Spain: For total Anarchy NOW

from a las barricadas, translated by war on society:

* some violent anti-social anti-system terrorists

For total Anarchy NOW

This writing surges from the indignation that causes us to see that the “real democracy now” movement presents itself as a true revolution, when what it really represents and defends is the continuation of the capitalist system, patched with some reforms that do nothing but give it legitimacy. The ideas reflected in the manifesto of this movement are summonings of politicians, demands for a system that works perfectly, for a democracy that allows for a channeled and controllable dissent, while not threatening its survival.

We DO NOT endorse the petition of the manifesto, since it is a vacuous discourse, an ambiguous one, and one that devalues ​​the real revolution.

We DO NOT recognize ourselves as citizens, DO NOT include ourselves in the “real democracy now” movement because we are against all power, even power emanating from the people. We are against social democracy, representability, and being servants of the system. We DO NOT want a world of happy consumption, of factories and exploitative companies.

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol demanding immediate release without charges

from Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

Update on Amelia Nicol
Prisoner from Anti-Police Terror March
Denver, CO

Amelia Nicol had her first court date on Monday May 16th in Denver County Court. At this court date, her lawyer made a formal appearance. Amelia declined to have her charges publicly read in court. But as of the date of this writing, the charges she is being held under continue to include several major felonies, including two counts of attempted murder of a police officer, a single count of pocession of an explosive device, a single count of arson, and criminal destruction of property.

The judge declined a any hearing on reducing her bond, instead scheduling bond arguments for June 9. Her bond remains at $50,000.

Denver Anarchist Black Cross has been in contact with Amelia. She has made it clear that she does not want to be bonded out, that she does not want the state or any associated body to profit from her imprisonment. She has but one clear demand: her immediate release without charge.

She has asked that any money being collected for support be directed to Denver ABC to help pay for phone calls and sending her stamps, envelopes, and paper. She does not want any more money placed in her commissary as she does not want to purchase any items from the jail. She does not want any more money being given to those that now hold her in a cage.

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Mexico: Communique for the bombing of BBVA-Bancomer branch

from culmine, translated by war on society:

* Insurrectional Anarchist Revolutionary Cell

The 23rd of May, at 2am, we set off an explosive device in the branch of BBVA-Bancomer located at Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza and Agua Caliente in the Iztacalda Delegación of Mexico City.

The target chosen is not accidental. This bank, Spanish in origin, is the second largest bank in Latin America and the first in management of pensions and securities. These are some of their “corporate responsibility” strategies: fomenting military conflict in the world by financing armament companies and armament trade, financing of cluster bombs (used by Gadafi to bombard Misrata in Libya), laundering drug trafficking money, financing of highly polluting projects (the Heavy Crude Pipeline (OCP) in Ecuador, Gasyrg pipeline in Bolivia, ENCE mega-papermill in Uruguay and financing of open-pit mining in Chile and Peru), financing of Repsol YPF and Iberdrola (which product energy in part from fossil fuels) contributing thus to CO2 emissions and climate change.

Although Mr. Mancera labors to disqualify this morning’s action, speaking of hooligan youth with their faces covered, through this communique we want to say that we have motives for attacking these symbols of capital. In the face of what we consider strategies of extermination, we will respond with fire until the last of these neocolonial companies disappears from this country and from the world.

We claim this action as a form of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades in Chile. With this action we also remember compañero Mauricio Morales who fell dead when an explosive device went off that was to be used against the School of the Gendarmería.

Solidarity knows no borders. Nor does insurrectional action.

For the destruction of the capitalist system

For the freedom of the 14 political prisoners of $hile

For the freedom of our imprisoned mexican comrades Adrián Magdaleno and Braulio Durán

For the freedom of our imprisoned comrades in Greece, Belarus and EU

In memory of Mauricio Morales and Patricia Heras

CRIA (Insurrectional Anarchist Revolutionary Cell)

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Mexico: Communique of actions for Mauri by Praxedis G. Guerrero Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution

from culmine, translated by war on society:

We claim ourselves the agents of the following attacks with explosives:

*The placement and detonation of the explosive device that blew up in the Santander [bank] at Tlalpan and Normandía streets, Mexico City.

*Explosive device against a Starbucks located on the commercial avenue  “Paseo de la Reforma,” Mexico City.

The morning of the 22nd of May of 2009, a warrior for freedom left us, but he will never be forgotten, he will live forever in the anti-authoritarian offensive, which is directed against the promoters of insane violence and of social control. Punk Mauri died in combat, struggling against the enemy, fighting for his ideas, despite what the enemies of our rebellion say, comrade Mauri died in the direct solidarity struggle with the comrades caged in the prisons of the state.

