from informa-azione, via contrainfo:
June 13th: In the context of the operation ‘ardire’, which resulted to arrest warrants against ten comrades this morning, we’d like to mention the raids in homes of three comrades in Naples and one in Spigno Saturnia (Latina). The ROS carabiniers have seized computers, hard disk, usb pens, cell phones, brochures, monthly journals, leaflets and letters of correspondence with prisoners. House searches were carried out against two comrades in the province of Lecce, too, where letters and one computer were confiscated by the police. Also in Rome one comrade’s residence was searched by cops, who seized various electronic and printed materials. Continue reading
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Contra Info
- Chile: November of Vengeance October 4, 2019
- Australia: Second issue of Paper Chained journal published November 19, 2018
- Poland: Compilation of recent antifascist graffiti November 19, 2018
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Banner in solidarity with anarchists and antifascists in Russia November 19, 2018
- Melbourne, Australia: Mural in memory of Mikhail Zhlobitsky November 12, 2018
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- international counter-information and translation network
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- Juan Aliste
- Luca "Billy" Bernasconi
- Luciano "Tortuga" Pitronello
- Marcelo Villarroel
- Marco Camenisch
- Marie Mason
- Mauricio Morales
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