UK: Class Terror – FAI claim responsibility for arson of vehicles of Lord Mayor and Tory Councillor

from IMC UK (11/7/11):

Claim of responsibility.

Geoff Gollop, Lord mayor of Bristol and Kevin Quartley, a Tory councillor had their cars torched outside their homes on November 7th.

This is the fire of the ghetto delivered to their door and a taste of what the right wing filth deserve. When the people lose their fear, the capitalists panic.

Get your hands off the students and workers demonstrations.

We can strike you any time we wish.

Class Terror/FAI

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Words of international solidarity with the CCF prisoners, from one of the accused in the “bombs case,” Chile

from culmine, translated by war on society:

From the distance, words arrive translated in the only language we all understand: that of the struggle for freedom. It does not transform any fear, person, name or sign into a fetish; in the anti-authoritarian language that possibility simply does not exist, much less those of leaders, professionals or authorities.

Today, for the moment, I no longer see the grey of the cement surrounding everything in those tombs, but that doesn’t mean that forgetting clouds my mind. The jails, the cells, the jailers and the prisoners remain there… some meters or kilometers away.

Because the prisons here may very much resemble those there, because the sound of the bars and locks must not be very different, however the internal conditions and regimens may vary, FIES (Spain), TIPO-F (Turkey), Maximum Security Units (Chile) share a common structure and objective. Without a doubt the oppressors learn from each other.

Solidarity between imprisoned comrades–between them through the cells, modules, prohibitions, prisons, borders–is the urgency unleashed by the daily and permanent repression.


Rarely do the hoods go up, rarely are barricades or confrontations seen like in the streets, riots are scarce (perhaps the most common confrontation is between the prisoners themselves, encouraged and welcomed by the guards).

The confrontation is routine, daily, minute by minute, the spaces and positions battle constantly, sometimes symbolically and other times in far too real of a way. To reject a prohibition, to break some disciplinary code, to keep communications out of the jailer’s sight, to maintain dignity in social relations. But this exercise of daily revolt, replete with dignity and rebellion that enriches the spirit, also carries a cost, the arrival of repression–threats, delays in opening the cells, hampering the receipt of letters, beatings, isolation, transfers, more threats, segregation, restrictions, prohibitions, or hardening of discipline–these are a small sample of the carceral terrorism.

In the prison, perhaps more explicitly than in the street, the attitudes of prisoners and jailers mark a confrontation of positions within the prison. To not try to improve them, to not try to obtain benefits, to travel by the road of rebellious dignity wherever we may be, to strive to be able to look in the mirror the next day and not see slaves, to not support nor bear domestication.

To the comrades who have managed to avoid this undesirable fate, to the fugitives who have had to choose on the basis of the judgments of power and the arrest warrants issued for them. Even when not passing through the gloomy halls of the prisons or the labyrinths of justice, your path is not exactly more comfortable, and it is to form among the gaze of possible informants, the suspicious passage of police patrols and the constant reinvention of oneself. Comrades of different places, familiar or not, in your path of the unknown, you are not alone.

International solidarity, interprison solidarity and the fluid communication of shouts between different regions across the length of the territories cannot wait for even one second.

Across the distance. Indifference will not be precisely the sensation that is felt during the rituals of punishment that the judicial power practices against those who oppose them. The trials are not mere procedures–in addition to being courts they are spaces where power lets itself be seen with brutality, where it founds and tries to validate and legitimate its order, its world. It is in these trials where, in addition to solidarity with those comrades who they seek to stone to death, it is possible to disseminate and project a complete critique of the fabric of justice, of the legitimacy of their order and the cruel arguments they use to defend their power. The brutality of your special treatment is fertile ground to expand the total critique of their world, it is a continual opportunity that we cannot let pass.

Imprisoned comrades of the CCF, scattered in the different prisons of the Greek territory, which try unsuccessfully to submit you to the carceral rhythm: Panagiotis Argyrou, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Gerasimos Tsakalo, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polydoros, Damianos Bolano, Haris Hadjimichelakis, Olga Oikonomidou — indomitable and insubordinate spirits will not appease themselves to a couple of bars, cameras and guards. Nor can their sacrificial rituals in the courts counter the struggle for freedom–even further, these intentions to punish justify once and a thousand times the reason to oppose their world. To each of you, a huge embrace full of strength for times to come.

