Chile: Urgent! Cristobal Bravo’s “freedom” revoked

from libertadalos14a via Culmine (September 22nd)

Today they repealed the “precautionary measure” against the vegan anti-authoritarian comrade Cristobal Bravo Frake, accused of participating in an attack on an agent of authority, during the commemoration of September 11th in Chile (the date of the military coup in 1973).

Even though last week they decided preventive imprisonment was unnecessary for Cristobal and granted him “liberty” for a bimonthly signature, today they reversed this measure and he has been imprisoned in Prison No. 1 of Santiago.

For now we don’t have more information about the current situation, like the argument that was made that he would stay in preventive imprisonment, but we hope for more details about it from those who have previously spoken about him.

“Neither their prisons nor their hangmen will stop the street battles”
—Cristobal Bravo

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Russia/Ukraine: Brief news of guerilla attacks

from Black BlocG (September 22)

Dear Comrades! Since our latest report in English had been published, there have been some occasions of social war moved by anarchists and “ordinary people”.

29.08.2011 – In St. Petersburg R.A.T.S. (red and anarchist terror section) burned road roller and bulldozer on the construction site of business-center of Gazprom – the most horrible Russian state-capitalist monster, trading oil and gas.

The same day in Moscow DIY-bomb was thrown into the police station of one of the Moscow outskirt municipality – Eastern Degunino. Two police cars, wall and windows of a building was damaged by explosion. This was the second anonymous bomb-attack on Moscow police in last days of August (the first one two days before). No group has claimed responsibility.

31.08.2011 – In Petersburg-city R.A.T.S. strikes again – police car burned and communiqué was spread: “everyone knows what hatred to police means – nowadays our country is separated on two unequal groups – those who governs and those who has to obey due to the fear of repressions (…) our action is a gift to the inauguration of a new police governor of St. Petersburg – Poltavchenko.

03.09.2011 – Nearby city of Samara, placed in Volga-river, in the night anonymous pirate group attacked from the boat expensive yachts by Molotov cocktails.

09.09.2011 – In Moscow region administration house of Povarovo village was attacked by Molotov cocktails. No group has claimed responsibility.

12.09.2011 – In Altai territory arson of Bailiff Center took place. Serious damage of building and documentation.

13.09.2011 – In Ulianovsk anonymous fire attack took place on the office of the depute Ruslan Seukov, member of a ruling party United Russia.

19.09.2011 – In Melitopol, Ukraine – public prosecutor’s office was arsoned. General door damaged…

Let struggle spreads and comes deeper! Vivat Anarhia!

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Bolivia: Solidarity action with Luciano by Autonomous Fraction of Savages…FAI/IRF


from culmine, translated by war on society:


In each country, in each State and in each government there is persecution
and incarceration of those who do not share the ideologies of these structures of power and domination
that only benefit the bourgeois at the expense of the exploited.
Our enemy is visible, believed to be omnipotent,
believed to be invisible like a wall that places itself over us.
Believed to be indestructible, thought to perpetuate itself feeding itself on us and nature.
Believed to appropriate our lives.
It thinks to crush us and to build its foundations over us to suffocate our dreams and our rage.
But it does not realize that, done with corroding some of its bricks to destabilize it,
each warrior will destroy its foundations with their own hands.
In that moment it will crumble because we have vanquished it.
This deathblow and fear invade every corner of its disgusting body,
its blood nourishing our dreams and hopes.
We trample and spit over the cursed shit that remains of it.
One more time our rage will rejoice over its ruins
We are anarchists and for us Power and Capital are not invincible.

With are in solidarity with our clandestine and imprisoned comrades
with whom we share the same struggle against this speciest, patriarchal and authoritarian system.
There are no pacts with the exploiters, nor rooms for mediation, tables for dialogue nor any of that.
Borders and countries for us are simply tools.
Tools of Power for extending its domination of nature,
with which it tries to extract us to increase its Capital.
Because we are nature, that is undeniable.
The State tries to appropriate the Earth in order to enrich itself and murder her.
We do not seek to reduce the exploitation of the Earth, we seek to destroy it,
This is real and not a banal illusion.
Action and conscious solidarity against this monster is what puts it against the wall,
it should disappear together with its prisons, laws and all its structure.

We place ourselves in solidarity with the compañero Luciano.
Who attacks Capital without fear or doubt.
The chilean State wants to seize him to make an example of him and so to try to stop the struggle.
Repression is the weapon that tries to shut us up and shut us in.
But the only thing that it achieves is to unite us and further infuriate our burning rage.

Autonomous Fraction of Savages against the capitalist Intervention in TIPNIS
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

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Argentina: Communiqué from the Buenos Aires Support Network for Freddy, Marcelo, and Juan

from the Freddy, Marcelo and Juan Support Network site

We never forget our imprisoned comrades. We don’t mystify our respect for them but neither are we indifferent to their everyday experience. Solidarity is not, as has been demonstrated on several occasions, just a beautiful word or a slogan, but a practice inseparable from our struggle. This can be expressed in many diverse ways, and there are moments when an idea takes shape with forcefulness and continuity. Given the delicate situation (in court and in prison) that faces our comrades Juan Aliste Vega, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, and Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, who are currently held captive in prisons of the Chilean state, several individuals from Buenos Aires have decided to form a new support network in order to provide updates and disseminate information about their situation, as well as hopefully assisting in their return to the streets.

As mentioned earlier in a communiqué published during the campaign to stop their deportation from Argentina, the discourse of the law (guilty/innocent) holds no validity for us because it refers to a language that isn’t ours. We have never intended, and don’t intend now, to empty out the meaning of ideas and practices that threaten the State. We will always understand that while misery exists there will be rebellion, and because of this, our brothers are those who, one way or another, question and confront the system of authority we live in. We offer our solidarity to them, to be understood as an extension and intensification of their own struggle, which is ours as well.

We encourage other comrades to form new support networks or show solidarity in the way they see fit, to strengthen the struggle for Marcelo, Freddy and Juan’s freedom.

