Current situations of captive anarchists Andrew Mickel and Casey Brezik, and some words in their defense

by War On Society

While updating the listing of anarchists imprisoned in North America on this site, we discover that Andrew Mickel, convicted in a claimed assassination of a police officer, is facing imminent execution at the hands of the state, and that Casey Brezik, accused in the attempted assassination of the governor of Missouri (and an attack on the college dean who tried to thwart him) has been condemned to indefinite captivity in a mental institution–one of the loopholes the state utilizes in its own laws to deny prisoners their supposed “rights” of trial and “due process.”

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In the social war, nothing and no one is forgotten.

“Likewise we steeped ourselves in La Sacco from the present and urgent necessity of remembering the comrades and experiences of struggle that preceded us, because we are, by our own will, people who continue their aspirations of freedom–the best way of remembering them being to keep forceful the combat against domination. Thus one makes memory into an offensive tool against the forgetting and the silencing that the enemy wants to impose in order to stop the continuity of our fight.”
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6 years of imprisonment – a letter from Jenny, partner of Eric McDavid

“I also know that it is our responsibility to remember. To remember why Eric was arrested in the first place – not because anything burned down or was damaged, but because he dared to think he could change things. And that he didn’t have to wait for permission from those who would never give it.”
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France: Some actions in early January 2012

Some briefs from France via social war site cette semaine.

Speed camera sabotage; Fire destroys boats; Impound company devastated by fire.
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Seattle, WA: Report from anti-police street demonstration

from pugetsoundanarchists:

On Saturday, January 14th, approximately one hundred people gathered at 23rd Avenue and Union in Seattle’s Central District. This corner was once the site of a police substation that was attacked numerous times until it ceased operation in mid 2011. We fondly remembered the last anarchist demonstration that had left from this point in 2010, on the night of the verdict against Oscar Grant’s murderer.

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Chile: Bombs Case trial update (January 2 to 13)

“The mass of uniformed witnesses, judicial officials, analysts who have paraded through the tribunal speak of the scary, frightening, dreaded, terrorizing, evil “anarcho-insurrectionalism” as one might speak of satanism, needless to say that none can speak specifically or definite it beyond a simple and stupid “they are those who want to destroy the State” even though within this characterization they are able to include literally whatever they want.”
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Toronto, ON: Mandy Hiscocks sentenced to 16 months; Mandy’s statement to the courts

from guelphabc:

On Friday (January) the 13th 2012, Mandy Hiscocks was sentenced to 20-24 month for 1 count of Counseling to Commit Mischief and Counseling to Obstruct Police. With 31 days in pretrial custody and harsh bail conditions taken into account, Mandy’s remaining time to serve is 16 months.

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Oakland, CA: Clashes occur during anti-police demonstration; 6 arrested

UPDATED with report from bay of rage:

An enormous banner reading “Occupy Oakland — Fuck the Police” was unfurled at the corner of 14th and Broadway, in preparation for the first of a weekly series of marches against the police and their repression against the Oakland Commune. From the hours of 7 to 9 pm on Saturday, January 11th, the crowd kept growing – notably different than many of the largely white, activist groups that have become so predominant in the Occupy movement. This had a completely different character: a rowdy, largely young group of people pissed off about the recent police repression. The police were taking this night more seriously than other demos – whether it was because the night was the 3rd anniversary of the Oscar Grant Rebellion or simply because they knew that the pigs’ current campaign of harrasment and arrests was fostering a culture of resistance and anger against them. All evening there were unmarked SUVs full of Oakland police cruising around the dowtown area, as well as sherriffs and motorcycle pigs hanging around the periphery of 14th and Broadway.

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Joint declaration of subversive and revolutionary prisoners in support of comrade Luciano Pitronello

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

This text was written before Luciano entered the health area of the Santiago 1 prison. Its delay in publication is due to the involvement of the different comrades imprisoned under the $hilean state, held in different prisons, so the dissemination and editing of this was made very difficult.

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Letter from Luciano Tortuga to the Indomitable hearts – 7 months since the attack failed

from liberaciontotal, translated with endless love and respect for Tortuga by war on society:

Note from the group of friends and lovers of Tortuga:

Publishing this letter, at this time, could mean hellish punishment for our cub, but the urgency to report from his wild sweetness what he feels and what motivate him is sufficient reason to understand his desires.

Let us appropriate his writings to ourselves. Let us recreate, like so many times, complicity with the persecuted and the incarcerated inside and outside of the damn prisons!!

Let us understand ourselves by simply looking at ourselves and recognizing ourselves: We are anarchists, insurgents, informals, nihilists, enemies of all authority. Of all fucking authority.

Because we do not have time to rest while they prevent us from feeling ourselves free.

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Coalinga, CA: Claim of responsibility for arson of 14 cattle trucks

anonymous communique from bite back:

at about 3:40 am on sunday, january 8th, 14 cattle trucks caught fire at the harris feeding company in coalinga, ca [near Fresno]. containers of accelerant were placed beneath a row of 14 trucks with 4 digital timers used to light 4 of the containers and kerosene-soaked rope carrying the fire to the other 10 (a tactic adapted from Home Alone 2 [if you’re going to try this make sure to use kerosene, gasoline dries too quickly]). we weren’t sure how well this was going to work, so we waited until there was news reports before writing this. we were extremely pleased to see that all 14 trucks ‘were a total loss’ with some being ‘completely melted to the ground.’

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Communique from Gonzalo Zapata and Cristobal Franke

from lt, translated by war on society:

Again the bars, the walls, the cameras and those uniformed pieces of meat.

We return to the physical space in which we spend several months, and which even if it were years would still be foreign. The trials and the prison are tools of the enemy to punish, but we do not ever accustom ourselves to captivity, we never recognize their justice and we make every day a constant struggle for our convictions.

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Chile: Protests outside USACH and arson in SII office

from the press, translated by war on society:

Last night, Friday, a group of hooded individuals erected barricades in front of the University of Santiago (USACH), in the Central Station neighborhood, throwing molotov bombs at the police who tried to disperse them.

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The Telescope or the Kaleidoscope: A Critique of the ELF

(a critical individual’s proposal for a diffused offensive attack)

“Our lives are at stake and we will not renounce any weapon that we can use as our own.”
– Anonymous

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