Italy: A few updates regarding the ‘operation boldness’

from informa-azione, via contrainfo:

June 13th: In the context of the operation ‘ardire’, which resulted to arrest warrants against ten comrades this morning, we’d like to mention the raids in homes of three comrades in Naples and one in Spigno Saturnia (Latina). The ROS carabiniers have seized computers, hard disk, usb pens, cell phones, brochures, monthly journals, leaflets and letters of correspondence with prisoners. House searches were carried out against two comrades in the province of Lecce, too, where letters and one computer were confiscated by the police. Also in Rome one comrade’s residence was searched by cops, who seized various electronic and printed materials. Continue reading

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Olympia, WA: Attack on Washington Loggers’ Association building; International call for libratory earth violence

from anews:

On the night of June 11th in the sleepy town of Olympia, WA, we laid waste to the Washington State Loggers’ Association building, breaking out all 24 of their windows and leaving the painted message “YOU ARE NEVER SAFE. GO LOG IN HELL (A).” Continue reading

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Italy: Massive international repressive operation ‘Ardire’ launched against anarchists; A statement from Tomo [revised]

revised version from contrainfo:

At 4 o’clock in the morning of June 13th, 2012, the carabiniers of the Special Operations Group (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ROS) raided about forty homes, implementing the so-called ‘operation boldness’ (operazione ardire), a crackdown against people from the anarchist movement ordered by Manuela Comodi, public prosecutor of Perugia. According to the regime’s media, a total of 10 arrest warrants were issued—eight within Italy, one sent to Germany and one sent to Switzerland—while 24 suspects have been put under judicial investigation. The Italian bourgeois Press did not hesitate to connect the arrested with ‘the anarcho-insurrectionist FAI/FRI’. Continue reading

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Peru: Visual propagada for Mauri, Tortuga and the prisoners

the banner reads: "A warrior fallen in combat is an eternal call to fight"

from vla, transl waronsociety:

“…And my song is not the song of mourning and my song is not the song of protest, this song that I sing is a song of combat;
And this song of the street is a song of struggle that is sung in this land, and this song is a song of war.”
Mauricio Morales.
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Argentina: Bomb threat to the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires

from vla, transl waronsociety:

By means of this communique, we claim responsibility for the bomb threat made on Monday June 11 to the Teatro Colón. The motive was to remember the comrade Severino di Giovanni who, with other comrades, in June 1925 carried out an action in this theater where great personalities of Italian fascism and the Argentine oligarchy were meeting. For this action, the comrades were beaten and arrested. Continue reading

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Denver, CO: Amelia Nicol has been incarcerated since December

from denverabc:

Amelia has been imprisoned since December of 2011, after being arrested at a demonstration against a Wal Mart distribution center in Loveland, Colorado. She was extradicted to Denver after her court case from the Wal Mart action was resolved. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Reportback from June 11th dinner and march

from pugetsoundanarchists:

The June 11th celebrations began last night in Seattle with a well-attended benefit dinner that also included the sharing of poetry and words of solidarity and struggle. After the dinner, there was a demonstration of about 60 people that met at Seattle Central Community College (the site of the last season’s Occupy camp). Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Parking meter sabotage for June 11 solidarity

from anews:

Last night, more than 50 parking meters in a bar district and an up-and-coming artist district of St. Louis were made inoperable with glue, paint and hammers.

We intended to attack 41 meters–one for each of the 19 years Eric McDavid will be stolen from us and one for each of the 22 years Marie Mason will be stolen from us. But we got excited and forgot to stop. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Vandalism to Street of Dreams corporate office

from pugetsoundanarchists (link added by WOS):

Last night the Street of Dreams Corporate Office (located outside of Seattle) had its windows etched out and anarchist graffiti painted on it. This was done for June 11th, in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners including Marie Mason & Eric McDavid, in memory of Avalon and as part of the continual struggle against the destruction of the earth.

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Chicago, IL: June 11 banner action

from anews:

For the June 11th call for solidarity with long term anarchist prisoners, 4 banners were dropped in Chicago not only for Jeremy Hammond but a few more for the Tinley Park 5. The banners read free Hammond and Free the Tinley Park 5 and were draped over multiple expressway overpasses for all of traffic to see. Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Block Party for Long-term Anarchist Prisoners

from anews:

A festive march took the streets of Bloomington, Indiana on Sunday afternoon, June 10th. This event was for the June 11th day of solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, as well as longterm anarchist prisoners in the U.S. and internationally. The parade (complete with a drum line and banners) marched through downtown, making a stop at the Jail to make a ton of noise and try and communicate solidarity with those trapped inside. Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Sabotage of 4 ATMs for June 11th

from anews:

Last night four ATM’s were disabled.

Money should be locked away and forgotten, not people.

Happy June 11th!

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Barcelona: Arson attack on a vehicle of the Condis supermarket chain

from contrainfo, by Insurrectionist Nihilists / Lobos Negros:

We’ve arrived and we’ll never leave!

Last Saturday, 2nd to 3rd of June, we set fire to a vehicle of the Condis supermarket chain in the district of Sant Martí de Porvençals in Barcelona. Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Updates and addresses for the NATO arrestees

excerpts from occupychicago:

Constructive, fantastic, awesome and fearless comrades remain in jail on false charges. Everyone can help support them. There are numerous ways of doing so.  Support our friends emotionally and physically by writing and visiting during their incarceration; financially by donating to our bail fund at; and generally by letting your social networks know the truth about the recent happenings.  Below are instructions and information about visiting and writing letters to our friends, along with some useful tips and resources. Continue reading

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