A brief summary

In October of 2007, a Santiago branch of Banco Security was robbed, during which a servant of the bourgeosie (a cop) was killed. From that moment, a political, juridical, media and police campaign was launched, aiming to use this well-known incident in the anti-capitalist struggle to criminalize specific people: just like during the Pinochet dictatorship and the so-called democratic transition. Shortly afterwards, more precisely, on December 13th of that year, comrade Axel Osorio was arrested and sentenced to 3 years and 1 day in prison. Fortunately, he is now back in the streets.

Clearly, the search didn’t stop at that, and so on March 15th, 2008, in Neuquén Province, several police forces arrested comrades Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel, as well as a third person who was soon deported to Chile and accused of “aiding”.

Freddy (an ex-militant of the MIR [Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria/Revolutionary Left Movement]) and Marcelo (an ex-militant of the Mapu Lautaro and currently an anarchist comrade) were subjected to severe beatings and interrogations by the Chilean and Argentinean police, until at last they were transferred to Unit No. 11, a maximum security prison with a long history of torture by officers and jailers, and both charged with the possession of a weapon of war.

From that moment on the Chilean State began a frantic race to ensure the speedy extradition of the two rebels and bring them before a military tribunal. At the same time, support networks were formed in Buenos Aires, Neuquén, La Plata, Valparaíso, Santiago, etc, spreading news of the case to comrades and offering political asylum in Argentina.

Moreover, despite their constant subjugation by jailers and judges, Freddy and Marcelo have been able to get their voices and thoughts communicated through letters and telephone calls, which builds support from the other side of the walls. This has resulted in numerous activities such as: days of action, blockades of roads and train tracks, demonstrations and public events, concerts, lectures, debates, and direct actions of all kinds. These increased even more after November 17, 2008, when the comrades decided to begin a hunger strike, which finished on January 9, 2009, winning basic improvements in the conditions of their confinement. Before then, Freddy and Marcelo were isolated 23 hours a day without sunlight or contact with other prisoners.
We can’t fail to mention the solidarity that has developed around the expected repression unleashed by the state. One example is the imprisonment of comrade Andrea Urzua Cid on September 18, 2008, accused of trying to sneak explosives into Neuquén prison following an alleged escape attempt. She was released 48 days later, but was imprisoned again as a target in what the media calls the “bombs case” and is now on house arrest in Chile.

Nor do we forget the constant threats, and in some cases, beatings, which comrades from many regions were subjected to while in prison.

Finally, on December 15, 2009, the Argentinean state, by the hand of Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo and with the complicity of President Cristina Kirchner and Michelle Bachelet, signed the treaty for the extradition of Marcelo and Freddy from Argentina to Chile…

Another comrade arrested

On July 9, 2010, comrade Juan Aliste Vega (a fugitive since October 2007) was arrested at the bus station in Retiro. He was also accused of participating in the robbery of the Banco Security. The arrest was replayed for days in the mass media, as an exemplary achievement of the joint operation between Argentinean and Chilean police forces, making us wonder if there will be a repeat of Operation Condor [The counterinsurgency campaign operated by various South American states in the 1970’s, with cooperation from the CIA]. Juan is locked up in Prison No. 1 of Ezeiza.

Immediate responses were organized, such as graffiti, leaflets, road blockades and communication of various forms, but this time the Argentinean government didn’t want trouble and decided to get rid of Juan quickly. He was expelled on July 22, but not before having been tortured by the federal prison service (prison guards), the anti-terrorist squad of the Argentinean Federal Police, as well as members of the Chilean investigative police, who have long been used in Argentina to find comrades who refuse to surrender themselves to the enemy’s courts…

The comrades’ current situation

Today, Marcelo, Freddy and Juan are in the High Security Prison of Santiago in Chile, awaiting the trial, which is expected to begin in November with several hearings. While the media incessantly reprints the pictures of the dead policeman’s widow, clamoring for revenge for their “loss” and President Piñera and his inferiors all spread the social condemnation of these three warriors, we know they are strong and in high spirits, proud of their decisions and of having followed through with them to the end.

We recently learned that, like Marcelo, Freddy and Juan were subjected to searches and punishments. Such is the behavior of wretches who are scared of what they don’t understand—they attack it.
We proceed attentively, and once again urge comrades to express their solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan.


Support Network, Buenos Aires

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Spain: Vehicle belonging to construction multinational torched in Madrid

From This is Our Job via Liberación Total (September 12, 2011):

This morning, a van belonging to the multinational “construction company” PERI was torched. PERI is one of the most powerful companies in the construction industry, which is dedicated to destroying the Earth through the building of highways, power stations, etc.

We no longer recognize life, colonized as it is by science and technology. Nor can we talk about life skills, as the dead have replaced the living. In this tomb of cement and sugar, we are surrounded by millions of dead objects. The nanotechnology and biotechnology industries are the new dictatorships to be toppled. They are the new masters of the world, patenting life and imposing a form of nonlife devoid of any kind of autonomy. In the war against them, we must arm ourselves with every possible method and attack incessantly. We recognize a part of nature in ourselves, and we fight against whomever would take away and destroy that nature. There is no time to lose. Our desire and passion will put an end to everything that dominates us. Continue reading

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Bercelon, Spain: Tamara Hernández sentenced to eight years in prison

From This is our Job via Tokata (September 14, 2011):

The Court of Barcelona has sentenced anarchist Tamara Hernández Heras to eight years in prison for sending a letter-bomb to former Prison Services General Secretary Albert Batlle in October 2009.

Hernández was to be tried today in the seventh circuit of the Court of Barcelona, but she ultimately accepted the reduced sentence offered by the Prosecutor’s Office, settling for eight years in prison—half of what the Prosecutor’s Office initially requested, according to court sources.

Had Hernández not accepted the plea deal, the prosecutor would likely have pushed for a 16-year sentence—12 years for attempted murder and 4 years for possession of explosives.

Despite strict security measures, a demonstration protesting Hernández’ sentence was held at the entrance to the Court of Barcelona.

