Switzerland: Letter from Silvia, Costa, Billy, and Marco on hunger strike May 1 to 28

from culmine, translated by War on Society:

From May 1 to 28 we undertake a new hunger strike on relays of seven days each, as a new joint initiative to provide continuity for the links and relationships already intertwined with other strikes and many initiatives of solidarity and struggles outside of prison, and also in response to attempts by the Swiss Federal Prosecutor and by international repression to denigrate, isolate and stamp out the struggle.

Attempts that will always be in vain in the face of our determination not to break the thread that binds ourselves to you comrades outside but instead continue to weave together, as part of the revolutionary movement, the movement of Earth and Animal Liberation.

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Montreal, QC: Condo Projects Under Fire

Some context: In 2009, dozens of condos of three real estate projects under construction were burned down in Montreal. The police have no leads in the investigation.

from the bourgeois press (3/1/11):

It was a true Montreal moment.

A condo project in the city’s East end was defaced with the line, “I can’t pay rent,”  which was subsequently defaced by “101” – a reference to the province’s language laws.

I thought of that sign I spotted months ago, after learning that yet another mid-priced condo project went up in smoke this morning.

Fire hits the Dandurand St. development – photo: Phil Carpenter, Gazette

The fire hit a project that developer Idevco was transforming from an old body shop into a 12-unit condo building. I wrote about that project in 2010, when new condos – priced up to $300,000 – were being started in record numbers.

For sure, the cause of Tuesday’s fire is still unknown. But over the last two years it’s been clear that a growing number of these developments – especially in traditionally working class areas like Ahuntsic, Rosemont, and Hochelaga Maisonneuve – seem to be getting hit by arsonists.

A Hochelaga Maisonneuve project hit last year by arsonists left behind the message “brûle condo brûle.” At the time, people in the neighbourhood suspected that the arsonist opposed the gentrification of the area, as developers search for the remaining plots of cheap land in Montreal. With all the focus on development, there’s been little discussion of the impact new condos have had on renters in these areas.

Police have not said that any of these fires are connected.

But it makes me wonder whether today’s fire in Rosemont – followed by another blaze that torched a condo project in Ahuntsic – are the end result of a similar sentiment.

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Spain: Explosion at union headquarters in Ferrol

From This Is Our Job:

In the early hours of April 27, unknown people broke a window at the headquarters of the sell-out UGT (Union of Grotesque Traitors) in Ferrol, A Coruña province, leaving behind two incendiary devices whose detonation shattered several windows and caused a small fire in the reception area.

No one has thus far claimed responsibility, but everything points to the action being carried out in the context of rejecting the union mafia in the lead-up to the May 1 international day of labor struggle against oppression (camouflaged by a number of different names, forms, political systems, and structures) by bourgeois elites.

This isn’t the first action of its kind in Galicia, where sabotage against UGT and CCOO headquarters have become rather frequent since the resounding failure of the September 2010 strike.

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Letter from Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas

These words come the Greek prisons where the comrades Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, and Dimitris Fessas are held. These four went into hiding on October 13, 2010 when their friend and comrade Giannis Skouloudis was arrested red-handed arsoning a Greek Electricity Company vehicle and arrest warrants were issued for them. They carried out a string of attacks while underground and wrote under the name “Collaboration of Individuals for the Realizing of the Negative” before they were finally arrested on January 13, 2011. They published this letter on March 4th of the same year.

We are proud to reproduce today, May Day 2011, their March 4th letter in new and reworked form (with gratitude for the original boubouras translation). We consider it essential material for the anarchist revolutionary to study, digest, and debate, but most importantly, to translate into activity.


