Chile: Solidarity with Luciano from Temuko

*, translated by war on society:

Today, one day after the accident of Luciano Pitronello and the foul media coverage, Today when the Peñi reach 80 days on liquid hunger Strike, today when the footprints of the “bombs case” frame-up still bleed, when wages do not stop decreasing in value and Education continues being used by the guardians of capital as a tool of indoctrination. We hood ourselves in Temuko and decide to break with everyday life, meeting in the street to demonstrate our discontent. Reclaiming the subversive struggle as a legitimate tool against capitalism and all its forms of oppression.

So, when spontaneity walks together with us and the image of Luciano is not left to be molested by the bourgeois press, a group of comrades decide to attack the main Santander Santiago located paradoxically across from the UFro library, inside of the university, not strangely. The arsenal included molotov cocktail, paint, and projectiles that broke the thieves’ image, reclaiming with each blow the destruction of capital and of all the institutions that crush the dignity of the oppressed, remembering the action of overcoming fear, which the comrade did on early Wednesday at the intersection of Victoria and Vicuña Mackena, which we pick up today as an example of struggle and consistency against Capital and all Authority.

Solidarity with Luciano, his family and all the brothers and sisters who make the attempt and will continue to do so against capitalism and the state.


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Bristol, UK: Iconoclastic attack on banks

From IMC UK:

Action against banks claimed in Solidarity with Stokes Croft rebels.

In the early hours of June 1st TWO banks on Gloucester Road in Bristol had the majority of their windows and ATMs smashed out with hammers. This was in despite of the still increasing number of high quality security cameras along that stretch of road and the surrounding area, and despite of the fact that those involved knew it was a well used police route. Bleached clean hammers were used to avoid finger prints and masks and all disposable clothes were used for the cameras.

This was done in the spirit of Bristol’s rebels. The Stokes Croft riot was not the result of, but related strongly to a campaign that had exhausted every possibility to stop the unwanted supermarket. The people took the only logical step that was left and in doing so empowered themselves beyond their own expectations. The joy on their faces was enough evidence of this. We believe this clear demonstration of self-management and spontaneous street level organisation was perhaps more of a threat to the police and current social system than the violence against them on those days of rage (although it is clear that one cannot be separated from the other).

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California: Pelican Bay SHU prisoners on hunger strike


Prisoners in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) at Pelican Bay State Prison (California) are going on an indefinite hunger strike as of July 1, 2011 to protest the cruel and inhumane conditions of their imprisonment.  The hunger strike was organized by prisoners in an unusual show of racial unity.  The hunger strikers developed five core demands.  Briefly they are:

1. Eliminate group punishments. Instead, practice individual accountability.
When an individual prisoner breaks a rule, the prison often punishes a whole group of prisoners of the same race.  This policy has been applied to keep prisoners in the SHU indefinitely and to make conditions increasingly harsh.

2. Abolish the debriefing policy and modify active/inactive gang status criteria.
Prisoners are accused of being active or inactive participants of prison gangs using false or highly dubious evidence, and are then sent to longterm isolation (SHU). They can escape these tortuous conditions only if they “debrief,” that is, provide information on gang activity. Debriefing produces false information (wrongly landing other prisoners in SHU, in an endless cycle) and can endanger the lives of debriefing prisoners and their families.

3. Comply with the recommendations of the US Commission on Safety and Abuse in Prisons (2006) regarding an end to longterm solitary confinement. This bipartisan commission specifically recommended to “make segregation a last resort” and “end conditions of isolation.”  Yet as of May 18, 2011, California kept 3,259 prisoners in SHUs and hundreds more in Administrative Segregation waiting for a SHU cell to open up.  Some prisoners have been kept in isolation for more than thirty years.

4. Provide adequate food. Prisoners report unsanitary conditions and small quantities of food that do not conform to prison regulations.  There is no accountability or independent quality control of meals.