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9/11 In Chile: The day before, activities and actions in the north, and the events in Santiago

From Hommodolars
Wednesday September 14th 2011

This article is necessary to understand this: “Algunas reflexiones sobre el 11 de Septiembre“…These articles are a contribution towards a “proletarian understanding of the germinal Chilean revolutionary process developed in in the years ’60 – ’70 and bloodily cut short by the military coup of September 11th 1973; These are, mainly, the role of the left wing of the capitol in the UP [Popular Unity, the leftist party that backed Salvador Allende] and later fighting against the dictatorship, developing the self-activity of the proletariat, criticizing the democracy and necessity of a radical rupture with the reproduction of capitalism in every sphere, connected to the present struggles whose efforts have fought from below against thugs of the state and military regime (of whom the governing clique of today is a direct successor), suffering in many cases torture, imprisonment, assasination and dissapearance”.

This is the “military communiqué” which appeared in a new commeration, where the previous article helped to understand the process of class war which resulted in the current spectacular capitalism. And perhaps it could be helpful to give class content to expressions of the anger of the streets, understanding them in the totality that is capitalism.


September 11th in $hile
by Arde Moyano Records
from Viva La Anarquía

Heavy clashes broke out at the end of the demonstration called for at the central cemetery by human rights organizations, on the 38th commemoration of the last coup.

Over 300 encapuchadxs attacked several media, police and special forces snipers and pacos de rojo [red police] in the vicinity of the general cemetery, several mass media groups were targeted as during the previous year, sustaining heavy losses due to the destruction of their equipment. More than 10 police were wounded as well as a mounted police horse. A youth was arrested during clashes in possession of 4 molotov cocktails, perhaps another montaje [set-up] by the police? In all, more than 27 were arrested. More than 10,000 people attended the demonstration.

More than 450 moments of conflict were reported during the night in Santiago alone: at the end of another September 11th, more the 280,000 people were still effected by the power outages, buses were burned, supermarkets looted and set aflame, churches attacked and nearly burnt. 280 were arrested on the “national” level and 40 cops were wounded (3 seriously). These are just some of the events of day. The night began with fires across Santiago, explosions and barricades in Villa Francia around 9 pm, events that couldn’t be ignored by the special operation of the “authorities” and in other places during the night there were actions such as the attempted arson of a church and two looted supermarkets. In the hills of San Bernardo there were bursts of gunfire, the same as the night before. In Villa Francia alone the police arrested 14 people. Outside the Liceo Dario Salas there were long clashes and in one instance a cop threw tear gas into an apartment. A few short and long distance buses were attacked with stones. Some of the communities in the Metropolitan Region where the 450 conflicts took place were: Maipú (Ciudad Satélite and Camino Rinconada), Recoleta, Huechuraba, Peñalolén, Pudahuel, Lo Espejo, Villa Francia, La Victoria, Gran Avenida, Los Morros, La Pincoya Conchalí, Florida, San Miguel, Macul, Avenida Central, San Ramon and San Bernardo. The unrest spread throughout the night in various parts of the $hilean territory.

Concepción: Barricades were built, in particular outside the Vega Monumental and the University of Concepción. There were power outages because of the “cadenazos” [a method of sabotaging power lines or transformers using chains], the press was attacked and a pharmacy was looted. The same situation was reported in Quilpué and Villa Alemana.

Valparaiso: Throughout Sunday night, barricades were reported in the area of ​​Playa Ancha Rodelillo, specifically in the area of ​​the University of Playa Ancha, which also had power outages due to cadenazos and several clashes with police and destruction in the city.

Arica: About 100 encapuchados started disturbances on Avenida 21 de Mayo, behind the University of Tarapaca, destroying traffic signals within about 5 blocks and intimidating vehicles passing by the place, with no police presence.

Valdivia: The commemoration of September 11 began here with a group of people who setting up a barricade in the town of Pablo Neruda, forcing police to clear the area. There were also power outages in the Corvin neighborhood.

In turn, Chilectra reported that 135,000 customers in the Metropolitan Region partially lost electrical service. Some of the communities effected: Florida, Lo Espejo, Huechuraba, Maipú, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Estación Central, Conchalí, Pudahuel, San Joaquin, San Miguel, Peñalolén, Lo Prado, San Ramon, Quilicura, Lampa, Independencia, Recoleta and Macul, Puente Alto, La Pintana and San Bernardo.

Other Facts:

A 15-year-old was hit by a bullet in the chest and seriously injured in the neighborhood of ​​El Bosque.

14 police injured, two seriously injured, one lost an eye (Quilacura) and the other was struck by more than 40 buckshot pellets in the arms and legs (San Bernardo).

Other information: The press claims the actions were quieter than in previous years, but apparently that’s all they know to say from a few years back. A police colonel reported that the riots were heavier than last year but just as intense as a few years ago.

“Anarchists who died in the struggle against capital: Mauricio Morales, Jhonny Cariqueo, Claudia Lopez. Their democracy is built stained in blood.”

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Fresno, CA: Reflections on recent anti-police attacks including the firebombing of a police officer’s home

from Indybay:

our reflections on the current moment and the necessity of resistance to the police specifically.

We are at a very important point in history. Everything we have known is going through dramatic changes and these changes will only get bigger. The American empire and Capitalism are collapsing and something new is being born. What that something is is unknown, but we see it going one of two ways: either the rich and powerful stay in control and create a new world where they have more power and control, or the rest of us can join together and put the power into our own hands and build a new world which benefits all rather than just a few. Resistance is growing and revolutions are popping up all over the world and Fresno is no exception.

Over the last year there has been a significant increase in actions against the FPD. The August 17th molotov attack at the SW substation is an escalation from more symbolic acts (bricks through windows, paint on memorials) to acts which damage and weaken the infrastructure of the gang in blue. The police are not the main enemy of the people, those in power are. The police are mercenaries who work for those in power and are the first line of defense against those who fight for liberation. Cops are traitors who have sold themselves to those in power and then terrorize, harass and kill their own brothers and sisters to protect their master’s interests. Once people get organized and start really taking control over their own lives and communities, the police will be the first one’s sent in to regain control for the rich who have bought them. We must prepare for when this happens and begin fighting back now. Destroying their tools and equipment is a good place to start.

