“Walter Bond is one of us…” Letter from the Antispeciesist Gathering in Greece

Walter was, is and will always be one of us. He was one of us when he torched the Sheepskin death Factory in Glendale, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, and the Tiburon restaurant in Sandy, where foie gras, imposition, authority and death is sold.

Through his actions in support of non human animals, Walter has shown how strong and passionate these can be, today, now. He made clear, like many other animal liberationists, that what the animal liberation movement needs for their liberation is not more signatures “to reduce cruelty”, or cries and entreaties towards those who rule and rape life. We don’t need any more philosophical discussions concerning “whether”, “how” and “according to which pseudo-moralistic theory” we will support the one or another submissive attitude on the issue of our broken brothers and sisters. The path we need to take is the one of conflict, ruthless attack and furious fightback.

Walter was one of us when he was arrested by the servants of power, the ATF agents. When he was given in by his own brother, Trapper Zuehlke. But we all know that snitching, just like oppression, has no borders. And that those who snitch political activists are not easily forgotten.

Suppressing our militant brothers and sisters, who fight for animal, earth, and ultimately for Total Liberation from the human chains, does not scare us. It enrages us. We are aware of the common tactics of political isolation followed via this kind of suppressive actions, so as to politically and ethically break activists. But once again authority has screwed up. Not only did it fail to politically and physically isolate Walter but it also managed to create one of the strongest international solidarity movements in the past few years. This sort of solidarity was not developed on the basis of any type of personal admiration, but of political stand and action, subjects of a wider perception of the existing.

Walter was one of us when he first visited the USA “freedom cells” for the arson of a meth lab belonging to Steve Gomez, one of the most powerful drug baron in Iowa, who supplied drugs to his snitch brother too.

He was one of us when he received his sentence for the arson of  Sheepskin Factory. He is one of us today, when the conditions of his imprisonment reflect the vengefulness of the existing system, when he has to pay almost 50 dollars for his daily meals and in order to make two 15-minute calls to his family. Walter has to buy his food as he is deliberately given vegetarian instead of vegan food. Apparently, a “court order” is needed so that he can decide for himself what he is going to eat.

For us, this prison system is nothing more than the other side of exactly the same coin. We dream and prepare more militantly than ever for the creation of a societywhich will bloom from the ashes of the last prison, of a society that will promote biocentrism and symbiotism instead of the emetic cartesian artifact of anthropocentrism, of a society where the word speciesism will be long forgotten and self-determination of every animal will not be considered as merely a fairy tale.

This is why we are now sharpening our teeth and claws like wild beasts in front of a new sentence that Walter will be forced to face on October 13th, in the court of Salt Lake City, at 3 pm, and why we scream with anger over the head of every appointed judge.

Free Walter now!
No total liberationist in the cells of our rulers
Until the destruction of the very last prison…

Individuals from the 1st 3-day Antispeciesist Gathering
in the greek area of Crete

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Mattia and Fede – Deny every repentance

from culmine:

“This text is earlier than “A break from the endless possibilities“. I want to underline this, not to create confusion for anyone who read, because my choice of “political break” has arrived after a long resuming with the comrade Mattia, and the “distance” created in the field of a “stance”, and has fixed in a consequential way the course of the events. Add a premise in the field of political choice is fundamental, because a priori one excludes act censorship that does not provide comparison/confrontation. I wanted to re-edit and translate this text because I consider it a valid tool based on anti-juridical choices.”
– Federico Buono

* * *

Mattia and Fede – Deny every repentance


Without a proper motion of indomitable will, we are overwhelmed by the events that parry before us, without the ability to translate in terms of opposition to that we live. The fear makes it “by owner” and cancels the slightest doubt about what the court of consistuted order erected against those who revolt : the sentences provived provide and outline the crude reality and the “keys” provide the certainty of the punishment, that reduces a thinking subject in a subject subjuated by the punishment inside a dark cell. The narrow walls with a limit whithout a horizon implement the constituency of their wishes turned into a existential nightmare. The interior revolt that dwelt in the depths of our inner life is destroyed and swept away in fragments of alienating nature.

The venom injected by a repressive structure is composed of elements and foundations to reduce, in terms of a voluntary subjection, individuals, and to their own free will have an essential weapon.

This “venom” penetrates to the bottom going to erode slowly, but surely his existential “experience”. Day after day the “power of refusal” inherent in a revolutionary subject deteriorates in favor of a “surrender” in a continous fold of its vital instincts.

