Greece: Responsibility claim for arson attack on National Bank branch in Thessaloniki

from actforfree:

In the frame of the polymorphic solidarity actions being carried out for every imprisoned fighter, we consider the guerilla arsons necessary, just as we consider necessary every counter-information action. From leaflets and texts of solidarity, occupations-interventions, protests and gatherings outside of prisons, up to night time arsons-sabotage, each one with the way of action they have chosen shows the mechanisms of the state that no imprisoned fighter will be left alone.

This is why we chose to attack with an incendiary device consisting of 4 gas cannisters at the National bank at the corner of Venizelou street and Amorgou street (Triandria neighbourhood) at 3.27am of the 4th of December, wanting to give strength to anarchist comrade Rami Syrianos, who is tried on Monday 5th December for expropriation of money from a state auction company, an act which he proudly defends and has taken full responsibility for. We want to give a message to the comrade, as well as every imprisoned fighter, that we will never leave anyone alone. OUR FIRES WILL KEEP YOU COMPANY




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Fire and Gunpowder – a proposition from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for FAI/IRF

from actforfreedom:


From Indonesia to Chile…
A proposition for FAI/IRF

A publication by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

We hear the song of fire that comes from far away. The words smell of gunpowder. From the other side of the world rebellious comrades burn the nights and liberate places and moments. we can hear them… They conspire, plan, attack… We do not have to say anything else, we leave our brothers and sisters to speak for us.

“We are all Conspiracy Cells of Fire. C.C.F. is not an organization or just a group. On the contrary it is a antagonistic expression of rage and contempt towards authority and its structures. To spread the C.C.F. all you need is gasoline, matches and the desire to fight for absolute freedom. We have begun the war against the existing order.
– Mexican C.C.F./FAI

The following text is dedicated to the Mexican C.C.F. and to our brothers and sisters of F.A.I. all around the world.

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Seattle, WA: Communique from Capitol Hill warehouse occupation – 8 hours of life in a dead world

For our international readers: It is worth mentioning that this is but one of many building occupations have sprung up in the US in the last few weeks out of the popular movement “Occupy Wall Street,” with spaces occupied in Oakland, New York City, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., Santa Cruz, Chapel Hill, Seattle, and elsewhere. Information on all of the occupations can be found elsewhere; here we post the communiques most in affinity with our own ideas or which we find particularly interesting.

Background: Last night (11/2/11) around 75 people entered an enormous empty building on Capitol Hill after a march entitled, “You Can’t Evict an Idea! Occupy Everything”. Hundreds of people came in and out of the building: writing slogans, dancing with friends to live bands, giving speeches, and sharing food. The building is set to be demolished shortly for luxury apartments. Police and SWAT raided the building at 3AM that morning. 13 arrests. [the cops say 16.]

8 hours of life in a dead world

We have all dreamed of it. Some of have even seen it before, but never here, never in Seattle. They say it’s too liberal, too clean, that our time has passed, that the city is theirs.

Last night we shattered their mirage. We all felt the specter of our own possibilities as we ran through that empty vast building. What before was dead, we made alive. Those who entered acquaintances, left comrades.

The building may lie dead again but the life that was breathed into it lives in each body that entered its beautiful expanse.

Capitalism may kill us. The crisis may torture us. But the revolutionary spirit of our possibilities makes us immortal.

You can’t evict an idea!
Everything for Everyone!

(more photos and a second text follow…)

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New booklet: “Letters from Anarchist Prisoners of the ‘Bombs Case’ in Chile”

We receive and publish:

This document is a collection of letters from the Chilean anarchist “Bombs Case” prisoners, in an effort to share and spread their ideas beyond the prison walls.

On August 14th, 2010, fourteen anarchists and anti-authoritarians were arrested in a series of raids in Santiago in what became known as the ‘Bombs Case’. They were accused of a series of bombings against capital and the state that took place around Santiago in the previous years, as well as of “criminal conspiracy” under the Pinochet-era Anti-Terrorist Laws. Since then, following a hunger strike by the prisoners, as well as countless solidarity actions from around the world, the charges against nine of the accused have been dropped (one of these people is facing other charges in a separate trial), but charges against five comrades remain. They are: Omar Hermosilla and Carlos Riveros, accused of providing the money to finance the costs of the attacks, as well as Mónica Caballero, Felipe Guerra, Francisco Solar, accused of the placement of the explosive devices at different points in Santiago.

The trial started on November 28, 2011.

