St. Louis, MO: Noise demonstration at youth prison in solidarity with prisoner struggle

from anarchistnews:

Shortly before midnight on July 8 around 35 of us gathered to hold a noise demonstration outside the Hogan Street Regional Youth Center, the same location as the New Years Eve noise demo seven months ago. As the group approached the kid prison, we began yelling “our passion for freedom is stronger than their prisons” and setting off roman candles and smoke bombs. A banner was held up for those inside to read that said “STRIKE FOR FREEDOM.”

The bold initiative of the striking prisoners at Pelican Bay inspired this action, along with those who have (inside and outside) continued and amplified the strike. Also on our minds was yet another death in the St. Louis city jails, this time caused by guards refusing to give a dying Scott Perry his ulcer medication. His family has been having a weekly presence outside the jail at the time of his death since he was killed five weeks ago.

Most of all, our motivation for this action was the response we received from inside the prison on New Years. The jumping, cheering silhouettes of the locked-up youth had made it clear that despite all the imposed isolation, we had shared a moment of clear communication.

This time, two teenagers (who’d seen us a few blocks from the prison and asked what we were doing) decided to join us, saying that a friend of theirs was currently inside the prison. The neon-glow of roman candles bursting on the prison’s brick surface was moving and the over-all feel of the group seemed to be up-beat.

Solidarity with Pelican Bay, Collins Bay and anyone who refuses the conditions of this prison society.

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Spain: Incendiary package sent to Chilean consulate in Barcelona

from Viva la Anarquia, translated by war on society:


Several weeks ago an incendiary package was sent to the Chilean Consulate of Barcelona in solidarity with the prisoners of the “Bombs Case.”

The device was unconnected so that no person who was uninvolved would end up being hurt. We want the freedom of all the prosecuted.

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California: Prisoner hunger strike updates

from Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity:


Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity coalition received an urgent update from medical staff at Pelican Bay State Prison that the health of at least 200 hunger strikers in the SHU is rapidly worsening. A source with access to the current medical conditions who prefers to be unnamed reported:

“The prisoners are progressing rapidly to the organ damaging consequences of dehydration. They are not drinking water and have decompensated rapidly. A few have tried to sip water but are so sick that they are vomiting it back up. Some are in renal failure and have been unable to make urine for 3 days. Some are having measured blood sugars in the 30 range, which can be fatal if not treated.

SHU prisoners at Pelican Bay have said they are willing to risk their lives and will continue to strike until their demands are met. The CDCR continues to refuse to negotiate.

Prisoners across CA continue to refuse food in solidarity with the Pelican Bay SHU hunger strikers.

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Gabriel Pombo Da Silva: Introduction to the French Edition of Xosé Tarrío González’ Huye, Hombre, Huye

From Culmine (July 10, 2011) translated by this is our job:

I like to sit down in front of the typewriter just as I’m waking up, when I still don’t know who I am, where I come from, or where I’m going. My head is in the clouds, hazy and chaotic, beyond Space-Time or any Dialectic.

While I write, my sense of self (whatever that may be) gradually “returns.” I open “my” cell window, take a deep breath of the cold morning air, and feel my lungs expand. I make coffee, and its aroma relaxes me, reminding me of “another time”—my childhood—as well as my mother.

My mother woke up every day at 5 a.m. to go to work. She would put the coffeepot on the kitchen stove, and in a few minutes that familiar aroma I found so appealing was wafting through the air. When I was little, I was convinced that one of the reasons my mother was so “dark” was because of all the coffee she drank. Who knows why? Kids have crazy ideas.

On weekends, “class” wasn’t in session, so I was usually able to go to work with my mother. I enjoyed helping her.

My mother was (and is) a “cleaning worker,” and to earn a living she had to clean other people’s shops and offices. She always took pride in her work. Or perhaps it just was pride in having a job. I never knew exactly which.

