Scott DeMuth transferred to Oklahoma

from Scott and Carrie Support:

We just got word that Scott’s been moved to a county jail in Oklahoma–for the moment.

They dragged him out of bed at 5:30 this morning (May 5), stuck him on a plane and flew him down there. They say he should be there anywhere from a day to three weeks, on his way to a minimum security facility in Michigan.

His new address is:

Scott DeMuth Reg # 11246-030
Grady County Detention Center
215 N 3rd St
Chickasha, OK 73018

It would be great if people could write to him soon, since he won’t have access to anything to read for a little while. At least for now, he doesn’t want any books sent his way as he doesn’t think he’ll have time to read them.

While he is allowed commissary, he’s not allowed to access it–any commissary he had in his account should transfer when he gets to the prison, but in the meantime, his mother will be purchasing his commissary items for him online.

Thanks so much for your ongoing support, and keep your eyes out for further updates! We will put out his new address and any other news just as soon as we know it.

In solidarity,
Scott and Carrie Support Committee

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Germany: Raid and seizures in the cell of Gabriel Pombo da Silva

from, translated by war on society:

In the cell of anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva in the Aachen prison, a raid was conducted. All of his CDs, DVDs and postcards with political slogans were taken away. Furthermore, they took his free weights (which were approved), as well as his typewriter.

In addition, personal photos were taken from him. Specific reasons were not given.
His lawyer has been informed.

Gabriel is very angry and would appreciate support.

Write to him:
Gabriel Pombo da Silva
JVA Aachen
Krefeld Str 251
52070 Aachen

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Spain: The death of Patricia Heras and some attacks in revenge

background from the 325, followed by communiques translated by War On Society:

Background: Barcelona / February 4 2006: There was a fight with the police outside a massive party in a squatted building (not run by people from the movement though) where some 1500 people were attending. In the confused events that followed a cop was hit by a potted plant thrown from a balcony causing him severe injuries that left him paraplegic. Importantly, the original police report that attributed the injuries of the cop to a potted plant has mysteriously vanished. The arrested and hunted of that moment were randomly taken from among passers-by; people leaving from the party, even a couple of young guys who happened to have the bad luck of having a motorbike accident driving through the area.. a well known and classic tale of police revenge… they were brutality beaten and fitted up.

The municipal police, instead of investigating properly, decided to blame this on the entire squatter movement- in conjunction with the municipal authorities and the media they intensified an existing campaign of media smears and violent repression. The story spouted by the authorities changed several times to fit the ‘facts’ as it suited them, the disgusting mayor of the city at the time self-importantly pontificating with lies. First they decided that the building in question was “related” somehow to the squatter movement, something everyone knows in the movement is false, then they changed the story of the potted plant for a stone, finally they accused this girl, Patricia Heras, of throwing not the stone but a mobile fence in the course of the confusing struggle.

She always denied it. She denied being there at all, she claimed to be a politically motivated scapegoat. She also denounced, like most others arrested in this confusing episode of likely political revenge, her torture while in detention.

She was sentenced to three years of prison. Being a free spirit, she could not put up with it and she killed herself before going to jail again.

There are many ways to kill:
they can stab you,
they can take your bread,
they can not cure your illness,
they can push you to suicide…

Bertolt Brecht

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A few words from the father of anarchist Giannis Skouloudis

from actforfreedomnow:

“(‘Terrorism’ as an act of innocence…) Since when are 20 year old kids called terrorists? To be baptized Christian at the age of 2 and a terrorist at 22, to be praised when you read non-school books and then have them used against you as probative evidence, to be made to wear white shirts in the parade and now white bulletproof vests in the courts…”. Think about that…

Its been 7 months since the day they arrested my son Giannis Skouloudis for the arson of vehicles of the D.E.I. (national electricity company). His claim of responsibility for this action brought as a result his imprisonment in the youth correctional prisons of Avlona as the state calls these modern hellholes of human souls.

Watching the war intensify all this time I felt the need to greet, wanting to give strength and courage to, all those who stood next to him, those who resist, fight and continue fighting inside and outside the walls against this rotten system that wants us all to be  slaves. Against the bending, ass-kissing and grabbing what you can. Against good manners, the myth of a set life and the modern way of life that as a supreme ideal sells quietness, order and safety.

