Guelph, ON: Girr Rowley sentenced to 9 Months for G20 Action

from guelphabc:

Girr was sentenced today, Friday February 3rd, 2012 with a 9 months sentence, and will be serving 6 of those months. Following his preliminary hearing, he decided to accept a non-cooperating plea bargain. He pled to 1 count of Mischief under $5000, 1 Count of Masking with Intent and 1 count of Public Nuisance. The crown was asking for 8-10 months. Continue reading

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Richmond, VA: Trial of anarchist comrade Jeremy Hawthorne ends in conviction

from the wingnut:

Today [February 1] was Jeremy Hawthorne’s trial for charges brought against him back in September. Numerous posts on this website and others detail the charges and circumstances around them. He was facing felony charges for vandalism that happened to 7 tires of VCU vehicles, including 2 cop cars in August. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Report from Day 1 of the Trial of Eat & Billy

“Awalludin said that the prosecutors imposed the use of the act. He also said that the Terrorism Act can’t be used in this case. The reason is the two combatants aren’t the members of a terrorist network in Indonesia [as the law describes the subject]. The action itself for Awalludin is categorized as a criminal action and has no relation with terrorism.
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Chicago, IL: Communique for attack on police vehicles

“Also a continual remembrance of those who have multiplied revolt. Happy 50th Birthday to Marie, and hella love for all rebels behind bars around the world, especially the ones inside and still missing in Oakland.”
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Call for international solidarity actions as the Belgrade 6 face second trial

from contrainfo:

Dear comrades,

We would like to inform you that on February 8th, 2012, there will be a renewed trial against four members of the Serbian Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), as well as two unaffiliated Belgrade anarchists, as part of the fabricated legal case of the Belgrade Six (BG6). Continue reading

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Atlanta, GA: Report-back from Nov 28 anti-police march

from anews:

In the past 4 months, police in the metro Atlanta area have been responsible for the deaths of at least 7 people. On January 28th 2012 around 8pm members of the Atlanta activist community, clad in black, wearing gloves, masks and hoods, began to converge on Troy Davis Park. They were gathering to march in opposition to policing. A call out had been made for a “Fuck the Police march”, in solidarity with Oakland, upon the reinstatement of Luther “Machine Gun” Lewis, the Union City police officer who killed 19 year old father, son, brother Arriston Waiters. The call out was basically a mimicking of the Oakland call out and shared the same guidelines which allowed for the destruction of bank and state property. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Communique for attack on probation office

from PDX Indymedia:

Dear bastard coppers,

We smashed up your probation center on SE Tenth and Stark and tagged it with a big ACAB and the words ‘Ya’ll are murderers.’ Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Communiques from anti-police march and later attack on police stations

St. Louis to Oakland Fuck the Police march
from anews:

On Tuesday January 31st around 40-50 people marched down south Grand Boulevard–a bar district hotspot–to protest recent actions by the police in Oakland and St. Louis. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Update from first day of trial of Eat & Billy

 from negasi, rough translation by war on society:

The information that we so far managed to gather: the first phase of the trial against two comrades members of the FAI – Indonesia Section – Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell was held on Monday, January 30, 2012, in the district court Slemen – Yogyakarta was only a reading of the indictment. The photo we also just got from the media covering the story about the trial. We still continue to contact people who can help us update this news. Continue reading

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Chile: Comrades Gonzalo Zapata and Cristóbal Franke are in the street again!

from grupodeapoyoamono, translated by war on society:

With joy to write this information again, our friends and comrades are once again where they belong and that is outside of the cages. They are here again after they were kidnapped over 4 months ago. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Claim of responsibility for attack on police station

from pugetsoundanarchists:

In the early hours of February 1, we smashed the windows of the Portland Police Bureau’s offices in the Kenton neighborhood. It is a small gesture of our hatred of the police, here and everywhere. We did this as a response to the police murder of Bradley Lee Morgan last week, and to that of Thomas Higginbotham, Keaton Otis, Jack Dale Collins, Aaron Campbell (no settlement can make us forgive or forget), James Chasse, and so many others in the further past. Continue reading

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Modesto, CA: Landlord’s office attacked in solidarity with Oakland rebels

from anews:

Rocks took out the windows of a Modesto Property Management company and landlord’s office. This attack was carried out in solidarity with anyone who is facing a pending eviction or foreclosure. We also acted in solidarity with our comrades in Oakland, California who have faced massive repression at the hands of the Leftist City government and the local police department in actions coordinated in part by the Department of Homeland Security. Continue reading

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Santa Barbara, CA: Claim of attacks in solidarity with Oakland rebels

from anews:

In the middle of the night a Wells Fargo bank ATM was destroyed along with “Dont Fuck With Oakland” being painted on a nearby building. Followed by 2 Chase bank ATMS smashed and few windows. Finishing off with a Starbucks being smashed to shit. This was in solidarity with all the Oakland rebels, to Anarchist everywhere. When they fuck with one of us. They fuck with all of US. When a comrade is brutally beating or imprisoned, we come back with force. The state will learn to fear us. Continue reading

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Argentina: Friends of the Earth – FAI claim incendiary attacks

from culmine, translated by war on society:

We are not “the people,” we do not feel part of it because in order to be so we would have to be satisfied with the overfeeding of obedience and consumerism, having common desires such as to live working in order to buy a car, entertain ourselves with television and programmed vacations, among other things. Continue reading

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