The August 17th action was done in solidarity with anti-police terrorism protests going on in the bay area. Solidarity actions serve 3 main purposes: 1. To bring attention to struggles going on in other places. 2. To show those involved in these struggles that they are not alone. 3. To bring to light similar local issues and to show that the problem is not isolated but systemic. Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police executed an unarmed and handcuffed Oscar Grant in 2009 and more recently executed an inebriated homeless man Charles Hill within the first minute of contact while he presented no threat to anyone. In the protests afterwards we have seen how far those in power are willing to go to squash dissent as they have brought in military crowd control weapons like the LRAD (Long-Range Acoustic Device) which was tested in Afghanistan and can cause people to become permanently deaf. Recently, BART also shut down all cell phone service in areas where there were potential protesters. So while the US is criticizing Syria for using these tactics, they are using them on their own people. There are many more “non-lethal” weapons and crowd-control techniques that the police have been training with, they know that times of rebellion and revolution are very near and they are getting ready to put them down. We also must prepare ourselves through education and training otherwise we don’t stand a chance.

Due to the economic crisis, there is less funding for FPD. Even while getting over half of the city budget they are still seeing cuts. We must take this as an opportunity and attack. Everyone who is willing should decide what they are comfortable with doing and what risks they are willing to accept. There is a need for a variety of tactics and actions. One thing which brings life to revolution and struggles has always been political graffiti. Fresno has some of this but needs more. There are plenty of people out there writing late at night, use your gifts to spread the message.

As far as other illegal actions, be creative and be smart. By accepting the risks and possible consequences of an action you must try to minimize the chances of getting caught. Have a plan but be flexible. Wear gloves whenever handling anything that will be left behind. Know where the cameras are and avoid them, this includes while en route to a target and while leaving. Wear a mask in case of witnesses but don’t put it on too soon otherwise you could draw unwanted attention. Cell phones record your every movement through GPS, leave them at home. The most important rule to follow is don’t talk about the action to ANYONE other than those involved. Everything must be kept on a needs-to-know basis. If someone isn’t involved, they don’t need to know. Most people get busted by bragging and talking too much.

In order for these actions to spread people have to know about them and understand them. The mainstream media may report on them but will misrepresent them. For this reason we suggest leaving communiques on They don’t record IP addresses but it’s still best to use a proxy such as Tor to cover your tracks. Remember that everything you do on the internet is tracked and recorded, there is never total security.

There is something we wanted to say about the Sept. 4th firebombing of a PD officers house. We support this action but feel that it indiscriminately targeted the other woman and children inside the house. Indiscriminate targeting of innocent civilians is terrorism. This is what the police and military do and we must be better than them. Many children of cops grow up to hate cops because of the corruption they grew up seeing. Our group does not feel that things have come to the point where actions which put individuals in harms way are suitable. At the same time, we cannot condemn someone who does feel this way since many feel that we have committed actions which are not suitable. The real question is whether this action was political or not. If this was someone who has answered the call to war then we commend you, but was it? There are too many things that smell funny about this. The news reported that 6 months prior to this the same officer had her car burned up. Maybe an upset ex who came back? Also the house is for sale in a dried up market, fire insurance pays pretty well. Beyond anything it seems that this was the perfect opportunity for Dyer to gain support against those of us who fight back. FPD has been firebombed, now the public has no problem believing it happened again. From the beginning Dyer has focused on there being another woman and 3 children in the house. He is a pro at PR and knows how to get sympathy from the public, particularly harping on the officer being female. We all know Jerry is a sexist pig so I don’t think there’s any sincerity there, in fact this officer could be one of the officers suing Dyer; Dyer could have thrown the molotovs himself!

Then when the home caught on fire again, Dyer was quick to say that it was intentional while the fire marshall says most likely it was from wiring damaged in the previous fire but it’s under investigation. Seriously, KMPH was set up across the street when the second fire started around 9:30pm, it’s not a good idea to pull off clandestine actions that early in a residential area at what’s already the scene of a crime with news vans across the street!
We’re not sure what actually happened but Dyer is making the most of it and will use this to justify any further atrocities from him and his gang of thugs. Everyone needs to be careful out there no matter what level you are at. Watch your backs.

Once again, if this was a political or revolutionary act then we commend whoever did this for their action. But it seems much more complicated than that and people should keep an open mind.

Either way this is only going to fuel more action from more people. The system has failed us and people are thinking of revolution more and more every day. This war has been going on for as long as there have been rich and poor people. Too often the poor don’t fight back, that has changed and people are rising up all over the world. We have to come together and fight back now before it’s too late

– The Resistance

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September 11th Riots in Santiago

from Infoshop News

On September 11th, 1973, General Pinochet launched a coup, with backing from the US, and took over the government of Chile. Twenty years ago, in 1990, the military dictatorship transitioned peacefully to a democracy, in which much of the old guard remained in power, and none of the neoliberal economic changes forced through by US-trained economists under the dictatorship were reversed.
September 11th Riots in Santiago

On September 11th, 1973, General Pinochet launched a coup, with backing from the US, and took over the government of Chile. Twenty years ago, in 1990, the military dictatorship transitioned peacefully to a democracy, in which much of the old guard remained in power, and none of the neoliberal economic changes forced through by US-trained economists under the dictatorship were reversed.

Every year on September 11th, people again take to the streets throughout Chile to show that the struggle against capitalism has not ended. During the day, in Santiago, there is a march from the city center to the cemetery, where many victims of the Pinochet regime are buried, and at night many of the poblaciones, the peripheral urban ghettos which were major sites of struggle during and after the dictatorship, throw up barricades and riot. In past years, police stations have been attacked, and both police and people have been killed.

This year’s march convened at 10 in the morning. Thousands of people were gathered behind a multitude of banners. Hundreds carried red flags with the initials of various communist parties, including the FPMR, a Marxist guerrilla group that engaged in armed struggle against the Pinochet regime. Many Mapuche flags and banners were also present, whereas the anarchists seemed at first to have a smaller presence this year, due to the heavy wave of repression that has been directed against insurrectionary anarchists and that culminated in a wave of raids and arrests on August 14.

The march headed north as police maintained a relatively light presence, visibly trying not to provoke any confrontations, while large reserve forces waited generally out of sight, shadowing the march from a block away. The government of Sebastian Piñera, the millionaire businessman from the rightwing National Renewal Party, which supported Pinochet when it was first created, has declared that the upcoming bicentenary celebration on September 18th would mark the end of all divisions in Chilean society. In an awkward call for unity in a televised speech on the 11th, Piñera declared that three out of every four Chileans were either minors or not yet born at the time of Pinochet’s coup, so it made no sense to remain “trapped” in the hatred of the past.

