.

A nameless who observed everything and didn’t tell anyone anything. 

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Letter from G20 conspiracy case defendants: Regarding Our Plea Deal

from conspire to resist:

November 22, 2011 — As people across Turtle Island look towards the global wave of protests against the austerity agenda, the memory of the 2010 G20 protests in Toronto looms large as both inspiration and caution. We are seventeen people accused by the state of planning to disrupt the leaders summit – the prosecutors call us the G20 Main Conspiracy Group.

This alleged conspiracy is absurd. We were never all part of any one group, we didn’t all organize together, and our political backgrounds are all different. Some of us met for the first time in jail. What we do have in common is that we, like many others, are passionate about creating communities of resistance.

Separately and together, we work with movements against colonialism, capitalism, borders, patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism, hetero/cis-normativity, and environmental destruction. These are movements for radical change, and they represent real alternatives to existing power structures. It is for this reason that we were targeted by the state.

Although these conspiracy charges have been a big part of our daily reality for the past year and a half, we have been slow in speaking out collectively. This is partly because of the restrictive bail conditions that were placed on us, including non-association with our co-accused and many of our close allies. In addition, those of us who did speak out have been subjected to a campaign of intimidation and harassment by the police and prosecutors.  We are writing now because we have negotiated a plea deal to resolve our charges and to bring this spectacle to an end.

The state’s strategy after the G20 has been to cast a wide net over those who mobilized against the summit (over 1, 000 detained and over 300 charged) and then to single out those they perceived to be leaders. Being accused of conspiracy is a surreal, bureaucratic nightmare that few political organizers have experienced in this country, but unfortunately it is becoming more common. We can’t say with any certainty if what we did was in fact an illegal conspiracy. Ultimately though, whether or not our organizing fits into the hypocritical and oppressive confines of the law isn’t what’s important. This is a political prosecution. The government made a political decision to spend millions of dollars to surveil and infiltrate anarchist, Indigenous solidarity, and migrant justice organizing over several years. After that kind of investment, what sort of justice are we to expect?

Continue reading

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Atlanta, GA: Report from the November 21 anti-police march

from Atlanta Indymedia:

Tonight, Atlanta’s campaign against the police continues.

An ongoing campaign to stop the police, who have been murdering Atlantans at an increasing rate recently, and who have been repressing Occupy Atlanta demonstrators, had a march today to commemorate the 5th year after the murder of 92 year old Kathryn Johnston. Demonstrators also remembered 19 year old Joetavious Stafford, killed by a MARTA cop on his way home from homecoming just last month, and Dwight Person who was executed by police in the service of a fraudulent no-knock warrant just 5 days ago. Demonstrators also cried the names of Oscar Grant and Sean Bell and reminded each other of the ongoing repression in Oakland, Seattle, Chapel Hill, Boston, New York, Cairo, Greece and around the world. The narrative of this growing campaign has been explicityl anti-police, as a mechanism of control. Calls to fight “police brutality” have been marginal as well as calls for “justice” or “accountability” – the marchers and literature have focused almost exclusively on the police as an apparatus and on how much “fuck” them all.

By 8:30, the park was filled with almost 100 people who had shown up for the march. Roughly half of them had shown up en bloc – black hoods, pants, gloves, flags and goggles were seen en masse. Additionally, street kids with red and blue bandanas were out showing colors and ready to throw down (hostility between street gangs has been, for a few, suspended in favor of fighting the police and growing Occupy Atlanta). With over half of the soon-to-be-marchers masked, a group of anarchists began passing out stacks of anti-cop fliers (which totaled 2,000) and insisted that people distribute them however they see fit during the march, whether by tossing them or passing them to bystanders. A large banner was unfurled reading “Cops, Pigs = Murderers” an a bass drum inscribed with a red Circle-A on its side began picking up a beat. Many of these faces were new and many of them were obscured by goggles, tied shirts, bandanas, and ski masks.