5. Expand and provide constructive programs and privileges for indefinite SHU inmates. The hunger strikers are pressing for opportunities “to engage in self-help treatment, education, religious and other productive activities…”  Currently these opportunities are routinely denied, even if the prisoners want to pay for correspondence courses themselves.
Examples of privileges the prisoners want are: one phone call per week, and permission to have sweatsuits and watch caps. (Often warm clothing is denied, though the cells and exercise cage can be bitterly cold.)  All of the privileges mentioned in the demands are already allowed at other SuperMax prisons (in the federal prison system and other states).

For more information and continuing updates, visit

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Letter for Luciano (el tortu) from Mexico, x anonimx

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

1st of June: I found out about it this morning. It was as if a loved one, a friend, a brother or sister had passed. My chest weighed heavy upon me, a lump stuck in my throat and a desperation to know more details hovered over me. It is nothing uncommon for this to happen to me, because although I have not met you, I have never had dealings with you or ever imagined that you exist, I feel as though I have had a very strong bond with you. The first that I learn is that the explosion had wounded your body and your flesh flew through the skies contaminated by this megamachine of steel and concrete. The street was splattered in your blood, red and thick, that blood that burned to recover the wild. The kilo of black powder ignited your clothes and your skin confused itself with the fire, your eyes were instantly reaped, and what surprised you was that you withstood all of that; when the paramedics arrived you were still conscious, you preferred the pain that you know that such an action brings with it, rather than the easy hedonism of civilization. Continue reading

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Chile: Health update and communiques regarding comrade Luciano Tortuga

health update from liberacion total, translated by war on society:

Luciano was transferred yesterday, in life-threatening condition, from the Posta Central to Indisa Clinic, to the Critical Care Unit, where he remains under constant police surveillance. The comrade received the support of some people who came to the hospital before he was transferred, some shouting slogans and maintaining the climate of tension due to the presence of police.

Tortuga still remains in an induced coma and it has been his family that has specifically asked that no kind of information be released to the press.

The information about his health status is reserved, the clinic is forbidden to talk about it; we know that in addition to the amputation of his hands, they have conducted an exam on his corneas, which responded in a good way and would indicate that there might not be total loss of vision. In addition to the burns on his body and face, has serious burns to his lungs due to inhalation of hot air, compromising his respiratory paths.

Yesterday they found the motorcycle in which Luciano allegedly had reached the scene of action with another person to carry out the attack. It was transferred by GOPE (Police Special Operations Group), which are conducting operations.

While they try to link him with the comrades implicated in the bombs case, we note the desperation of the government in trying to get the most they can out of this. The press, as is always expected, has been given charge of publishing news with respect to the goal of starting to arm the territory. Tortuga is a person of ideas and conviction, not a link in his supposed association.

Solidarity with comrade Luciano

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Santiago, Chile: Comrade wounded by explosion of bomb at bank

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

This morning we woke up to tragic news for the anti-authoritarian and anarchist and revolution: Luciano Pitronella was wounded in the explosion of a bomb, which according to the media he was placing in a bank located at Victoria and  Vicuña Mackena in Santiago at around 2:25 in the morning today [June 1st]; this is causing a huge media frenzy as he would be the second person seriously affected by an explosive device, noting that it has been two years since comrade Mauricio Morales died, and also due to the present “bombs case” media frenzy, which at this very moment the prosecutor is linking him with; also it is known by very close sources (liberacion total) that the comrade belongs to the anti-system tendency; Luciano Pitronello Schuffenegeral also known as “the turtle” was transferred to the Public Assistance Emergency Hospital (Posta Central) and at this very moment according to the latest news of 1:30 pm would be in serious condition with perhaps total loss of vision, amputation of arms, and burns on his body and on his face; at this very moment he is struggling between life and death. From this space of diffusion [meaning the viva…! blog], greetings to the comrade’s loved ones and affinities, who must be finding themselves destroyed by this news, strength to them.

