Chile: Letter from Marcelo more than 5 years into an endless trial, as they try to begin a new trial

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

When the State speaks of democracy and justice, they really mean to say social control, repression and punishment.

Some days ago, the excremental Court of Appeals of Santiago, in a none-too-surprising ruling, decided to accept the disqualification presented by the lawyer of Moyano’s happy widow* with the aim of removing the judge Patricio Álvarez and nullifying the preparation of the entire trial that we have been immersed in for 5 years and 5 months.

They set a new hearing for Wednesday April 24th, starting over from scratch and with a new judge. The prosecution, the plaintiffs, their institutions, all happy and expectant, they predict a legal massacre as the corollary of an institutional revenge announced so often that any possibility other than life imprisonment would seem unthinkable. We who live the daily totality of carceral confinement, hardened by the circumstances and by a life choice which looks on hostile times, navigate an incessant sea of continual buffets coming from power, invisible before the clouded eyes of the citizens, and it is in this dynamic that we have proposed not to lower our arms on any front imposed by power or determined by our individual or collective decisions from invariable anti-capitalist positions.

Far from victimist dramatizing, time and again, we have overcome the macabre decision of the State-Prison-Kapital that has sought our physical elimination. With massive persecutions, psychotic confinements, harassment and imprisonment of our loved ones, frame-ups and machinations orchestrated between police, prosecutors and journalists… With our names and our history they have done and undone, publicly and without fear, tired of so much shit but battling day by day. The years have passed, as have the various situations and the temporarily imprisoned kompañerxs who have returned to the street, intermittent experiences of solidarity, networks that form and others disband, disposable consciences that swarm looking for spaces where there are other unlimited unconditionals who have never ceased to be so, hidden brothers who have never ceased to walk without caring about or depending on their legal situation, new lives of breastfeeding kompañeritxs, wise grandparents full of memory, who guide us even as prisoners. — Hostages never surrendered, much less defeated.

Beyond cheap pamphleteering, we cannot expect anything from the State other than social control, repression, exploitation and death… Daily deaths in the prisons of Chile, butchery generated by the prison guards, blades, bills and pills… Inhuman punishments about which no warranty judge says anything, penal units with gangs of torturers with utter impunity: Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Rankagua, Valpa, La Peni, among others.

Repression and social control with networks of active informants throughout all the urban centers, concentrated in the zone of conflict, extended with more resources and intrusive technology, permanent international police cooperation in conditions of high levels of capitalist profits… and Marco in Switzerland, Gabriel in Spain, Maurico and Alfredo in Brazil, so many in Greece, Italy, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico… still prisoners… Our persistence, strength and conviction are affirmed in the living example of the rebel and insurgent who refuses to live under the designs of the great god of capital; without our sisters and brothers’ combatant gestures unleashed around the world and at war with the entire existent, it is certain that our days of resistance would be very much more hostile… A strong embrace to the kompas recently arrested in Temuko, in a new and unexpected police frame-up. That you seek to involve yourselves in offensive actions against the prison guards…

A call to take up again all of the forms of solidarity with all of the prisoners of the social war, prisoners for fighting against the state, prison, and capital… To be aware, active, awake.

Open your eyes: It’s time to fight!!
Against the State-Prison-Capital: Social War!!
While there is misery there will be rebellion!!

Marcelo Villarroel
Libertarian Prisoner, High Security Prison, Santiago, Chile, April 2, 2013

Translator’s Note:
* Moyano was the name of the cop who the Security Case prisoners are accused of killing.
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