Chile: Incendiary attack on car dealership in Chillán

from culmine, translated by war on society:

In the early hours of Monday January 30th, full of rage and rebellion against authority, against the oppressive classes manifested in the State and business, we turned toward the Maritano Ebensperger auto dealership located on Av. O’Higgins (Chillán), understanding these wreteched businesses as symbols of social inequality and of global environmental destruction, and there, with the memory of fallen comrades in our memory, with the fire of freedom and anarchy, we attacked what they most hate to lose: their commodities. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Trial begins of Eat & Billy, Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI; call for international solidarity

from 325:

Rough translation from news of the comrades of Negasi:

Two combatants of the Jogja area (Eat & Billy) who have been detained since October 7, 2011, have now been moved to the court prison and will face their first trial today, January 30, 2012. This trial will proceed with the second trial to be held on February 1, 2012. Continue reading

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Greece: Giannis Dimitrakis is Free!

The anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis was arrested heavily wounded after a robbery at a branch of the National Bank in the center of Athens, on January 16th, 2006. Now he is free and there was a massive party in Exarchia in Athens when he got out. Nice one Giannis. Continue reading

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United States: Initial actions in solidarity with Oakland rebels

aSeveral immediate actions that we know about have taken place in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Atlanta, New York City and Seattle in solidarity with the rebels in Oakland, hundreds of whom were arrested and many injured during a long series of clashes with the police on January 28. More actions have been publicly announced, others may take place unannounced; we will of course continue to post any actions that take place in the coming days.

Much love and war to the Oakland rebels.
We are with you.

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A letter from some friends in Oakland regarding the Jan. 28th events.

from anews:

Let us start by apologizing; that our words may be incoherent, our thoughts scattered and our tone overly emotional. Forgive us, because the ringing in our ear continues to interrupt our thinking, because our eyes are bleary and we’re weighed upon by the anxiety and trauma of our injuries and the imprisonment of the ones we love. As most of you are well-aware: after a full day and night of street battles in Oakland, we were defeated in our efforts to occupy a large building for the purposes of establishing an social center. We’re writing, in part, to correct the inaccuracies and mystifications spewed by the scum Media. But more so as to convey the intensity and the urgency of the situation in Oakland to comrades abroad. To an extent, this is an impossible task. Video footage and mere words must inevitably fail at conveying the ineffable collective experiences of the past twenty-four hours. But as always, here goes. Continue reading

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Call to international solidarity with comrade Zerman Elias on February 7th

“We have say it before, we do not recognize their tribunals nor their judges that come to sermonize to us. We are proud of who we are and they will never see us kiss the boot of repentance. They can dictate sentences to try to domesticate our will, but they will only waste their time. Like the rivers in periods of rain, the more they try to control them, the cause exceeds all limits and continues its course because it is wild.
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Sixth communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

“For now there is no movement that positions itself radically against Technology, neither organized nor solid, if some day there is (if it triumphs and we are alive) then we will accept our mistake, in the meantime we will not accept futurist speculations that bet on a movement that helps to destabilize the system in its totality. Those who believe in the uprising of such an anti-technology movement can keep hoping or can put all their strength into that task. It seems that some have not realized that in speaking of a “sufficiently strong and organized anti-technology movement” they are also entering into the language of leftism.
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New pamphlet edition – The Sun Still Rises

we receive and publish:

A beautiful new print edition of the English translation of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’s text “The Sun Still Rises” with a full-color cover has been released.

Originally published in May, 2011, the Greek pamphlet contained a full chronology of CCF actions as well as this text. This English-language edition is published without the chronology; you can expect another edition of the pamphlet to soon be released including the chronology.

40-page pdf pamphlet imposed for printing
(5 sheets of 8.5×11″ front & back; 5.5 mb)

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Poster – Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front

we receive and publish:

poster pdf (184 kb)

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Russia: Summary of past month’s increase of radical struggle

from blackblocg:    (follow the link to watch all videos embedded)

Falsified results of parliamentary elections seem to be a serious occasion for many thousands of malcontent to express their disagreement to authority during really mass demonstrations over Russia. At the same time number of direct actions related with sabotage of state institutions also grows by leaps and boundsContinue reading

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“Strengthening the International Revolutionary Front and the Anarchist Federation – without the Informal?”

“…it is important to amplify in practice the concept of direct solidarity, in other words, we consider that we need to extend the unmanageable struggle of the hand of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades, to all the levels of the anti-systemic confrontation. The support to comrades who are persecuted or fugitive is a necessity that requires immediate attention.
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Erik Lankin released

from guelphabc:

Today, January 26, 2012, Erik Lankin was released from jail in Penetang. He served 60 days (2/3 of a 3 month sentence) for counseling to commit mischief at the G20 in Toronto. We are ecstatic to have our comrade back in our arms. Continue reading

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Intellectual Vagabond Editions – announcing My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation against all Authority

from intellectual vagabond editions:

The first issue of My Own: Self-Ownership and Self-Creation against all Authority has come off the press. It is a paper of anarchist ideas, literature, analysis and reviews from an explicitly egoist and individualist perspective. I intend to put forward an anti-capitalist, non-market egoist perspective aimed at encouraging the interweaving of individual insurrections against all forms of authority, domination, enslavement and enforcement of conformity. I will not present any blueprints for an ideal society… I leave that to the various politicians and preachers seeking converts and cadre rather than accomplices. Continue reading

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Greece: Incendiary solidarity with P. Masouras, K. Karakatsani, Stella Antoniou and Tortuga

from contrainfo:

Responsibility claim for arson attacks on car dealerships and the Ministry of Culture

‘Beyond a certain point there is no return. This point has to be reached’
Franz Kafka Continue reading

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