In these lands, November 28th, 2011 will bring the political trial based on lies and inventions with the single end of criminalizing and imprisoning those who express our total rupture with their values and moral codes.

Political prisoners, prisoners of war, revolutionary prisoners… a strong, sincere and honest embrace to each of you–whatever our differences, the affection for captive revolutionaries remains immune.

With the steadfast memory of all who have fallen! Mauricio Morales, Claudia Lopez, Johnny Cariqueo, Lambros Foundas

 One of the accused for the “caso bombas”
awaiting trial.

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A flame of solidarity from the C.C.F. to the brothers and sisters in Chile

from actforfreedomnow:

When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of escape.

Armed with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, we give a warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with the comrades of action across the world.

Now we want our voice to reach our brothers and sister in distant Chile to Luciano (Tortuga) prosecuted on November 22 and to Monica, to Felipe, to Francisco, to Omar, and Carlos on November 28, because they are anarchists and enemies of power.

Of course we do not forget Marcelo, Freddy and Juan as their trial started on the 11th of this month.

Comrades, you are so far away and yet you feel so close.

It is the same rage we feel when we hit the state, the same contempt that we show for the silent compromised crowd, the same passion with which we are fighting for anarchy, the same hatred of the prisons that want to keep us hostage.

The Chilean State and the authorities of the states of the world must know that not one comrade will be left alone.

We exist everywhere, anarchists who act, for whom anarchy is not cheap ideological chatter but the only authentic way of life.

So, one thing is certain. We have not yet said our last word. We are starting an infinite insurrectionary journey, with the new nihilism and immediate action for the realization of anarchy as our compass. Our name is our soul named FAI / IRF. The Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front is the new Black International of Anarchists of Praxis.

We know that sometime we will meet in Athens, Santiago, in the here and now, always.

Until then, as our brothers from the Russian cell of the C.C.F. have written, “As we read the letters and news of imprisoned comrades, we feel with all our hearts hatred towards the status quo, impatience to create another world and the destruction of this one. Each letter of these texts flows through your veins like a river. Reaches into your heart and stays forever in your soul.

“And while our activity puts us in great danger, all the same we dream of the day we we will meet in a small farmhouse. We will drink tea we gathered with our own hands and we will share our plans with smiles …

“We will exchange tales of our adventures.

“And that day is not far away …”

Monica, Felipe, Francisco, Omar, Carlos, Luciano, Marcelo, Freddy, Juan, we raise our fist alongside you, shouting “SOLIDARITY” in the international language of anarchy. At the same time the other hand firmly holds the knife of nihilism to thrust it deep into the bowels of this world of power and subjugation.

Forever free
  Forever anarchists.

Long live the FAI / IRF


  The imprisoned members C.C.F.
                        And the anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos

PS. Not long ago in prison, Chilean comrade Cristobal Franke was attacked by a cowardly bullying prison guard. The guards wanted to take revenge because he didn’t  obey their orders and quipped in their faces with contempt. These cowards that lock our comrades in the prison cells, to be sure they will get the response they deserve. For each insult, for each punishment against anarchists of praxis who are prisoners of the state, any screw and his property will become a target, he is doomed to encounter our rage.

Translate by sysiphus/Actforfreedomnow!

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Seattle, WA: Communique claiming attack on Bank of America

from pugetsoundanarchists:

On the night of monday the 14th 9 windows of a bank of america where smashed out with rocks. This was a gesture of solidarity for our comrades in oakland and chapel hill. For an indefinite general strike, an occupation of territory and the permanent conflict with the existing order.

– some anarchists

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Mexico: An analysis of recent anti-tech attacks, after the murder of a biotechnologist

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Short circuits, robberies and accidents to cover up the truth…

On November 8th of this year, biotechnologist Ernesto Méndez Salinas, who works in the Biotechnology Institute at UNAM in the city of Cuernavaca in Morelos, was assassinated by a shot to the head.

The murder sparked the outrage of the Head of Studies, who declared himself in mourning for the death of the researcher.