From my position as a parent I am proud of my son and his attitude but also of all the other kids that fight for the freedom of thought and the individual.

And a few words for the parents. We brought our children into this world, we raised them and the time has come for us to let them lead us into the future. Lets not try to keep them tied up in the past any more. Lets stand next to them at the barricades and let us learn from them.

I send my solidarity to all political prisoners but also to all those outside the walls who continue to fight choosing the difficult path towards absolute freedom.

Giorgos Skouloudis

May 5th

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Notes On the Trial of Simos Seisidis

from anarchist news:

In the courtroom, a picture of a haloed Jesus hung above the five judges sitting behind the elevated bench. Two cameras hung above the judges, staring down at the spot where each witness would testify in front of a Bible. Simos Seisidis sat atop a little podium, surrounded by sub-machine gun wielding anti-terrorist police, one wearing a balaclava. He tapped his fingers against the desk he sat behind, played with a little a bottle, and knocked his microphone back and forth, generally looking bored, staring off into space. Rain was falling outside the courthouse as people began to testify on his behalf. This was to be the last day of the trial.

His mother told the court that her son was innocent and that, from a very young age, he had always been picked on by those with more power than him. A journalist told the court that Simos had been punished enough by having his foot stolen from him and that a concert organized on his behalf had drawn a wide variety of people from all classes in his support. While these testimonies went on, Simos smiled and joked with his friends in the court room who had not seen him in a long time.

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Seattle, WA: Chase Bank attacked on May Day (updated with communique)

Update: the following communique was released on

In the early hours of the morning on May 2nd, with the fire of past Maydays still rushing through our veins, we attacked an institution that perpetuates the isolation and alienation we feel in our daily lives. This was a small act in solidarity with the Asheville 11, the Haymarket anarchists, and all comrades in prison or facing repression around the globe. For all those who have not been tamed by the horrors of society. To greet fear with a warm embrace. May our memories become tinder for the fire that is to come.

A few anarchists

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Letter from Felipe Guerra

Some Ideas on Solidarity During Days of Hunger

I have always understood solidarity as a mutual relationship, reciprocal and disinterested, that erupts from the honest convictions of our rebellious will. This is how I have lived and developed in the street and is how I believe solidarity unfolds in a fertile form- we find ourselves where we find ourselves.

It is inside the necessity to act in solidarity that crucial moments exist, maybe the most extreme, when we prisoners use our bodies as trenches, in the development of judicial “codes,” sentences or offenses on the part of the jailers. But the challenge lies in understanding how to overcome and surpass the exclusive logic imposed by the rhythm of the judicial process in order to support each other. The imprisonment of any comrade is strong and constant motivation to not remain static or indifferent… this challenge continues to present itself and we call upon all of us to overcome it. The global reality of repression speaks to us in its unmistakable language: charges, bars, sentences, media condemnations, and judicial processes. In Mexico we find Abraham, Braulio, and Adrian Magdaleno, this last one was recently taken in retaliation; the comrades who remain behind bars in Swiss prisons; the different revolutionaries in Greece; members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire and those who find themselves accused under the same case, now faced with a trial against them, the sentence against of G. Dimitrakis, power’s morbid retaliation against Simos Seisidis and the rest of the prisoners who confront their incarceration with dignity; in France power does not let up in its reversal of roles to prolong the charges against Jean Marc Roullian and Georges Cipriani; the Italian state and its last repressive campaign against the anarchic eternity… and all of the prisoners from every part of the world who are not forgotten.

Neither in this part of the world can we let the reality of the remaining revolutionary prisoners scattered throughout the prisons of the Chilean democracy pass unnoticed: Patricio Gallardo, Alejandro Rodriguez, Alberto Olivarez, Sergio Vazquez, Claudio Melgarejo, Juan Aliste, Esteban Huiniguir, Marcelo Villaroel, Freddy Fuentevilla, Rodolfo Retamales, Francisco Solar, Felipe Guerra, Omar Hermosilla, Carlos Riveros, Camilo Perez, Andrea Urzua and Monica Caballero.