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Curicó, Chile: Claim of incendiary attacks

from culmine, translated by war on society:

We are a small stone of the mountain, a drop within the ocean, a sigh running through the wind, we are the minoritarian struggle, the despised, the dangerous, the reckless, those who love violence, those who make the fire to sing the insolent song of their dead…

The early morning of Saturday the 21st we made our approach to the PDI [investigative police] headquarters located on Rodríguez street in the heart of Curicó and we placed a fuse-lit incendiary device under a bus, at one of its wheels, located some 100 meters from the place; the truth is that it appears this set off an alarm, so that while we were quickly getting away we heard fire sirens approaching the place, and so we did not make sure after, the bus only suffered minor damage. Two days later, the morning of Monday the 23rd, we set fire to a barricade in the northeast sector of the city at the intersection of Av. Colon and Av. Balmaceda.

We wish to dedicate these fires to the memory of Punk Mauri, at two years since his parting, also we send strength to comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva recently repressed by his jailers, our minds and hearts are with you in these difficult moments, not forgetting the countless warriors imprisoned around the world, to Silvia, Costa and Billy in their hunger strike, to the latest hostages captured by the Greek dictatorship especially to Theofilos Mavromihalis, the comrade wounded by the police in a clash and likewise to the anonymous combatant who took flight, to the warriors who fill the $hilean dungeons, and to those who fly far away in their insurgent escape.




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Words from the prisons of Greece for Mauricio Morales

from actforfreedomnow:

Text for Mauricio Morales Duarte
from Giannis Skouloudis, Babis Tsilianidis, Socratis Tzifkas, Dimitris Dimtsiadis

Comrades, it was not only a moment. It did not pass and go. It was not forgotten. It left something behind. When refusals are transubstantiation into conscious choices and those in turn, into actions and the actions themselves into wild performances. Not into a fact with a beginning and an end neither into a tragic loss, but into a relay. A relay that with surplus courage will seek new revolutionary cycles, new bodies that turn disobedience into practice and are not charmed by fictitious lives, new paths that will sow the havoc and will carry out what we impatiently affix. Besides something always remains. They say that ideas are indelible. Here, and there and everywhere. Not only you, not only us, everyone. All and for always. We still have a long way in front of us.

Comrade, thousands of kilometres might interfere also a lot of seas might separate us. However in your thought we take strength and we are filled with courage because you fell for something much in common: for the destruction of this world.

Because the existing is ill and it has not been attacked by some illness that expanded inside… It got ill in its creation, besides on its own it polluted its creators with the virus of society, social evolution, imposition of totals on totals and individuals on individuals, of chain dominating relations.

This is why on your death we made our militant steps a continuity to yours, partial shots to the social creation. Until each one alone, and all together the comrades that passed and comrades that will come, shut with surplus satisfaction the eyes of their inanimate body.

This is why from another corner of the planet from some cells of Greece on such an evening with our minds on you before we sleep we embrace chaos.

The star of Mauri lights up the struggle

Giannis Skouloudis
Babis Tsilianidis
Socratis Tzifkas
Dimitris Dimtsiadis
Avlona prisons, Koridallos prisons
22nd of May 2011

Mauricio Morales Duarte 1982-2009

translate by boubourAs actforfreedomnow!

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Russia: Ministry of Interior and Police vehicles burned by Earth Liberation Front / Informal Anarchist Federation

from 325:

Excerpts from the claim of responsibility

“Around 1 am on May 18 in Ogibdd, Southern District of Moscow, we burned a Ford company car belonging to a police lieutenant. Night May 20 at the Metro Domodedovskaya we burned a Mercedes executive class with a Ministry of Interior pass under the windshield. In the first case, the car completely burnt out, in the second – the charred hood burnt up. The actions were done in a campaign of solidarity with the Greek comrades (11 May 2011 Athens police violently broke up a rally of strikers during a general strike) and Belarussian comrades (18 May a lawsuit against Belarussian anarchists).

… Police everywhere – Garbage is always rubbish. We remember all the humiliation and injustice that our comrades have experienced at the hands of police in Russia, Greece, Mexico, Belarus, Turkey and elsewhere. And if we have the opportunity to take revenge on the system of blood and tears of our comrades – We’ll gladly do it.

“… We are not in solidarity with the suffering of people, we are in solidarity with the energy and strength of those who do not tolerate their suffering … “ – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Being anarchists, we believe international solidarity is a key weapon in the arsenal of the revolutionary. But with whom solidarity and to whom, are the appeals of our comrades in Russia directed? We – the rebel anarchists, the nihilists, and anti-socialist biocentrics … We do not care for the proletariat when he goes to work … We reject attempts to turn ‘anarchist’ the extras from the Communist Party, and the similar “dinosaurs of the left flank.”

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Madrid, Spain: Incendiary attacks in memory of Mauricio Morales

from culmine, translated by war on society:

This morning we carried out two attacks with fire in memory of our brother; in the Carabanchel barrio fire was set to a van of the Cobra company (dedicated, among other things, to the destruction of the earth and to collaboration in the construction of prisons); moments later fire was set to the door of a church in the center of this necropolis called Madrid.