The Attorney General (PGJ) of Morelos state confirmed the next day (November 9th) that the man assassinated in the middle of Tuesday night was a recognized and awarded researcher at UNAM, whose death had not yet been confirmed.

According to initial investigations, Méndez Salinas was traveling in a car Tuesday night on Av. Teopanzolco (one of the busiest in Cuernavaca) when he was overtaken by persons unknown who shot him in the head, causing the vehicle to crash.

Méndez, 51 years old, who belonged to the National System of Researchers (SIN), with degrees in chemistry, pharmacy and biology, was also a doctor in biotechnology since 1993 and had carried out studies at the University of Washington, in Saint Louis (Missouri, United States) in 1995; he was one of the most important researchers in the country with respect to biotechnology.

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Letter from insurrectionary anarchists in Russia to the imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

from blackblocg (edited slightly):

A society, which you find around yourself when you become a kind of conscious individual, should damage you by a great multitude of disgusting injustices which are inherent in its very structure. It appears in everything: social institutions, interpersonal mutual relations, imposed pseudo-values and even in patterns of thinking and feeling. All these yawning sores are poisoning every day of our existence. It seems this hidden bitterness and disappointment are the main reasons why an individual comes to an anarchist belief. The anarchist worldview is an attempt to abolish all the constructs which are built in a human world but are hostile to a very human nature. To abolish – and to create on the ruins a new society of freedom. The anarchist movement is a community of people who aim their thoughts and actions on realization of an idea of liberation.

As it has turned out, the last decades’ anarchist movement, despite all declarations, seems to abandon its main goal. Decadence, cynicism, passivity, doom and squabbles have been enthroned in our ranks. But the fresh wind has suddenly blown. Hearts that, disobedient to the mainstream, have refused to accept the despair of the modern world and of that “movement” which was supposed to change it. And that was the moment when there was born a mixed current which is marked as an insurrectionary anarchism.

In Russia, the insurrectionary anarchist tendency for the first time has declared itself a few years ago. An understanding of the hopelessness of previous anarchist tactics in social movements, the murders of our comrades by fascists with the connivance of the state, and, of course, the fires of the December uprising in Greece – that was the coincidence of circumstances that has enlightened the path of struggle which we confidently follow today.

We want to underline that for all imperfection of tactics (as though there are perfect tactics!) and all the mistakes that unavoidable on our way, an insurrectionary current has a great meaning for modern anarchism. This sense is not in “violence” about which the police, media and toy “revolutionaries” preach. This sense is in the rupture with the stinking ruling order. In the fighting enthusiasm of immediate revolution, when attack on the system and creating of the new are merging in the one whirlwind. No more do we want to put off our struggle and life. We live and fight today. And this is the only approach which makes a chance for victory. The breath of fresh air for the great idea which seemed was ready to fade away – that is the very meaning and merit of insurrectionary anarchism.

And it is completely not casual; world powers have put anarchists from “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” (CCF) in the same row with Islamites in lists of terrorists. Terrorism is a favorite bugbear of all bloody-dollar dictators. It is most likely that soon we will see anarchists as “public enemy number one”, because unlike religious fanatics, we have dared to challenge the root of present order – private property and social hierarchy.

Actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, as well as of many other comrades from Greece and worldwide, have always inspirited us and fulfilled us with the feeling of unity and hope for victory. So in spite of certain ideological differences (we don’t share the “nihilism” of CCF and, being insurrectionary anarcho-communists, we aspire to rise a people to rebellion) we express our solidarity with the imprisoned comrades and send them our warm revolutionary greetings. Freedom for all immediately!

We will win!

Long live anarchy!

BlackBlocg Collective, Russia

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Italy: Communique from Revolting Individualists for destruction of ATMs

from 325:

In the night of 9th November 2011, in Milano (Italy), we smashed 7 bank ATMs.

We decided to attack the banks as they are the symbolic institutions of money, the pillar of today’s alienated and false social relations (work/consume) and of the power relations between the dominant elites and the mass of the exploited.

Crisis or no crisis, it’s the same existence of any economic system that disgusts us, a system that we’re not interested in saving or reforming but only in destroying.