Falling into enemy hands proves the repression destabilizing that in an instant his life was made, made of a clear as insecure certainty. This “certainty” composed of a thick bond aptitude of static emotional collapse when the structure that holds up and is in contact with an organism that builds its own domain. A recording of the “scalpel” of the quiet acquiescence determines the adjustment going to coercive influence in the barbed wire of his own conscience.

The cours of events as in a vise close the choices of statements about themselves, such as tightening handcuffs on his wrists. This “gap” plunges one’s consciousness into a brutal denial of the unique path in che choiches of own political acting. More the gap is deep, bigger is the fall in a vortex of schizophrenic transposition of the revolutionary and subjective significance : “react” to what comes against, in terms of repression, only serves to repress its own acts and defines their existential experience.

The mind soaks in the moment when the body has become a prisoner, whatever the view framed in a swirl of thoughts that collapse in contact with the structures of power that go to occlude our living spaces. “Act” reverse disrupts this “reaction” and sweeps/distorts the weaknesses that limit a revolutionary path, canceling any acquiescence given by civil cohabitation.

To act means to be endowed with a subjectivity of potential offensive. The surging power expands one’s being in opposition to the dominant norms and in overcoming and refusing to recognize the fundamental doctrines required by the power. When you “fall” in the hands of the enemy, the known tools are necessary in a propulsive way in order to don’t yield to the enemy’s attempts to subordinate the individual. Do not give into blackmail when you are prisoners is and should be the key to continue, albeit within the physical and mental limits of own prison, a revolutionary path.

“Do not submit to an interrogation, refuse radically the whole legal-slavish and incriminating practice, means refusing to endorse not only the rules of the democratic game, highlighting what is the state, but also means refusing to endure the Oedipization1 by the magistrate on duty. Re-establishing the correct distance between the state and us, his irreconcilable enemies.”
-P. Porcu

Being irreducible enemies of those who stands as a judge, of those consider themselves as accusers and all those who “represent” the overpowering system domain, breaks with the inherent weakness of attachment in a consensual understanding of the relationship with the “society of order”, which uses a doctrine based on laws and attenuation of personal revolutionary path and not on the opposition in the way of negation. Experimenting the attack against the established order means to go a step further in a continous search for impetuous radicalism. Carrying out this denial and prospecting of continous and intransigent revolutionary action right now without hesitation and prevarication, even before a dismal courtroom.

We pounce on the enemy by flipping the hourglass of time, waiting for the moment of the explosion and the leave of our antiauthoritarian time. Making harder the war following the evolution of our enemy and trying to find its vulnerabilities to prepare the next shot. This is how we choose to move and live.”

Overturn every point of contact with the enemy, means not surrender to the constraints imposed and not get subordinated to accepting our own role imposed of sacrificial victim. Decline the dualistic view attested by behavioral rules of acceptance decided by courts of order is supposed to be in a constant pace in revolt against all forms of permanent democratic stance.

The denial of every “repentance” sets in the act of this denial, what is the hidden meaning which determines the choices in a revolutionary context that take place in the society of zombies-overpowering domain.

Mattia and Fede


1- Oedipus is a greek mythological character who emodies the role of the penitent. He’s also the man who solves the riddles of the Sphynx. After having cursed his children and after committing himself the murder of his father, he will repent in the woods of the Erinnies : winged goddesses that affect offenders with remorse and console the penitents. Oedipus surrenderend himself and, acting like that, accomplished the prophecy. From here the word “edipizzare”, or in other words, make it as Oedipus.

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Russia: Anarchist guerrilla and social war actions in October

from blackblocg:

Click to download video in FLV format (2.49MB)

08.10.2011 – anarchist guerrilla squad has attacked the parking of the police cars in the town of Troitsk (Moscow region). Two cars were destroyed. Here’s a fragment from our communiqué:

“Police station of Troitsk-town… sturdy police building, which looks like stronghold, if you observe it from the Kaluzhskoe highway. Entrance is blocked by antitank hedgehog; high iron wall is ending by barbwire… But as it often happens with state institutions, solid and threatening façade hides rotten and useless content. Taking in the rear of armed police criminals, we have found a parking of patrol police cars without any security. These place is used by the brave Guardians of the Law just for drinking alcohol, as we have seen by our own eyes. As drunken pigs went home – we have attacked a parking and seriously injured by fire at least two police cars”.

Also this night at least 9 luxury cars were burnt in Moscow, but none has taken responsibility for these acts.

15.10.2011 – in Volsk-town (Saratov region) two cars, which belong to police officer and his wife, were set on fire and destroyed.

