Greece: Urgent call for money for those arrested at the general strike of June 28th–29th

from contra info:

The people arrested during the general strike demonstrations of June 28th and 29th need our support.

It is urgent that 3,000 Euros are raised for one demonstrator alone, so that he doesn’t go to jail. The money needs to be collected until Thursday night, July 7th. An initiative in solidarity with the arrested demonstrators has made a call to everyone for financial support. You can contact the initiative directly at

You can also offer bail money via the Occupied London paypal account, —if you do so, please also e-mail the solidarity initiative at the address above.


update from contra-info: Today (4/7) all arrestees from the demo of June 29th have been released under restrictive conditions. One demonstrator who is charged with felonies, was ordered to give 70,000 Euros as a bail! There is a super-urgent need for raising this huge bail until Monday, July 11th; otherwise our comrade will be locked up in prison.

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Make Some Noise: International Solidarity for Pelican Bay Hunger Strike!

from Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity:

The support for the Pelican Bay Hunger Strike is strong and expanding as people inside and outside prison all over the world are connecting the Pelican Bay Hunger strike to local struggles against powerlessness and inequality.

How have people  been showing support for the hunger strike?

Inside Prison:

Prisoners across the US are showing their solidarity with the Pelican Bay SHU Prisoners by joining the hunger strike for varying lengths of time (like Corcoran, Folsom, CCI Tehachapi, Calipatria and Centinela State Prisons in CA and Ohio State Penitentiary), or by bravely writting statements, letters, or calling people outside to relay messages to the Pelican Bay hunger strikes. These messages will be delivered to the hunger strikers at Pelican Bay during the next round of visits.

Outside Prison:

Families and loved-ones of prisoners have been organizing outside of Pelican Bay, sharing information with each other before visiting with their loved ones inside. Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc danzers from Los Angeles are up in Crescent City in front of the prison to support the hunger strikers with ceremony.

Outside Corcoran State Prison, where prisoners have joined the Pelican Bay hunger strike in solidarity, families and community members have been rallying to show their support, as well as sharing information before visiting their loved ones.

A growing number of supporters internationally are joining the prisoners on a hunger strike by fasting for various amounts of time.

In Seattle, Washington, a group of people equipped with a mobile sound system met in front of the King County Juvenile Detention Center in the Central District of Seattle. The group played music, banged on pots and pans, and made speeches (including the demands from Pelican Bay and how King County and Pelican Bay are connected) through megaphones in front of the prison cells. At one point, every occupant in the cells along the southern end of the Detention Center was banging on the walls and windows of their cells, responding to the cheers and words from outside. The event lasted for an hour and there were no arrests, despite a large police presence.

Prisoners at Collins Bay Federal Penitentiary in Kingston, Ontario began a work strike on June 28th demanding an end to overcrowding at the prison, and are protesting worsening conditions. The federal prison restructuring and increasing criminalization has caused double bunking at many prisons and is
intensifying tensions inside and outside prisons.

Supporters in Ontario are linking the struggles at Collins Bay to prisoner’s struggles at Pelican Bay. On the morning of Monday, July 4th, a banner  was dropped off a building overlooking City Hall in downtown Kingston, Ontario.

Deaths in Custody Watch Committee in Western Australia also supports the Pelican Bay Hunger Strike, dedicating an action in Perth on July 3rd for NAIDOC week (a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander survival).

Make sure to check out the actions page for upcoming rallies and events to show your support, help circulate the online petition, and call the CDCR and CA Elected officials and urge them to honor the prisoners’ demands!

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol Update #6

from Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

DABC NOTE: Sorry for the long delayed update on Amelia’s court hearing that took place Monday June 27th. Things have been super busy in Denver, especially as folks gear up for Running Down the Walls on July 30th.

Amelia Nicol, the arrestee from the May 6th March Against Police Terror, had a second arraignment on Monday June 27th in courtroom 5G of the Lindsay-Flanigan Courthouse in downtown Denver. During the short public hearing, supporters crowded the court room to show solidarity with Amelia as she continues to face one felony charge of possession of explosives, two misdemeanor counts of assault on a law enforcement officer, and one misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest.

During the arraignment, Amelia’s attorney waived the right of a public reading of the charges, and continued to push for a resolution to this case before the end of the speedy trial period, which would occur in December.

A discovery hearing was scheduled for August 22nd at 8:30 am in the same courtroom. At the discovery hearing, the prosecution will present any evidence they will present at the trial, and after hearing arguments from both sides, the judge will rule as to what evidence may or may not be admissible in court. This will be an important and interesting hearing for those who attend, as we will finally have a full picture of all the evidence in the case (of which we are certain, after the preliminary hearing on June 9th where over half of Amelia’s charges were dismissed by a judge, that little, if any, evidence exists.)

A trial date was set for Tuesday October 4, at 8:30 am in the same courtroom. If the case is not resolved by October 4, Amelia will face a jury trial for the felony and three misdemeanor counts.