The executives of the financial institutions, closed in their offices, everyday move huge quantities of capital, in order to gain as much profit as possible, not caring about the devastating effects that the projects they finance (wars and weapons, highways, energy plants, high speed trains, security and social control systems and so on) have on entire territories and populations.

This action is dedicated to Luciano Tortuga, Chilean anarchist comrade wounded while he was attacking a bank in Santiago.

Solidarity is not only words! Complicity and solidarity to all the prisoners that resist, and to anybody who fights here as in Chile, Greece, Russia, Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, Spain, Sweden, USA and anywhere else… against any form of oppression!

Riot shouldn’t be just a day of temporary joy but a permanent life condition… to take our lives back in our hands… more attacks against the symbols of State and Capital!

Revolting Individualists

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Chapel Hill, NC: March against Police Violence and Call for Solidarity

from trianarchy:

On Saturday, November 12, following the Carrboro anarchist book fair, 50-75 people occupied a building that had sat empty for a decade. Participants distributed leaflets proposing that the space should be turned into a social center serving the community and offering a floor plan of what that could look like. A joyous show and dance party ensued, attended by 100 or more locals of many walks of life. While movies and footage from the Occupy Oakland protests were projected onto the walls, people set up a kitchen, a reading library, and sleeping areas. Two dozen people stayed overnight, while others sat up outside keeping watch.

The following afternoon, as people were cleaning up the building to prepare it for its new role, police brandishing assault rifles carried out a massive raid. Seven people were arrested and many more detained, including journalists and legal observers; officers pointed guns in their faces and forced them to lie on the ground. Several blocks of Franklin Street, Chapel Hill’s primary artery, were shut down for over an hour. In response, a large crowd gathered across the street chanting “Shame!”, “Chapel Hill to Seattle – Cairo to Greece – Say it loud! Say it proud! FUCK THE POLICE” and “Police, Police, the Army of the Rich!” The city bus requisitioned by police to hold protesters bore a Wells Fargo advertisement on the side.

Only a few hours later, a solidarity march of approximately 75 outraged people took the streets of downtown Chapel Hill, marching around the main thoroughfares of the city center. Chanting “Occupy Everything” and “We’ll Be Back,” they carried black flags and banners reading “Under Capitalism We’re All Under Gunpoint” and “Fight Back.” Some held signs proclaiming “Pigs Gonna Pay” and “All Cops Are Bastards.” The majority of the participants were dressed in black bloc attire; many supporters and curious passers-by followed behind.

The march was followed by a benefit show for the arrestees, attended by well over 100 people, at which Chapel Hill locals and visitors from around North Carolina expressed their passionate support for the those attacked by the police, for the occupation of the building, and for the worldwide movement against capitalism and police repression.

This immediate response to the police attack shows that people in North Carolina will not be intimidated by violent repression. Anarchists and other activists in Carrboro/Chapel Hill are calling for solidarity actions around the world to show that this movement will only grow stronger in response to attacks.

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Portland, OR: Anarchists Occupy Umpqua Bank With Rocks

communique from pugetsoundanarchists:

At 4:30 a.m. on November 14th, a group of anarchists broke out the windows of the Umpqua Bank at NE 18th and Alberta. Umpqua Bank tries to sell itself as “green” and a “community” bank, and we wanted to shatter that illusion.

Umpqua Bank has been known for financing timber giants all over Oregon that are responsible for the destruction of our precious temperate rainforests, and with them the possibility of a livable future.

Alberta Street has been incredibly gentrified in recent years, and Umpqua Bank is a big part of that. Forcing People of Color out of one of the few neighborhoods they were historically allowed to live in is racism, plain and simple.

We don’t care that Umpqua Bank is small or local – we don’t want a smaller, more local capitalism, we want a total destruction of the system that keeps us miserable.

We smashed out the windows in solidarity with everyone on the receiving end of the daily violence of the Portland Police, and with comrades who have been fucked over by the liberals/wannabe cops at Occupy Portland. You too can act on your desires!