18.10.2011 – in Khimki-town (Moscow region) a police car was blown up. Police lie about a “technical disease”. None has taken a responsibility for this action.

22.10.2011 – in the town of Kamensk-na-Obi (Altai territory) a cottage of the depute and ex-mayor of the town, Valeriy Gorozhankin, was set on fire by unknown people.

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Denver, CO: Several banks attacked in anti-police demonstration

from ignite:

Set with a backdrop of a $365,000 effort to monitor and suppress the Occupy Denver satellite protest which has been ongoing since the end of September, O22 gathered at the entrance of the Denver Zoo at 6PM on the 22nd as promised. Fifty arrests had taken place the weekend before, straining the resources of local radical legal support collective the Denver Anarchist Black Cross. Regardless, a crowd of around 100, mostly donning black, listened to a short speech before merging between four banners held alongside the entire demonstration and flanked by several bike riding/walking protesters and two drummers. The National Lawyers Guild brought legal observers and the Colorado Street Medics had a much-appreciated presence as well. Taking the streets in plain view of a half-dozen police cars and nearly twenty cops on bicycles, the march took East 23rd Avenue towards York. Early chants resembled past demonstrations: “From Denver to Greece, Fuck the Police” and “Oink! Oink! Bang! Bang! Every Day the Same Old Thing!” were standards the crowd returned to whenever things got quiet.

Despite the police tail and blocked intersections, the march stayed tight, snug in between the banners, until it reached the main thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue, where the crowd massed to 150. Riot cops riding on the outside of SUVs began a circle of the neighborhood while the bike cops tried to confine the march to just the westbound lane of Colfax. One of the police officers was overheard saying to a colleague that they were afraid of being pushed into traffic by protesters shortly after several people holding banners rebuffed bike police intimidation by pushing the banner outwards.

There are several things to be said about the tactical overlay of this march as compared to the last two. In May, the strategy of wrapping the demonstration in banners to protect participants from being picked off by the police was employed more or less successfully other than an arrest after the dispersal. In July, however, this wasn’t employed as strictly and three demonstrators were arrested early in the protest despite a brave fighting effort on behalf of members of a small black bloc that day. At O22, this was emphasized before the march and largely followed by everyone in the streets that night. The police had a very hard time pressing the demonstration even though the protest was unpermitted and shutting down major streets for upwards of an hour and a half. This march, although not defined by its radical participants, was definitely noteworthy in its export of radical Black Bloc tactics and anti-capitalist sentiment to a more generalized crowd. More than 80% of the crowd was dressed in black and/or masked, marching with their arms linked, and between anti-police slogans the demonstration had spirited “anti-capitalista” and “the US government is illegitimate” chants. Another favorite was “the police are the army of the rich,” which was featured on stickers passed out to the crowd and chanted in defiance of the city’s previous dialogues on the issue.

Unbeknownst to organizers more than six weeks ago, when fliers for O22 were starting to circulate around town, Occupy Denver and lesser so the annual “Zombie Crawl” sapped a lot of the police department’s resources. Riot cops had been deployed earlier in the day to police a large but completely peaceful Occupy Denver weekend march, as well as monitor the roadside encampment which hardly does anything to merit police action any since last weekend’s arrests. The 16th Street Mall crowd on Saturday night, swelled by “zombies” and regular nightlife types, played directly into the O22 demonstration’s aims of direct action and confrontation.

After making a loop around the Civic Center Park, picking up a few dozen Occupy Denver protesters and several zombies, the march hopped through 15th and Cleveland, the site of the 2008 DNC Black Bloc arrests, and made their way to the 16th Street Mall. Some in the crowd, thinking the march was over and preparing to disperse within the teeming horde of the mall, began to meld into the crowd. Much of the march, however, kept going. The police began to back off, although it is unclear why. While they kept their distance at about a half-block behind the march, someone(s) sprang into action and dropped an American National Bank window. The cops had no reaction; they hardly even got closer to the demonstration.

The march kept picking up more people (upwards of 600) and began zigzagging down different roads between 16th Street and 15th Street, roaming down the street spraying graffiti, putting up anti-police stickers and smashing several more bank windows. There was one arrest, for defacing/destroying public property, which is from putting up stickers like the arrests in July. Early (likely panicking/ratings hungry) media reports also claimed that trash cans or dumpsters had been set on fire, but at this point it is unconfirmed. The march erratically made its way back towards the park to debloc and join the occupation, confusing and frustrating a police department that has thus far covered all sides of these demonstrations very vigilantly. After observing their tactical short-comings and lack of willingness to engage the crowd physically (especially considering crowd cover on the 16th Street Mall, limiting chemical and other “less-lethal” forms of suppression), it may mean they were running short of resources due to the uptick in social movement activity during the last month.