  1. October 13, 2010: A refusal to surrender and an all-in for freedom…
  2. January 13, 2011: The Royal Flush of the Greek Police
  3. The primarily individual revolution
  4. The Why
  5. Everyone has a responsibility
  6. From the me to the us
  7. We are the death rattle of this society
  8. The economic crisis: another opportunity of struggle, another opportunity to reveal meaningful judgment
  9. Intervention in partial struggles: terms, fermentation, “alliances”
  10. The contribution of anarchists in the intensification of social conflicts, their organization, and revolutionary potentiality….
  11. From the realization of the individual to its gigantic growth through collectivization
  12. The bet for the transition from the friend-group to the organized minority infrastructure
  13. The infrastructures of attack and the diffuse revolutionary guerrilla: myths, reality, and sycophancy
  14. The connection of revolutionary infrastructures; informal networks of coordinated action; the construction of the chaotic army
  15. Confinement does not mean defeat
  16. From the biggest loss, we have learned to gain everything
  17. Stubbornness – force – the total and whole continuity of the struggle
  18. The hostilities continue

Letter from Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas

March 4, 2011

This is why I want you, my lads, with sword, fire and rageful mouth to come out naked in the cities, as the viper goes through the gardens of barley with its proud eyes furious as the lightning streams through the youth.”

October 13, 2010: A refusal to surrender and an all-in for freedom…

An arson is carried out on a vehicle of DEI (national electrical company) in the center of Thessaloniki, where our brother and revolutionary anarchist Giannis Skouloudis is arrested. And 4 arrest warrants are issued for us based on the testimonies of cops.

The dilemma was short-lived and thus began the unfortunately brief journey of clandestinity (although brief, it included in the absolute degree the sweetness that the conscious decisions of life and their militant applications can give to those who ignite it). A journey that we consciously chose to lead us to new ruptures with the existent and to the unafraid followers of an orbit that the antiterrorist force and its judges had set. We had to survive, and in order to do that we stopped feeling like victims and prey, and instead anointed ourselves perpetrators and predators. Anyway, for us defeat was and is an unknown. We recouped therefore and decided: “Let’s go again, this time to the end.” We published the first pamphlet of the Collaboration of Individuals for the Realizing of the Negative, we read a lot, we learned more, we prepared with caution and care new grand and minor stormings of the heavens, we planned new hostilities with the state, its society, its values and its ethics.

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Olympia, WA: New City Hall Sabotaged

From Puget Sound Anarchists:

Sometime yesterday we entered the new city hall in Olympia Washington and damaged the plumbing in both the male and females bathroom with quickset cement. This action comes on the heels of May Day. A day where anarchists should be remembering the fight of all those who came before them, and we think this remembrance should come in the form of a continuation of the struggle. We must never forget all those who the state has stolen from us, and we must continue our attacks. We do these attacks because we are anarchists and we desire the immediate destruction of both the state and capital. This action done in solidarity with the five anarchists from the Haymarket riot whom the state either directly of indirectly executed. And all those who continue to wage war on all forms of domination.

Total Solidarity with the Haymarket Anarchists!

Kill Their Kings and Burn Their Kingdom


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Mexico: compañero Abraham Ramírez Vázquez released from prison after 6 years without trial

from Viva la Anarquia, translated by War on Society:

Compañeros and compañeras, with our hearts overflowing with much enthusiasm and joy we wish to communicate to you briefly that our compañero Abraham Ramírez Vásquez has been released into freedom. After 6 years and three months of being jailed, today we can say that it was not the State that freed him, it was the people and all the individuals and national and international organizations that with their solidarity achieved Abraham’s freedom.
Saturday April 30th, the compañero will be linked by telephone to the Anarchist Congress to acknowledge the solidarity.
That is all for now, we promise that tomorrow night we will be extending the good news. FREEDOM TO ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS!


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Poland: Action in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners especially in Greece and Chile

LUBLIN, POLAND – from actforfreedomnow:

Solidarność z chilijskimi anarchistami!

“It doesn’t matter that you ever reach the skyes.
The most important is that you never should stop dreaming about it.”