At one point, someone called for the demonstrators to meet by “the big tree” to discuss the route of the march. Immediately following the call to meet-up, I overheard a kid wearing a red bandana yell “Man, fuck!” to his other friend in red. I asked him what the problem was and he looked at me and said, “These people always out here talking ‘solidarity-this’, ‘solidarity-that’ but as soon as a cop kills someone all I see are these black masks, red masks, and blue masks.” I told him I knew what he meant but that at least he now knew who was down. He agreed.

After a few brief reminders about the details of the murder, which amplified the palpable anger of the march, a man asked if the march was going to remain “non-violent”, to which nobody responded at all. This man would later be seen run up to cops with both fingers in the air screaming “fuck the police.” I guess everything changes rapidly in the streets.

Marchers began chanting “Our passion for freedom is stronger than their prisons” and made their way to the police station located immediately across the street from the park – we were gonna take the fight right up to their shit. The march spilled across the street and up to the glass doors and windows of the station and demonstrators began chanting into the station at the police officers inside who stood confused and surprised. As fliers rained down on the crowd, the march wound its up up to Peachtree Street, going toward the Five Points MARTA station. Chanting “Cops,Pigs, Murderers” and “No Justice, no peace/fuck the police” the march entered the station. Our voices reverberated off of the walls all around the terminal which quickly filled with police. In response, the demonstrators turned their backs to the police with their hands up chanting “Shot in the back/there’s no excuse for that” and “Hey hey/ho ho/ what did you do to Joe?”.

“Shot in the back/There’s No Excuse for That!”

At this point, fliers were blowing everywhere and several citizen-cops began picking them up off of the ground feverishly. When one kid donning a red bandana asked a peace police officer named Daniel, in a truly inquisitive tone, why he was doing that, he responded that the kid needed to “shut the fuck up, you pussy-bitch.” Quite violent rhetoric coming from one of the neo-Gandhians. Coupled with the violence of actively censoring the political outreach of demonstrators, I would say this kid and those who share his intense hatred of freedom are pushing the limits of absurdity.

Rather then wait around for the police, the march wound its way back into the street headed toward Mitchell. At this point, protesters who had at previous demonstrations always remained on the sidewalks spilled into the street. Citizen-cops who had urged us to stop using “violent” language against the police just a few weeks ago began leading chants such as “Fuck the pigs, we don’t need ’em all we want is total freedom”. Something really is happening in this city.

Turning left onto a one-way, the marchers headed toward the Pryor Street police station. Upon arrival, there was a “mic-check”. While blocking traffic, a demonstrator reminded everyone of the magnitude of the struggle and encouraged us to, again, remember Kathryn Johnston, Joetavious Stafford, Dwight Person, and Troy Davis who was unjustly murdered by the state recently for allegedly killing a cop in 1989.

As a few chanted “Atlanta – Oakland – Egypt – France: Fuck the pigs and fucking dance” the march continued to make its rowdy way up the street back toward the park.

Upon arrival to the park, the march decided that it would march up Peacthree Street toward the business district – the “neighborhood of the 1% in this city” as one demonstrator phrased it. Although in retrospect, maybe the march should’ve ended here, at the time it seemed like a good idea: spirits were high and the march was still ready to roll out.

After several blocks of blocking traffic in all lanes going both ways, and a few minutes of rowdiness in a Suntrust Plaza, the march continued up Baker street and made the first right onto another one-way. After a few blocks in this direction, it was brought to the attention of the march by friends driving around the block that riot police and busses had stationed themselves at Courtland and Auburn, just a few blocks away from our current location and right where we were headed. Following a brief and impromptu assembly, the marchers decided that, rather than face-off with the boys in blue, tonight they would call the march a victory and seize full control over the terms of engagement. With a few welps of joy and advice on how to disperse the march into small groups of friends walking in multiple directions, the march ended on a high note.

No arrests, no injury and an overwhelming presence of masked protesters who maintained the anti-police discourse over the liberal “police brutality” narrative. The masked protesters also maintained an open and impromptu public discourse over the trajectory the march should take, encouraging those who dissented with the majority to go through with their plans anyway autonomously – the element of social management was broken down completely during the march except for the few citizen-police picking up leaflets at the beginning off of the ground.

The march, which was roughly an hour and a half, was larger then any of the other marches that have happened in the last 2 weeks and more broadly participated in. Several people, at different points, even ran off of the sidewalks to enthusiastically join the march.