O22 was a success for a movement that has seen a number of them lately. All defendants captured during previous marches have beaten their cases or walked away with miniscule charges and no further involvement in the legal system. Police were outmaneuvered and outsmarted several times during the course of the evening, a trend that has continued since agitators behind the issue originally took the streets. It is unclear where the movement will go presently, as it is too early to expect demonstration to be called, but the police haven’t gotten any better behaved. Because of this, it’s doubtful those filling the streets to confront the police department will taper their behavior anytime soon, either.

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Federico Buono – A rupture with the endless possibilities

from culmine (their translation edited slightly by war on society to clarify Fede’s ideas as well as we are able)

Note by Federico Buono:

On the night of 15 June, chance places before us a patrol of Polfer (Railway Police) in the district of Lambrate, Milan. In the search that happened during our detention we were found in possession of two “bomb ignition devices.” Also on 15 June myself and the comrade Mattia enter in the prison of San Vittore. The next 8 July the court of review released us. In this period of political discussion and insights about how to stand a trial starting from anarchist-revolutionary positions, I, in determining the course of events, addressed the posed question separately from the choices that I consider to be inapplicable with the stated principle. To understand the reasons for the case requires more than one premise.

For a further discussion on the political question and not the personal choices, I’m open to any correspondence: CaracoKaos(at)krutt(dot)org

“A rupture with the endless possibilities”

In the trial of 10 October when I will charged for possession and public transport of explosive material, I’ll clarify my position, just to not give misunderstanding to the readers:

From now on, my choice is to continue in an individual way. The basic reason comes from the incongruity of affirming a revolutionary proposal and then making use of bureaucratic quibbling that re-establishes – in a “juxtaposition” of these lived events – a “confrontation” between the accused and accuser.

The lie is the truth that reminds itself how the world came to be, mask of the mask, on the other side of the mask, another mask.”
– Fragments of a deaf-mute in apnea, P. Porcu

To wear a mask (the mask of innocence in defense), and then propose a political and existential attack in the end is for me to establish a “lie”.

To use a legal counsel to determine the justified / the false, trying to minimize the living part of myself and my choices – which go solely to the confrontation – is incompatible with what I choose within my path of “impetuous radicalism.” The incompatibility lies in rejecting a role (the accused) and then restoring it by becoming the “defendant” and taking advantage of what the laws set out in terms of “certainty” of the punishment:

To not surrender to blackmail when we are prisoners is and should be the key to continue, despite the physical limits of our own imprisonment, on a revolutionary path.”
– Deny every repentance

In this there is an annulment of one’s own will and one’s own “deed.”

In my path of breaking with the “outside world” – erected by a thick bond of rules of subordination to the role of the automated human – I do not allow anyone, except my will itself, to decide for me, and thus I refuse a priori to attend the trial and to be subject to any interrogation.

I refuse every involvement of an expert (in this lies the incompatibility of being defended). Furthermore, in the a priori rejection of being subject to a right or duty given by a judging court, my choice is the revocation of lawyers.

In this, a “rupture” is granted by the attack, one experiences endless possibilities of revolt within the choices one makes and which, for the anarchist revolutionary, are the expression of myself:

“To act means to be equipped with an intrinsic subjectivity of offensive potentiality.”

Federico Buono

 pdf of the text

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International Association of Chiefs of Police Hacked During 2011 Conference on October 22nd International Day of Action Against Police Brutality

view original defacement: http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/15679304
view final release text (including lulzy hacklog): http://pastebin.com/XvgYShe2

The IACP thought they could hold their 2011 annual conference in Chicago unfettered by the clutches of insurrection. They must not have known their conference starts on the Day of Action Against Police Brutality. They must not have known that all over the world people are in the streets demonstrating discontent with capitalism and the state. They also had no idea that for the past few months black hat hackers have been owning their websites and databases. They should have expected us.

In solidarity with the Occupation Movement and the International Day of Action Against Police Brutality, allied #anonymous and #antisec vessels took aim at the corrupt bootboys of the 1%: the police. We hacked, defaced, and destroyed several law enforcement targets, leaking over 600MB of private information including internal documents, membership rosters, addresses, passwords, social security numbers, and other confidential data. According to the IACP’s development documents, their systems cost several hundred thousand dollars. We are pleased to destroy it all for free, leaking their private info and defacing their websites in one swift blow.