My father (now dead) was a construction worker, and he built houses for other people while we lived in a rented shithole. He also took pride in his work. Or perhaps it was also just pride in having a job. Again, I didn’t know which.

Even as a child, a deep feeling of hostility was beginning to grow within me toward what we now call “wage-labor,” but what was simply called “work” back then. Somehow, my daily reality was teaching me that those who had nothing were being forced to sell their time as well as their energy to whose who had everything.

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July 18 to 21: Mobilization for the Trial of Silvia, Costa & Billy

Freedom for Silvia, Costa & Billy – Solidarity with all the Revolutionary Prisoners

All meetings will be held in “Casa del Popolo” in Bellinzona, Switzerland, (in front of the train station). As well as the presence during the hearings there will be demos in the city throughout the week.

18 July – 6pm : Struggle against Nuclear Plants
Contributions of past and ongoing experiences. Debate about the possibilities of intervention. Updates on Marco Camenisch

20 July – 6pm : Nano & Biotechnologies
Presentation of information materials and discussion. Video projection of “RFID-la police totale”.

21 July – 6pm : Debate about the importance of solidarity for the revolutionary movement
Information about other trials, like the one that will be held on September 28-29-30 against a comrade of Aufbau and SRI

In April 2010 Silvia, Costantino and Billy were arrested close to Zurich and since then, accused of wanting to attack an IBM laboratory of nanotechnology research with explosive material, they are imprisoned in the Swiss jails. A little more than a year after our comrades are going to be processed (July 18-22) while IBM laboratory “Binning and Rhorer nanotechnology centre”, which opened last May, will be starting its horrible projects. IBM, American corporation pioneer in nanotechnology, through miniaturization of electronic components on nanometric scale would like to transform human beings, animals, natural environment and infrastructures into gears of a mega-machine for life’s absolute control.

What does it matter if economic efficiency kills, attacks, stresses, depresses and makes everything sick, if it plunders the ecosystem and undermines survival on the earth, if it subdues bodies and spirits to its speed, if it justifies itself just by itself and it feeds on itself, out of any sense. In the name of the “functional”, idealized value, the “perfect” machine is trying to take the place of human beings, imperfect, inconstant, fragile.

Our struggle, that of Billy, Costa and Silvia, united with that of every revolutionary and rebel in the world, has always been direct to fight the systems of exploitation and control. Our comrades have never concealed their hostility against those who are everyday exploiting, poisoning and terrorizing. In their eyes the enemy has always been visible, easy to find. It’s not difficult to recognize that the new technologies (nanotechnology, biotechnology and cybernetics) are some of the means of power, in the hands of a few people, to subject everything and everyone.

The progress of the techno-industrial system reinforces thanks to them, necessary fuel of a development model that needs the consent and the total social peace, but they will never get them. We will always fight those people who are turning the earth into a silicon land, made of cables and concrete and who are going to make our lives a virtual substitute of existence. We’ll also fight against the state and the capitalistic system that with their illogical theories turn men into slaves, animals into goods and the planet into a permanent reserve to sack. We need proper answers… we need fighters!

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Montreal, QC: Demos in solidarity with Pelican Bay prisoner hunger strike

From sabotagemedia Montreal, july 3:

Sunday afternoon in the Montreal area demos were carried out in solidarity with the Pelican Bay prisoners on hunger strike and with prisoners everywhere.

A group of about 30 people appeared at the prison complex in Laval comprising of the Federal Training Center, Montée St-François Institution and Leclerc Institution, and the Canadian Immigration Prevention Center which holds immigrants whom are awaiting deportation and is operated as if it was a maximum-security penitentiary.

Although the screws attempted blocking the way with their vehicles and to drown out the chanting with their sirens, the group of comrades were able to break through them and dash with their banners up to the fence yelling slogans of solidarity like “OUR PASSION FOR FREEDOM IS STRONGER THAN THEIR PRISONS” and shooting fireworks. The banners deployed were: “FOR A WORLD WITHOUT BOSSES, COPS NOR PRISONS ” “FROM CALIFORNIA TO QUEBEC SUPPORT THE PRISONERS IN STRUGGLE” and a third with a PO box to which the prisoners could write. The group was then able to continue bringing their solidarity to all sections of the complex.