Love and solidarity,
Some angry proles

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Letter from anarchist prisoners Eat and Billy of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – Indonesian FAI

November 13th, 2011

The anarchist prisoners Eat and Billy are imprisoned comrades of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section, who are currently in prison before trial, having taken responsibility for setting fire to a BRI ATM bank in Yogyakarta on 7th of October ’11, by causing an explosion. The action was declared in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga, injured anarchist combatant of Chile, with revolutionary prisoners and fighters in Indonesia and across the world, in complicity with the international clash with capitalism and heirarchy.

Despite isolated conditions and the inevitable harsh and endless interrogations, the comrades never co-operated or collaborated with the repressive apparatus, and the application of the anti-terrorist law has not diminished them. The repressive wave which the Indonesian State and the mainstream media initiated against not only them, but against also autonomous spaces and individuals, and which extends into the continued murderous practices it employs across the islands, has failed to obscure the evident : that the Indonesia State and the corporations operating there are exploiters and terrorists.

This open letter comes alongside a continued call for international solidarity with the environmental, indigenous and anti-capitalist/anti-state struggle in Indonesia, and the imprisoned comrades additionally wanted to focus attention on places like Wera (Bima) where the people are resisting an iron mine, and also the situation of renewed social war in West Papua, as the rebels and the students are escalating the conflict against the police, military and the mafia Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold Inc..

You can read a previous flyer (with multiple language translations from the excellent Greek anarchist anti-info collective Contra-Info) about the general case here (nb. there was another person arrested who was subsequently released), plus a solidarity booklet by Actforfreedom/Elephant Editions is here.

Soon there will be a bank account declared for financial aid, and a call for a specific date/period of international solidarity, so it is asked that comrades be aware of the matter. However, solidarity should never wait until the date of any upcoming trial or until any date imposed from above, Eat and Billy expect comrades to act as they have always done, with their hearts and generous warmth together in global struggle against State and Capital.

Dear comrades, with respect, love and rage

It’s been 35 days since we were caught and we are sorry for writing this letter too long as our only possible communication comes only from our friends and lovers who still have the courage to meet us here. Direct letters are impossible.

We’ve been waiting to hear some news from you all and like a strong warm breeze in this climate of repression, we once more regain back our energy and strength to hear the sound of revolutionary solidarity and a warm feeling of comradeship from all combatants and prisoners of freedom around the world – especially when we have the chance to read a newspaper about some recent insurrection in Rome, Italy, it gave us both a warm feeling that comrades are still fighting for a true revolutionary change… and the spirit of insurrectionalism is still in the air like a light of hope – in this dim atmosphere of cages of repression.

We send our hugs to all the FAI members around the world (those who are free and imprisoned) and as well CCF members in Greece, our true revolutionary and warm feelings to all of you..

On a sad note, we are truly disappointed that some our local comrades who are inspired by fear and media sensationalism which make them to retreat from the front line but let’s put this aside, as we are still convinced that they still have the ideas in their heart of resistance… that would light the darkness once more in the glimmering light of passion for rebellion.

Warm hugs and salute to all combatants in Chile, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Germany, and all of the revolutionary anarchists who never back down in the face of repression.

Revolutionary Greetings and Hugs to all of you.

Members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – Indonesian FAI



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Mexico: Claim of responsibility for two bombing attacks and contributions to the development of praxis against the industrial-technological system and civilization

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

Communique by Terrorist Cells for the Direct Attack – Anticivilization Faction:

September 2011. Mexico City

“The system is dedicated to fooling all aspiring revolutionaries and rebels. Its trick is so astute that, if it had consciously planned it, one would have to admire it for its almost mathematical elegance.”

