San Francisco, CA: First public statement by “Brick” from jail

WOS note: We are pleased to announce that this is our 1,000th post!

we receive and publish:


Several of us in San Francisco have been supporting Jesse ‘Brick’ Nesbitt since his arrest on May Day. Jesse is an anarchist comrade who has been demonized by the police and media and all but abandoned by the ‘activist community’ of San Francisco because of the audacious nature of the actions he is alleged to have committed in defense of the SF Commune occupation on May first. He has been incarcerated for three months and is currently being imprisoned in San Bruno while awaiting trial. Continue reading

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Chile: Summary of days 3 to 5 of trial against Luciano Tortuga

 from vla, transl wos:

The trial began with the testimony and questioning of the security guard of the building where Luciano’s brother lives. While this witness recognized Luciano as the brother of the apartment’s owner, he was not able to recognize the motorcycle they showed him (the motorcycle that Luciano supposedly took), recognizing the color but not the model. He did not see the license plate, nor was he there at the time when Luciano supposedly took the bike from the building. The defense made him responsible for making this situation clear. Continue reading

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Italy: To write to anarchist prisoners of ‘operation boldness’

from contrainfo:

July 24th, 2012: Currently the eight Italian anarchist prisoners of ‘’ (Alessandro Settepani, Sergio Maria Stefani, Katia Di Stefano, Stefano Gabriele Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo, Giuseppe Lo Turco, Paola Francesca Iozzi, Giulia Marziale) can receive mail ONLY IN ITALIAN, so anyone who wishes to write to the comrades in another language can email us the letter, and we provide to translate and send it to them. Continue reading

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Chile: Summary of the first two days of trial against Luciano “Tortuga”

from negratortuguita, transl waronsociety:

The trial started on Friday, July 20th, in the justice center. Below we reproduce the summary made by Viva la Anarquia.


We learned that our compa has been punished by the jailers and in isolation since Thursday the 19th. We learned this thanks to the fact that his lawyer was going to visit him and found him handcuffed to his bed, and demanded (during the hearing) explanations for the punishment. The judges in turn requested the prison guards to give the explanations in a maximum period of 24 hours. Continue reading

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1–10 August 2012: Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression

from Contra Info:

We make a call out for ten days of propaganda actions, in as many places as possible, aiming to promote struggles which are more or less known but also entirely unknown to many people. Individuals and/or groups who wish to join in these ten days will choose the thematic and the means according to their own criteria and dynamics, for the strengthening of international and reciprocal solidarity amongst the oppressed. Continue reading

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St. Louis: Communique for attack on police van in solidarity with Northwest comrades

from anews:

In the early morning of July 27th in a Metro East St Louis city, Edwardsville, Illinois, the parking lot across the street from the Edwardsville Police Department was visited with knives and spraypaint. Although we left the hammers at home this time and despite us only deciding on spraypaint, we arose to the call of international solidarity with our small action of spraypainting “Stop Northwest FBI Oppression” on the St Louis City Police Department Probation van. The only reason other vehicles of pig mobility weren’t attacked as well was only because their pig cars were out oppressing others. We saw their red and blue pig lights illuminating prison bars down Main Street and were filled with disappointment until finding the remaining probation van. We are promising one action a week, and as oppression intensifies so will our actions. Actually, hell with it, if this northwest FBI oppression bullshit doesn’t just end we will intensify our actions. Continue reading

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International Call for Solidarity Actions for those facing the repression of the grand jury in the Northwest!

from anews:

This an international call out for solidarity actions on behalf of all those facing the repression of the grand juries, fbi, and joint-terrorism task force in the Pacific Northwest.* All of these incidents are related to the Grand Jury that will Occur in Seattle on August 2nd. We have reason to believe that the Grand Jury is related to the attack on the Federal Courthouse in Seattle on May Day. So far, four have been served subpoenaes and another person has a subpeonae out for them but has yet to be served. Continue reading

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Mexico: Update on anarchist prisoner Mario López, “El Tripa”

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On Wednesday July 11, 2012, the comrade Mario López underwent surgical intervention in the Rubén Leñero Hospital of Mexico City, in order to graft skin onto his leg due to the burns he suffered, this meant delaying his transfer at least until this weekend to the Southern Prison–where he had been interned. However, on Tuesday July 17 they carried out his transfer without previous warning, to the sick ward of the Southern Prison, where he is expected to be for at least another month. Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim of incendiary actions from 2010 and 2011

from vla, transl wos:

“…Because, although uniformity may be somewhat assumed on the general lines with respect to the tactics to follow, these tactics can be brought about in hundreds of different ways, each one of them with thousands of particularities… But we unite spontaneously, without permanent criteria, in momentary affinities…”
–Giuseppi Ciancabilla— Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim of responsibility for explosive attack on the Federal Energy Commission

from vivalanarquia, transl waronsociety:

“Solidarity between anarchists is more than written words,” say the same ones who make apology for this ideology, unfortunately, observing the extremely complex reality from an objective vision, we note that words will always be words. Continue reading

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Mexico: An indomitable salute to the comrades Tripa and Felicity

from 325, transl waronsociety:

Health and strength, comrades. It is what you need most in this hour.

Compañero Tripa, you know that we will always be with you and we will recall you in every action of the daily conflict we have chosen in order to take freedom in our hands.
Because we like you have anarchy in our guts,* you are and will be that feeling in the stomach that the rebels feel in every act of disobedience against authority. Because unlike some others, we do not play at revolution, and we don’t ask for permission to be free, we understand that anarchy is a position, a tension toward freedom that lives day by day, a rebellion against this world that reduces us to commodities. Solidarians with the solidarian, in spite of everything, anarchists of all tendencies are coming forward for you; going out and vindicating you cannot mean anything other than a conviction to the struggle that no one can deny your commitment to. Felicity, compañera, we are with you, we will be the shadow that accompanies you in your dignified escape, always alert and always firm, do not let this poisonous air penetrate your convictions, always proud, always anarchist. Power’s lies do not corrupt the minds of the honest. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim of responsibility for several arson attacks

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On July 21 at 1 AM, an individual approached the ATM of the Nation of the Argentine Republic Bank located on Adolfo Alsina and San Jose in downtown Buenos Aires, splashing gasoline in the area and leaving an incendiary device with a five minute delay.

Direct attack on property, attack against authority, destruction of the State/Capital, no dialogue with Power, there is no truce, the social war is now. Continue reading

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August 2nd: Call for demo in solidarity with comrades subpoenaed to grand jury in Seattle

from anews:

This is a regional call-out for a solidarity demo at the Seattle federal courthouse, 700 Stuart St., starting at 7:30am and going throughout the day, to show support for the comrades being stripped of any sembalence of rights in what is known as a grand jury. Comrades from the cities targeted and beyond should make the trip to Seattle so we can show the state how we feel about grand juries. We need as many people to come out as we can, to not only show the people facing the grand jury that we support them in their struggle against state oppression but to show the state that we will always resist their attempts at co-optation and destruction of our movements of social revolution. Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Noise Demonstration in Solidarity with PNW Rebels

from pugetsoundanarchists:

After a small anti-repression assembly in Bloomington (less than 20 people), there was a spontaneous solidarity noise demo at the Monroe County Jail. The same chants as usual, reflecting the fact that our basic methods will remain unchanged: active solidarity, the spread of rebellious attitudes and actions, and strong affinity as a basis for our practice.

Solidarity means attack, against repression, let’s strike back.
Much love to the revolting PNW.

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