“To the dead they light not candles, but barricades.”

Like Mauri, we confront this wretched system, denying those who want to manage life, rejecting negotiation, consensus, and dialogue with those who want to proclaim themselves our representatives, rejecting democracy and attacking it wherever it is found, whatever it may be called. Those who suffer day to day the violence of the State and of capitalist relations in all their diverse forms cannot respect the pacifist citizenist proclamations; for us they are an insult, thus we opt for the attack, the revolt against all that dominates us, against the artificialization of our lives.

Patricia, Foundas, Mauri, Giuliani… are alive.
You are dead.

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Anarchist Analysis from Anti-Austerity Protests in Spain: Total Anarchy Now!




We are all violent, we are all “anti-system” (1)

The recent mobilization of young people that has spread all over the Spanish state in recent days has given a lot to talk about to.

Some of us had already being warning for a while about the need for a response to the attacks that have been taking place from the political-economic powers against ordinary people, young and old, workers, unemployed, students …

In order to do so we found our inspiration and references in countries like Greece or in the North of Africa.

The demonstrations have been covered by the mainstream mass media relentlessly insisting on their civic and peaceful character.There are also been criticicism to the attitude of “minority groups of agent provocateurs” or “anti-system”, which they say undermine the credibility of the demonstrators demands, as these maintained a confrontational attitude during the protests that went beyond the democratic margins promoted by the organisers (2).

The truth is that the fact that thousands of people take to the streets to shouting “we are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers” is pretty positive in itself.

However, there are a number of issues that overshadow the honesty of these demonstrations, especially in their attitude towards social movements that have already been established and have enjoyed certain presence on the streets for a pretty long ride.

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Greece: Letter from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to Theofilos Mavropoulos

from Culmine (May 21, 2011):

“I thought that if I ran as fast as I could, I would smash into the fence. And even if it didn’t break, I would have no regrets. Even if the pigs’ bullets halted my progress, even if the fabric of my coat got caught in the barbed wire and they arrested me, even if I took off my coat but didn’t manage to get through all the strands of barbed wire. And the barbed wire would split and rust, but the strands would remain. They would form an outline of me; a reminder that even today there are still people fighting for revolution; a living representation of someone who ran purposefully toward freedom instead of surrendering to the silence and resignation that typify our era; a pure image from the future, from a better world.”

Dedicated to the comrade wounded during the shootout with the pigs in Pefki.

From prison, with all our heart, we send you our total solidarity and support.

—Fire Cells Conspiracy Revolutionary Organization, 5/19/11

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Greece: Statement by Theofilos Mavropoulos’ comrades

from Culmine (May 21, 2011):

Our comrade, revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos, lies wounded in the hospital after an armed confrontation with the fucking Police pigs in the suburb of Pefki. There, together with another comrade, he chose the path of no surrender when a patrol car stopped to identify them. During the confrontation, two pigs were wounded, as was our comrade. Meanwhile, the other comrade who was there managed to escape by taking the police patrol car.

This is about an active member of the revolutionary anarchist movement, and we therefore call on every revolutionary anarchist, as well as everyone who sees themselves as part of a broad subversive milieu, to stand by him and take the initiative of action using whatever method you deem suitable and essential. Right now our brother is wounded and locked up in a room guarded by every species of pig. We think it’s of the utmost importance that a demonstration be held in front of the hospital where they’re keeping our wounded comrade, in order to thus break the condition of isolation imposed on him as a prisoner of the Antiterrorist maggots and other units that are “taking care” of him the only way they know how. Due to difficulties caused by the regime we live under, as well as conditions that determine our actions and movement, we unfortunately can’t be by our proud comrade’s side (in other words, in the hospital itself) to give him strength and courage from up close.

We must show the enemy that NOT A SINGLE COMRADE IS ALONE, that every arrest involving our comrades will be met with a response, that we will allow no comrade of ours to be devoured alive. Because comradeship and solidarity are not defined according to salaries and ranks. Instead, they form the basis of relationships we develop and propose in place of and in opposition to the rottenness of prevailing social relationships. We don’t view Theofilos’ arrest in the light of a “highly publicized” yet simultaneously vile logic of victimization that allows us to protest against the “bad” pigs who shot and wounded our comrade. In the light of such logic, solidarity loses its essential meaning. Our comrade’s defiant attitude and values clashed with resignation and surrender. He demonstrated that in this conflict, in this war, there are neither martyrs nor those who worship them. Rather, there are combatants who are ready for anything. May the riches he left us become the weapons in our hands.


