Statement from Miguel Balderos – Prison Diary of a Mad Anarchist Arsonist

“If I had to do it all over again, I would have done a better job of burning the City Attorney’s office to the ground and City Hall too. I would have incinerated that entire block of offices (a nest of vipers) with all their asses in it successfully and would live to work on the courthouse next.”
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Switzerland: Communique from Silvia Guerini about her hunger strike

“So the media talked about “ecoterrorists” and not about what is being prepared in the laboratories of IBM: tomorrow’s world. A future that is already here. The artifical will take the place of the natural in a change so deep that will affect our own way of seeing, of feeling, of perceiving the world around us, ourselves, our relationships, the meaning itself of being humans and living beings.
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Chile: Luciano Tortuga has left prison and remains on house arrest

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

We echo the latest news in reference to the comrade Luciano Pitronello; the comrade left the prison of Santiago 1 today in the evening and moved to his mother’s house where he is serving the house arrest that was dictated in the hearing that was held today (February 13) at around 3 PM. On leaving the prison, Luciano and his mother were accosted by the bourgeois press; the harassment continued the whole way until arriving at the parking lot of the home. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Report from the 2nd day of the trial of Eat & Billy

Rough translation from Negasi by 325:

The second phase of the trial against the two social combatants, Reyhard Rumbayan (EAT) and Billy Augustan was held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Agenda of the session that took place in the State Court of Lahore, Jogjakarta was listening to the testimony from the witnesses. A witness was presented who is burdensome and also devices were exhibited used by the comrades of a second attack. Continue reading

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An open letter from Negasi to Billy and Eat

from negasi, rough translation by war on society:

Brothers Billy & Eat,

It has been four months that you have been locked up behind bars at the hands of the state. A tool of repression that restricts your physical space, but–we are sure–not the imagination, passion and revenge in your hearts. Continue reading

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Guelph ABC Statement on Girr Rowley

from guelphabc:

In the Face of the Courts

This statement is to those who identify with struggle and who understand the dangers of playing into the hands of the state. A friend to many – Girr Rowley – made a bad choice in the course of his court process, and it is with sadness that we convey now the story and what it means to us. Continue reading

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Adam Lewis released

from guelphabc:

Today, February 5, 2012, Adam Lewis was released from jail in Penetang. He served 70 days for counseling to commit mischief at the G20 in Toronto. We are really glad to have Adam back at it and with loved ones on the outside. Continue reading

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Argentina: Incendiary attack on 23rd precinct patrol car

from culmine, translated by war on society:

It is not surprising that they torture prisoners in the prisons, nor is it surprising that they spread the idea that an “impact” on the Earth is necessary in order to keep living connected to a cellphone, and since “the people” use those apparatuses, they must be in favor of the mineral exploitation that–as they “inform” us–does not contaminate but rather produces a necessary “impact” on the Earth in order to benefit society. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack on BBVA bank in Santiago

from culmine, translated by war on society with thanks to vivalaanarquia for help with idioms:

I begin by spitting words at the fucking “social fighters” who believe yourselves to be so socially beloved and so accepted that in your Robin Hood complex you don’t have any idea of how gigantic this monster that imprisons us every day is, fucking imbeciles! Don’t you understand that not only the “prisoners” in the prisons are “prisoners”? You think idiots living a life of work, boredom, surrender and submission are not “prisoners”? I shit on all of your discourse of the superheroes of the people and in passing I shit on the people and the workers, it is the fault of the citizens that we are up to our necks in cement, authorities and chains. Since you are not disposed to attack and confront the palpable and obviously objective enemy and since your only idea of the attack is to throw stones at the cops, I declare you my eternal enemy to the death… we are about to confront each other, the hour already arrives, cowards of shit… Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Claim of responsibility for attacks on three banks

from pugetsoundanarchists:

On Monday, February 6 around 7 P.M. The windows of three banks on capital hill had their windows busted out. Flyers were strewn explaining to passerby’s why they were targeted. The banks Chase, Key bank and an U.S. Bank were hit. We did this in response to the police actions against occupy oakland on January 28th in their attempt to occupy an empty building for use by the occupy movement. We choose banks because they are concrete symbols of the exploitative capitalist system we all live under and the poverty of everyday life within it. Continue reading

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Belgium: Communique for arson of cars of two euro-parliamentarians, a NATO official and a diplomat

from suieetcendres:

On (news site):Four cars have been put on fire in the night of Sunday to Monday in the European Area of Brussels. The fires are criminal but eventual suspects remain unidentified. The cars have been put on fire around 3am in the rue Ortélius. Continue reading

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Chile: “Bombs Case” political trial update (January 16 to 27)

 from solidaridadporlxspresxs, translated by war on society:


After completing two months of a grueling trial with hearings every day, the political trial continues against the 5 comrades: Omar Hermosilla, Carlos Riveros, Francisco Solar, Felipe Guerra and Mónica Caballero. After two months, almost 50 witnesses and experts of the accusers have paraded through, with most of the evidence still remaining to be shown in what is estimated to be one of the longest trials in history. The court, wearied of so many witnesses, experts and trivial pieces of evidence and the extensive and unilluminating questioning on the part of the prosecution, announced that if they presented all the evidence at this pace the court had calculated that the trial would last 3 years and that is impossible they said, there does not exist a court capable of withstanding that so would the prosecution try to get to the point in questioning their witnesses. Continue reading

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Greece: Direct attack on Greek President Karolos Papoulias’ residence in downtown Athens

from contrainfo:
Late on Saturday evening, February 4th, a group of hooded comrades carried out a direct action outside the house of the President of Greece, in Asklipiou Street, throwing sticks and stones on his residence. They were chased in Zoodochou Street, Exarchia, by motorcycle police units who fired flash-bang grenades. All comrades fled running.
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Carrboro, NC: Downtown building occupied by anarchists

Imagefrom carrborocommune:

The following is one account of the takeover of the building at 201 N. Greensboro St…

At approximately 3:30pm today, Feb. 4th, a group of about 50 demonstrators marched from a monthly Really Really Free Market to a nearby empty building owned by the CVS corporation. Continue reading

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