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Santa Cruz, CA: Attack on Sheriff’s Department Vehicle

from indybay:

On the night of June 1st, a truck belonging to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department had all of its windows covered in etching fluid. The truck, parked outside the county jail, was attacked as an expression of solidarity with prisoners everywhere. Luciano and Amelia were also in our hearts when this action was taken; your strength inspires ours.

War on prison society, brah.

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Seattle, WA: Noise Demo in Solidarity with Pelican Bay Prisoners and Youth Prisoners

from anarchist news:

On the night of July 2nd, in solidarity with the hunger strikers in Pelican Bay State Prison, CA, a group of roughly 30 people equipped with a mobile sound system met in front of the King County Juvenile Detention Center in the Central District of Seattle.

The police response to this demo was large, most likely due to the recent disturbances on Capitol Hill during the Pride weekend. Despite this, the group proceeded to blast music, bang on pots and pans, and make speeches through megaphones in front of the prison cells. At one point, every occupant in the cells along the southern end of the Detention Center was banging on the walls and windows of their cells, responding to the cheers and words from outside.

Instead of the normal oppressive routine of lights-out, the prisoners were able to spend the night acting wild, defying the terrified screws, and listening to the words of rebellion and freedom being blasted from outside. Once night had fallen, a large mortar firework was shot into the air, the green round exploding in the air over the Detention Center.

The event lasted for an hour and there were no arrests.

Towards the destruction of all prisons!

Solidarity with the Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers!

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Mexico: Claim of bombing of Santander Rio bank for Luciano

from viva la anarquia, translated by war on society:

mx mx

We receive and transmit. Communique:

The first day of this month, a piece of news shocked our consciences. A comrade thousands of miles away from where we are had been wounded in action; his name: Luciano Pitronello.

We know that he continues to be a warrior existing in the conditions that he is in; he who rejected the technology that all the sheep carried to fill even more the pockets of the telecommunications industry, who decided since adolescence to remain in conflict against all authority, who took his life as seemed right to him and as he pleased, he who did not limit himself to words and to curses against the social peace and who took in his hands the decision to make it explode at all costs.

With a fire extinguisher full of black powder you wanted to destroy once again the existing order, for some reason something went wrong and now you are held captive in a hospital with a future yet uncertain.

The press, the authorities and, even more, the Chilean society make fun of your condition, but there is a saying: He who laughs last laughs best. And we laughed to see the shattered bank in which we detonated an explosive charge of a little less than half a kilo of black powder consisting of two canisters of butane gas, a bottle of gasoline and tied tightly together with annealed wire, within the ATM area of the Santander bank in the bleak town of Tultitlan in the State of Mexico, yesterday June 29th.

The frontal structure of the Santander bank left completely torn off, broken windows and the place semi-burnt were our response, our laughter, our revenge, our singular weapon which we programmed and left in the bank which is called Direct Solidarity–like this, without pretexts, without intermediaries, without excuses.

The deafening sound of the explosion last night carried your voice, those of your friends, our voices and those of our unknown comrades in whatever parts of the world.

The inept police observed our action, the damages caused by our improvised explosive device, impotent as always to have not foreseen a similar blow to a bank that now has become a global objective since Tortuga was gravely wounded in the streets of Santiago, so in Chile, Argentina, and now Mexico we have attacked it.

Santander has no escape, because while as long as there are individuals who act in solidarity and arm themselves to take to the streets to illuminate them with fire or with the brilliance of broken glass in Santander’s branches, propaganda by the deed will continue to prevail, the authorities will continue to look at each other without knowing what to do in such situations, so even though we fall prisoner or dead, they cannot stop the war that they have started many centuries ago–to be precise, since the beginning of civilization and agriculture.

Tortuga, this was for you, you fucker!*
Direct solidarity with the anti-social prisoners of Greece, with the eco-anarchists of Switzerland, Mexico and the United States.
Chaos has returned for all those who thought that she was dead.

Against all domination,
Earth Liberation Front/International Network of Action and Solidarity Informal Anti-Civilization Group

* “fucker” as a term of endearment – transl.

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France: Action of solidarity with the insurgent people in Greece

from actforfreedomnow:

There are Indignants, there are also Insurgents

We claim the action against the Greek Consulate in Strasbourg in avenue des Vosges, that we covered with jets of red paint like the blood that flows from the State repression against the insurgent people in Greece, to whom we reaffirm our total, immediate and unconditional solidarity.

About a hundred fliers-communiques were left there with the following text:

In Greece as elsewhere, repressive State terror goes hand in hand with the predatory attacks of Capital.

To unemployment, precariousness, misery, daily survival, the Greek people are responding with self-reduction, “don’t pay” movement, occupations of public buildings, clashes with police, wildcat strikes, popular assemblies, solidarity self-organization.

The social revolt, popular and generalised, broke out this June 2011 with occupations of prefectures and municipalities, while the police of dominion proceeded with raids, arrests, assaults, lynchings, bloody repression in coordination with the fascist militias.

This revolt is also ours.

Resistance against this system of death and in ruins which wants to drag us into its downfall.

Here as everywhere,
may all power die,
vive l’insurrection!

Groupe Mary Read – July 1 2011.

translate by actforfreedomnow!