Prisoners kidnapped by the State to the street!

pdf for printing (480.6 KB)
pdf for reading (865.99 KB)

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Chile: First days of the bombs case trial

from solidaridadporlxspresxs, translated by war on society:

On November 28, the political trial against the 5 comrades (Omar, Carlos, Felipe, Francisco, Monica) began in the (in)justice center, using a “special” courtroom for the great dimensions and because it has a section for the press.

It was announced in advance through the written press what the security measures would be for the trial, which up to now have basically been: Bag search and metal detector scan on entry to the building, second bag search and metal detector scan on entry to the courtroom. After some recesses during the day, the courtroom is continually checked by explosives-detecting dogs under the charge of the gendermeria (armed guard).

All these controls notwithstanding, it is a public and open trial, so any person can enter having only to carry a license. (With exception of the witnesses, who only can attend once to deliver their statements.) It is obligatory for the accused to participate in the entire process, attending all of the hearings.

Who is involved in the trial?

*Judges: Three judges and one alternate judge (in case a judge is unable to participate)

*Prosecution (Public Ministry): Francisco Rojas, Victor Nuñez, Marcelo Apablaza

*On the side of the prosecution: Department of the Interior (Government), Marriot Hotels, Church of the Immaculate Conception.

*State Defense Counsel (particularly in the accusation against Francisco Solar and Gustavo Fuente Aliaga for the attacks on the ANI and CDE)

*The comrades’ defense lawyers.

November 28:

Before a courtroom with the second floor filled with press, although little has been broadcast on TV, the political trial began.

The Prosecution tried to suspend the trial twice. First making allusion that they had not expected the Court of Appeals to uphold the dismissal of Cristian Cancino (who was dismissed after consideration that a single person is not a conspiracy).  After their motion was rejected they tried again to suspend the trial alluding that not all of their witnesses have been notified. The court again rejected their motion.

The private plaintiffs (Immaculate Church of Vitacura and Marriot Hotels) tried to desist from accusation, but without paying the fees. The motion was rejected, and so absurdly they continue in the trial with the goal of not paying the fees. Remember that there is no one accused for the attacks that affected those two places.

A support rally was held outside in which comrades threw leaflets, displayed banners and spoke by megaphone in denunciation of the disgusting case against the accused. The rally finished without incident and with great interest from many of those passing through the area.

During the morning of November 28 and the next morning of the 29th, two explosive devices have detonated at the military prosecutor of Santiago and the prosecutor of La Florida. Although no group has claimed either attack, the press relates them to the beginning of the trial. Once again the string of bombings while the comrades have been imprisoned or when they are directly participating in hearings are used by power according to their convenience. Even though they say that the accused would be the main individuals responsible for all the explosive attacks, these continue to occur.

Opening statements

The trial began and each party gave a brief overview of their thesis in turn, the prosecution and the defense.

Incredibly, the prosecutor kept insisting on “a group” in which the squats are facades, centers of instruction and indoctrination of terrorism, upon which delusions and police speculations are added.  He recognizes that no direct evidence exists, but that there is much “circumstantial evidence” and that the work of the investigation has been carried out by professionals seriously and scientifically.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior founded his argument on the necessity of invoking the anti-terrorist law and of the crime displaying these characteristics.

The different defendants’ defense flatly ruled out any participation, discredited the supposed scientific evidence, and left in serious doubt that the objective of the explosive devices was to cause terror in the society and the world, much less having done so in any case.

Statements and testimonies

Francisco Solar

The comrade Francisco Solar is the only one up to now who has agreed to speak before the tribunal. Francisco denied any participation, and after long hours of receiving hostile and redundant questions from the prosecutors, the prosecution began to present their witnesses (most of them police officers).

They began to parade the heads of police “intelligence.” Various officials, colonials, lieutenants in charge of the investigation. The police statements are extensive and after receiving the questions guided by the prosecution they received questions from the defense.

Sergio Escobar Berrios (DIPOLCAR)

For now, the witnesses have been DIPOLCAR [the “intelligence” section of the Carabineros] police. Remember that this investigation was carried out primarily by DIPOLCAR and BIPE [federal investigative police] police officers.

Some information from the first witness (in Spanish) can be found here.

As for the statement from Minister Hinzpeter, this will be a good time considering that he is a witnessed called by the defense. It is already defined that the entire tribunal will have to be translated into money during his statement.

Political trial?