We hope to have news from that region to find out what Luciano’s condition is. Strength, Luciano!


sent as a comment: he was transferred to a clinic where he remains interned in the critical care unit for his serious condition, but the clinic has a ban on giving any information about his state of health.

they have the power to play with life and death, but the ideals are stronger than death……

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Greece: A few words from S.Tzifkas, G.Skouloudis, D.Dimtsiadis, B.Tsilianidis for Theofilos Mavropoulos


A few words from imprisoned Greek anarchist comrades S.Tzifkas, G.Skouloudis, D.Dimtsiadis, B.Tsilianidis for Theofilos Mavropoulos, who was shot and arrested by police after a shoot-out where another comrade managed to escape by stealing an empty policecar. Strength and courage to all those who fight and never give up. Long live the new generation of revolutionary urban guerrillas – Long live the insurrection. We will win…. Our day will come…

“ I know that there are endless shores and trees inside the sea.
And love is an important thing.
Only we had decided to change the world.
And this does not happen with the countryside. We had said this.
We searched to find weapons.
We knew that we all die, but there are deaths that burden because they choose the way.
And we decided:

This is a moment where no word can worthily frame an action. At least not from our mouths. Let us only be allowed to express a deep comrade appreciation, a warm revolutionary embrace, for the noble revolutionary with the wild dreams, Theofilos Mavropoulos who denied to surrender to the appetites of the state and to the alania [street kids trans.] that continue the journey they had begun with him.

Each drop of blood that is poured from the bodies of revolutionaries waters the flower of freedom in the desert of a slave world.

Strength to anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos.

Good continue to his comrades and and to those who every moment of their life are ready to give it ALL FOR THE STRUGGLE.

Socrates Tzifkas
Giannis Skouloudis
Dimitris Dimtsiadis

Babis Tsilianidis

News from our brothers-comrades Actforfreedomnow/BourbourAs.

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Argentina: Incendiary attack on Banco Galicia

from viva la anarquia, translated by war on society:

Because oppression exists everywhere and the key of money that they offer us only serves us to open the door that locks us in the capitalist commitments of an artificial life based in production and consumption of a world every day more prostituted to the business of power and ambition.

While a multitude was wandering in search of happiness by way of business offers of shitty food, alcoholic drinks, lights and noises, we left an incendiary device in the ATM section of the Banco Galicia at 7100 Rivadavia in Flores, and despite the fact that inside there one can find a person sleeping in a corner in the back of it, we left it anyway since we considered that the only thing that could happen was to cause fear and nothing more.

We dedicate this simple action to the revolutionaries who informally attack authority and make their life a constant war against all that imposes on them, beyond mere words.

Mauricio Morales Incendiary Cell

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New York: Action Against the Rapist Pigs of the NYPD

from anarchistnews:

Justice is Revenge…

On May 26th, NYPD officers Moreno and Mata were acquitted of raping a woman in her East Village apartment. The cops in this city have a long history of acting with total impunity while unleashing their brutality: rape, torture, and murder on the city all without any serious response from the rest of us. We are not naive enough to believe in the “justice” system that the police are a part of, and furthermore, we were not surprised that Moreno and Mata were acquitted despite overwhelming evidence of their guilt. We, however, were and still are filled with rage.

Inspired by both the rowdy end to Friday’s protest of the acquittals, which saw hundreds facing off against the police, briefly blocking the entrance to the Brooklyn bridge, and repeatedly pushing back police attempts to corral protesters onto the sidewalk; we are also extremely encouraged by anti-police actions in Seattle, Oakland, and Denver, and we decided it was time to push back.

Saturday night we converged on the intersection of Bowery and Houston street in Manhattan. The intersection was blocked and held for 15 minutes, fireworks were set off, and hundreds of fliers were thrown into the air while anti-police chants were screamed into the night and dozens more leaflets were distributed to motorists and passersby. Traffic came to a stop as Saturday night revelers gathered to observe the sight of masked people holding a major intersection. Posters bearing photos of Moreno and Mata with “NYPD Rapists” emblazoned on them were simultaneously wheat-pasted on walls throughout the area. Eventually, feeling that our point was made clear, we headed north up Bowery taking the entire street. At this point trash cans and other debris were thrown into the street. A garbage can was also sent through a plate glass window of a Chase Bank before the crowd quickly dispersed into the night. We encountered no police response to our actions and suffered no arrests.