Afterword, many radicals, including mostly anarchists but also several Marxists, gathered at a local house to celebrate the event (a ritual we agreed to continue going forward) and the birthday of one of the participants. Gathering around a fire (start off tee-pee, transition to log cabin to allow the flames to breath), many discussed their feelings about the march and their surprise at the overwhelming force that we have become at these marches. We also revelled about anti-nazi street battles that we’ve heard about in other places (particularly in Trenton and Phoenix) and discussed prison revolts and the general state of prisons in Georgia (the jails are run by the guards, the prisons by the prisoners).

The struggle goes on.

Solidarity with our comrades in Chapel Hill who also marched tonight against the police.

The text of the leaflet distributed (2,000 were thrown into the air and passed out to bystanders):






Atlanta’s Cop Problem

Kathryn Johnston – November 21, 2006
Police murder 92 year old Kathryn Johnston – undercover cops raid the house with a “no-knock” warrant and shoot 39 times.

Atlanta Eagle Bar – September 10, 2009
SWAT raids gay bar with no probably cause – with guns drawn, officers make homophobic/transphobic slurs to club patrons and illegaly detain eveyrone in the club for an excessive period of time.

Brian Kidd and Shawn Venegas – January 2011
Police pull over two men in broad daylight and perform illegal cavity searches by the side of the road and sexually molest the men by groping their genitalia.

Roxanne Taylor – May 27, 2011
58 year old woman shot and killed by APD after allegedly stealing from a drug store.

Minors Molested by APD – September, 2011
Several minors sue City of Atlanta for being illegally strip searched in public and suffering groping and molestation by APD – som claims of anal penetrations with police batons.

Joetavious Stafford – October 15, 2011
19 year old shot by the MARTA police 3 times – twice in the back as he lay face down – as he comes home from a homecoming football game. Initial reports that he was armed are denied by eyewitnesses.

Dwight Person – November 17, 2011
54 year old veteran, and father of 2, is shot to death in his East Point home by APD.

The police, protectors of this social order, security guards of the 1% who control us, are everywhere. Their control, their violence, is everywhere that nothing happens. All adventure, managed;all desire; disarmed: all passion, sated; all fires, extinguished — but in us is a fire that never goes out.

There can be no dialogue with the terrorists in blue. As they run over our comrades with motorcylces, abduct our friends from the city sidewalks and quarantine our loved-ones inside their prison walls, they fan the flames of our discontent.

In Seattle, Chapel Hill, Greece, Chile, Bahrain, Egypt, Oakland, Denver, Moscow the struggle against the police grows. Inside Pelican Bay, the memory of Attica lives.

Fire to the prisons and the society that created them. (A)

Several hundred other leaflets where distributed as well:

The back:


The front:

Occupy Everything! (Really)

In a crisis, it does not make sense anymore to beg. Though it is certainly no longer possible, many of us do not year to “go back” to the golden-age of our grandparents generation – a Keynesian control that resulted in the complete flattening out of any adventure, on the one hand, and the real subsumption of product into an every-expanding, ecologically perilous, global factory on the other. The age of austerity, which we face today, is a necessary result of the so-called “responsible capitalism” of the last few decades.

Although we are active in the current “Occupy Together” movement, many of us are distressed by the presence of those for whom the seizure of public parks and plazas represents a forum in which to “voice grievances” to Power – as if anyone was listening anyway.

The point of an occupation is not to “send a message” to Power, nor is it to demand to Power this-or-that resotration of normalcy. The occupation is a commoning, if you will, of resources and tools. The occupation must expand to all other spheres of social life as a necessary consequence of what it is: we must take over more shit so we can share it!; communization of this sort does not need to wait for the proper structures or the “right time” just as we do not need to go to culinary school before planning pot-luck dinners with our friends and neighbors. It is this sense of urgency that brought us into the parks int he first place – when so many in the established “activist” milieu remained skeptical, we came together to act outside of the political script to create something that was frankly unimaginable in scope just a few months ago.

The precedent has been set, and eveyrone already feels it on the tip of their tongues anyway:

To move forward, we have to start taking over buildings.