They continually talk of the dreaded “anarcho-insurrectionalism,” although they define it but little or hardly at all. The main “circumstantial evidence” against those they speak of are nothing other than books, posters or other expressions of political ideas. The squats are seen as “centers of power” and indoctrination. They continue absurdly trying to obtain evidence of “illicit association” (conspiracy), for which they begin to mention different squats: the Sacco and Vanzetti Social Center, La Crota, La Idea, El Hogar, the Johnny Cariqueo Social Center, and Cueto con Andes (even though these last are not squats, they remain part of the police phantasies).

Here what is blatantly being put on trial are the ideas of struggle and freedom.

Some articles from the bourgeois press (Spanish): 1, 2.




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N. Washington, US: Communique claiming sabotage of railroad lines

from anarchistnews:

On the night of 11/28 we sabotaged a railroad line in occupied Samish and Lummi territory, also known as northern Washington state. Copper wire was wrapped around railroad lines which caused a false signal, blocking the line. The daily subjugation in a society predicated on social control, surveillance, and oppression in its seemingly infinte manifestations was broken in this act of rebellion.

For the diffusion of attacks against capitalism and civilization!

For an untaming of our spirits and a sharpening of teeth!

In solidarity with the rebels Billy, Silvia, Costa and Marco and eco-prisoners everywhere.

Freedom and wildness.

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Toronto, ON: Pretrial against anarchist Byron Sonne in alleged bombing plot adjourned

for more information see

Background: Byron Sonne was arrested in his home in Forest Hill, Toronto on June 22, 2010 in connection with the G20 protests in Toronto, Ontario. His home, his parents’ cottage and his parents-in-law’s cottages were searched. Following his arrest, Byron was charged with six offenses:

  • Possession of explosives for an unlawful purpose
  • Possession of dangerous weapons
  • Intimidation of a justice system participant by threat
  • Intimidation of a justice system participant by watch and beset
  • Mischief
  • Attempted mischief

He spent 330 days in jail without bail before many of his charges were dropped on February 22, 2011 and he was eventually granted bail on May 18, 2011. He is still being charged with possession of explosives, and a counseling charge was added.

On December 2nd, pretrial was adjourned. The trial date does not appear to be publicly available.

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Italy: Mattia and Fede acquitted

You can find some of Federico Buono’s writings translated into English here. We are currently working on more of his texts as a contribution to the debate about refusing or engaging with the judicial process from anarchist, nihilist, and/or anti-social positions.

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Today, Thursday December 1st, Mattia and Fede were acquitted on “lack of evidence” on charges of possession and transportation of explosive material in public, for which they were arrested on June 15th of this year in Milan. The judge had reserved three days to decide on the sentence to be issued. During the hearing on Monday November 28th, the prosecutor asked for both to receive two-year sentences in prison without parole.

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Continual War statement on their move to noblogs and computer security

from continual war:

In the past anarchist websites like were shut down temporarily on, as well as other blogs on different sites. This could lead to similar actions on for continual war, that is why we have decided to move from to mainly for our ability to stay anonymous and continue.

Noblogs and similar sites do not log ip addresses, they will let a user use TOR, and it is run by anarchists… logs ip addresses, will not let you use TOR, etc.

If you run a blog on or any of these other sites, we highly recommened you move to, nostate, or

Please check out the anonsec pamphlet on computer security for more information on anonymity online and ip addresses.

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Chile: Explosive device set off in a bank; one arrested

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Note: Today, Thursday afternoon H.N.S. was charged. The 38 year old was arrested yesterday night after the explosion of a bomb in the BCI bank on Av. Macul, between Los Plátanos and Los Olmos streets, according to information from the press, he was detained while discarding some gloves and a hood; the charges were placement of an explosive device, at the moment H.N.S. has not made a statement and we do not know if he considers himself a comrade.


source: the $hilean press, 11/30/11

At 9:30pm on Wednesday, an explosive device went off at the ATM of a BCI Bank branch located in Macul between Los Olmos and Los Plátanos streets.

According to neighbors, the explosion was heard from 4 blocks away, and the PDI and GOPE investigated the scene to clarify the event.

Momentarily there was a suspect arrested by Carabineros, who while making a routine patrol found a man depositing the device.

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Argentina: Communique for bomb attack against police station

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Public communique:

The state functions and all of it smells of the prison, the streets, their corners, the cameras, the collective, the subway, school, work, hospitals!

One can live without a house and without food, one can live hungry. One can live without a state!

They affirm in TV discourses! that the state is always right, they say! False populism that hides a nationalism based in the maximum values of the family and of institutional order, in a call to national unity! to the safety of submission!!!

Reformist, progressivist “militancy” or “youth” under the dreadful name of the Campora (Hector Campora, cheapskate and loyal defender of the national cause driven by General Peron) in a civic-military alliance (in an appeal to the citizenry to occupy administrative responsibilities in police stations) to torture and kill, criminalize protest, create a state with abuse of power!

