Chile: Claim for explosive attack by Vandalist Cell for the Spread of Rancor

from liberaciontotal (9/8/12), transl waronsociety, communique:

An explosion is what it is: taking a bank branch out of commission by means of a partial physical destruction. A bank that is sabotaged is a bank that will not operate tomorrow. A bank successfully sabotaged is good propaganda. A bank destroyed is symbolically a moral blow against power. A bank that is penetrated by rebels to be smashed is a form of telling our imprisoned comrades around the whole world that they are not alone, that on the other side of the high walls and barbed wire there are more rebels who do not forget them; since they cannot forget that we are at war and that the question is simpler than what it appears: either we attack, first taking on all the consequences, or they annihilate us with their digusting routine–could there be any middle ground? Continue reading

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Chile: Luciano “Tortuga” sentenced to 6 years supervised release

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Today August 15, at 1PM, in the Oral Penal Court of Santiago they dictated the sentence against Luciano.

Room 901 of the court, made up of the judges Mauricio Olave (president), Graciela Gómez (redactora) and Antonio Ulloa (integrante and who voted to apply the anti-terrorist law), sentenced Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger for the crimes of “illegal transport of explosives,” “damages” (to the bank)” and “use of false license plate.” Continue reading

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Letter from Mario “Tripa” on the latest frame-up

translation we receive and publish:

About the new set-up

Reading the press bulletin released on the 11th of July 2012, I started to feel a sense of worry from the anarchist ¨movement¨ about a probable repressive wave, such as a police set-up. This type of offensive strike are now ¨popularly¨ known and an every day occurance in the three countries of the Mediterranean with the most anarchist presence, and also in the south of the American continent where anarchist action stands out, particularly in Chile. Continue reading

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Anonymous – “I Tell Em, Slow Down, You Know You Can’t Catch Me.”

from anews:

I would like to start by saying that I send nothing but love and unbreakable solidarity to my alleged subpoenaed non-cooperating comrades, especially Leah. Whether we called each other friends in the past or have never even met, through this experience our struggle is even more connected. Continue reading

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Atlanta, GA: Actions in solidarity with the grand jury resisters in the Northwest

from anews:

Atlanta had two separate actions in solidarity with grand jury resistors. From the night of August 5th:

On the night of August 5th, we used industrial adhesives and a hammer to dismantle every parking meter on Edgewood Avenue in the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood of Atlanta (45 parking meters total). On a large wall next to the biggest section of parking meters we spray-painted “FUCK THE GRAND JURY — <3 FOR PNW (A)”. Continue reading

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Milwaukee, WI: Sabotage of police vehicles

from anews:

On the night of of august second we dismantled 3 police cruisers and 1 paddy wagon. Then attacked the NYPD (pizza shop) changing the signs to say suicide our cops a reference to a milwaukee hardcore band from the past. Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: ATMs sabotaged in solidarity with grand jury resisters

from anews:

Late Sunday night, two ATMs in St. Louis were disabled in solidarity with those facing Grand Juries in the Northwest. We wanted to do more, but it’s hard to find an ATM in this city. Continue reading

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Mexico: New letter from injured anarchist Mario López (Tripa)

325 receives and transmits:

Compañer@s, I’ll try to make this as brief as possible, as I’ll have more than enough time in the future to lay out my stance and my reflections. My position remains the same: I claim myself absolutely as an Anarchist and the only one responsible for my acts. For now, I’ll limit myself to thanking my compañer@s of affinity for their solidarity and to “denounce” just a few deeds of many within this deceitful process which all began the moment I claimed myself an Anarchist, of which I do not regret. Never apologetic! Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Update from grand jury proceedings and statement from resisters Leah and Dennison

from Say Nothing:

Leah read the statement posted below on the courthouse steps. 80 or so supporters cheered her on as she entered the courthouse. She returned to us less than an hour later to more ecstatic cheers. The prosecutor issued her a new subpoena for August 30, 2012, at 1pm. Continue reading

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Oakland, CA: Police sub-station attacked in solidarity with PNW

from psa:

In the early morning of August 2nd an attack on an Oakland police substation near Lake Merritt was made. One window was damaged and a lesson was learned. What thick glass they have, next time more Big L and a bigger cannon.

For the silent ones.

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Oakland, CA: Attack on OPD vehicles in solidarity with grand jury resisters

from indybay:

Before dawn on August 2, 2012, we covered the windows and windshields of 2 unmarked Oakland Police Department vehicles with glass etching fluid, as well as slashing all the tires of one of the cars. We also covered the door and 5 windows of the nearby OPD recruitment center with etching fluid. The windows of the recruitment center had boards behind them due to being attacked when the Oakland Commune encampment still existed, but the glass was still accessible. These targets are located at the North end of Oscar Grant Plaza, where the Oakland Commune materialized last year. Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Municipal Court attacked in solidarity

from anews:

In the early hours of August 2nd, we attacked a municipal court building in Seattle’s bedroom community-Kirkland. In addition to multiple broken windows and doors, fliers were left inside the newly “opened” building indicating that our small act was in response to the latest round of State repression of anarchist activity. We refuse the greatest mechanism of the Grand Jury – fear – and let it be known they cannot quell our joyous rebellion. Get them, wild ones. Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Solidarity attack on courthouse

from anews:

The Madison County courthouse located in the Metro East St Louis city of Edwardsville, Illinois had a door defaced with spraypaint with another message of solidarity on the early morning of Friday. We take this opportunity to remind comrades of the radical history of the Metro East of St Louis, which saw the General Strike of 1877 in East St Louis, Illinois. Continue reading

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San Francisco, CA: Attack on SFPD Vehicles in Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters

from indybay:

In the early hours of August 2nd, tires were slashed and windows were etched on eight San Francisco Police Department cruisers and one San Francisco Sheriff’s van while they sat in a maintenance yard. Continue reading

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