At night, 27.04, we carry out a small symbolic action of solidarity using paint bombs. We attacked the bank which is placed about 100 meters from police station. Through this action we want to express our Solidarity and respect to each anarchist political prisoner, especially in Greece and Chile. Those who hold heavy consequences of their own political choices with pride and honour and do not bend under prison repression. Those who probably suffer painful tension between their family life and way of rebellion which they decided to follow.

We also took this action to celebrate May Day, instead of powerless manifestations of our own weakness by marching in small groups of activists on Polish streets that day.

We refuse the realities of life in this country, where the gloomy patriotic-Catholic tradition teaches people to see enemies in another, neighboring nation instead of in the capitalist elites who rule everyday life. We don’t bother about catastrophe in Smolensk and the hysteria of masses who despair that they lost their lords.

Unemployment or work, which makes you unhappy – or even worse: you feel happy when you can pay rent, bills and food. Work-emigration of thousands young people who are forced to look for a way to survive, lack of money in the public sector and at the same moment government transfers money to the Polish Army which occupies the arab world (Iraq, Afghanistan) – this is really fucking catastrophe and misery of this system – the colorful, empty bubble. The existential emptiness, lack of generational identity and lack of life purpose are suppressed by alcohol, drugs, television celebrities and thoughtless fun.

We are opposed to the Wojtyla pope (so-called “John Poul II”) beatification which will take place on May 1st. This is attempt to steal this important date. Wojtyla, this guy with golden rings, helped to destroy revolutionary movement of liberation theology and he was doing this alongside of Latin American regimes. He was also silent on church pedophilia, blocked the reforms within catholic church and was a political friend of working class enemies like Reagan and Thatcher.

We wish more courage to the comrades who have a policeman inside their heads, which does not allow them to take radical actions, even when those do not mean serious risk.

We send greetings to our comrades from Silesia in Poland, who as a first in this country made a small Solidarity action with the Cells of Fire prisoners.




1st of May solidarity group

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Letter from Rami Syrianos

From Culmine (April 24, 2011) via This Is Our Job:

Last week, comrade Rami Syrianos—arrested in Thessaloniki on January 31 after a robbery at a public auction—released his first open letter.

Without a doubt, we are living through yet another period marked by the readjustment of this world’s living conditions. Capitalism’s gleaming shop window has been shattered to reveal what lies behind: a process of putrefaction and decadence. Democratic hopes and capitalist promises are quickly slipping away alongside the fictitious prosperity (through loans) of capitalism’s decades-old golden age. The “promised land”—complete with private swimming pool, two cars, and four televisions—has suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gray desert of depression, desperation, insecurity, and fear. Domination, showing suitable flexibility, is withdrawing toward a new kind of digitally programmed totalitarianism—entrenching among new police units, biometric databases, and an even newer, more elastic batch of “antiterrorist” laws—all in an attempt to steel itself against the enemy within, which is threatening the ever-so-fragile social peace. The “invisible” forced social labor camp has become a maximum-security prison, while the social cohesion built up over years is again changing the rules on which it was based and questioning access to wealth and consumption; questioning the promises and hopes of social ascent and recognition; questioning the role of wage-labor as a means to satisfy needs and desires, as a ticket to fulfillment in a world of consumerist dreams and sensations.

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Italy & Netherlands: Solidarity attacks for the anarchists arrested in Bologna

Rovereto, Italy – ‘Wind’ repeater mast set on fire in solidarity with those arrested in Bologna

informa-azione via angry news: 

local press 23/04/2011 – Anarchist writing on the wall, claim related to the arrests of Bologna
VOLANO (near Rovereto). “Repeaters: environmental and social harm. Solidarity with the comrades of Bologna.” The anarchist signature is written in black spray paint on the wall near the railway underpass. The Wind tower, which stands in the countryside of Volano was set on fire during the night. No witness, the area is isolated and uninhabited, especially in the middle of the night. The damage is beyond question, it remains to be discovered what fuel was used for priming.