And they speak of equality, of human rights! of love, with mourning voice, while the people die in the prisons! sleep in the streets, die by police bullets or beatings in hospitals!

  • In vengeance for Bruno German Pappa (killed on the ground by the cop Enzo Fabian Alvarez)
  • Ariel Dominguez (killed from behind by the cop Mendoza)
  • Jonathan Damian (shackled to the hospital bed while he was brutally beaten by the police)
  • Hugo Arce and Carlos Vazquez (killed by happy trigger) by the cop Sergio Bovadilla!
  • Belen Bizuela (killed by a bullet in the head in La Rioja PCIA)

Kristina lies!!!

Voting is the dictatorship of the majority!

Down with the walls of all the prisons!

End to the police state of the Kirchnners, of the Macri, of the Garre!

No to the federal system of biometric identification!!!


Anti-Prison Insurrectional Cell Eduardo Maria Vazquez Aguirre.
claim bomb attack on police station 1 Avellaneda

* the communique, as published by the press, was in all caps.

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Chile: Two prosecutor’s offices bombed in the first days of the bombings case trial


outside the office of the Military Prosector of Santiago, 11/28

outside the office of the Prosecutor of La Florida, 11/29

The morning of November 28th, 2011, the first day of the trial of the accused in the bombs case in Santiago, Chile, a bomb exploded outside the office of the Military Prosecutor of Santiago, damaging the building.

The next morning, a bomb exploded at the entrance of the office of the Prosecutor of La Florida, Chile, damaging the building.

According to the police and the press, no claim or indication of motive was left at either scene.

More information (Spanish) here and here.

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Oregon: Communique claiming railway sabotage by anarchists

from anarchistnews:

On the night of November 28th, 2011, we sabotaged a rail line in Southern Oregon as part of a coordinated effort to disrupt the flow of commerce on the West Coast. We got tired of watching trains pass through our towns loaded with lumber, ore, cheap commodities, and other resources pillaged from the earth without consequence. We didn’t do this out of a desire to create a more green, sustainable or humane civilization–we want nothing less than to see the total failure of this sick and rotten society.

This action was not only easy to carry out, but positively satisfying. We used 4AWG copper wire with the ends stripped of insulation and wrapped around the two sides of the track with the rest of it buried in the middle, which falsely indicated to a sensor that there was a train stopped on the railway.

We did this in solidarity with currently imprisoned members of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell/Indonesian FAI, to whom we send our most passionate revolutionary greetings.

We would also like to send our love to ALF prisoner of war, Walter Bond.

Towards an end to this nightmare world

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Mexico: Communique for two bombings carried out in Toluca

from culmine, translated by war on society:

The pathological state alienates our “lives,” each surrogate activity of the mega machine is a gear that allows the technological-industrial system to specialize more and more–for example: biotechnology, robotics, nanotechnology–even the struggle (from whichever front); all these are conditioned for money. The murderous capitalism now maximized by technological advances is present in each one of the routines of civilization.

And it is not new to give breath to the insurrection, except when it has been done to note that there are points where we converge and others where we sympathize, and this is the last point to touch on: the banking institutions, in addition to being the main symbol of domination today, are also the organizations that have permitted in a great way the artificiality of the world. Since their creation they have been loyal accomplices of authority; financiers of cloning, genetic modification or whichever other aberration, promoters of speciesism and globalization. Perhaps mentioning the quantity of pollution that these businesses have given us “altruistically” would be rather repetitive; what’s remarkable here is to point out strategically, although the banks have been attacked historically: frauds, expropriations and every type of sabotage–such as those recently made on armored money-transport cars–carried out randomly in many parts of the world, even this type of action has created sympathy among those outside of the insurrectionalist struggle.

In complicity with Luciano-Tortuga, in the early hours of 18th November 2011, we have detonated an explosive device of gas canisters in the ScotiaBank branch in a shopping plaza in the city of Toluca, likewise on 27th November we decided to return, this time a couple hours after noon, and we detonated another device of the same characteristics in the periphery of the plaza, without known physical or material damage, simply breaking everyday life with a great noise, dedicated to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

As a cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation we acclaim the international coordination of direct action against the banking institutions, without any pretension of solving the world’s problems or wanting to “revolutionize” society, since that would be reductionist. We encourage insurgents to share one horizon in order to forge a path that permits us to consider new horizons in common, each time more radical and tending towards anarchy!!


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