A group later appeared at the Bordeau Detention Center with chanting, banners, flares and fireworks. Afterwards they marched through the surrounding neighborhood handing out flyers and chanting as they finally reached the Tanguay Detention Center for women. At this point the pigs had arrived but people were able to reach the fences and get eye contact with a group of women in the prison yard and as the group of comrades screamed slogans, throwing themselves against the fence, climbing on it and shaking it the women responded by yelling back their joy for the solidarity.

With the presence of pigs growing, the group then headed back through the surrounding neighborhood while chanting “PIGS, COPS, MURDURERS”, marching in the street, passing out flyers with a heavy presence of SPVM squad cars tailing behind and repeatedly urging them to get off the street to which comrades responded by chanting louder. Everyone was able to get back to a bus which brought them downtown after some harassing by the SPVM and being followed by a squad car until they all dispersed upon arrival at a metro station.

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Australia: Bank attacked in solidarity with struggles and prisoners in Greece

from anarchistnews:

In the early hours of 6/7/11 the Hellenic Bank in Marrickville was attacked and the windows smashed.

This attack was carried out as a minimal response to the murderous savagery of the Greek police on the 28th and 29th of June General Strike against the Troika’s repressive austerity measures. And also to express our solidarity with the imprisoned fighters for social liberation in Greece. Even here far away in Australia we look on and are inspired by the dignified struggle against capitalist domination in Greece.

Solidarity is our weapon.

Fire to the prisons.

-Midnight koalas-

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Justin Solondz back in the U.S.; Awaits extradition

from the press:

The man accused of building the bomb used by Earth Liberation Front radicals in 2001 to torch the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture is back in the U.S. and in federal custody, awaiting extradition to Washington state to stand trial on charges of domestic terrorism

Justin Solondz, 31, was expelled from the People’s Republic of China after serving a three-year prison term for selling drugs.

Solondz was a member of a group of environmental radicals who called themselves “The Family” and was the boyfriend of Briana Waters, 35, who pleaded guilty last month to her role in setting the $6 million blaze and is expected to testify against Solondz in order to avoid any more prison time.

Solondz will appear in U.S. District Court in Tacoma for arraignment on charges of arson and conspiracy.

Prosecutors allege that Solondz build the firebombs in a “clean room” behind a home in Olympia, transported them to Seattle and remained in the car as the getaway driver the night of the arson.

Federal investigators say the UW firebombing was part of a string of 17 arsons across the West by ELF and its sister organization, the Animal Liberation Front, responsible for tens of millions of dollars in damage.

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Walter Bond Pleads Guilty to Two ALF Arsons in Utah

In a hearing today, Walter Bond changed his plea to “guilty” in charges he set fire to two businesses in the Salt Lake City area. Prosecutors say Bond set fires at the Tandy Leather Factory Store and the Tiburon restaurant. Total damages were more than $10,000. Both were claimed by the Animal Liberation Front.

Bond is already serving a 5-year sentence after pleading guilty in Colorado to burning down Sheepskin Factory, a retail store that sold sheepskins.

This is a view of the burned-out Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City:

A judge set Bond’s sentencing for Sept. 19, where he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Media reports were conflicting, but it appears prosecutors will not be asking for the Utah sentence to run back-to-back with his current Colorado sentence.

An excerpt from the Sheepskin Factory communique, which Bond took credit for:

“Be warned that making a living from the use and abuse of animals will not be tolerated,” ALF Lone Wolf wrote in the aftermath of the Sheepskin Factory fire. “Also be warned that leather is every bit as evil as fur, as demonstrated in my recent arson against the Leather Factory in Salt Lake City. Go vegan!”