Amsterdam – Fur shops and petrol pumps sabotaged in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Bologna

informa-azione via angry news: 

“on the night of Sunday to Monday a group of comrades sabotage 2 fur shops and a petrol station in Amsterdam .. the fur shop got damaged by breaking the windows and sending smoke bombs inside (ALF) and the other action was made by ELF sabotaging a petrol station in solidarity with the comrades of Bologna we will not stop until everyone is free


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Mexico: Explosive package sent to the head of the Division of Nanotechnology Engineering, Universidad Politécnica, Valle de Mexico (full translation)

from culmine, translated by War on Society:

communique from Individualists tending toward the wild…

If you think that I am a pessimist, then you have not understood anything

Nanotechnology is one of the many branches of the Domination System. In recent years there has been significant progress in American countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil and also Mexico, where there has been an accumulation of domestic and foreign capital for the creation of nano-scale technology.

Nanotechnology is the furthest advancement that may yet exist in the history of anthropocentric progress. It consists in the total study, the scrutiny into the manipulation and domination of all the smallest elements, invisible to human eyes. With this humans have managed to control everything, absolutely everything, from changes in the climate to the smallest atomic molecule. Civilization, aside from threatening our freedom as Individuals, the freedom of the Animals and of the Earth, now passes its threat even to the scale of less than a micrometer.

National institutions and corporations that conduct rigorous studies and research for the commercial development of Nano-bio-science are varied; they range from the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP) with the help of Pemex and CFE, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM), Universidad Iberoamericana, the Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (among others) with its Environmental Nanotechnology University Project; Glaxo SmithKline, Unilever, Syngenta, among others.

This type of technology is growing, the branches that it has encompassed can scarcely be counted (medicine, military, cosmetology, petrochemistry, nuclear, electro-informatics) but these are just the beginnings of what it can encompass. Before this growing “evolution,” there have been many grandiloquencies made to Nanotechnology, technologists have declared that it will be good for the environment, that it will solve the problem of contamination by means of nanocatalysts to clean the water and the air, they claim that it will bring an end to many diseases that for now are incurable or only treatable, they declare that there will be new applications that can be given to petroleum by-products to create new sources of energy, they declare that food will be more nutritious and infused with antibodies to make people stronger and healthier, in short, an innumerable list of “wonders” has been thought up by those who persist in nanometrically developing another “superior way of life.” Their promises resemble those they said at the beginnings of the industrial revolution. They said that we would live better, that they would solve the problems that were facing humanity in those years. What was the reality? This synthetic, dull, concrete and metal world. What can we expect from the new scientists who repeat the same promises?

But the side that the scientists do not show is that for now nanotechnology has tortured millions of animals kidnapped directly from the wilderness in their laboratories to test their new products, experiments so aberrant that we cannot imagine them.

World powers are getting ready for biochemical and nuclear wars. To finish completely with their politico-diplomatic enemies they have made available new technology with the ability to become intelligent and cause irreparable damage to the human body and the environment. Nanoparticles travel at a very high speed inside the body, they can invade the bloodstream and penetrate organs like the heart, liver, brain, spleen and lungs where they destroy cell membranes, where they can spray toxic material and create a reaction much more agonizing and lethal than nuclear contamination. These manipulated particles can be inhaled by humans, plants and animals alike, which would cause an ecological imbalance of large-scale concern, breathing will cause illness or death, there will be new allergies, outbreaks and plagues all with a diagnosis impossible to decipher, drug companies will make their grand entrance (creating accidents as they have done before) for the “welfare” of humanity, until all the available money they can take with their business runs out, and it is like this that the puzzle of Civilization is completed, it is in this way that the cycle never ends. Tomorrow we will live in a world already sick in itself because of technological advancement and the expansion of Civilization.