We attacked MatrixGroup.net, a multi-million dollar Washington DC based web development firm, which serves over a hundred government, corporate and association websites. Many lulz have been had as we owned their white hat “professional” intranet, clients and employee wiki portals– accessing records and passwords, internal communications, company schedules, and development notes for over a hundred clients. We intentionally excluded the unions and other unrelated sites on their servers because, unlike the police and those who support them, we will never betray our working class comrades. We realize our role in the social struggle against capital and against the state, deciding instead to set our sights on the police, military and other government websites hosted by Matrix.

Our lulzboats also took aim at Boston Police in retaliation for the unprovoked mass arrests and brutality experienced by those at Occupy Boston. We hacked the Boston Police Patrolmens’ Association (www.bppa.org), releasing full names and the cleartext, user-supplied passwords for a thousand members. Many lulz have been had while perusing their emails and facebook accounts, and we are now sharing their passwords for others so they can join in on the mayhem as well. Let this be a warning to BPD and police everywhere: future acts of aggression against our movements will be met with a vengeance so epic and relentless that your children’s children will puke at the sight of swine.

After exhausting both sides of Milli Vanillis’ “Girl You Know It’s True” tape, we also decided to attack Alabama law enforcement systems, releasing the names, addresses, and social security numbers for 1000 Birmingham / Jefferson County police officers as well as defacing and destroying the website SherrifOfBaldwin.com. We are attacking Birmingham specifically because of their notorious racial discriminatory practices including the savage beatings and mass arrests endured by civil rights protesters during the 60s. Although we had records of inmates, active warrant names, addresses, charges and social security numbers the thought of releasing them never crossed our mind because we would never betray our brothers and sisters shackled and chained behind prison walls– our targets are the ones who beat and murder with immunity, the cowardly carcases and lifeless hosts of power who hide behind a badge.

We are also acting in solidarity with the dozens of alleged “Anonymous” members around the world facing charges for “hacking,” including the Paypal LOIC defendants in San Jose, Commander X, Recursion, Topiary, Stephen Watt, and more. We are acting in solidarity with the thousands of prisoners in California on Hunger Strike fighting for better living conditions and an end to prolonged solitary confinement. We also call for the IMMEDIATE RELEASE of not only political prisoners(Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, the MOVE 9, the Angola 3, and more) but all prisoners everywhere including all Jon Burge torture survivors still behind bars.

We are attacking the police because they are the vicious boot boys of the 1% whose role in society is to protect the interests and assets of the rich ruling class. They are not part of the 99%– they are working class traitors who are paid to intimidate, harass, and repress political movements that would possibly stand a threat to the power structure of the 1%. We have no problem targeting police and releasing their information even if it puts them at risk because we want them to experience just a taste of the brutality and misery they serve us on an everyday basis. We hope those working for the police who have any humanity left refuse their orders and leak the police and their commanding officer’s vital secrets and dirt. We must realize that police are no allies of ours and have violently attacked our movements all across the world throughout history.

In Chicago, where the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference is taking place, the CPD has a particularly bloody and ruthless history of brutality and repression of political movements. Throughout the 70s and 80s under Jon Burge (chief detective) and former Mayor Richard M. Daley (prosecuter at the time), dozens of CPD detectives many whom are still on the force tortured hundreds of innocent black men, forcing confessions and giving out decades-long prison sentences for crimes never committed. The CPD also operates notorious “red squad” COINTELPRO operations that attempts to discredit and disrupt revolutionary groups– including the assassination of Black Panther Party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. This repression continues today as they beat and arrested over 900 protesters when the second War in Iraq broke out, and just over a year ago dozens of protest organizers were raided by the FBI for alleged affiliation with resistance movements. The CPD just announced a new ‘counter-terrorism’ operation (taking tips from the NYPD playbook) likely to target protest organizers for the upcoming G8 and NATO conferences in May. Although they try to intimidate us by training over 13,000 riot police for these protests, we believe that they are the truly the frightened ones, and perhaps for good reason: the high profile hacks will continue, and the protests against the 1% are growing every day.

We are 99%. We are the working class that makes society function. We are not intimidated by the States attempts to disrupt our resistance through unprovoked arrests and harassments. As the violence of the cops, the courts, the FBI, La Migra, and Homeland Security intensifies, so must our resistance: we will continue to bring the ruckus on the streets and on the internet. We are believers and practitioners of direct action against all governments, militaries, banks, corporations, and police working towards our revolutionary goal: the immediate dissolution of capitalism and the state.

Hackers, join us to make 2011 the year of leaks and revolutions!