In Oakland, as well as in Chapel Hill, the landscape of struggle is being questioned altogether – that is to say, the struggle over landscape is being addressed for the first time in a meaningful way: how are we supposed to defend a park from police violence? how are we supposed to stay warm in the winter?

The answer is obvious to many of us.

This question, the question of weathering abuse as well as the question of expansion, is not a new one. Many of us occupiers have spent the last several weeks buildings relationships with houseless people – ask them how they live through the winter. more than likely, there are vacant buildings all over your city and most, if not all, of them can be used in new and exciting ways. Or perhaps the city is littered with buildings begging for a new content – universities come to mind as does city hall.

“Stop taking orders – Start taking over.”

Our comrades in Europe have been taking over buildings for decades now. Abandoned buildings everywhere have been transformed in “social centers” that serve as matrices of struggle and activity in the face of global capitalism which would render the buildings lifeless. Perhaps the “Occupy Together” movement can learn some lessons from the autonomous movements of decades past in the European context and expand on it for the American landscape.

-some scheming anarchists.

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Spain: Anti-election attacks claimed by Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / FAI

from 325, translated by war on society:

November 17-20, 2011 – Coordinated actions by Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / Informal Anarchist Federation


We always ask ourselves why in the Spanish state the strategy of a unified international federation has not been proposed. Instead of waiting and continuing to ask questions, we offer a small step.

After about one year of small anonymous actions of sabotages, failures, and small victories, we have decided to contemplate Anarchy from another perspective, thus we have made the decision to form part of the Informal Anarchist Federation and of the International Revolutionary Front. We want to experiment with the feeling that comes with adhering to this project, to study new forms of understanding Chaos* and participate in all fields of struggle. Anarchism is a movement of liberation, a weapon of struggle, a form of life and/or action, or at least many understand it as such. We want to have an opportunity to have a crucial role in the social war and beginning with the daily practice, we will be steadfast. Likewise, we intend to ‘open the can’ or raise from self-criticism new forms of direct action and animate informal, horizontal and combative organization. We believe in anti-authoritarianism, in chaos and in a strong anarchist praxis, likewise the constant reproduction of sabotages, boycotts and attacks that trouble and could undermine capital’s projects and capital itself. Also in this form of struggle we opt for and accept the direct attack against Nazi-fascism; in the struggle against authority and against the system, the powerful attack against Nazi-fascism is another front, and the direct and from-behind struggle to crush those who believe themselves racially or politically superior to the rest is fundamental. We seek the creation of a continual situation of tension and conflictuality against power.

“In the face of a system of control and domination, only the combative struggle can prevail”

We understand attacks and the destruction of the social order as a very valid and decisive tool, however, we do not make it a revolutionary dogma nor a fetishism, and depending on the situation its application, reproduction and deployment can vary. Following reflection, thought and analysis, we believe that in attacks a certain quality is required, in effect, without leaving the quantitative aside.

We consider it clear that the qualitative is essential, we must look to harm the system and its functioning at the root; that is, for example seeking some way of striking the consumption of commodities such as the attack on WalMart in Mexico, sabotaging an election day and making its normal functioning impossible, destroying the machines and possessions of some despot, and aggressions and direct attacks that provoke true fear in those responsible for governmental terror. Also it can be very effective to saturate the metropolitan media with subversive propaganda or propaganda in solidarity with imprisoned comrades. Actions and attacks against capitalism as an effective MEDIUM.

“But it is interesting to ask oneself if now, little by little we are learning from our past, little by little we are widening our dream of an Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front. If now our affinities in the Iberian Peninsula will also remain in the medium of anonymous crowds, or on the contrary will join the revolutionary effort.” – Gabriel Pombo da Silva

In the Spanish state (may its flag burn!) we have experienced harsh periods of repression, since armed groups and resistance in the 70s and 90s were very forceful, the system and the state became especially repressive against any organized dissent and any insurgent cell. The prisons and the prison system are especially repressive and the conditions of the prisoners (and more so of political prisoners) are bad, very bad. Thus it is understandable that up to this moment actions have been anonymous. However, in the face of new political situations and new revolutionary processes, some have seen the necessity of forming part of a common project, of extending the revolutionary family through more horizons and raising their fists against the old dogmas, seeking new fronts and trying to operate as an antagonist cell. Gabriel Pombo da Silva (a salute to him) is right, from our own experiences we must continue searching, studying and acting to aggrandize our experience and the wounds against the new phases of capitalism each time more and more monopolistic. That is, to join the revolutionary effort. However, the FAI/IRF is an option for anyone who wants it, for anyone who wants to use that medium as a tool of struggle and how to approach other comrades who unfortunately live farther away.