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Greece: Arson in Ate Bank in Votanikos area, Athens

from actforfreedomnow (6/26):

A homemade incendiary device made with camping-gas canisters was placed by unknown individuals just before 03:00am on Sunday in the entrance of the 5-storey building which also accommodates the subsidiary branch and offices of Ate Bank, on Spyros Patsis street, in Votanikos area.

The ATM, the interior of the building of the Bank and a parked motorcycle suffered serious damages from the explosion and the fire. At the spot were found two camping-gas canisters that had exploded and a glass bottle.

Responsibility claim for ATE bank in Votanikos:


Undeniably in a season of crisis, a phenomenon inherent WITH capitalism, we experience the collapsing of social promises, promises such as steady work, lavish lifestyle, etc., that every one was trained to want, and everyone settled accepted in order to compromise. This compromise initially promoted the gigantization of capital, using as a vaulting bar the overconsumption, and means of materialisation the loans and cards. This model however, as every other capitalistic model, failed.

Thus came the time of crisis!

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Washington, DC: Human Rights Campaign shop attacked

from anarchistnews:



The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gift shop in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC is a god awful monstrosity. We were in there yesterday and between wiping our genitals on the clothing and discovering that the snow globes wouldn’t properly fit up our bums, we got to thinking:

“This place would look great with a bit of shattered glass and splattered paint.”

So we strapped on our riot chaps, poured pink paint into light bulbs, grabbed hammers, and went party party party! all over that tacky testament to the transformation of radical queer liberation into consumer junk.

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Statement from 325: Anti-info / Subversive / Network

from 325:

June 29th, 2011

(a data network for direct action)

(a media framework for social war)

(the refusal of fixed territory)

” … So we went into creative obscurity in order to re-emerge more capable, more dangerous.”
Sect of Revolutionaries

325 24/7 newswire is slowing down considerably, but will remain open for online contributions from those in struggle through our contact page. 325 will continue to report important, unnoticed and marginalised resistance news that has not been published elsewhere. Our distro section will also continue to be slowly updated with a number of interesting classical releases and new publications.

This temporary hiatus is firstly due to the Autumnal release of 325 #9, the free yearly PDF download of the international magazine of social war and anarchy, which is printed hard-copy in numerous places by nameless revolutionaries world-wide. Our final deadline for contributions for 325 #9 is 23 July 2011. Secondly, this hiatus is generated by a period of organisational and methodological reflection and consolidation, as our decentralised network enters a new phase of subversive publishing and auto-production.

For continuous 24/7 resistance news, view the web-portals of our affinities projects, (actforfreedomnow, angry news, bite back, blackblog, contra-info, culmine, hommodolars, informa-azione, this is our job, war on society, viva la anarquia, etc).

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Argentina: Three arrested in Buenos Aires after attack on City Government headquarters

From Viva la Anarquía! (June 30, 2011) via mass media, translated by This Is Our Job:

Three masked suspects were arrested early Thursday morning on charges of damaging the Buenos Aires City Government headquarters at 1 Calle Bolivar.

At around 3 a.m., two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the building’s main entrance at 525 Avenida De Mayo, but only one of the devices exploded, further damaging a part of the building already under repair after being attacked during recent demonstrations against the Mauricio Macri administration.

The three male suspects were taken to the first precinct, where criminal proceedings were initiated against them. An investigation is currently underway.

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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: “The Sun Still Rises”

From Culmine (June 14, 2011) translated by This Is Our Job:

May 30 saw the publication of The Sun Still Rises, a pamphlet containing a complete chronology of Fire Cells Conspiracy attacks and the following new text by the group:

The Sun Still Rises

Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before

—The Interior of the Absolute

1. The Beginning

The Fire Cells Conspiracy revolutionary organization didn’t begin its activity from out of nowhere. It wasn’t as if a straight line had cut through space and time. It was a future crying out from the past. The Conspiracy comprised a collective synthesis, connecting the backgrounds and viewpoints of all who participated in it and drawing valuable conclusions from past experiences of subversive projects and attacks we took part in.

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Indonesia: Solidarity Molotov Attack against BNI Bank ATM in Bandung

325 receives and transmits:

30 June 2011

A significant molotov attack explodes the ATM BNI in Dipatiukur Street – Bandung. Perpetrators leaves message:

“The State and Capital is the real terrorist. Solidarity with Kulon Progo Peasant Struggle!”

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Fresno, CA: Communique for attack on Police Officer Association

from indybay:

Tonight a brick was thrown through the FPOA with a note attached reading “If over half of the City Budget goes to the police, that means that less than half is going to those they ‘serve and protect'”.

Jacky Parks said he would not accept a pay cut for the gang in blue unless the IPA was removed. Mr. Auberry is gone and Jacky is still being an a-hole and not conceding. It is ridiculous that FPD gets over half of the city funds. This clearly shows the police state that we live in and reminds us that we must fight back. While bricks through windows do little to stop these terrorists in our streets, we hope that it inspires further, more effective, actions in both ourselves and our comrades at large.

Dyer may be retiring, but we won’t be fooled. There will be a new face, but the same bullshit and corruption.

“a spark shall kindle the flame”

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