“We will destroy laughing, we will set fires laughing, we will kill laughing… and society will fall!!” – Renzo Novatore

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Seattle, WA: Bank of America Trashed in Fremont (communique)

from Puget Sound Anarchists:

mic check!!! we got a little tired of the drama in the GA and decided to take some direct actions and smash out the windows of a bank so maybe think of doing it yourself. spread this info everywhere in seattle and at the GA. were against the bank right? we love you all.


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Oakland, CA: Undercover police vehicle receives slashed tires, defacement during occupation


Your undercovers suck don’t be surprised when they bleed like stuck pigs

we found the soft underbelly of the state

We slashed their tires, we defaced their vehicle. They may have come in but they didn’t get anything and had a fuck of a time getting out. We’re sending a message that has been vocalized many times…


We who have been beaten, we who live under constant threat, we deal with the states repression, NOW it is our time to shine.


The actions of last night are only the prelude to the coming insurrection.

Like sand in an hourglass the system’s time is limited and its only destiny is to collapse.

We advise OPD to disobey orders, to unload their weapons and sit at home to watch netflix.

We are the people
We have nothing
but contempt
for the existing structures of power
The more repression we face


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UK: Letter of comrade Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk from clandestinity

from 325:

During the massive UK riots in August there was a window smashing action against offices of a right-wing newspaper in Bristol, for which the cops seek a suspect from reported DNA evidence. This resulted in a local squat being raided. The cops didn’t find who they were looking for, Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk, but made a political investigation, and seized computers, phones, papers. The newspaper, which naturally had their journalists present at the raid, tried to play a key part in the local repressive operations of the police, exactly like every other newspaper in the country. They all justified the police murder of Mark Duggan and excused the daily brutality and disgusting behaviour of the police, printing suspects photographs and spreading hatred and vengeance etc. The newspaper, known as the ‘Evening Post’ is a very typical daily newspaper owned by Northcliffe Media (formerly Northcliffe Newspapers Group), it is a large regional newspaper publisher in the UK and Central and Eastern Europe, owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. In UK, it operates from over 30 publishing centres, and also has 18 daily titles.

1st communication, October 2011

An open letter to whoever wants to be concerned,

Two months have passed since the police execution of Mark Duggan tipped the already-fragile balance of power in the UK, unlocking an orgy of defiance across this island. A well of frustrations finally boiled over and the system was left reeling by a determined insurrection from a wide range of people. Following these days and nights of brazen attacks in Bristol (as in other places) a house is raided in a police and media orchestrated scene as part of their revenge operation for the blows they have both received in the uprising – they leave without the hostage they sought there, but I am made aware by their blunder that I am on their wanted list.

Two months have now passed of successful evasion, and meanwhile the winds of insurgency still blow in many towns and moments – indeed, for many they started long before this summer. There have also been at least two more deaths at the hands of the Law in August alone…

My decision is not to comply with my judicial persecution, and I greet D.C.I Will White and their kind reading this by the names they are known here and everywhere in different words and tongues: COPS – PIGS – MURDERERS.

I am one of those who simply cannot and will not stomach the social, economic, moral, psychological, physical conditions not of our making that we are born into at this point of history. I have never sought to decorate the walls of my cell with exam certificates, job promotions, sports prizes, status-symbols borrowed from the wealthy by our labour. I curse those who sell themselves so cheaply to buy such unimaginative dreams at the expense of a possibility of a freedom truly of their own making. Since an early age this unwillingness and refusal has put me in conflict, like countless others, with that reality. And our understanding is growing along with our fury.

We are the “lost kids” angry and disappointed by false promises, the “uncontrollable youth” unsatisfied with the paltry futures offered to us, the “useless components” who reject or are excluded anyway from wage-slavery or the “disruptive elements” who fight to destroy it from within, the “minority of trouble-makers” within the constructs of obedient-hierarchical-racist-patriarchal normality, the “hooded rioters” within the constant revolt against all that and more. We are your children, and those of your society. And it is time today for the components of that society to decide if they will be the hand trying to stop us, or the hand lighting their own conspiracy for self-determination.

Today we are here. Today we throw our rage and anarchy against the station that this order would prescribe us: an open-ended contract to be locked in the cage of modern living, of humiliating routine, withdrawn into quiet desperation despite all distractions, cast into inexplicable loneliness, into inner exile from any greater values, divorced from any connection to the Earth, walking commodities to be used and discarded.