Evidently, a precondition for that unity was the suppression of the anarchists. Insurrectionary anarchist social centers in Santiago were raided on August 14, along with several homes, and 14 people were arrested, charged with illegal association and responsibility for the wave of over a hundred bombings that has targeted the institutions and property, but as of yet not the persons, of the elite. The evidence is scanty, and the case is being held together above all by the media.

The media, ultimately, would become the major target of Saturday’s march.

The crowd of ten thousand chanted slogans, blew horns, and banged on drums as it moved through the streets along the preplanned route. The walls soon became covered with anarchist and Mapuche graffiti, along with the occasional message from the more radical Marxist groups.

The traditional Black Bloc had not formed at the back of the march, but when the protestors passed a government building, black masked figures suddenly emerged from within the crowd to smash out all its windows. A few leftists tried to stop them, and the entire crowd silenced them with chants of “los pacos de rojo son los peligrosos!”, the red police are the dangerous ones. Time and again, when anyone tried to stop or discourage property destruction, a large part of the crowd around the anarchists responded with this chant. And generally the crowd proceeded with little incident. A few small fires were lit, a TV van parked along the route attacked, and more graffiti put up on the walls.

Finally the march reached the general cemetery where the memorial to the victims of the Pinochet regime is located. A stage had been assembled on the street outside. The speaker spoke of the recent repression and talked about the Mapuche hungerstrikers, the families of those disappeared by police, the miners, the students. Anarchists were noticeably absent from the list, though that same speaker would soon call for solidarity from the anarchists when the situation started to take a turn.

At one point in the march about twenty encapuchados, masked ones, ran off to stone police who were hiding on the next block over, though the confrontation was shortlived. Outside the cemetery, the police forces were nowhere to be seen, although a small group of commanders was visible on a distant hillside, next to a TV van, surveilling the protest.

Now there were more masked anarchists, and a much larger crowd around them who clearly wanted blood. A slight majority of the mass listened attentively to the speakers on the stage, though almost immediately the communists put their flags out of sight. It seems they have direct orders to take down their flags whenever their might be a riot, so that on the news there are never pictures that show both at the same time.

In less than half an hour, the crowd at the back got rowdy. A TV van was parked directly in their midst, and in one moment people began to throw trash and then rocks at it. The journalists quickly got out of the way, and the van had all its windows smashed out, and “the press lies” written on it. The surrounding crowd chanted their approval: “La prensa burguesa no nos interesa!” The bourgeois press doesn’t interest us.

Some Chilean and US flags were burned in a barrel, and masked anarchists began taking down the street signs and traffic lights while other people looked on, smiling. The speaker on the stage began a plea for solidarity, asking that the “compañeros” not provoke any incidents, begging people to realize that families were present, and children, and people in the graveyard visiting their loved ones, and indigenous people. The crowd in front of the stage having largely disappeared, the rest of those gathered began whistling and shouting, and repeated the chant about the red police. A few twelve year olds were busy throwing stones, a number of families were watching the fun, people in the graveyard were relaxing, unconcerned by the riot outside until police entered and chased them out later in the day. And as for the Mapuche, they themselves were internally divided on the question of violence and politics, and had no uniform position. Earlier in the week, anarchists and others had come out to a Mapuche solidarity protest that marched up the pedestrian street Ahumada to Plaza de Armas, and their participation was respectful, and without any incident. The September 11th protest, on the other hand, has always ended with riots.

The leftist on the stage was ignored, and eventually a group of anarchists broke through the metal doors protecting the metro station Cementerio, which had been closed up for the day. For the next minutes the sound of breaking glass and smashed ticket machines echoed out onto the streets. Still, the police did not come. Some in the crowd wondered, what if they don’t let us have a riot? The neighborhood was not a wealthy one, and the few legitimate targets on that block had already been dismantled.

Finally a group of anarchists, followed by many youths and others who wanted a fight, ran up a side street where another media van was parked. They physically attacked a few journalists, who had to run for their lives, and caught another TV van. They smashed it open and looted it, and came back triumphantly bearing a TV camera and tripod, which they threw into their fire.

The media would declare the next day that the police had allowed the riot to develop by being too lenient, though in reality things only kicked off because they took the bait.

After the second attack on the media, police tanks with water cannons drove up from two directions and plowed through the burning barricades. At first the protestors ran away, but soon they charged back in to attack the lanzaguas.ˆThese tanks are the characteristic crowd control weapon in Chile. They plow through crowds or barricades, and shoot high-powered streams of water mixed with tear gas. Soon the air filled up with the biting stench of gas. A number of carabineros jeeps and armored personnel carriers came behind the tanks, but for the moment no police got out on foot, so there was still no danger of arrest. The crowd charged the tanks, throwing stones and a couple molotovs, and the tanks sprayed at the crowd, which would run back down the street or take refuge in the cemetery. The battle went back and forth for what seemed like half an hour but was probably much shorter, while an enterprising lemon vendor who had been trailing the march set up shop in the cemetery and sold off a hundred lemons to people suffering the effects of the burning gas. A black street dog, meanwhile, braved the tear gas and barked and bit at the police vehicles, clearly on the side of the anarchists.

Eventually, when the crowd had been worn down and police considered it safer to send in officers on foot, the water cannons charged the cemetery gate, partially entering, and giving cover to a line of police cavalry that stormed in behind them. Most of the Black Bloc had gone into the cemetery, but as soon as the police contingent advanced in after them, the crowd on the street surged in behind the police, shouting “ahora! ahora!” and attacking them from the rear with a hail of rocks. Police reinforcements rolled up and pushed back the crowd permanently, and a little while later more police vehicles came in from the other direction, dispatching a number of cops on foot, so the crowd scattered. Cops reported arresting about twenty people in the cemetery.

The march, though, was just the first event of the day. During the nighttime, every year, people in the poblaciones set up barricades and shoot off guns to mark the anniversary of the coup.

This year was no exception. The night before, in the community of San Bernardo, youths erected burning barricades, and three were arrested. On Saturday night disturbances took place in at least a half dozen poblaciones. People burned barricades and opened fire on the police, hospitalizing at least four of the hated “pacos.” Eighty people were arrested.

