Russia: Arson of local police station in Moscow

from blackblocg:

June 23, 2011 in the night we have attacked a local police station placed on the Kantemirovskaya street, 12 in Moscow. We smashed windows by armature and then threw six 1-liter bottles in.

We have taken this action in solidarity with the antifascists of city Nizhniy Novgorod, which now stay under repressions and false charges from Russian political police called “Center to counter extremism”. More info about this case:

We send our heartfelt greetings to all who has already started to act!


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France: A small action in solidarity with anarchist Amelia Nicol, incarcerated in the USA

from non-fides, translated by war on society (we have not translated the text of the leaflet except the closing slogans; follow the link to non-fides for the rest, in French. At the time of this action, word of Amelia’s release from jail had apparently not reached the comrades in France. Amelia is still facing serious charges, see Denver ABC blog for more info):

From Paris to Denver, freedom for all the prisoners of the social war!

Monday, June 27th, 2011, in Paris, in solidarity with anarchist Amelia Nicol, incarcerated in Denver (USA) since May 6th, 2011 and not released, we placed ourselves outside the entrance of a “KFC” restaurant on Ménilmontant (XX district) as well as at the metro entrance, to distribute the following leaflet and to provoke some discussions about the police here and elsewhere who kill, imprison, and torture day after day. Sometime later, we hung a giant banner on the gates of the Belleville metro plaza on which was written “France, USA, Greece, Italy… Everywhere! Freedom for all the prisoners of the social war.” This mini-action is a belated contribution to the international day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners. We dedicate this action in particular to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and Walter Bond, all persecuted by the “green scare” in the United States.

leaflet distributed:

[background on Amelia’s case omitted by this translator]

Solidarity without borders with Amelia!

From Paris to Denver, freedom for all the prisoners of the social war!

No justice, no peace, no prison, no police.

Some anarchists, in solidarity.
May 2011.

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Seattle, WA: Wild Street Party: Queers Fucking Queers

Last night (6/25/11), some queer hooligans had the audacity to take the streets for the third year in a row. It was a smashing time!

Queers Fucking Queers, a free, all-ages street party, erupted on the corner of 12th and Madison at midnight last night. The party quickly breached the confines of what’s tame and legal during Pride weekend when somebody smashed the window of a Ferrari dealership near the meeting point. Then the homo hoards charged down Pike, the windows of two cop cars left shattered in their wake. Rainbow flags became weapons as the queers raged on down Broadway, the cops sniffing along after like rabid dogs on the prowl. But these fascist prudes were too slow to protect a Bank of America ATM and American Apparel from this hot mob of style vandals. The hood of a cop car briefly transformed into a dance floor, and queers fought the cops in the streets. One person was hauled off to jail for “pedestrian interference”, but others fought off the pigs and escaped their nightsticks with the help of friends.

It’s all too clear that those of us who refuse to press our lives into their pretty little boxes quickly end up in the ugly little boxes of the King County Jail.

Leaflet distributed during the event. The text is as follows:

NO HOMONATIONALISM, NO HOMOMILITARISM, NO ASSIMILATION We’re all being told that marriage equality and the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is progress, and that the LGBT community is moving towards equality. But is it really progress? And is equality really what we need? Some of us queers say no. We’re not interested in buying into State-sanctioned monogamy. This is nothing less than assimilation into straight society, the same society that enacts violence against queer people every day. This is sold to us as equality, but what does that mean? It means becoming acceptably heteronormative, begging for tolerance from the same people who have criminalized, marginalized, and murdered us throughout history. We’re not interested in enlisting in the military so that we can kill, be killed, or both, for US imperialism. Whether its queer people dying in the streets (or prisons or the medical system), or queer people dying in combat overseas, it seems that the system loves to see dead queers. Why should queer people fight for a country that brings both structural and interpersonal violence against us? What loyalty do queers have to people who want them dead? They tell us to celebrate Pride because of how much progress we’ve made towards equality. We reject the idea that marriage equality or military service is progress, and we reject the goal of equality. We want an end to the system that keeps so many of us in poverty, facing violence every day. We will not fight for them; we will not fuck like them. And we certainly don’t buy into a sanitized, corporate version of Pride. Our desires and relationships will never fit into the categories the State recognizes. Our interests will never align with the interests of heteronormative, capitalist society. We will not join the march towards assimilation. We will not see queer history erased to promote whitewashed, upper-class causes. This society seeks to alienate us and control our desires, bodies, and relationships. We stand in conflict with all who maintain this alienation, and especially those who do so waving a rainbow flag.

-some queer hooligans

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Words from prisoner of war Walter Bond: “Resist to Exist”

Resist to Exist

By Walter Bond

I am an anarchist.

I’m not the politically-correct hipster anarchist.

I am not the rhetorical anarchist either.

Reading dry accounts of the various factions of anarchism has never held much interest for me. I am an insurgent, an opposser. Why? Because I was born that way. When I was in kindergarten my teacher, Ms. Whirly, had a parent/teacher conference with my mom. I remember her saying something about me being a very bright young man but that I had serious problems with authority and one day it would get me in a lot of trouble. I do, and it did.