Behind bars the gestures of support arrive, possibly the only real nourishment in these days of prolonged fasting, from every corner of the world, the fliers, murals, demos, activities, banners, painted slogans, and fire speak a language understood without difficulty, which transcends all the security cameras just a heartbeat away.

But those of us held hostage by the state, write, talk, try to communicate, reflect, and with gestures of struggle and dignity we express ourselves, each from their particular standpoint.

A strong greeting to those who do not abandon us to forgetfulness, who do not leave us to be devoured by the prison and judicial machine, who view our imprisonment with the sincere optic of solidarity…because these are not only trials brought against concrete subjects but also against he same seed that questions authority and does not accept this world of exploitation constructed on its behalf.

At the end of the hunger strike April 2011

Felipe Guerra anti-authoritarian political prisoner

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A small contribution of the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about Solidarity

From Actforfreedomnow/Bourbouras:

Until the day comes we will remain with the head held high….

1. Solidarity is our weapon.

Many things have been written and said about solidarity. Usually when there have been so many discussions and so many texts have circulated on a matter, it ends up trite, predictable and without any particular interest. It seems as if its content has run out and it’s constantly being repeated.

We believe there are no trite practices, but trite ways of thinking. Particularly today, in the suspicious days we are living in, with the dozens of imprisoned urban guerrillas and anarchists, we should sharpen the blade of solidarity and remove it from its repeated stereotypes that confine us within the nefarious cycle of “freedom to whichever comrade”.

Because this way, names change, more are added while others are forgotten, and solidarity remains stagnant and often a privilege of friendly, personal and “public” relations.

However, the moment that the names of imprisoned fighters and their cases are browsed through incuriously like pages of an advertising brochure, authority will have won an important bet, the moral extermination of its political opponents. It will have achieved the installation of prison in us as a natural acceptance.

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UK: Fires set in attack at Probation unit in Bristol

from 325:

“last night we torched three big vans inside the “secured” compound of the probation office in saint pauls – just off stokes croft, bristol. we recognise the probation service as a soft-cog of the workings of the state. keeping tabs and tags on you, trying to make you calm down, when all within your vision and grasp reeks of the shit they would have us swallow. they don’t crack your skull or wear a padded uniform but they sure as hell sell you out as a living breathing human being, these robots of the courts should be treated with contempt at every chance.

the defenders of the existing order – and indeed its’ false critics – want stoke’s croft /saint pauls to return to the quasi-militarized surveyed “normality” of Capitalist Peace. for those who break with this cage and choose to start their battle for complete liberation here and now in their surroundings, who choose the fierce joy and sometimes overwhelming passion of a life striking against the tensions mediating their existence, this Peace can no longer exist. WE DO NOT WANT TO RETURN TO THEIR “NORMALITY”, NOR COULD WE WITHOUT FEELING THE WEIGHT IN OUR HEARTS OF THE LIE. as we have seen, this tension is not felt by us only…

in revenge and solidarity for all the arrested in the stoke’s croft riots and telepathic heights eviction, for the taunton squatters, for those raided in london, brighton, edinburgh, bologna… but mostly for ourselves.

we also send our warmest anarchist greetings to our unknown comrades in fire in nottingham, and welcome the recent attacks on banks in birmingham. we return the salute from the 1st may statement from linz.

until next time”

informal anarchists

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Italy: Repressive operation targeting anarchists in Florence

The following communiques from informa-azione concern the recent searches and arrests targeting 78 anarchists in Florence, 22 of whom are being charged with subversive association in relation to incitement of a whole series of crimes: numerous and repeated acts of damage, defacement and destruction to ATMs, video surveillance systems, party headquarters, trade unions, and other institutions; illegal occupations of properties; resisting, assaulting and insulting police officers; blockades interrupting road and railway traffic; and violence… roughly translated by War on Society (5/4/2011):

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St. Louis, MO: Communique from May Day march

At the end of show celebrating May Day a statement condemning the local business association’s attempt to target anarchists was read by Chewbacca, and a brief march occurred where a leaflet was handed out (see text of statement and leaflet below). Accompanying the march were roman candles, a noise cart and a banner with Calvin peeing on a security camera and reading “Happy May Day.” Though it was raining and only 30 people marched, spirits were high and the event was overall energizing.


