Chile: Letter from Carla and Ivan 8 months into their imprisonment

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

First week of December, from the State’s prisons.

After the last hearing of the revision of cautionary measures that kept us prisoners, we can say:

To begin with, there are no substantive judicial components to establish the necessity of prison that has been imposed on us for 8 months. In this sense, the tribunal has validated itself from an absolute authority over our persons, applying the fascist logic of the right, we are being judged for who we ARE, not for actions.

Perhaps it is appropriate to rehash the–certainly short–history of this process:

We were charged for attempted terrorist placement of explosive device. In this charge, making use of a great deal of fiction and the so-habitual glamorama that the prosecution nourishes itself on, the intentions of the powerful come to fruition, we remain in preventive prison and on trial under the infamous Antiterrorist Law.

Now, 8 months (!) since that instance, a lot of water has gone under the bridge and the prosecution’s investigation has not gone farther than to corroborate that there was NOT such an operational explosive device, that it could not be related to the “almost 200 bombings” that happened in Santiago (as Power’s press ostentatiously qualifies it), nor to establish any criminal terrorist planning. That is, we should already–legally–be on the street.

The guarantees that the bourgeois legality itself provides have been so violated that, the Antiterrorist Law having been amended, in this case it is being applied as if there had not been such an amendment.

Within the course of the events we cannot ignore the progression of the other cases that were qualified as terrorist crimes, such as the bombs case, which then completely fell to pieces, and then also that of Luciano Pitronello–charged for a committed crime–was requalified in all instances as an infraction of the arms control law.

What could we expect when the tribunal ignored all these precedents, when they kept us in prison when they punished us and criminalized our affective relations and families? Should we understand then that the application of bourgeois legality is more burdensome in the region south of Santiago, or that the judges are harsher in the northern region?!!! (so ridiculous is the situation). Even more, what will the tribunal expect of us with this capricious situation that we warn of?

One thing is clear, the intention of the process, of the prosecution, of the Ministry of the Interior to make an example, and the old cliques of Power and repression crystallized in the police would like then to nicely justify, through us, the ignominy of their existence and the frame-up circus to apply the Antiterrorist Law.

In this they offer us–desperately–to abbreviate the trial, to admit to the terrorist crime and leave the prison, to return home, to one’s life, to the tranquility of family, to the laughter of children, BUT in admission, self-incriminating ourselves. THEY EXPECT THAT OF US!!!

Well… they’ll have to wait seated.


Carla and Iván,
imprisoned for fighting.

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