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Belarus: Anarchists imprisoned for up to 8 years after repressive wave

from 325:

Belarusian anarchists sentenced – up to 8 years of hard regime, evidence lacking.

On the 27th of May, judge Zhanna Khvoynitskaya sentenced the Belarusian anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Maxim Vetkin and Yeveni Slivonchik. The young men were accused of a number of political actions, amongst which was the attack against the Russian embassy in Minsk in August of 2010.

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Santiago, Chile: Attack on Basilica de la Merced, 2 years after Mauri’s death

from santiasko anarquista:

This past Thursday, the 20th of May, with international solidarity for prisoners at war and  to also mark the second anniversary of Mauricio Morales’s death in action we decided to attack Basilica de la Merced (the first church built in Santiago and in Chile), a symbol of authority historically leaden with memory of those in power.

We took advantage of the manifestation against Hidroaysen happening at the same time, which, seeing as police repression was focused on the masses, made the moment more conducive than the originally planned time. Regrettably the device was discovered and deactivated before it detonated, so it did not come into the light of the public sphere, as mainstream media was focused on the riots near the capital and then the riots in Valparaiso the next day.

We intended to destroy the tombs of Horacio de Quiroz, Mateo de Toro, Zambrano, Ines de Suarez and the rest of the vile familiar vampires but did not complete our objective; though we still feel happy about seeing the caution induced by the thrill of an act that attacks they system’s logic on the submissive faces of the obedient guardians who uphold all of the disgusting social relationships that dominate the world.

Let them know that our minds are constantly seeking to subvert every form of domination and that we will envelop their peace in flames.

Anticlerical Cell Hortensia Quinio.

Note: Hortensia Quinio was an anarchist woman captured and tortured by the Chilean state during a repressive raid that hit Santiago during May, 1915. The Chilean state was looking for the those responsible for dynamite attacks against religious convents in the capital.

translated from:
Liberacion Total

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June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marie, Eric and Long-term Anarchist prisoners


Received from the USA collective June 11th Solidarity. In this time of ecological collapse and social repression let’s show solidarity with our prisoners of resistance, who have paid a high price for their ideals, as well as all those who deny to legitimate the demands of authority, – it’s time to attack again the concepts, symbols and structures of the cruel and exploitative capitalist system.

June 11th Reminder and Event Suggestions

May 27, 2011

The Day for Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners is now two weeks away. June 11th is an open invitation to demonstrate support for Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, who are each serving 20 years. This date provides an opportunity to build links of affinity and solidarity towards the destruction of the prisons and prison-society.

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Montreal, QC: Police cars attacked

from anarchistnews:

Montreal, Quebec. On the night of May 26, the cars in a police parking lot on rue Dollard were attacked with paint stripper. We refuse to be complacent in the misery around us. The police are an occupying army in our streets and any act to further remove them from our lives warms our hearts.

Much love to Theofilos Mavropoulos and prisoners everywhere, both inside and out, fighting for freedom.

Onward the struggle.
some anarchists

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Calgary, AB: Toilets sabotaged

from anarchistnews:

On may 24th, a group of anarchists set out to three locations: A Macdonalds, KFC and a Subway, and sabotaged their toilets using powdered concrete. Such actions are self-explanatory, we find ourselves at war with the existent social conditions, and surrounded by reactionaries and social conservatism, in a city that champions it’s colonial “wild west” past. On the other side, an army of boring NGO activists ready to stiffen the revolutionary spirit with countless meeting notes and idiotic slogans.

We refuse to be defeated and overwhelmed by this forces of social order, we refuse to succumb to boredom. This action was small, easy and can be reproduced a thousand times over.

-some anarchists.

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