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Urgent call for solidarity actions: July 1st Prisoner Hunger Strike begins at Pelican Bay, CA

Dear Friends and Comrades,

On July 1st, 50-100 prisoners at Pelican Bay State Prison in Northern California will begin an indefinite hunger strike to protest the tortuous and inhumane conditions of their imprisonment. Pelican Bay is notorious for its repressive methods of solitary confinement (like the SHU, i.e. Security Housing Unit). The CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation prides itself on Pelican Bay being “the end of the line,” and is part of a continuation since the 1960’s of prisons using solitary confinement as a main tactic to crush rebellion and resistance.

As anti-authoritarians and anarchists, this is a crucial moment to show our solidarity with those on the inside who are ready to die in their fight for dignity and the most basic necessities of life that the state continues to deny. This will be the third major hunger strike in a US prison in the past year and those of us fighting on the outside need to make a visible show of support for this wave of prisoner-led organizing.

“The passion for freedom is stronger than any prison”

This is a call out for any and all courageous and creative actions to build our solidarity and confront the prison-industrial complex!

• creative! inspiring! strategic! banner drops, billboard liberation, propaganda distro, flash mobs etc.
• please make sure your action is well documented.
• the prisoners organizing the strike initiated contact with a number of grassroots and anti-prison organizations in the Bay Area to support their action. This led to the formation of Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity which will be providing some infrastructural support during the strike such as legal and medical monitoring and visits. We want to be able to communicate to the prisoners while doing weekly visits during the strike that people outside are supporting them. We want to be able to tell them about the creative ways people are showing their support and amplifying the prisoner’s voices. Please send photos, statements, and descriptions (with your strategic discretion) to the coalition through email: The coalition will also be updating a page on demo’s and actions on the coalition blog so info can go on their too (
• If it’s an action other people can participate in, please let us know a head of time so we can help spread the word through our blog and facebook.
• amplify the voices of the prisoners– this is a struggle initiated by the prisoners themselves, calling for comrades and allies to make sure their voices are heard outside prison, so solidarity will be stronger when keeping this in mind.

so that would be a great day for an action, as well as one or two days before it. The strike could last for quite a while so it’d be a good idea to stay tuned to the blog for updates on how the strike is developing. There will be rallies internationally on July 9th in San Francisco, Arcata (or outside Pelican Bay), Montreal, Ontario and Vancouver. It’d be great if there are more rallies and demos on that Saturday, and other actions/demos leading up to that day.

If you have any questions or info to share, hit up Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity:

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Russia: Earth Liberation Front car dealership firebombing in solidarity with Luciano

from 325:

ELF-Russia claims responsibility for firebombing of a Lexus/Toyota car dealership in Western Moscow on June the 21st.

Four luxury cars (of them – 3 Lexus SUVs) were lost to a firebomb explosion (butane gas canisters, gasoline and a fuse), according to corporate media reports.

Best wishes to Luciano! The Struggle continues!

ELF-Russia, International Network of Action and Solidarity / International Revolutionary Front

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UK: Attacks against Group 4 Security company

from 325:

New attack in Nottingham against the murderous Group 4 Security / G4S. No Borders – No Prisons – No State. Originally posted anonymously on IMC UK, whose admins took it down:

24 June 2011

Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.

We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he’ll pass it along to his colleagues.

The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it’s not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.

We remember Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan man murdered by G4S.

This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascists currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.

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Greece: Communique announcement of new C.C.F./I.R.F. cell ‘Core of Vandalisms’

from actforfreedomnow:

The following text is dedicated wholeheartedly to the Anarchist Revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos who with his unrepentant attitude confirmed that the Revolution does not retreat even when fired at. Also we do not forget his comrade who escaped with a cop car. Finally, we express our unlimited respect to the two comrades but also our great sorrow for the fact that the cops were not mortally wounded.

On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.
In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.

Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.

We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.


P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.
P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!

International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms

translated by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs

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Chile: Bomb threat to university headquarters in solidarity with Luciano

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:


At 7:30pm on Wednesday June 22nd we called the repressive forces of the State to alert them of a bomb installed in the Institution of higher “education” Santo Tomás (Chillán headquarters), this in solidarity with the comrade Luciano Pitronello and by way of the call claiming the immediate freedom of the Mapuche political prisoners of CAM, who were on Hunger Strike for several weeks in the prison of Angol. Without failing to mention our rejection of capitalist and authoritarian education that is exercised in those centers of domestication such as Santo Tomás upon those who (alumns or students) find themselves paying and indebting themselves living in their careers the false alternative survival in an unequal and murderous system. Our alert was not real, but we believe that the struggle resides in reality, we believe in destroying the Santo Tomás or whatever other type of capitalist structure in order to construct the new libertarian world that we await and we come fighting against our authoritarian enemy that is the system, that which intends to exterminate the Mapuche culture, that intends to put an end to every type of social rebellion and enslave us economically to its murderous order, to leave unnamed more examples of alienation and social domination over ourselves.

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Argentina: Police headquarters consumed by fire

From Viva la Anarquía! (June 22, 2011) via mass media:

The Río Gallegos police headquarters was set on fire this morning. Weeks ago, a local government office was also torched, as the province undergoes an acute political crisis.

