Argentina: Burning of bourgeois cars in Palermo

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

In the midst of comments around the arson of two cars in Palermo on Tuesday May 22nd, we make it known that “los trapitos” or “cuida-coches” [these are names for poor people who offer to look after the cars of people who are, for example, dining in a restaurant – transl] had nothing to do with this since it was an action of “los quema-coches” [the car-burners] or “the heirs to the molotov” as the bourgeois press like to say in reference to “Friends of the Earth.” Continue reading

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Freedom for Chris French statement & poster

Imagefrom freedomforchris:

Like thousands of others from around the country, Chris traveled to Chicago this May and attended the anti-NATO protests.

In a demonstration on Sunday evening, Chris was arrested along with several others in a barrage of police violence. In keeping with the precedent set leading up to and throughout the summit, the City of Chicago is using Chris’ political beliefs as an excuse to set his bail at $250,000. Continue reading

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Chile: Summary of the bombs case trial April 30 to May 18

from solidaridadporlxspresxs, transl waronsociety:

The defense lawyers begin their evidence.

Obviously more quickly and concisely, the experts and witnesses began to testify on behalf of the accused. In the first place there was the comrade Francisco Solar‘s defense, where they ended by discrediting the much feared and at the same time insignificant and imprecise “traces of explosive,” then came the comrade Mónica Caballero‘s defense bringing a resident of the squatted house la Crota denying all the fantasies that they said about “safe houses” or places strictly restricted for the fabrication and planning of explosive devices. Continue reading

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The Final Straw radio show May 27

from the final straw:

This week features a conversation with attorney, educator and trans activist, Dean Spade about his new book, “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the limits of law”, just out from South End Press. Normal Life is a finalist for the 2012 Lambda Literary Awards. Follow Mr. Spade’s writing at

Before hearing from Dean Spade, though, we hear from Bailey, who’s doing support for Christopher French, an Atlanta Anarchist who’s facing multiple felony charges and has to raise $25,000 to be bonded out in relation to the recent anti-NATO demonstrations in Chicago. More information about Christopher’s case can be found at: Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: We don’t give a fuck about the special law!

from sabotagemedia:

While since Friday, May 18 demos are held in several cities of the province, like Quebec City, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, in Montreal, tens of thousands of people are confronting the Police State defying the new “special law” Bill 78 which requires, among other things, that any gathering of 50 or more people to provide its trajectory to the cops 8h ahead and modifies it at their request with fines that can reach thousands of dollars. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Explosive attack at ATM of the “Great Military Barracks of Miraflores” (updated with video)

the place where the ATM was

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

Three years since punky Mauri’s death in combat…

Living memory was not born to serve as ink. Its vocation is more as catapult. It does not want to be a place of arrival but rather a port of embarking. It does not deny nostalgia but it prefers hope, its dangers, its stormy weather.”    Jean-Marc Rouillan

The irreducible desire for freedom brings us to persevere in the intransigent passion for destroying this society, in the obstinate path of those who refuse to consent and who fight in order to live, in the lively motivation of constructing in the everyday those utopias that have filled so many books; today that “we” does not recognize authority and fights the carceral norms, defies geographic and linguistic barriers, and expands and deepens around the world, today that “we” explodes always more charged with memory, since it has learned from errors, from small victories and from proud examples of courage. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Unrepentant combatants Eat & Billy sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious to celebrate their short sentence

from 325:

Click picture for video

To give energy, strength and share their laughter in the face of prison, with all the comrades-fighters around the world, the proud imprisoned members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious. The second phase of their trial is over and now, all they have to do, according to the fighters is “survive the prisons until they get out”, and Billy looks more healthy and strong. Continue reading

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Atlanta, GA: Communique for attack on Human Genetics Department

from anews:

Well that was easy. And fun.

We threw bricks through the windows of Emory’s Department of Human Genetics. Tucked away right next to the local grocery store. So many of these buildings of Capital, Science, and Finance sleep soundly in the beds of local strip malls and shopping centers. Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Brief update on the NATO 3

Brent Betterly, Jared Chase, and Brian Church of Florida — known as the NATO 3 — had a court hearing in Chicago on Tuesday, May 22. They have been held in isolation cells in Cook County Jail’s Cermak Hospital since their arrest one week ago, and are still being held in isolation without any contact with each other or anyone, without reading or writing material, with nothing but the blank walls of their holding cells. Continue reading

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Photos of the police informants “Moe” and “Gloves/Nadiya”

from occupychicago:

Chicago, IL— Occupy Chicago has obtained photographs of suspected police informants, who according to witnesses and arrestees were part of a law enforcement operation, which has resulted in the prosecution of 5 NATO protesters on terrorism-related charges. The city has yet to admit to using infiltrators in the Wednesday night raid on a Bridgeport home of activists, but both suspected police informants who go by the names of “Mo” and “Gloves” (aka “Nadiya”) were arrested with 9 others but then mysteriously disappeared. Mo and Gloves have not been seen since. Continue reading

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UK: May 22nd Group of the FAI claim responsibility for railway sabotage in Bristol

from indymedia:

The purpose of guerrilla attack is to spread the struggle into different territories and facets of life. Finance, judicial, communications, military and transport infastructure will continue to be targets of the new generation of urban low-intensity warfare
– the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) / International Revolutionary Front. Continue reading

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Words of the comrades of the CCF in memory of comrade Mauri

via culmine translated by Act for freedom now!/B.pd from Italian (via the Spanish version):

by the Cell of the imprisoned members of CCF/FAI/IRF

It is not easy to write about a comrade you never met. Since the day that the damned news came from distant Chile, we’ve been embittered. A comrade lost his life in the explosion of a bomb that he was carrying in order to place it in the academy of the gendarmerie. Continue reading

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Ecuador: Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals of FAI/IRF attacks Coca Cola bottling industry

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

I’d like to lay down in a soft bed, fragranced with roses…
“Watch out for thorns,” they tell me.
And what do I care? Given that thorns are not lacking in life,
I prefer those of roses that give so much joy along with the pain.

Today, Tuesday May 22nd 2012, at 3:00 AM we placed an explosive device which contained 3 sticks of dynamite in the electric energy source of one of the primary vertebrae of the capitalist system: the bottling industry of “Coca-Cola” located on Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Km 4.5 in the city of Guayaquil. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Wayward Noctilucae of the FAI/IRF claim explosive and incendiary attacks

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

Give in? Not even when — at the end of the road — without any way out for salvation,
I find myself up against the wall of death…”
Severino Di Giovanni.

We claim responsibility for the arson of an ATM of the Banco Union in the (smoky) area of Miraflores, by means of the placement of an incendiary device plus two liters of gasoline, which left the room unusable, and the placement of an explosive/incendiary device in the Central Office of Penitentiary Regime (prison guards) made of 3 butane/propane gas canisters plus a liter of gasoline, producing a fire and damages in the front of the institution. Continue reading

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