The violence was less than in previous years, but it was enough to cast a shadow over the preparations for the 18th, the Chilean equivalent of Independence Day, and to contradict the absurd rhetoric of reconciliation. People gave a strong show of solidarity for the Mapuche prisoners on hungerstrike, and the anarchists showed that even though they have been hammered by a strong wave of repression and presented in the media as Public Enemy No. 1, they still have support, and the strength to attack.

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Chile: The revolt continues… until total liberation!

from Hommodolars Contrainformacion

Circulo Individualista Aves del Fuego (Individualist Cell of Birds of Fire)

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

“We fight for the liberation of the individual. For the conquest of life. For the triumph of our ideas. For the realization of our dreams. And if our ideas are dangerous, it is because we are those who love to live dangerously. And if our dreams are crazy, it is because we are crazy. But our madness is our great wisdom…” [1]

There they were, the voracious youth again, destroying everything, erecting barricades, clashing with police, nothing could stop them… There is fire and passion in their hearts, love and hatred on their insides, courage and decision. The beauty of chaos has returned to grace the streets, it is not only fire that adorns the asphalt, it is also the energy of the youth, the abolition of the sexes, everyone in the struggle…

Will this struggle bear fruit? To want to study just to be someone in life? The individual who goes searching for real happiness, does not stop at so little, she knows that she can educate herself, and although that path is longer, that doesn’t make it less interesting, because everything else is interminable…

To raze the school is possible today, like it was done in the colegio Guillermo Cruz de Estaciòn Central, in the colegio Gabriel Gonzales Videla, that sheltered the students of liceo Insuco 2 from the earthquake and also the Polytechnic of Arica; those places intentionally lit ablaze by those beautiful pajarillas who understand that this destruction is a great step towards the conquest of life…

The journey is intense and difficult, it always has been, when individuals fed up with their miserable conditions organize and attack. One cannot be afraid of those who organize only for one specific goal although it is only to destroy, because at this point we know that to build, we must destroy…

And all the reasoning these petty politicians supposedly have when they talk about the problem of education, does nothing for anyone, because the discontent grows and advances, although the bureaucrats and businessmen almost always end up winning.

And they believe that to repress passion is a simple thing, that with a little tear gas and a little water they will snuff it out, like any other flame, so they will have to be reminded that they are wrong, again and again, those idiots.

The night always illuminates our steps, just like free love allows us unlimited bliss, to find us with the beautiful silence of obscurity, or at the feet of the fresh rays of the rising sun; (rays which don’t caress those awkward workers drooling over the bus windows and subway glass), running into the heat of a barricade, it’s magic, like something supreme, or can only god be supreme? We burn the churches with their pedophile priests inside, we watch those cowardly abusers from the front to spit in their faces… another day comes, but this is one of the beautiful ones, because we will combine the sun that caresses us with its heat with an emancipatory fire full of joy and hope…

Here are the barricades again, with those sensual forms we are drawn by the fire, which one day happened to arrive at a La Polar warehouse stocked with dirty merchandise. But the good guys are coming, the firefighters, those most contemptible beings, those infamous voyeurs, who complain about being hit with rocks when they were going to put out the fire, but we still remember when they gave their ladders to the police to evict the people of Andha Chile who were squatting the Mapocho for a decent living; cowards always in the service of authority.

The individual who moves toward the greatest happiness possible, will never stumble, her journey is unique and without equal, there is nothing that can stop her, not the cops in red who beat her with sticks, not morality imposing its limits, not the police infiltrators who dirty her path, not the din of their sirens to silence her…

“We banish those terrible mores from ourselves completely, like evil men who for so long have caused us harm” [2], imposing norms, morals, discipline, gods and their idiotic doctrines, we always forget society and its dominions, and cast ourselves naked into an encounter with our inner beings.

Today it is time to kill the cops in our heads, and this, to be sure, is a great battle. It’s much easier to throw a rock at an armored truck and believe that, from this act, liberty closely follows. It’s much easier to spend hours and hours talking about revolution and organization. It’s much easier to believe that going to a free university will change the world.

Students, don’t be fooled, remember that those who control the world also attended the university, and to their disgrace, some studied for free. And what did they become? Heartless beings capable of torture in their jails and murder for a few cents, and what do you say now? That you’ll be another? This remains to be seen…

Liberty is a vital and absolute force, this must be what unites us, whatever other demand will fade away with time, but if we reach any understanding of the vitality of the conquest of the individual’s own life, there will be no law that can stop her, no fear that paralyzes her, no chains that bind her, no gods that punish her as she advances firmly toward total emancipation!

There are those who still believe in revolution, and to them we say that ours began long ago, at the moment we decided to stop being sheep and became individualist and nihilist anarchists.

So, we’re not scared to tell them that today, social revolution is impossible, because this society is rotten at its core, as a product of which the individual was slowly fitted with values and a moralism that destroys her completely, and how? A taste of the whip and its punishment, of a militarized education, of the opus dei of supernumerary catholicism, and of a bourgeois Christian democratic tradition; etc… basically, of the system.

And what’s worse, those people feel proud to be humans and not animals, and as though this was not enough, they enslave and indiscriminately use the animals to lengthen their miserable lives. Thus, we despise humanity, simply because their submissive and alienated behaviors that make them modern slaves, are not within us.

In this world of sickness, “we feel alive when we shudder with the perfume of the flowers, with the songs of the birds, with the crashing of the waves, the sound of the wind, the silence of solitude” [3], we feel alives when we tremble with the heat of the fire, with the caress of chaos, with the nights of revolt…

“We rushed into the chasm, to respond to the voices of our dead” [4], they who died fighting with weapons in their hands and immense golden stars in their eyes, those who are immortal like el punky Mauri, like Claudia Lopez, who on any given night found themselves facing death so gracefully. Yes, because those of us who choose to live an intense and dangerous life, death receives us with open arms, caresses us and kisses us…

Why don’t we fear death? Because “we are used to thinking that death is nothing to us, because everything, good and bad, resides within sensation and death is the deprivation of the senses. Death is nothing to us because when we exist, death is absent and, when death is present, then we no longer exist.” [5]

“The wise (the fierce individual) neither refuses life nor fears death, because to her, it is not a burden to be alive, nor is it an evil not to be.” [6]

It’s true, we want everything, we dream of huge banquets and shun bread and tea, we want grand orgies and reject monogamy. We believe in free love because we know “that jealousy, and exclusive romance, conjugal fidelity, kills off part of the self, impoverishes sentimental personality, narrows analytical horizons, among other things. And furthermore, in love as in almost everything else, it is only abundance which annihilates jealousy and envy…” [7] we want to run together with the animals in the fields and the forests, we want to bathe naked on the beaches, rivers and lakes and not end up at a precinct for indecency.