Each day, be sure that we are faced with constant battle as each individual must strive to make their own path and decisions against the flow of the conformity and submission demanded of us by the jailers of everyday life – if the revolution is not here, truly it is nowhere. Let us live proud lives of rebellion and compassion, reclamation and antagonism, poetry and fire.

So, in the midst of this incessant war underlying all in this world – I acknowledge with a glad and thankful heart all who have ever stood next to me, with the rebels wherever and whoever they are against the disguised violence that is passivity, the disguised violence in the suppression of the hostilities and tensions around us that urge to be realised. Here’s to those who make choices that in different ways break out of line when everything in the dominant culture advises silence, assuring us of their strength and feeding us poisoned whispers of our own powerlessness and insignificance.

And of course as the clash continues and escalates with increasing recognition that everything we desire lies beyond the ruin of their rule, the enemy will carry on retaliating against those people with every vile method in their book: propaganda to misrepresent our passions and aims; the loyal “opposition” of political parties and unions presented as the democratically acceptable way we should amend our “extreme” expressions to; the surveillance, infiltration and invasion of our friendship groups and spaces; the arrest, interrogation and imprisonment of our comrades-in-struggle.

We don’t forget, and we don’t forgive.
Enough silence.
Action replaces tears.

for solidarity and self-organisation,

Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk

just another fugitive.

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Toronto, ON: Anarchist Ryan Rainville’s sentencing postponed

info is from guelph abc:

Ryan Rainville is an anarchist who declared in court without apology that he smashed three police cars during the G20 riots in Toronto in June, 2010. He has been convicted of 3 counts of mischief and 1 count of disturbing the peace, and his sentencing, scheduled for October 19th, 2011, was again postponed.

Ryan has already spent a few months in jail, been under house arrest, and is still on strict conditions. The Crown (prosecution) is seeking for more jail time for Ryan’s charges.

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Indonesia: Freedom to the farmer Tukijo and the Yogyakarta three rebels

from 325 / contrainfo:

Tukijo, one of the peasant resistance fighters against iron sand mining in coastal Kulon Progo, Indonesia

On October 7th, 2011, at 2 am Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) ATM in Sleman, Yogyakarta, was set on fire. The fire caused an explosion in the unit which destroyed the premises. The sabotage was just one more instance of resistance in a country that is destroying trees, mountains and coastlines for profit whilst oppressing its people.

Now three people are arrested. They are all accused of being involved in damaging the bank. We are not interested in finding out if the prisoners are ‘guilty’ or not, nor of the extent of their ‘crime’. We will leave such speculation to the inquisitors and their servants in the Press. We don’t need to know the details of the entire situation to know that as long as the State and the banks get rich from exploitation, there will always be those who will go against their power and refuse to collaborate. It is enough that these people are imprisoned, to wish that not just their prison, but every prison ceases to exist. ‘Crime’ is no food on the table and the bosses taking the lion’s share. ‘Crime’ is clear-cut forests and mining companies that beat and kill who they like with the help of the police. Freedom is fighting back and reclaiming your life from oppression.

What we know is that Indonesia is a regime which is propped up by Western capitalists and militarists. It is a nation which tortures and massacres its opposition, like every State that can get away with it where it can.

Kulon Progo is a farming area near Yogyakarta, and in 2005 PT Jogja Magasa Mining and IndoMines metal industries wanted to take the land for their industry. The farmers there didn’t give their land to the industrial company because they didn’t want nature to be destroyed. Many times the farmers tried to solve this without any riots, but it’s not working. Now they are ready to defend their lives.

It started when the company paid 300 people to destroy the houses of farmers and all the plants there. It made all the farmers get angry and also lots of other people besides them. Human dignity and nature are just colonized by money, and there will never be any help to let the farmers survive. The police just covered up the people who were attacking the farmers because the company paid off the police; a typical story.

Tukijo was a farmer who was arrested (by Kulon Progo police) and imprisoned just because he was vocal in the demonstrations against this situation. The people in Indonesia have made many activities around this matter: demonstrations, articles, movies, graffiti and property damage against the profiteering companies.

The farmers and the people of Kulon Progo, Pandang Raya, West Papua, Bima and elsewhere are appealing for international solidarity and complicity in their struggle, alongside the anarchists and anti-capitalists who are all against the violent terror of the Indonesian bosses, their paid murderers and corporate backers. Don’t let them fight alone!

In accordance with the wishes of the farmers, we demand the land is given back to the farmers and freedom for our friends who are in prison because of this.

The State-corporations-military-police are the terrorists!
Freedom for Tukijo and those accused of attacking the BRI ATM!