At least two teams of firefighters worked to control the blaze that began this morning at the police headquarters building located just meters from the Santa Cruz presidential palace.

According to sources in Río Gallegos, the fire began at around 8:20 a.m. No injuries have been reported.

Although the fire was controlled, damage to police headquarters was extensive. However, the intervention of the firefighters managed to keep the blaze from spreading to the premises of the presidential palace next door.

Weeks ago, another arson affected the Board of Education headquarters in the midst of widespread protests by the province’s oil industry workers’ and teachers’ unions.

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Calgary, AB: communique for attack on RBC bank

from anews:

Sometime in mid-june (calendars, how do they work?), a crew of anarchists rolled up on a usually calm (we’re assuming) strip mall in NW calgary, Alberta. Once there, they wasted no time in approaching the target, an RBC branch with several windows exposed to a side street, and smashing several windows. The word “THIEVES!” was then painted on the only remaining window.

Sure, this was politically motivated, and the message was overtly political, but that’s not really the point. The point is you will never know your own power as a combative community until you put it into practice (which makes perfect, so they say).

Smashing windows is surely not the road to anarchy, but certainly is a very fun and effective gateway drug towards actual combat, which the very nature of civilization guarantees is inevitable.

So get out there and do some smashing! It won’t spark an insurrection (or even cost your target that much trouble), but you and your friends will have a way better idea of what approaching, attacking and leaving an objective is like.

Till next time, friends.

–Mark Twain and Friends

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Argentina: Communique from Luciano Pitronello Incendiary Cell in solidarity with prisoners of the world

from culmine, translated by war on society:

During the international week for total liberation we went to the Banco Santander Rio at Av. Gaona and Cuenca in the Flores Neighborhood, we doused two ATMs with gasoline and we left an incendiary device that then burned and destroyed them.

We share this action with those who take the decision to go on the offensive for human, animal and earth liberation.

Remembering Mauricio Morales.

For the freedom of Walter Bond, Marie Mason and Eric McDavid in the United States; Silvia, Billy and Costa in Switzerland who next month will be judged by the authorities of that country; 10 months into the bombs case, solidarity with the anarchists in Chile.

The war against this society continues in all places, in Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, etc.

Imprisoned, the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire do not collaborate with their enemies and struggle until the end.

For those fallen in combat against the forces of social control in Argentina, prisoners in the Ezeiza, Marcos Paz, Devoto prisons…

For all those who conspire in the extension of permanent conflict against the powers that dominate our lives. A fraternal greeting.

For the proliferation of attacks against authority and its properties.

Until the last animal is free, we are all prisoners.

Long live direct action that breaks with those established in the system.

To not wait; the spectacle must end; to be participants in what we desire.

Luciano Pitronello Incendiary Cell

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Chapel Hill, NC: Three charged with felony riot for condo occupation

On Saturday, June 18th, dozens of anarchists and other community members staged an angry protest against gentrification and green capitalism at Greenbridge, a “green” development of condos for eco-yuppies. Demonstrators held banners outside while others occupied the lobby in an expression of outrage against the displacement of renters from the neighborhood. Three people were arrested and charged with felony “inciting a riot” and misdemeanor property destruction, and have been released on bail. The demonstration drew attention to the ongoing tolls inflicted by the development, which was built by a coalition of multi-millionaires over the protests of community members to profit off the bourgeois craze with all things “green.” But money is the only thing green about Greedbridge, as it has been nicknamed by neighbors.

According to reports, two groups of demonstrators converged on the development around 2 PM; one group of around 20 stood on the street in front while a second group of approximately 25, some masked, entered the lobby of the building and staged a feisty occupation, clapping and chanting anti-gentrification slogans. Police allege that a table, some pieces of art, and the floor of the lobby were damaged. Outside, demonstrators held banners reading “Honk If You Can’t Pay Your Rent,” “Greenbridge is Closed,” and “Total War on Gentrification,” while passing out flyers (text below). When police arrived, the demonstrators inside dispersed, while the protest outside continued for another 45 minutes. As the following background illustrates, this latest protest is only the most recent escalation in an ongoing campaign against “green development” and gentrification in Chapel Hill.

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Waterloo, ON: Developer attacked in solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners

June 17, 2011 – Waterloo, Ontario.

In the spirit of June Eleventh and inspired by recent actions against development in the Southern Ontario region, anarchists paid a visit to a condo development site on Belmont Ave. in Waterloo. The presentation building was painted in class war graffiti, all of the windows broken, and a nearby construction machine was covered in paint stripper and had its windows broken.

The Tricar Group (Real Estate Development & Property Management) are creating more space for the rich across Southern Ontario by building luxury condominiums in Waterloo, Guelph, Sarnia and London. Condos attract more yuppies into the cities where we live, increasing property values and pushing out the poor, broke, and working class people.

This action is in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason, struggle in Greece, and all long-term anarchist prisoners, against the expansion of capitalism.
Condos are Class War!


ps. Brianna Waters: your betrayal disgusts us.

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