The nanomotors are now one of the newer developments, with these it is intended to give nanocyborgs life at low levels of energy consumption. With this, robotics and nanotechnology together have put on the table the creation of artificial intelligence (which many thought would be just science fiction), machines will be producing machines, self-repairing and self-replicating without a hitch. Total domination will have reached its peak when human clones are created, when they design through nanotechnology the totally manipulated model, without any Wild impulse or instinct, molded by repetition of daily submission, they will create this and more but the consequences will be high. The looming threat of an explosion of manufactured nanoparticle pollution blown into the air, water and land is very real if this technology continues. Chemical reactions will be serious tomorrow and the nanocatastrophe will be a daily reminder to humanity of what has been lost by trying to be more civilized and modern.

Undoubtedly, Civilization (a human invention) has taken over all aspects of non-life, has created this and more to the point that computerized biochemical weapons with intelligence-devices are already tested in the Middle East conflict, with an excellent pretext to seize the black gold (oil) from Arab nations.

Day by day, we see the eyes terrorized by the irresponsible attitude of humanity toward the wilderness, we realize that we live in a technological nightmare, birth-consumption-death is the torturous cycle within the cities, the last reserves of wild environment are converted into “protected ecological zones” and the destruction advances moment by moment, this can be seen in oil spills in the Amazon in South America and the Gulf of Mexico, in the radioactive water in the Sea of ​​Japan, the devastation of entire forests in Russia, the super-exploitation of minerals in Africa, the large-scale production of cars in Europe, the extinction of thousands of animals per year, the construction of super-highways, subways and residential complexes through rough woodland, technological progress is bringing an end to the world in which we subsist for now, which is always decaying.

In Mexico, as mentioned, nanoscale technology continues to grow, the government of the Mexican State wants to keep abreast of progress and modernity (also by the morbid and mediocre goal of reaching the national presidency) and therefore has built the Universidad Politécnica del Valle de Mexico, where the Nanotechnology degree is one of several courses complicit in technological development. The reasons to attack all types of growth in nanoscience are quite strong and therefore we have sent a parcel bomb to that institution on April 14th of this year, specifically to the head of the Engineering Division in Nanotechnology, Prof. Oscar Alberto Camacho Olguin. We have no hesitation in attacking those people who are key to the climax that technology wants to achieve. We prefer to see them dead or mutilated rather than continuing to contribute with their scientific knowledge to all this shit, to continue feeding the Domination System.

We do not see through the lens of “humanity,” (that huge and twisted mass of the disposed swarming every which way), we see through Wild Nature, and reason has led us to radical action, to make it clear, we will not shake their hands but will attack with all our means this imposed reality and those who support and defend it.

With this action we conducted, we have not struck powerfully at the Megamachine and we are aware that with this we have not changed anything (maybe the state or federal police now protect the University community, maybe nanotechnologists will realize that we see them as enemies, perhaps the State of Mexico will begin more in-depth investigations, but nothing more), and we say this because we know that all the efforts we make against the Techno-Industrial System are useless, we have seen the immensity of this great mass of metal and concrete, and we realized that all we ever do at one time or another will not stop progress and less so if there are still false-radicals and leftist struggles that aim at the destruction of a target, but have not yet noticed, have not viewed beyond, that all this does not do anything; some think that this is pessimistic, think that we have fallen into defeatism — but no, if we had fallen into these traps of civilization would not be making explosives for technology staff — we say this rather because it is the reality and the reality we know that hurts. What is needed to hit hard (within a Unabomberist idea) at the System? To put nano-bio-technology, telecommunication industry, electricity, computers, oil in our sights? And if we beat them unanimously with others in different countries, all that, what would happen? Would we deter anything? Civilization is collapsing and a new world will be born, through the efforts of anti-civilization warriors? Please! Let us see the truth, plant our feet on the ground and let leftism and illusions fly from our minds. The revolution has never existed, nor have revolutionaries; those who view themselves as “potential revolutionaries” and seek a “radical anti-technology shift” are truly being idealistic and irrational because none of that exists, in this dying world only Individual Autonomy exists and it is for this that we fight. And although all this is useless and futile, we prefer to be defeated in a war against total domination than to remain inert, waiting, passive, or as part of all this. We prefer to position ourselves on the side of Wild Fauna and Flora that remain. We prefer to return to nature, respect her absolutely, and abandon the cities to maintain our claims as Anti-civilization Warriors. We prefer to continue the War that we have declared years ago, knowing that we will lose, but promising ourselves that we will give our greatest effort.