“We reassert the right to live naked, to take off our clothes, to wander naked, to join together among nudists without any concern of discovering the body’s resistance to temperature, this is to affirm the right to the disposition of individual corporeality…” [8]

If there are those who belittle our beautiful solitude, then we propose to them free association, instead of a society (society = membership by force). We are egoists, but our egoism is generous. What does this mean? That we can give to and concern ourselves with someone who we consider our friend, simply because it is a chosen emotion, unlike with comrades, because in most situations you don’t choose them, you simply encounter them in some global or particular conflict and because of this you cannot expect anything from them.

Chilean society is convulsing, it knows there’s a conflict and doesn’t know how it will end, there are students wounded, two dead and a few in jail, there are others on hunger strike, the tension increases, it’s visible in the streets every time there’s a day of action and protest, the confrontations between pacifist and violent protestors keep on increasing, so much that they have struck and snatched the masks off of some encapuchadxs. Careful, citizens, civil war doesn’t scare us…

Liberatory violence is the only way to put an end to the daily suffering of the individual and the cruel tragedies that scourge the humans and animals of this earth.

Violence is only justifiable when it’s necessary to defend oneself, or if you wish, others from violence. The oppressed and poor are constantly in a state of legitimate defense, so their violence against their exploiters and oppressors are always justified. Besides, for two to live in peace, they have to both want the peace; if one of the two insists on wanting to force the other (by hunger) to work, study, or follow their laws, the oppressed, if they want to maintain their dignity as individuals and not be reduced to the most abject slavery, in spite of all their love for peace and harmony, they will have no choice but to resist by force with means appropriate to the circumstances…

Any real change will necessarily be violent, though violence on its own may be harmful. It has to be violent because it would be madness to hope that the privileged would recognize the pain and injustice their privileges cause and decide to voluntarily renounce them. It has to be violent because temporary revolutionary violence is the only way to put and end to the much greater and perpetual violence that has enslaved the large majority of humans and animals…

Today we want to present the individualist-nihilist anarchist viewpoint of this conflict, as well as to revive the ideas captured on paper that some people have made tangential. Our intention will never be to speak as authorities or lead a flock.

We are the negation of negation, we are a nightmare for those who seek hegemony over anarchism or continue with the old and rotten concept of class war, we are clear about what we desire and believe, we’re not interested in making a good impression on people, for us the class war is dead, the poor steal from the poor, in the streets the it’s the proletariat who repress the insurgent proletarians, the modern slaves who add a link to their chains each day, who bow down to consumerism.

What would the people do if we shut down all their fast food joints?

What would the people do if we burned all their stores?

What would the students do if we tore down their schools and universities?

What would society do if they destroyed their beloved phone and internet towers?

To summarize, what would proletarians do if we gave them back their life? We believe they would search for us until they found and killed us, but what they don’t know is that we are already dead, and sadly, the dead cannot be killed…

The revolt is here, we must increase our participation, our generous egoism needs to contribute, for now, to the struggle, to gather and organize ourselves for specific ends such as destruction, enjoyment, loving camaraderie, encounters with chaos, advancing towards the dawn [or awakening] of the creative nothing, then returning to our hiding places, to rejoice and dance with the birds, to nourish ourselves with the energy of the trees, to feel the ocean breeze, to hear the lovely melody of the wind…

We have already said it and we’ll say it again: our revolution has already begun, we make it from day to day, making free love, declaring ourselves against every god and religion, deconstructing the dominating language that they imposed on us, openly opposing any society, we make it when we stop being men and women and become unique human beings.

They complain, with reason, that individualist and nihilist anarchists don’t have a program or offer a pseudo-revolutionary project, nor are we interested in inserting ourselves in any type of society. To put it quantitatively: among boundless occupations, ours is the search for total satisfaction, endless joy, pleasure, eternal happiness, the individual revolution here and now. After all, we’ll tell them: only time will tell who achieves their goals…It’s the hour of the social tragedy!

We will destroy, laughing.
We will burn, laughing.
We will kill, laughing.
We will expropriate, laughing.
And society will fall. The fatherland will fall. The family will fall.
Everything will fall, since the free man has been born.
The time to drown the enemy in blood has arrived… [9]

For an International Union of Egoists. At dawn, night will fall!


1, 4 and 9. Renzo Novatore. Towards the Creative Nothing.

2, 5, and 6. Epicurus. Various texts.

3. Emile Armand. To Feel Alive.

7. Emile Armand. Love Between Anarcho-Individualists.

8. Emile Armand. Nudism. Note: If we have decided to use some quotations
literally and others only in partially, it is only to bring up individuals who gave their lives in thought and action to an ideal: INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!

Note 2: A giant embrace to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, especially their prisoners, for their enormous contribution to the individualist-nihilist struggle.

Note 3: Greetings to all those in the FAI/Federacion Anarquista Informal.

Note 4: Love to all prisoners.

Note 5: To our dear brother Luciano: only with violent direct action will we pay you homage, our hands are now also yours, and very strong.

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Egypt on alert after Israel embassy stormed in Cairo

from the press

Egypt has declared a state of alert after protests on the streets of Cairo, following the storming of the Israeli embassy on Friday night. Security forces fired tear gas and drove armoured vehicles at protesters throwing stones and petrol bombs. Three people died, officials said.

The protesters broke into the embassy building, entering consular offices and throwing out documents, officials said.

Israel flew its ambassador and nearly all its diplomats back home.

Egypt’s governing military council is meeting later on Saturday to discuss the situation.