Please write Walter a letter of support:

Walter Edmund Bond

Davis County Jail
Walter Bond 2011-03339
PO Box 130
Farmington UT 84025-0130

And check out Walter Bond’s support site:

Support Walter

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Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson of the car of the mayor of Papagou, Athens

from actforfreedomnow:

Beginning, concerning the events of the 28th and 29th of June we consider that we should place certain questions. We do not go into logic of fake dilemmas that the state places, such as the voting or not of the medium-term memorandum. In any case, democracy sooner or later shows its dominating face in the real war that was not called now, not even recently. We walk next to the individuals or the groups that the realized in the specific time situation and acted more aggressive than usual. However, stagnation and repetition lead to a monotony, while the frequency and the progress of the aggressive practice contributes to the cause of even more serious wounds to the enemy. Finally, to those who are limited to giving the finger, we say simply that our time is important.

In the direction of progress we placed the bet of personal threat. We know and prove that our opponent is not a vague concept on the fire-proof, but has a material substance, street and number, name and financial evidence evidence. Thus we paid a “visit” to the car of the mayor of Papagou area.

In the early hours of Monday 4/7, we approached the target and we placed on the tyre of the vehicle a simple incendiary device, consisting of 1,5lt of petrol and candles of a suitable size, in order to ensure the required time for our escape from the area, the choice of which was by no means accidental. It is a police-security-armyhorny-occupied area and, for this reason it is especially pleasant to see the personal vehicle the local ruler burning. The same, of course, goes for every mayor, of every area.

And now, to these mentioned above, a personal reference. Mr V.Xidi, today its your car, tomorrow its your house, the day after tomorrow its you. As long as some choose to govern, some will choose to exterminate them. As long as there is a ruling class, there will be Revolutionaries. Fortify yourselves as much as you want! We vow as long as we live you will not sleep in peace again.


P.S.: An arson signal to all the guerrilla groups… Lets go again.

International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the spreading of Terror
Cell of Abnormal – Heretics


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Indonesia: Statement from Revolutionary Organisation – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section

325 receives and transmits:

Bandung, Indonesia – Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge, a few days ago, have claimed responsibility by spreading leaflets surrounding the ATM BNI firebombings. The leaflet is almost the same tone as in Makassar and Manado:

PT Indomining (Bima) has been brutally repressing the local population, Jogja Magasa International wants to evict 30,000 farmers in Kulon Progo. Farmers in Takalar are facing the threat of land-grabbing. These actions are carried out in a brutal way, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment as well as the various forms of repression that we never hear about in the mainstream media.

That’s not surprising because these capitalist-bureaucratic companies do not care about anything except making their wallet thicker!”

“Our attacking of an ATM (bank) is an important target, because banks are always involved in financing natural resources and the repression of the people in the name of capital! We have no intention of injuring anyone, the destruction of property is not violence! No mercy for the forces of repression! No mercy for the State and Capitalism.”

May the Social War escalate and we forgot to mentioned comrades in Greece, Italy, or anywhere else but you all know our hearts are with you.

Got Ist Tot – Free Association of Individualist-Communists.

Salute to: Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The Revolutionary Struggle. The Chilean insurrectionists. Giannis Dimitrakis and Polykarpos Georgiades, our hearts are with you!

Long Live the Rebellion and stay free. And with this statement we claim to join the RO-FAI, Indonesian Section.

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Russia: Police station torched by anarchists in Moscow

From Liberación Total (July 6, 2011) via Black Blog (July 6, 2011):

During the night of July 6, 2011, our urban guerrilla unit set fire to the police station located at 130 Profsoyuznaya Street, Building 4. The target was in a nonresidential building clad in flammable construction material, which considerably eased its combustion. In all other respects, it was just a den of gangsters in gray uniforms. The frenzied, unchecked corruption of the police, resulting from their power and privileges, is well-known. We’re not going to get into the details. Everyone in their right mind can clearly see the motives behind our action. Let’s unite in the struggle for freedom, justice, and dignity!

—ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards)

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Chile: Clashes and disturbances around the march for education

from liberacion total, hasty translation by war on society:

Thursday June 30 protests were held around $hile called by professors and student organizations demanding reforms in the education system.

Certainly the petitions and intentions to improve the system of domestication, which prepares future employees, we do not care for because they are part of a vicious circle of language and managed within the parameters of Dominion.

But without a doubt, as in the protests against HidroAysén, what produces sabotage and clashes responds to more than a simple request for a reform but rather a rage against everything that oppresses us.

In the protests yesterday in Santiago clashes from just after 1pm until around 5pm, leaving more than 100 arrested (nationally) mostly for disorders. But four young people between 14 and 16 years were charged with possession of Molotov cocktails and were released with a deadline of 60 days of investigation.

Within the riots stand out the attack on the Embassy of Brazil facing Plaza Los Heroes, to which they hurled stones and scrawled the facade with slogans in solidarity with the commander Ramiro, Mauricio Hernandez (see website support). Also outside this embassy a group of special forces agents were attacked, being cornered by “hooded ones” and leaving a policeman wounded.

Several shops were attacked and some looted, as well as bank branches, resulting in two of those destroyed. The bank most damaged was the building of the BCI (Banco de Credito e Inversiones) where all the 1st and 2nd floor windows were shattered and the interior furnishings were used to make a barricade on the street. The “hooded ones” even tried to set fire to the building.

In the fighting, “hooded ones” attacked police with stones, sticks, paint bombs, Molotov cocktails and even with sulfuric acid. Nationally, 22 law enforcement officers were injured, mostly stoned. And one was burned on her face with sulfuric acid.

Videos from the press: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

In Concepción: agents of order throwing rocks at the demonstrators and in the other photo receiving the fire of molotovs in the University of Concepción.

In Valparaíso:

In Santiago:

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UK: Cop vehicles attacked right opposite police station in Bristol

from uk indymedia (7/2/2011):

Six unmarked police vehicles parked in the locked carpark opposite Trinity Road police station were damaged last night with paintstripper over the bodywork under right the pigs’ snouts, tyres punctured. This done with joy and ease as a minimal leisurely contribution to revolutionary social war.

In the wake of the Stokes Croft riots, with the corporate bullies invading every aspect of the prison-like world they have created given a taste of retribution, why should we give the dogs that defend that society any chances to lick their wounds? Why not follow through to kick them while they’re down, while they’re weak, while they try to rebuild P.R this very day on the streets of St Pauls playing the multi-racial card with their squaddies of colour where so recently a carnival of a different kind erupted for the first time after decades of racist violence and repression by the law, here like everywhere.

They let you have a ‘Carnival’ once a year, smoke the high-grade publicly, dress up in festive gladrags, even occupy the road, all within an officially sanctioned pressure-value to lose that dangerous steam… But please, just don’t riot! Don’t leave your station – remain within your social bracket, accept that there’s a nice side to authority after all because they allow you to party… But generally only on their terms. We urge, don’t be cheaply bought just because the State/Capital makes a few concessions and send the Community Support Officers on the beat wearing garlands of peace around their neck – presumably so they don’t get punched about gleefully by the elements of society they most fear and loathe. Who says there’s no opportunities today?

We can’t but mention also with this readily-achievable action our solidarity with the UK anti-fascists who have recently been sent to jail on conspiracy charges – we also send greetings to Artem Bystrov (arrested in Russia on 26th April 2011, facing completely and traditionally corrupted and manipulated trial) and other anti-fascists from Nizhny Novogrod. Also in response to the recent police murder of a young black man, 21 year old Demetre Fraser who apparently jumped (police explanation) from the 11th floor while two State pigs visited his flat in Birmingham – neighbours and his mother believe that it was another example of racist murder at the hand of the Filth.

For an Informal Anarchist Federation, world-wide. Our solidarity is attack.

some anarchists

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