First of all we would like to begin by pointing out something we believe to be of utmost importance. To begin we are not a formal and organized group, nor do we wish to call ourselves anarchists, vegans, environmentalists, nihilists, primitivists, or by any other ism, since to do so would be to fall into reductionism, to “attack” or to fancifully believe that we “attack the enemy,” but we would only focus on one reduced part of the problem, and thus would only satisfy our psychosocial-emotional necessities (as the leftists do in grand form), falling thus into the system’s game of irrationalism and in believing that we are standing against it, when the reality is much different and all we would be doing is fortifying the values of the industrial-technological system (ITS). But perhaps some will say “but direct action is reductionist since one only attacks a small part of the problem and thus does not attack all at once.” Our response to this is, of course, actions are greatly reductionist, for example: some individuals attack a biotechnology research center; in carrying out this action they are only focusing on that small center and thus cannot stop or change anything, perhaps only momentarily the center was attacked but nothing more, the other laboratories will continue operating as normal, perhaps with more caution and with greater security measures. Not even a large number of individuals spread all over the world in agreement to attack all the biotechnology laboratories would arrive at a real change since the industrial-technological system and all those who sustain it would search for a way to keep it alive without needing to use biotechnology as recourse for artificialization (remember that there now are endless technological ways to artificialize the wild). Thus we believe that actions are indeed reductionist in a certain way since they only focus on one small factor of the system; what we do not believe would be reductionist are the causes or arguments that are used to defend the action, so, we put forward the same example mentioned above, some will be able to argue that the action carried out against biotechnology is bad for human “health” (whatever that is) and because it threatens the life of animals and working in favor of the “powerful” with millions of pesos, dollars or euros–this argument would be falling into reductionism and irrationalism of two issues very well rooted in society since they only focus on some small, very reduced aspects, as “health” is, a very deteriorated idea in industrial societies since it only specifies individual and physical “health,” leaving aside the psychological and neural, and the “health” of the environment where we develop ourselves and one cannot be completely healthy living in a sick environment (artificial environment). Because it threatens animal life–here one would be falling into irrationalism because unconsciously one would be putting emotions ahead of reason, since one would be exalting this fear of death very well rooted in civilized societies, when the only thing that death is serving is an imminent process of self-regulation; and as for the latter, that of favoring some with money–this is the most serious problem of reductionism that the leftists have in making capitalism the principal and only problem out of all evils and believing that collectivizing the means of production would lead to a more comfortable life, leaving the real problem which is the industrial-technological system. To attack this (the industrial-technological system) or to make arguments against it is actually what we do not believe is reductionist since today the industrial-technological system and civilization are everywhere, and thus we consider these two as primary agents of the artificialization of non-artificial systems of self-regulation and of the domination of potentially free individuals. But why do we focus on these two and leave aside capitalism, questions of gender equality, minorities’ rights and similar aspects? This would not also be falling into reductionism? We will respond to the first question.

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Chile: FAI claims explosive attack on Banco Estado

from culmine, translated by war on society:


In the morning of November 9th, we attacked the BancoEstado branch at Avenida J.M. highway #9632, Santiago, Chile.

Armed with 2 canisters of butane gas and 2 liters of gasoline, motor oil, and a beautiful full moon of complicity, we placed it between the ATMs of the branch, lighting it directly there, with the only hope of turning to ash every last paper in those machines.

Strength to fugitive and locked-up comrades everywhere.



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Mexico: Strike after strike, a recount of Black September

from 325 (this text is about a month old but helps provide context for recent events in Mexico and the joint statement of insurrectional and eco-anarchist groups in Mexico, below):

On the first of September the press reported that a package containing explosive material had been found in scientific research laboratories within the School of Advanced Studies, Cuautitlán campus, in the State of Mexico, the school is owned by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Even then the threat was latent.

A few weeks before this action, newspapers read: UNAM to challenge anti-technology group, will continue with its Nano Science development. Obviously it was referring to Individuals tending towards the Wild (ITW) [Individualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje – ITS].

The ASE anti-explosives unit de-activated the package, which according to the University authorities was destined for a Professor of a Nano Technology branch. The indignation created was huge and ITW was successful in causing a blow to the two most important Universities in Mexico, the Tec de Monterrey (private) and the UNAM (public).

With this individual attack, although foiled, Black September would begin.

The Terrorist Cells for Direct Action- Anti-Civilisation Fraction (TSDD-ACF) claimed responsibility for the explosive attack against the National Institute of Ecology and for the placing of a false bomb with a message against the Bio-pharmaceutical IFaB on the 5th of September in the Coyoacán area in Mexico City, Federal District. These actions happened quite a while ago, with the former happening in April and the latter in December last year. In their communiqué, the TSDD-ACF made an extensive critique of reductionism and of civilisation itself.

