Sadie and Exile have been transferred to a re-entry facility (IMPORTANT MAIL UPDATE)

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, ELF prisoners Sadie and Exile have been transferred to the custody of the Seattle Community Corrections Office after spending more than 6 years in full confinement. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Billy and Eat sentenced to 1 year 8 months

Rough translation/edit by 325 based on Negasi (New website on Noblogs!):

The two combatants in Yogyakarta, Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) finally returned to stand trial for the 8th session. The trial was held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Billy & Eat sentenced for 1 year 8 months. Both comrades had been in prison since October 7, 2011, shortly after their successful attack against an ATM bank. In the hearing held in the District Court of Lahore, the verdict against the two combatant’s revolutionary actions was read by the Chief Justice, Mulyanto. Both are considered guilty of causing fire and explosion in accordance with Article 187, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code junto 55. The trial of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / International Revolutionary Front (IRF) – Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) will be continued again to hear a response from the revolutionary comrades, Billy and Eat. Confirmation of this date has not confirmed.

Energy to the fighters!

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Chile: The Bombs Case trial continues

from the press, transl waronsociety:

Today the hearing the Court of Appeals was held in which they tried to annul the Bombs Case trial by dismissing the judges who were carrying out the case. Continue reading

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Argentina: Solidarity with David from Buenos Aires

from culmine, transl. Vesuvio Libertario:

Today, Tuesday the 15th of May, we entered in Uruguay’s ambassay in Buenos Aires and we spread some flyers in solidarity with David, asking for his immediate liberation. Continue reading

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Oakland, CA: Subpoenas to grand jury investigating Santa Cruz researcher home arson

from greenisthenewred:

At least two individuals have been subpoenad to a federal grand jury that appears to be investigating a 2008 fire at the home of an animal experimenter at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Continue reading

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Richmond, VA: Jeremy Hawthorne sentenced to 6 months and immediately jailed

from flyingbrickrva:

Jeremy had his sentencing hearing today [April 6, 2012]. The judge found it appropriate to comment on Jeremy’s political views as an anarchist, telling him that this “society is governed by laws” and that he should rethink his affiliations. The prosecutor, Chris Toepp, felt it was necessary to defame Jeremy’s character, insisting “he shows no remorse” for a crime he maintains he is innocent of. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack against Imcruz car dealership

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

“In a society that has destroyed any possible adventure, the only adventure possible is to destroy (that) society.”

Capital is global, it expands through the whole planet, and if there once existed an outside, today there no longer remains the most remote possibility of some attempt of self-exile, other than that of apathy and resignation. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Brief update from Monday hearing against Pax

from freepax facebook, Monday 5/14:

Pax’s arraignment this afternoon: Pax is now facing ten charges, one additional charge of criminal mischief and one additional charge of conspiracy to commit criminal mischief having been added. Bail was raised, but Pax was NOT taken into custody (needing to check-in with the authorities concerning this matter at some later date instead.) Next court date: July 2, at 1:30PM.

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Chile: Communique for the explosive attack on Itau Bank in Concepcion

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

We are at war, we do not claim nor do we ask, we simply attack. How much longer could we complain without occupying our own hands, being mere objects who receive obligations and rights without giving birth from our own bowels to the strength to freely develop ourselves and take our lives in our hands? One is defined by what one does, and therefore the terrain of living is crossed by the thin line of doing or not doing. We take position on the field of deeds, of action, of revolt. Our act is a propaganda of that — our free life. Continue reading

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Italy: Claim of responsibility for the armed attack against Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nuclear (corrected)

WOS note: This version has been updated to include two pieces that we had missed when transcribing the text originally.

from the press via culmine, transl waronsociety:


“The government of science and of men of science cannot fail to be impotent, ridiculous, inhuman, cruel, oppressive, exploiting, maleficent. We may say of men of science, as such, what I have said of theologians and metaphysicians: they have neither sense nor heart for individual and living beings. In so far as they are men of science, they have to deal with and can take interest in nothing except generalities; that do the laws” – Michael Bakunin Continue reading

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Text from Culmine – On the Heights of… individualist despair

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

On the Heights of… individualist despair

Culmine, pack of individualist anarchists, receives, spreads and frames communiques, statements and information from individuals and groups of action that have declared war on this society in different parts of the world. Continue reading

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Urgent: The Bombs Case trial is suspended

from solidaridadporlxspresxs, transl waronsociety:

The prosecution’s tricks and ruses could annul the whole trial.

On May 11, 2012, the court of appeals decided this time to accept a challenge made by the Southern Prosecution of the Ministry of the Interior in which the judges are accused of bias and lacking in impartiality. Continue reading

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Milwaukee, WI: Two banks attacked in solidarity with Tortuga

from anews:

3 windows at the downtown M&I bank and 2 Windows at chase bank in downtown, smashed in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga. Continue reading

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The Final Straw radio: Conversations with Will Potter & Ian Coldwater

from thefinalstraw:

Cleveland AnarJune11.orgchists, Pax and Support for Long Term Anarchist Prisoners:
Conversations with Will Potter & Ian Coldwater

This week’s show features two conversations around the fbi, prisons and Anarchists. Continue reading

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