Chile: Hans Niemeyer acquitted under Anti-Terrorist Law; convicted on two charges

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Today, July 3rd, the sentence was read in the 7th Oral Court in the (Santiago) Prison against our brother Hans Niemeyer Salinas, who has spent one year and four months in prison. Continue reading

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Posters for Hans Niemeyer

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:


Perhaps this furious rustling won’t manage to embrace you strongly enough, but we send it to you anyway, because we know that risking even one’s very life, when the blood flows free and furious and pushes us to the extreme to challenge everything for a moment… we know it will always be worth the penalty! Continue reading

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Paris: News Briefs from Lucioles #8 and #9

from Lucioles, translated by waronsociety:

Lucioles [Fireflies] is an irregular newsletter containing texts of analysis and agitation in Paris and the surrounding area and analysis of everyday life from an anarchist perspective. We discuss different manifestations of insubordination and attacks in which we can recognize ourselves and uncover potential rupture against the State, capitalism and domination in all its forms by attempting to connect them each to everyday life. We do not desire to represent anyone or defend any particular piece of territory which is a scale model of this shit world.

“You see fireflies because they fly in the night. From the view of normality, the rebellious are light against a society as gray as pacification. The problem is not the fireflies, but the night.” Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive attack on science and the police

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Two actions.

An explosive attack on science and an incendiary attack on the police… We are not going to resign ourselves to sabotage, black powder and gasoline. Do not be taken by surprise by terrorism against your scientists, police and well-to-do. We do not idolize any armed action, but from each individual expropriation of this cell of war, we vindicate the most egoist of affinities with the different groups of these territories, which, demolishing fears, paradigms, ideologies and codes of morals or values, take their actions to the extreme, to the culmination… Continue reading

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Chile: Trial begins against Hans Niemeyer

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

At 9 am today, the trial against the compa Nans Niemeyer began, with almost 40 witnesses, 34 experts, and more than 80 pieces of material evidence, which to incriminate the compañero, commencing this spectacle of $hilean state repression. Continue reading

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France: Attacks on a bank and political headquarters

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety:

Neither Justice Nor Peace

A week after the murder of a comrade in Paris by fascists,* a week after the ever-so-democratic police raid in Barbès…** Continue reading

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Chile: Carla and Ivan sentenced to 6 years probation

from refractario, transl waronsociety:

On Friday June 14, the sentence that was read on Saturday at 12:30 pm was advanced. In the court they read the sentence against the compañero Ivan Silva and compañera Carla Verdugo. In the end both were sentenced for the arms control law to 6 years of ‘surveilled freedom’ (probation). This means they will not return to prison. Continue reading

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Chile: Greetings from Santiago to the insurgents in Turkey

IMG_4274from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Today at around 6 pm a concentration was made in front of the embassy of Turkey. A banner was unfurled which read “For the spread of the revolt. Dayanışma bir silahtır – Solidarity is a weapon,” and some flyers were thrown with the following text: Continue reading

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[en/fr/es/it/srp] Neither Oblivion Nor Ceremony – Against the Cult of the Carrion

we receive and publish / recibimos y publicamos:

(eng) Here is a text that we send to a few international anarchist websites and places in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian), for publication, printing and mostly for opening a debate. It’s about the death of our comrade Mauricio Morales and some thoughts about the wave of commemorations from the anarchist movement around the world since his death, four years ago. Continue reading

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Mexico: Protests, clashes and arrests at Halconazo commemoration

10-de-junio.-11from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Note by MaterialAnarquista: This June 10th a protest was carried out in commemoration of the Corpus Christi Massacre or Halconazo, known as such for the paramilitary group that carried out this massacre in which they assassinated students and social fighters who participated in the Mexican student movement of 1971. Continue reading

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Chile: Carla and Ivan convicted under arms control law, absolved under anti-terrorist act

6e592d492d0cb7aea048229ce7f1c6d2from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo were arrested in April, 2012 transporting a fire extinguisher filled with black powder and two canisters of camping gas, plus a homemade fuse. After spending long months in preventive prison, the compañeros are currently on nighttime house arrest. Continue reading

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Argentina: Solidarity graffiti (photos)

1(2)from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Graffiti done for anarchist compañerxs in the surveilled city of Buenos Aires, in different places like the Cabildo National Museum, embassies, banks, churches, airline companies, etc. Continue reading

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Chile: Youth imprisoned and accused of throwing molotovs

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

On Monday May 27, in an internal march in the entrance to the USACH which ended with confrontations against the police, José Miguel Ramírez fell under arrest, accused of throwing molotov cocktails at the dogs of Power. Continue reading

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Weeks of Global Agitation and Action in solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan


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