These actions were hidden by the Mexico City government, even still, the attacks would continue.

The Animal Liberation Front claimed responsibility for actions in support of Tortuga from Chile on the 12th. A lizard and tortoises were freed, one KFC was vandalised, and another attacked with fire, and an attempted arson attack on an Ostrich Farm truck which was interrupted by a guard that ran after the compañer@s, without however being able to detain them as they sped off on their bikes in the municipality of Zumpango in Mexico State.

The next day, on the 13th, in Lomas de Chapultapec- one of the most ‘protected’ zones of Mexico City, an explosives device was detonated in front of a Banamex Bank, the press reported the event and in an interview the miserable police chief Miguel Ángles Mancera mentioned that the device had an electronic circuit with a clock as its detonator, which to him seemed strange seeing as very little devices used in Mexico City have been of such a composition. Technique, Mancera, technique!

On the 1th, the Autonomous Cells of the Immediate Revolution- Praxedis G. Guerrero (CARI-PGG) claimed responsibility for an explosive attack against a Mexico State police truck in the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl in Mexico State. That action was also hidden by the authorities.

For the 21st, Individuals tending towards the Wild claimed responsibility for the package that was found in the FES installations on the first of September and made themselves responsible for another explosive package that was addressed to the director of INIFAP in the Coyoacán area of Mexico City, this last action was also hidden.

In their long communiqué, ITW discussed diverse themes including leftism, the psychological consequences of living in civilisation, neurology, promiscuous or indiscriminate solidarity, and critiques of the Techno-Industrial society. Being a support for those who wish to abandon the traditional critiques of the system and further deepen them still.

Two days later on the 23rd, an explosive device was detonated at the offices of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in the Iztacalco area of Mexico City. The television news showed the video footage of a shadow suddenly appearing, leaving a bag in the doorway and leaving. A few minutes later, a large explosion was recorded.

The material damages were considerable and the deed was later claimed by the Autonomous Cells of the Immediate Revolution- Praxedis G. Guerrero.

On the 26th a text was published on diverse webpages signed by a number of Eco-Anarchist and Insurrectionary Action groups making a call-out to avoid participating in the October 2 March (a march which commemorates the hundreds of combatants massacred by the government in 1968 in the lead-up to the Olympic Games).

It had come to the attention of the compañer@s that the Mexico City government, feeling impotent at not having found anyone else to throw in their jails, had planned a wave of repression against the anarchist contingent (planned hand in hand with the Communists–evidently annoyed at losing the limelight and their ‘recruits’ to Anarchism. transl.) as it has attempted to do since the Black September of 2009 when there were a multiplication of action groups, mostly Eco-Anarchists groups, around the Mexican Republic.

In the text signed by the various groups, it was pointed out that there were other forms to fuel the conflict against the State other than a march that by merely attending it was like putting yourself in the wolf’s mouth. However, there were a few ‘masochistic’ groups (anarcho-“legalists”) that put out propaganda saying not to take the text into account and called for anarchists to participate in the march, perhaps so that they might have something to do afterwards when there were detentions, their substitutionary activity of anarchist activism that relies on the tradition of repression in demonstrations to be able to follow on with this artificial activity.

When the day of the 2nd of October arrived, with September having ended, the propaganda by the deed was accomplished and a few encapuchad@s (masked ones) went to the streets to march. According to the press and the authorities no one was detained, and there were no considerable incidents. However in the Tlatelolco metro station, from where the march would leave, the police confiscated gas masks, aerosols, glass bottles, poles and other objects from demonstrators. More than 4,000 police watched over the march, plus all of those infiltrated within the contingents, undercover cops and all of the cameras that were pointed at any sign of encapuchad@s. Well, there may not have been riots in Mexico City, but the same didn’t occur in the city of Chilpancingo in the state of Guerrerro, as various banks, shopping centres, businesses, traffic lights and vehicles were destroyed by young encapuchad@s, as were various convenience stores looted, more than thirty people being arrested during the riots. In other parts such as Oaxaca and Chiapas anarchist presence was also noted in the marches.

But the more notorious news item was the enormous fire that spread throughout the Wal-Mart supermarket on the 30th of September in the Cuauhtémoc area of Mexico City.