Because although some elements within Civilization tell us that we have been domesticated for years biologically, we nevertheless continue to have Wild Instincts that we hurl in defense of the whole of which we are a part — the Earth.

This does not end here…

Total support with the Anti-civilization prisoners in Mexico, with the Chilean comrades and with the furious Italians and Swiss.

…I have lived my life without ever giving up and I enter into the shadows without complaints nor regrets…

Individualists tending toward the wild

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Letter from Nicu from Dozza Prison (Italy)

from informa-azione, translated by War on Society:

communique from prison from one of the anarchists arrested in Bologna on April 6th


We have never paid too much attention to the media lynching and police repression which for years has targeted the anarchists and visitors of the documentation center Fuoriluogo, not only because we know that anyone in Bologna fighting and opposing the injustices of this system undergoes the same treatment (daily control stops, wiretaps, searches and arrests), but also because despite a stick-in-the-wheels we have always preferred to continue on our way, with our initiatives and the libertarian spirit that animates us.

But sometimes enough is enough.

On April 6th, the police made an incredible start to a political and legal frame-up for the alleged crime of “criminal association with subversive purposes against the democratic order” against some thirty anarchist and non-anarchist frequenters of Fuoriluogo, on whom were imposed precautionary measures of various kinds: prison for five of them, considered as organizers and promoters of the phantom Association, and house arrests for another 7.

It is one of many frame-ups aimed to attack the most diverse forms of organization between individuals and therefore their social struggles.
It is a vile frame-up with which they try to tear away not only the spaces but also the energy of all those who express a real hostility toward the world.
It is a vile frame-up that shows once again the tendency of this society to build a system through which they want to demolish all the experiences of self-organization and self-management and also a future in which a workers’ strike may be considered subversive.

The political frame-up is not enough to place a leash on us or on social struggles. We will continue to say that the C.I.E. are concentration camps, the prisons are a tool of exploitation, the soldiers and the army are mercenaries and war is nothing but a criminal mode of taking other countries’ resources.

The passion that drives us is stronger than any authority. Strengthen the struggle and solidarity.
For Freedom,

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Mexico: communique for the C.U. street blockade

from culmine, translated by War on Society:

Yesterday during the night of April 26, 2011, a group of 10 insurgents took to the streets once again to fight and vindicate ourselves, disrupting order and the social peace that the social democracy of Marcelo Ebrad imposes on us. Around 9pm, we erected burning barricades in the busy commercial avenue “Insurgentes Sur” at the height of the C.U. metrobus station. Within minutes, we burned tires, broke molotov cocktails and unfurled banners in solidarity with Compañero Abraham Ramírez and the compañer@s-prisoners in Chile for the “Bombs” case. Then we disappeared but not before causing traffic chaos; by bad luck on our part, the police-enemy was late in arriving, but if they had arrived we had the full intention to deal with them with bursts of fire.

This small but humble and sincere sabotage of the normality imposed by capital we claim in solidarity with compañero Abraham Ramírez who has been detained in the dungeons of the Oaxacan state for 6 years without trial, without follow-up and, worse still, subject to the decisions and external fights among some support groups who disgracefully have seen him as an instrument of competition. Is this the kind of fight that benefits the compañero? Abraham needs support and sincere solidarity of all of us who vindicate ourselves for a free world; manifestations, blocks, blankets, cultural events… all is necessary. Abraham is held prisoner for many reasons including fighting for the autonomy of his people and for fighting for the defense of ecosystems in the face of ecocidal attacks by hoteliers and capitalists who only seek to profit at the cost of the exploitation of nature and humble people.