“To defend oneself by saying that the political context in the place one lives is not adequate for the struggle, is just an excuse for not breaking the tranquility of the everyday.” – Silvia Guerini

It is easy to be a mere spectator of the social war from the computer screen, but just because it is easy does not mean it is valid. We believe that not everything depends on the context and the situation, like something external that floats in the air. Situations are made by us, by creating for ourselves, working hard and creating our own projects, being protagonists of the social war and having an active role, being the protagonists of our own reality and struggle. The ecological problems and what creates them–nanotechnology and biotechnology–not to combat them only, but exactly the contrary. It is necessary to create spaces of practice and counterpower for escaping from the established, but above all if these have a direct role against the state and the view it creates, a role destructive of the hypertechnological system. Ground work is indispensable, as is participation in social struggles and involving oneself in many causes, but always recognizing the root problem and seeking its total destruction. If we do not hurry in the creation of a consolidated and strong resistance, an active opposition, within a few years we will be obliged to give thanks to work entire days in the trenches until the age of 67. Thus, from now on we associate ourselves in the Informal Anarchist Federation and the revolutionary front as a way and contribution to expanding the federation and the development of the true revolutionary movement (either as part of the federation and the front, or in autonomous and anonymous groups).

“This is what has happened, what we have. If anything scares us it is the return to normality, because in the streets in the actions, the expropriations, etc, in our cities of light and death, we do not see only the consequences of our rage, but rather attempts to be able to live again. We have nothing to do but turn it into a living reality, to halt the field of everyday life, our power to materialize our desires, our power to not contemplate but rather transform the real–that is our vital space, everything else is dead.”

“Those who want to understand will understand, now is the moment to shatter our invisible cages and to transform our small and pathetic lives.”

We escape from the networks and structures of capital created by sociopaths, we escape from the substitution of the social networks that make us avoid ourselves for a better world in which we only speak with the wall, developing the cancer that presupposes [also entails, signifies – transl] appearances, and we do not want to appear [as in to seem, to feign – transl] but rather to attack. We unite with the insurgents. That it’s no use from the start, the critique of this–our actions and struggle–does not have a political expression, our struggle is our political expression.

Our struggle is the only thing we have. We are not for making a fool of anyone, we are precarious youth at war against domination.

To part with the appointed times: we consider that during and after an action or demonstration a series of things happen; first we gain–that is, we achieve the objective thereby concretely sabotaging the objective, and then we lose since we return to adhering to spectacular normality, we abandon the subversive role and we go on to exist within the networks again; thus and so far as it is possible, actions should go on extending themselves, perpetuating themselves and making themselves daily and habitual until–together with words, solidarity and every type of anarchist practice–they can create some subversive social fabrics and some strong bases of counterpower.

We did not want these words to just be dead words.

Coordinated actions:

Mailing of envelopes that simulated explosive letters:

On November 17th and 18th, two envelopes that simulated explosive letters we sent to the headquarters of the PSC and the PPC in Barcelona.[1] The same day of the 18th, notes were left at the door of both headquarters reading: “The domination, abuses, terror and control do not go unnoticed; expressions of rage will not be mere simulations next time. Death to capital and the politicians. Long live anarchy.”

Barcelona, November 20th, 2011:

In the late night to early hours of November 19th-20th, the locks of 15 polling stations were sealed, some cameras located in the same centers were obscured and attacked. Later, at 1:30am, the street was blockaded at Av. Meridiana and Ruben Dario (around #460), later at 2:15-2:30 the street was blockaded between Claramunt and Serós.

On November 20th, 12:30pm, Barcelona: bomb threat in the city of (in)justice.

