Argentina: Anarchists’ house attacked in Buenos Aires

via culmine translated by Actforfreedomnow!/B.pd

We will ascend the slope with the strength of our muscles and the light of our thought, along with all those who have a fertile, open and healthy mind and a heart throbbing to any good and loyal action  

We are aware of the huge difficulties we have to face, but we are pushed by a secret force, which along with many hopes feeds on anarchy.    

And in order to realize our aspiration we increasingly trust the strength and enthusiasm of good willing comrades.”   Continue reading

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3 years since the death of Mauricio Morales!

At 3 years since your parting, compa.
…because we all placed that bomb and it exploded on all of us.

“Arm yourself and be violent, beautifully violent,
until everything explodes.
Because remember that any violent action
against these promoters of inequality
is plainly justified by the centuries
of infinite violence to which they have subjected us.
… Arm yourself and combat the terrorism,
burn, conspire, sabotage and be violent,
beautifully violent, naturally
violent, freely violent.”
-Maurico Morales

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Italy: Molotov to the car of a lawyer of Forza Nuova

from the press via culmine, transl waronsociety:

It had to be a powerful message. A gesture aimed to terrorize the victim.

Fortunately the fuse of the rudimentary molotov bomb that would blow up Audi A6 of the lawywer Biase Di Candilo, local representative of Forza Nuova [a far-right Italian political party that supports the doctrines of Mussolini and the Catholic Church] was off. A centimeter more and that bottle would have exploded with disastrous consequences. It happened Friday night. The same night the Fiat Punto of a state employee from San Salvo was robbed and later burned. Perhaps the attackers used it to reach Monteodorisio and carry out the villainous action. Continue reading

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Solidarity Means Attack – Call For Support From Montréal!

 from anews:              “You can cut down all of the flowers but you cannot stop the spring.”
– poster circulating around the strike

On Friday, May 18, 2012, two new laws came into effect in montréal. Their purpose is to stifle the anti-capitalist revolt that has emerged from the student strike that began in this province fifteen weeks ago, to restore order and clear the way for the implementation of austerity measures in this territory. Continue reading

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Anarchists Must Attack What Only Anarchists Can Attack, or why we should support the Anarchy Bridge! 5

from anews:

It’s May 2012 and we anarchists are occupying a very crucial position in the ongoing struggle against Control. The position of violently attacking and dismembering it! I’d like to throw in here that when I use the term violence I also mean property destruction. While it has been argued over and over again that property destruction isn’t violence, I simply don’t care anymore, I’ve come to realize that logic frames the debate in a way I don’t agree with. It’ s surely violent when the Israeli State bulldozes a Palestinian home, or when a bomb explodes in a Judges car, even if no one was injured. I’ve also consciously left out some of the other ways anarchists influence culture and resistance movements as this article will instead focus on the element of violence in todays’ anarchist movement. Continue reading

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Austin, TX: Banners in solidarity with the NATO 3

from growfoodraisehell:

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Spain: Nihilist Anarchists communique for nights of burned cars (videos)

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

Recount of the vehicles burned in Cataluña and Barcelona during 2011 and so far in 2012.

The city from the bombs will burn once again!!! Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for incendiary attack on Santander Bank in Buenos Aires

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Today, Monday May 21st at around 1 AM, we attacked the Santander Bank located on Parana street between Tucuman and Viamonte. For this we made use of 2 liters of flammable liquid plus 4 butane gas canisters and an ignition mechanism. The fire completely destroyed the front part of the bank, leaving the 4 ATMs that were there unusable, as well as busting out several windows. We mark this action as an action remembrance of the warrior Mauricio Morales, fallen 3 years ago from the explosion of his own bomb destined to the prison guard school in Chile. And with care for Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello, wounded after the attack on a Santander Bank last year, now imprisoned. This is how we understand solidarity, stopping here where a comrade “fell,” in order to radicalize and deepen our practices. Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Communique for attack on bank and Wal-Mart

from colorado indymedia:

Anarchists attacked a Wal-Mart with paint and smashed up a bank and ATM May 16th in a northwest suburb of Denver. This action was carried out in full solidarity with all anarchist prisoners held by the state and all combatants waging war against capital.

Fuck the police, fuck the bankers.

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Chicago, IL: 2 more anarchists charged in separate explosives cases; also a bit info on the 2 informants “Moe” & “Gloves”

from the press:

Two Chicago men are in custody Sunday evening, charged in separate bomb-making schemes. Press investigators have been digging into their backgrounds. Prosecutors said the two men charged Sunday are involved in separate cases, not connected to each other, and not connected to the three men charged Saturday with building Molotov cocktails. They also said both men talked big about creating chaos, but in the end never actually built a bomb. Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Attack on White Nationalist Economic Summit; several fascists hospitalized; 5 comrades arrested

from antiracistaction:

In response to Mob Attacked Specific Group of People Inside Tinley Park Restaurant

On Saturday, May 19th a group of 30 anti-fascists descended upon Ashford House restaurant in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park where the 5th annual White Nationalist Economic Summit and Illinois White Nationalist Meet-and-Greet was taking place. The White Nationalists were targeted inside the restaurant and physically attacked, causing several injuries and completely shutting down their meeting. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Noise demo in solidarity with arrested comrades

from sabotagemedia:

Wednesday May 16th around 9:30 pm. about a hundred people showed up at the Tangay detention center for women on Henri-Bourassa in Montreal. where three young women accused of throwing one of the smoke bombs that paralyzed the Montreal metro last Thursday. The SQ dirt-bags were already on the spot. Continue reading

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Free the #NATO3! – Occupy Wall St statement in defense of the 3 arrested

WOS note: We point out that although this statement is supportive, it is not directly from the 3 and doesn’t seem to be from their close friends and comrades. We will continue to post relevant information but also remind that at this point much of the information is from the police and media. We will be posting any statements we receive from the arrested or their affinities about their situation and desires.
from occupywallst:
Late Wednesday night, nine #noNATO activists were arrested in a preemptive raid in the southside Chicago neighborhood Bridgeport. Chicago police broke into multiple homes with guns drawn and began rounding up the sleeping activists and bystanders.They did not present a warrant. Police ransacked the home, destroying property, throwing possessions around, dumping bags out, insulting people with homophobic slurs, and seizing cell phones. One person who had been staying at the house but was not present during the raid was even arrested while at a nearby pharmacy.
________________________________________________________ Continue reading
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Chicago, IL: Three anarchists arrested on terrorism charges

from the press:

CHICAGO — Three anti-NATO protesters charged with terrorism conspiracy planned to attack four Chicago police stations, the local campaign headquarters for President Barack Obama and the home of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, prosecutors alleged in court Saturday. Continue reading

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