The fire was noticed around 5:30pm in the afternoon and the smoke was able to be seen from various parts throughout the Monster City. More than 3,000 people were evacuated from the shopping centre. At the same time in the city of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco another fire took place in a shopping centre (a coincidence? Don`t think so…). By the 3rd of October, the group Conspiracy Cells of Fire – Jalisco (Fraction of the FAI Mexico) claimed responsibility of being the authors of the fire in a communiqué published on various web-sites. Again, the miserable Mancera gave false declarations to cover up the truth, saying that the fire at the Wal-Mart had been caused by a short-circuit. This time, however, his strategy to hide the truth didn’t bear fruit at the press quickly published that the anarchist group had been responsible for the fire.

The CCF-J did not only claim responsibility for the fires at the Wal-Mart in Mexico City and that of the shopping centre in Guadalajara, but as well for another two arsons that were reported by the press and whose origins were still unknown (or hidden). One, which severely damaged a warehouse in the Coyoacán area on the 27th of September and the second on the 28th, which damaged the installations of the CONALEP (airport staff training school) in the Venustiano Carranza area, the fire was registered in the morning of that day and the students had to be evacuated.

In the middle of the night on the 3rd of October, a home-made bomb detonated within the ATM area of a Santander bank in the Tlalpan area of Mexico City. The explosion left severe material damage- windows shattered, the ceiling and roof fallen in, the ATM rendered useless as well as minor damage to the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases that was across the road from the bank. The authorities declared that it is very possible that the action was carried out by the anarchists. (The action was later claimed by the CARI-PGG. transl.).

All of these deeds reveal the potential of Anarchist, Eco-Anarchist and Anti-Civilisation action groups, the scene is evolutionary, and although the government hides the information, the flames do not burn out, they continue extending and are unstoppable.

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Mexico: Incendiary attacks against armored trucks in Mexico City

from culmine, translated by war on society (an accidental redundant translation; an alternative can be found at thisisourjob):


The news of anarchist warrior Luciano Pitronello’s fall in action thousands of miles away, the sentencing of comrade Tamara in Spain, and the isolation of our brother in struggle Gabriel Pombo da Silva and of our Greek comrades Argyrou Panagiotis, Nikolopoulos Mihalis, Nikolopoulos Giorgos, Tsakalos Gerasimos, Tsakalos Hristos, Polydoros Giorgos, Bolano Damianos, Hadzimihelakis Haris and Ikonomidou Olga of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, revived our insurrectionalist conscience.

We decided to raise ourselves to the call of the CCF and take to the streets to illuminate our struggle with fire, from the example of the imprisoned comrades who did not limit themselves to words and curses against social peace and took into their hands the decision to break the system of domination. Though we fall captive or dead, the anarchist struggle continues forward with new comrades.

The day of October 13, at 3am we attacked capital, burning Servicio Panamericano’s armored money transport trucks at Calle Olimpo and San Francisco in La Martinica colonia, destroying their dirty property.

Today, November 5th in the morning we returned to attack once again with anarchist fire, turning their filthy money into smoke in clear daylight, burning another armored money transport truck, this time owned by the company Grumer (Murcurio group) at Avenida Castorena in Jesus del Monte colonia in Culajimalpa delegacion in Mexico City, paralyzing their social Friday.

Surely the capitalist prosecutor Miguel Mancera, following the leftist strategy of the pederrista Marcelo Ebrad, will try to cover up the attacks and continue to lie in order to silence everything that indicates the insurrectional anarchist offensive in his guardian city, covering up information and distorting the facts so that all the anarchist attacks become INEXPLICABLE SHORT CIRCUITS.

Chaos has returned for all who thought she had died

Direct solidarity with our brother Gabriel Pombo!

Direct solidarity with warrior Tortuga!

Direct solidarity with comrade Tamara!

Direct solidarity with all anarchist prisoners in Mexico, Chile, Greece, Italy, the United States, Switzerland and the world!

Against all domination!

Fire and anarchy!

Insurrectional Cell – Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA) faction of the Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico (FAI-M).

Mexico, 5th November 2011

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