The health ministry said that one of the three people who died had suffered a heart attack. More than 1,000 were injured.

Hundreds of protesters remained near the embassy until after dawn, burning tyres in the street and chanting slogans against Egypt’s military rulers.

Riot police were on the streets and live gunshots were heard, says the BBC’s Bethany Bell in Cairo, while the air was thick with tear gas.

Six members of the embassy staff were trapped inside the building during the riot and had to be rescued by Egyptian commandos, an Israeli official told the BBC.

He thanked Egypt for freeing the Israeli staff and described the unrest as a “serious blow to the fabric of peace” between the two countries.

The incident was a “gross violation” of standard diplomacy, he said.

Egypt is one of only two Arab countries – along with Jordan – to have made peace with Israel.

Anti-Israel sentiment has been on the rise in Egypt, fuelled by the deaths on 18 August of five Egyptian policemen on the Israeli border.

The Egyptian state news agency Mena said 448 people were injured in the clashes overnight into Saturday.

The unrest began after Friday prayers, when thousands converged on Cairo’s Tahrir Square to demand faster political reforms following the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak in February.

From there, hundreds marched on the Israeli embassy. They smashed through a security wall around the building before a group of about 30 broke in and threw documents out of windows.

An Israeli official told the BBC the intruders had entered consular offices, but not the main embassy.

After initially standing by, police moved against the protesters, firing tear gas. Several vehicles were set alight.

Live TV pictures in the early hours of Saturday showed protesters throwing petrol bombs at police vans which drove at a crowd of people to try to scatter them.

Shots were heard in the area but it is not clear who fired them. Protesters also attacked a police station nearby.

An Israeli official said 80 people – embassy staff, including the ambassador, and their families – were flown out overnight to Israel.

The Israeli consul remains in Cairo as acting ambassador.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron condemned the attack, and called on the Egyptian authorities to meet their obligations to protect diplomatic property and staff.

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San Francisco, CA: Glen Park BART attacked


Glen Park BART attacked: We didn’t do it for the lulz

On the evening of September 8th, 2011 we sabotaged the fare machines, turnstiles and facade of the Glen Park BART station in South San Francisco. Just as we have been inspired by comparable actions of anarchists world wide, we hope to act as a catalyst to incite similar actions against the state and it’s apparatuses of control.

Our spray cans dispensed slogans and our hammers shattered screens and ticket readers. We look to each other to find meaning and reject the limiting discourse of rights and free speech as a vehicle for our rage. We communicate this now to denounce the authority of a society that violently represses us every time we step out of line.

All police are the enemy. We articulate this when we choose to honor the lives of Oscar Grant, Charles Hill and Kenneth Harding by fighting for our own lives. This same passion for freedom can be observed from Seattle to Greece to Chile. As anarchists we understand that the social control of transit fares exists in harmony with the deadly enforcement of the physical, emotional, and social desolation of our everyday lives. We aim to interrupt this concert at every feasible opportunity.

The police and the media will spin this event as petty vandalism. Some will condemn us and suggest that violence against property promotes state repression, but we have lost our fear. We do not seek approval from any authority and for this reason we abandon the tired structure of demand.We look to explore our capacity to exemplify our collective abilities and to encourage others to resist in ever more autonomous and uncontrollabe ways. Freedom to those arrested at today’s Powell Street action. See you at the barricades.

PS: mad props to the wildcat longshoremen of washington. keep it wild

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$hile: September Begins! Barricades in Several Neighborhoods of Santiago

from Liberacion Total via the press

Confrontations outside of the University of Chile and the ex-Pedagogical University in the neighborhood of Macul con Grecia, as well as vehicles burned in the community of La Pincoya.

— On Friday, September 2nd, encapuchadxs built barricades on Grecia Avenue outside of the Campus Juan Gómez Millas of the university of Chile, where they confronted the agents of order with molotovs.

— At dawn on Monday, September 5th, in the community of La Pincoya, Huechuraba District, unknown people built several burning barricades. At one of these fires in the intersection of Recoleta Avenue and Pargua, a Nissan Sentra car was burned and placed in the middle of the avenue. After this, past 1 in the morning, another vehicle was set aflame and used as a barricade. An all-terrain Toyota Rav4 truck was moved to block Recoleta and Los Nogales Avenues. Officers of the 54th Police Station and Special Forces arrived on the scene, but no one was arrested. It’s worth mentioning that previously in the same neighborhood, in recent disturbances, unidentified people stole two luxury cars and burned them in barricades on different nights.

– On the evening of Monday, September 5th, around 30 encapuchadxs set up barricades with tires in front of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences (ex-Pedagogical), blocking traffic for more than an hour on Macul Avenue. Special Forces responded, and were immediately attacked with molotovs, confrontations which lasted for several minutes until the encapuchadxs retreated to the inside of the University to avoid arrest.

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Fresno, CA: Arsonist firebombs a Fresno police officer’s home

from the press:

A Fresno Police officer’s home is fire bombed early Sunday morning. It’s the second time an officer has been the target of a fire starter in less than three weeks.

Fresno police aren’t identifying the woman officer. She finished her shift at 2:00 a.m. Thirty minutes after arriving at her northwest Fresno home, Chief Jerry Dyer says an arsonist struck several times. “There were several Molotov cocktails that were thrown into the house causing both external and internal fire damage. The Fresno Fire dept. immediately put out the fire.”

The windows and front door have now been boarded up. Fresno Police and Fresno Fire’s arson unit are conducting a joint investigation.

“First off whether or not she was specifically targeted and if so was she specifically targeted because she’s a police officer,” Chief Dyer said.

Two and a half weeks ago an arsonist struck at the southwest Fresno policing station. A patrol car was torched. Two cars parked nearby belonging to police officers were damaged. But it’s the Sunday morning arson case that has the Chief concerned. “What makes this more concerning isn’t only because she’s a police officer but the fact that there was another female in the residence as well as three children.”

Chief Dyer says his department is taking steps to insure the safety of the woman officer, her family and home. So far she has not been placed on administrative leave.

The Chief also sent out a voice mail to every Fresno Police Department employee reminding them to be on their toes until the arsonist is caught. If you have information on this case DON’T SNITCH

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