Over the past decade more and more of a destructive element has moved into this neighborhood. They’re only a handful of individuals, but they impose their will on a neighborhood of 1000s. They live off of and exploit this neighborhood; making the most despicable alliances with politicians, police and media. At times some of them have gone so far as to refer to their intentions for the neighborhood in the racist and classist language of “weeding and seeding” it, that is to say kicking out people they see as undesirable and replacing them with proper residents. This same group – that allies itself with some of the most powerful organizations in St. Louis – will, at the slightest demonstration of someone standing up to their bullshit, play the victim.

As anarchists, we oppose anyone or any entity that’s based on the inherently exploitative relationship of boss/worker, landlord/occupant. We are against anyone who cares more about increasing the value of property than the people who live in it. Whether these dynamics play out at rent-a-center or any of the coffee shops and galleries along Cherokee St., we are against it and the people who profit from it.

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Barcelona, Spain: A Combative May Day Regained

Just a decade ago, Barcelona was one of just a couple cities in the world known for maintaining a riotous tradition of combative May Day protests, with a strong anarchist presence. In more recent years, however, the First of May has tended to be as peaceful as Christmas. The events organized by the anarchosyndicalists of the CNT and CGT were more like parades, while the other anarchists were largely trapped in a squatting movement that was losing its ability to take the streets. Already by 2007, anarchists were bemoaning the loss of this tradition and attempting to recover it, organizing a May Day black bloc demonstration that was completely shut down by the police. In 2009, evidently recognizing that it would take more than a single year to reverse their losses, anonymous anticapitalists throughout the city organized a week of sabotage and other actions leading up to May Day. On May Day of 2010, they symbolically squatted a luxury hotel. In 2011, they were ready to reclaim their holiday.

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Montreal, QC: Clashes at anti-capitalist May Day march

from sabotagemedia:

May Day in Montreal, after the mockery that was the march organized by the collaborationist major unions who led people to march in streets where they would not bother anyone to then end up in a secluded park, a protest worthy of its name was held downtown united under an anti-capitalist banner.

More than 1200 people, women, children, immigrants, workers, students, artists, took the main streets of downtown marching peacefully with a festive atmosphere in the direction of the Conservatives office of Westmount-Ville-Marie. The SSPVM very quickly tried to provoke the protesters with random arrests. A first attempt of arrest for no apparent reason was quickly pushed back with force by some brave freedom fighters.

Shortly after the Baby Bloc, composed of parents and children answering a call by La Pointe Libertaire, decided to seperate from the march since the police already clearly had demonstrated its violent intentions with the strong presence of riot-police (conveniently named by the fact that they start riots) and cavalry.

After 45 minutes of walking the protesters were greeted at the corner of René-Lévesque / Metcalfe by excessive police presence that was quick to charge into the demonstrators from various angles without any previous order to disperse and went ahead with brutal arrests showing once again the systematic social and racial profiling by the SSPVM and also showing us the fear of those from above in the face of the expression of freedom and resistance.

see also a communiqué by the CLAC (in french)

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Boston, MA: Pizza chain attacked for cheating workers

from anarchistnews:

Early on the morning of May Day, Boston anarchists smashed the windows on three Upper Crust Pizzerias. This chain was targeted because the owners of the chain have been making millions of dollars while exploiting their immigrant employees. This high end pizza chain has been caught:

-Underpaying workers for overtime,
-Paying Department of Labor ordered compensation for the owed backpay and then deducting it from the workers weekly paychecks,
– Importing and housing immigrants only to illegally exploit them for cheap labor

This action was done on the morning of May Day to both stand in solidarity with Upper Crust workers as well as celebrate the international day of worker and immigrant rights and struggles, which are still going on today.

This struggle is a result of the inherent oppression within the capitalist system and will not end until this system is dismantled and replaced.
We carry with us the memories of our martyrs.

No Borders
No Bosses
No Capitalism

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