P.S. We also want to send our comrade the most sincere thanks for the struggles we undertook together, for all the setbacks and mishaps we faced, for all the good times and all the bad times. Finally, we send him our more than sincere promises regarding the informal commitments we made, the unrealized dreams, and the hyperbole. It’s all or nothing. Brother, they might be able to change your living conditions right now, but they will never change your indomitable state of mind.

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Chile: Claim for barricades and attacks on police outside the University of Chile

from culmine, translated by war on society:

* communique from anonymous at war against the prison society

Sharpening our fangs to sink them into the throats of our enemies

On Tuesday, May 17, about ten comrades with our faces covered decided to launch an action of attack against the police forces. At around 1pm, we took the entrance of the philosophy faculty of the University of Chile (located in Grecia), erected barricades, and prepared molotov cocktails for attacking the police.

Once the repressive agents of the State arrived, they were received with bottles, paint bombs and molotovs.

The confrontations lasted approximately 30 minutes, without a single comrade being injured or captured by the lapdogs of power.

Nevertheless certain events occurred during the action that deserve emphasis. While the Minister of the Interior Hinzpeter reported that tear gas canisters would not be used by carabineros, these were indeed weapons of the police in this instance (used rather clumsily, it is worth noting). Not only did they resort to the use of tear gas, water and gas cannons, but also one officer who passed through the place drew his service weapon and threatened to kill a handful of comrades, although the threats did not proceed further. Also during the action, a patrolman of the PDI passed through the place and was attacked by the comrades with a molotov, which provoked the civil police, drawing their uzi submachine guns, although they withdrew them. On both occasions the police used their weapons for intimidation, but the comrades did not retreat and continued with the action.

Our withdrawal was undertaken in regard to the situation, namely the exhaustion of our offensive materials, and at no moment due to the clumsy actions of the police.

We wish to dedicate this action to our comrades of the “bombs case,” who fortunately left the prison behind and find themselves on “house arrest,” but we do not lower our guard and we advocate the proliferation of actions whether collective or individual in solidarity with them, since even the trial does not end.

We also want solidarity with the political prisoners of Asunción who are on hunger strike. Also to send strength to Silvia, Costa, Billy and Marco Camenish, who are on hunger strike until the 28th of this month, to the comrades imprisoned in Greece, to our green-and-black brothers in Mexico who are in prison, likewise to the clandestinxs and to those who continue to go on the attack.

At the same time, we declare that this action is in solidarity with our comrades who are underground, Diego Ríos and Gabriela Curilem. Those who do not desire to surrender themselves to the (in)justice of the State and, knowing the physical and emotional costs, take flight; to hush up their escape would be an act of cowardice, disloyalty, and a step back in positioning with respect to the social war.

With respect to the subject of HidroAysen, we announce our complete rejection of it, but also of all the reformist organizations that pretend to defend the earth but are not more than regulators in its destruction.

Our action is also framed within the anniversary of the unfortunate death of our brother Mauricio Morales, resulting from the unfortunate explosion of his explosive device. At two years since your death, you are not forgotten, those who carry the fire in the mind and the heart, the sword in the hand, do not idealize your death as heroic, or martyr, you were only a brother, and therefore one like us, who undertook the offensive.

Death to platformism!
For the “bombs case” frame-up to fall under its own weight!
Freedom to all of the political prisoners of the world!
Fire to the prison society!
Combatant Mauri, martyr never, present in every insurgent action!
For the complete destruction of civilization and total Animal and Earth liberation!

anonymous at war against the prison society.

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Greece: Urgent call for international solidarity!

from Eleftheriakoi (blog)


The purpose of this message is to inform you briefly about what is happening the last days in our country and to appeal an international call of solidarity to all anarchists worldwide.

Greece is at a critical turning point, and many critical changes are taking place in a societal as well as a political and economic level. The disintegration and dissolution of the dominant – until recently – model of power and exploitation is more than evident, so it defines what is commonly called ‘crisis.’ What we are experiencing now is the total failure of a system that is unable to secure any longer the social consensus, thereby is engaged in a frontal attack that is unconditional and with no pretext.

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Seattle, WA: Disruption in front of Goldman Sach’s in Solidarity with Greece

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Revolt burns in us on this day, Monday May 16th, because to live is to rebel. Thus, in the spirit of solidarity with those in struggle in Greece, we blocked a busy intersection in the business district of Seattle during rush hour with a banner that read: “Revolt burns in us. The time is now. From the first sparks, we are with you.”

This intersection is outside an office of Goldman Sachs, architects of the financial crisis that set the stage for the IMF takeover of Greece.

Hundreds of leaflets were afloat as the citizens gaped, open mouthed, but our actions are not for them.

This brief halt in the normal movement of the city traffic was a small gesture committed out of our hatred for this world.

The time is now.

From the first sparks of rebellion we conspire because the only reason to live is for a dream of what is not.

We are with you. Not out of pity or duty but because solidarity is our weapon.

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