On November 20th, 7:50pm, Badalona: bomb threat to the courthouse of Badalona.

On November 20th, no one votes, active abstention, They do not represent us!

Anti-authoritarian Insurgency of Action / Informal Anarchist Federation

For the comrades of other countries who don’t understand:
1. PPC and PSC are the Cataluña branches of the (un)Popular Party and the P$OE — parties that represent in the $tate the major political forces enacting and coordinating cuts and privatizations.

* Translation notes: The Spanish language, in addition to ‘anarchism’ and ‘anarchy,’ has a third related term–acracia–which can be translated as anarchy. It has the most apolitical connotation of the three, so we translate it here as ‘chaos.’ We generally translated its adjective form as ‘anarchic.’

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Chicago, IL: Banner dropped, cop cars disabled as vengeance for the death of Shelley Hilliard

from chicago indymedia:

In the wee hours of the morning of November 13th, a banner was dropped on a bridge over the I-90/94 in Chicago reading, “Don’t Mourn, Attack! Avenge Shelley!” and three police vehicles were disabled in response to the brutal murder of a young trans woman named Shelley “Treasure” Hilliard, whose torso was found next to the same highway (I-94) in Detroit this past week.

It is easy to become lost in the sorrow of the brutal violence of gender that exposes the bodies of trans women to a one-in-twelve chance of violent death at the hands of the partisans defending this wretched society. But our violence is the alchemy that can turn our tears into a potent poison dripping down the throat of the social order. Take action to avenge Shelley’s death and to remind us all that in the face of the terror of prisons, police, and queer-bashing, that it is our obligation to bash back against all that would destroy us. We look forward to hearing about more attacks for Shelley and for us all in the coming weeks.

Solidarity to all the trans women and gender rebels surviving and rebelling in the belly of the prison and under the guns of the pigs!

Solidarity to our all comrades in the US, Mexico, Greece, Chile, and many other places who has chosen to attack and now face the violence of the law!

Solidarity with those whose survivals have been made criminal who are reclaiming their ability to struggle!

yours in the gender strike,

some ticked off trannies with knives.

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New York, NY: Action in solidarity with the fallen in struggle Pelican Bay prisoners

from anarchistnews:

On the night of November 18th, we attacked the Downtown Brooklyn Parole Office with paint. We did this in solidarity with Johnny Owens Vick, Hozel Alanzo Blanchard, and a third currently unnamed prisoner: hunger strikers in California who died in struggle against their daily conditions of modern slavery.



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Continual War #3 out now – West Coast insurrectionary periodical

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Letter to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from another accused in the bombs case

from sabotagemedia:

The daily uncertainty and the threat of a possible revenge of power against our bodies vanish when reading the words of anti-authoritarian solidarity that are now captive in the dungeons of the Greek state. Words who under no point of view whatsoever encounter themselves subjected, rebels against the jailers and all forms of authority, words that are transgressive action against oppression.

As has been stated repeatedly, solidarity is not just words written between anarchists and you have demonstrated it concretely, understanding that the struggle for freedom is universal, practicing and supporting the international revolt steadily, making the enemy see that our dignity is real and represents a permanent threat to this world and those who try to perpetuate it. Anti-prison struggle in and outside prisons is the same whether in Chile, Greece, Indonesia or Mexico. The enemy and its principles are common so it is necessary to share experiences of offensive resistance to enable us to advance in the construction of new adversarial relationships to power, thus creating a fraternal greeting to the FAI / IRF as a body that promotes the anti-authoritarian thought and practice and, permitting us to recognize our brothers throughout the world without ever having seen the face.

Having spent 9 months behind bars my energy stays in solidarity with the prisoners, knowing that I risk years in prison in high-security measures only increases my contempt for these death centers and their guardians, the only alternative for these places is their utter destruction and therefore there must be non-stop work, always forward.

All the strength and drive to the prisoners from the CCF, your attitude fills all anarchists and anti-authoritarians with pride and as you say it is very likely that someday we will find ourselves anyplace in the world to share and practice experiences.

Another Accused in the Bombs Case
In pending Political Trial

translated by sabotagemedia / original in spanish

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