A few anarchists in solidarity


Bank Rakyat Indonesia in Sleman, Yogyakarta



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Seattle, WA: US Bank Windows Smashed on Capital Hell

The US Bank at Broadway and John suffered shattered glass Saturday night as an attack on its windows and doors left a mess. Meanwhile, similar damage to the Bank of America at 14th and Madison was also reported. UPDATE : The B of A was not damaged.

Slog has posted an account and pictures of the US Bank damage that happened sometime around 11p Saturday and reportedly involved a person in a black hoodie using something that looked like an ice pick to damage the bank.

We don’t have further details on the Bank of America incident but SPD was called to the scene around the same time and there are reports of damage to that building’s glass also. UPDATE : No damage at B of A. We’ll check with SPD about the callout.

Earlier this year, you might recall, we reported on a series of incidents involving broken windows and doors at Capitol Hill banks including this April attack on the Chase branch on Broadway.

Saturday’s damage comes as the largest crowds yet gathered downtown for the ongoing Occupy Seattle protests and hundreds camped overnight in Westlake Park.

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UK: FAI – Cell of Joy claim arson attack against prison vehicle in Nottingham

from 325:

12 October 2011

A visit to Nottingham Prison last night culminated in a fire being started underneath a prison vehicle. It had just gone nine when we arrived and after tagging some nearby walls with the messages of “Fire to the Prisons” and “Solidarity to those kidnapped”, we quickly and quietly stepped to the vehicles, lit our fires and took off quickly into the night.

This attack was not a request, or a demand that the prisons improve, or that the judicial system becomes more fair. We attacked because our comrades have been kidnapped, and we will show solidarity in anyway we can. Solidarity to all those captured during and after the riots, to the anti-fascists imprisoned because of the usual web of lies spun by the cops and their pals, and to all those who feel the urge to resist whenever the moment seems ripe. We did this in order to show solidarity with the actions of the IRF Bristol’s action at the Law courts a few nights ago, and to our Cambridge brothers and sisters acting with such fierce love and rage.

The prisons are where they hold us when they can not control us, they are the threat they hold over us, but what they can not understand is that the greater threat to us is for us not to act. For us to be stifled by the conditions and the conditioning of this society. When we act in away that unleashes our rage, when we act in away that brings us joy then we are able to unleash a glorious FUCK YOU! A FUCK YOU with blood and spittle, a FUCK YOU directed plainly at those who benefit most from this diseased social system.

Informal Anarchist Federation – Cell of Joy

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Washington: Communique claiming responsibility for liberation of over 1,000 mink

from bite back (follow link for photo & video):

anonymous communique:

In the early morning hours of October 12th, we entered Miller’s Mink Ranch on Addy-Gifford Road in Washington, and took down every breeder card in one of the two large, main sheds. We opened approximately 3/4 of the cages, many of which had more than one animal, freeing more than a thousand animals. We also took 3 individuals and released them at different locations.

We chose to do this not because we believe that humans wearing fur is inherently wrong. Rather we think that the callous disrespect with which the fur industry treats the animals is despicable. The fact that it has become an ‘industry’ for the vanity and fashion of the rich is what we hate. In the Pacific NW the fur industry represents more than just animal abuse and species-ism. Trapping, killing, and skinning fur bearing mammals for profit was one of the first steps of westward expansion and manifest destiny in this area. It was one of the first parts of the colonial process that decimated many Native people and cultures. The fact that the fashion and fur industries point to Native people wearing fur as their justification of the factories of death is inexcusable. These people responsible have no personal or cultural ties to the native people who were here first, in fact, they are a part of the system that destroyed their way of life. The current way of ‘farming’ mink, fox, bobcat, and lynx does not bear any similarity or have any hint of the same respect for life and nature that the native tribes and cultures around here have.

We are not asking for better conditions for farmed mink, for a more humane way of caging wild beings. Mink are fiercely territorial animals in the wild, with territories that can be miles long, usually along waterfronts where they can swim and hunt fish and small mammals. This freedom is their birthright as wild creatures. The approximately 2 square feet in which Miller’s Mink Ranch cages two and sometimes three mink for the whole of their lives is unspeakable. It is unfortunately the standard for mink farms the world over. The agony and frustration at never feeling more than wire under paws that were meant for swimming and pursuing prey can only be wondered at. Some mink’s fervor for freedom is so great they bite the wires of their cages until they break their teeth.

We would like to dedicate this act to every rebel warrior who died nameless and whose rage and bravery went unseen and unknown, to all who struggle against oppression, even with no light at the end of the tunnel in sight.

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