Editorial statement for the joint issue of Conspiración Ácrata and Abrazando el Caos

aecycafrom 325, translated by waronsociety:

Seeing in the strengthening of real and sincere debate, and in the mutual knowledge of the particularities of each region where there act groups or individuals resistant to the global order, an excellent opportunity to support our struggle, we give rise to this issue shared between Conspiración Ácrata and Abrazando el Caos.

Having understood that behind some aspects that differentiate us, as compañerxs who bring forth their respective publications, something much more substantial unites us, something in the anarchic sense of the quest to destroy authority and those who embody it.

With our compañerxs, through sincere dialogue, critique and the sharing of ideas, we knew to recognize ourselves as closer in spite of the etiquettes (nihilist, insurrectionalist, individualist, etc), overcoming the paralysis of -isms or mere classifications. So we haven’t given up on sharing our experiences in order to enrich the debate and action with them, sharing at times topics and opinions appropriate to the regional context, uncovering at times a certain parallelism in historical processes which resonate in present times, as well as the very courage and the very conviction in the moment of confronting our enemies.

For our part, there is a topic that we could not allow to go by the wayside, not so much for a global transcendence, but instead because we’d like it to point to where many, some due to fear and others due to comfort, deny themselves. We mention then the ascension of the disgusting new Pope, native to our lands, a personality that power’s information media now presents to us with a more than remarkable simplicity in contrast to the immense wealth of the Vatican. This servant of the Lord, always on the side of the executioners, actively collaborated during the last dictatorship, snitching on members of his own church who were in solidarity with the then-dissidents to the military regime, and finally heading, along with sectors of the right or conservatives, what they called the “opposition” to the present progressive government of the (now repentant) Cristina Kirchner.*

Meanwhile the spectacle increases so much with the popular clamor, revealing a new impulse of Christianity in the great majority of the population who are hypocritical, servile and fearful (basic conditions for being a good Christian). So the ascension of the Pope is celebrated, like the World Cup of 1978 was celebrated,** covered up in flags, songs and Argentine barbeque, the cry of the torturers through the cowardly hands of the ill-born grunts. But here we have a point and an aside, and we clarify that the ascension of Bergoglio, promoter of pedophilia and sycophant of the dead, only confirms us more in our path for absolute freedom. We will not fall into the trap of those who want to cover up the background, and want us to look at the boat and not the sea. The Pope and the church are all our enemy, wherever its leader may come from. Still we don’t rule out the possibility of sharing a more detailed analysis in the future. Anyway, we have to see beyond the cross and the cassock to understand this new rearrangement of the orchestrators of social domestication.

On the other hand, a situation that has called us to be alert is the new series of floods with many dead, disappeared and thousands evacuated, which primarily affected La Plata 2 (maybe it had to do with the planning of this disgusting city, maybe other factors, what we do not doubt is that the disdain for the land is where one should take pause in order to analyze these topics). Of course the government, fearing that last December’s events*** would repeat, deployed its troops again, militarizing the zone with the aim of avoiding looting and blocking access to the most affected sites. With this they intend to contain the overflowing of delinquency, instinctive among some of the dispossessed, or some of those who don’t buy in to the idea of molding themselves to the system of commerce and consumption.

We call the compañerxs and rebels to all be alert to the repressive or preventive ploys that may be developing while the papers and the TVs untiringly repeat the calls to solidarity (charity) in pursuit of food, clothing and money for those affected by the weather.

As always, we do not want to forget to salute all the unbreakable warriors, whether locked up in the enemy’s prisons or loose in the pestilent cities with their eyes on their destruction.

To the compañero Ryo from Indonesia, murdered in a cowardly planned attack, we will honor his memory with our actions. Being awake to the fact that the enemy finds and will find new ways to attack without dirtying their hands directly, since it has a wide range of devoted ass-kissers and vigilantes. For this reason we have to more than ever be at the height of this war which is fought with joy, but also with seriousness and responsibility, in many parts of the world with the weapons we believe necessary.

It remains clear to us that neither isolation nor persecution nor their special prisons for anarchists (such as they have in Italy) will be able to put an end to this new current of anarchic action. Nor for that matter their traitors, their snitches, their collaborators, their drugs, or their police technology.

In this absolutely beautiful path, we have the possibility of choice, our irreducible values, the lucidity to try to place ourselves one step ahead of the State and its lackeys. We have trust in ourselves and in our friends to be able to open our steps out of the fear that is also reproduced in antagonist sectors, and to advance more, more, more in search of the true summit, of harmony, of freedom.

Always forward! Without repenting, proudly without turning back!

Celebrating Tripa in the streets again!
A special dedication of this joint issue to the
compañera Felicity Ryder–
the pages of this publication are always open to your contributions.****

We still keep on conspiring for chaos…

The editorial group

Translator’s Notes:
The PDF of the joint issue of these (Spanish language) publications can be found here.
* The current Pope, “Frances,” is from Argentina, and a limited summary of his politics can be found here. The dictatorship in Argentina began with a military coup in 1976 which overthrew the Peronist government. Cristina Kirchner is the current president of Argentina.
** The 1978 World Cup took place in Argentina two years after the beginning of the right-wing military dictatorship and in the midst of widespread State disappearances, torture and imprisonment targeting dissidents.
*** December 2012 in parts of Argentina (beginning in Bariloche and spreading to Buenos Aires) was marked by a spontaneous wave of mass looting, unrest and experiments in self-organization as well as widespread State militarization, repression and incarceration. The government claimed the looting was incited by anarchists and other agitators.
**** Mario “Tripa” López was released from jail in Mexico City in December 2012. He is still awaiting trial. Felicity Ryder is wanted by the authorities in the same case. Both have contributed to the Conspiración Ácrata publication.
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