We Anarchist Revolutionaries cannot leave him alone in his daily struggle against the confinement and the abuses of power against the subjected, because since his arrival in prison he has done many things for the community that surrounds him, creating cooperative popular kitchens inside the prison, standing up every time any prisoner is abused or attacked, resisting the use of isolation, in sum, causing a headache to the prison society. Which for us is very important.

We also manifest against the assassination of compañero Javier Torres Cruz by paramilitaries in the service of the boss and drug trafficker Rogaciano Alba. Javier was a campesino ecologist-warrior who was frequently being harassed and threatened by the gunmen. Javier was part of the Organización Campesina Ecologista de la Sierra de Petatlán y Coyuca de Benítez (OCESP) Guerrero, which has for some years been dedicaded to the defense (with radical methods) of the forests and ecosystems of the cierra de Guerrero, equally against the attacks of warlords and drug traffickers backed by the government who violently take the forests, cut them down and make farms, to then sell the lumber to Canadian and North American lumber companies.

We are sick of all these abuses of power and we cannot continue to allow them to fight only with passive-pacifist methods; it is necessary to expand the social war on all fronts because for us solidarity also expresses itself in the daily conflict against the institutions of the state, the police, the businesses that destroy nature, and the means of communication based in commodity society. This will not be the last time we take to the streets; on other occasions we will come face to face, front to front, eye to eye with the enemy.

For the freedom of Abraham Ramírez Vázquez!!!
Against the assassination of Javier Torres Cruz!!!
In solidarity with our imprisoned Chilean Anarchist and anti-authoritarian compañer@s!!!
A Brotherly greeting to compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva!!!
For the multiplication of affinity groups and informal coordination!!
At every abuse of power… Fire in the streets!!!

Anarchist Individuals in Solidarity.

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UK: Anti-anarchist raids in London and Brighton

Update: All those arrested in south London and held at Harrow Road police station following this morning’s raids on a number of squats including the Ratstar have been released. Charges are related to unpaid electricity and “conspiracy to cause a nuisance”. The four people being held at Walworth Road police station will not be released tonight so there is a call out to turn up outside the cop station tomorrow morning at 8am in protest.
The Ratstar is still under siege while the electricity supply is being cut off.

lots more at actforfreedomnow.

from 325:

Metropolitan police have raided several squatted autonomous centres in London, in a media-spectacle in which the pigs promise more raids. The raids are apparently in connection with the 26 March TUC demo / Black Bloc and the pathetic Royal wedding this weekend which has been hyped up.

The Ratstar squat in South London was amongst those raided, as were 2 nearby squats. Also Offmarket squat in Hackney and Grow Heathrow squat were raided. Current reports are that 14 people are arrested so far. No one has been charged yet. The arrested are being held at Harrow Road Policestation.

On Wednesday March 27 police officers from the Metropolitan and Sussex police forces raided a squat in Brighton and arrested seven people. This was also allegedly connected with the TUC demo / Black Bloc.

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Denmark: Five comrades arrested for police academy arson attempt

cette semaine via angry news:

26/04/2011 – AFP – The Danish intelligence service (PET) announced today the arrest of four militants of the extreme left who had planned to set fire to a police academy.

The four, aged 19 to 23 years, were receiving attention from police for a long time for their arson attempts, according to PET.

They were arrested last night while they were inside a police school of Broedbyoester, a suburb of Copenhagen, with flares and Molotov cocktails.

These people are also suspected of an arson attempt against a bank in January.

“For PET, it is of people involved in extremist circles that are ready to use very violent methods,” said the head of PET, Jakob Scharf.

A young 21 year old woman was also arrested after the arrest of four people, according to Danish media.

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