Seattle, WA: Attempted incendiary attack on Chase Bank

from the press:

Arson/bomb squad investigators are trying to determine who left an incendiary device at a Southeast Seattle bank early Friday morning.

The device, which one witness described as two bottles wrapped in tape in a box with wires, failed to ignite. Seattle police are calling the incident an attempted arson.

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U$A: Communique from Antisec summarizing end-of-year attacks

from xfiles (follow link for the full communique with text graphics):



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Chile: Francisco Moreno sentenced and in the street; Mono and Gonzalo in prison again

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

Francisco Moreno sentenced to 3 years and a day, but is in the street

On July 14, 2011, Francisco is arrested in a massive student march, accused of throwing a molotov bomb at the Brazilian embassy resulting in a riot police officer wounded and another with severe burns.

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Indonesia: Hidayat in prison in Makassar after demonstration – call for solidarity!

from hidup biasa:

Makassar Police Headquarters have finally charged our comrade Hidayat, who is accused of damaging Police outposts during a demonstration supporting the people of Bima. According to the police, Hidayat’s status has been changed to ‘accused’ because they have sufficiently strong evidence to justify this higher level. They also claim to have video and photo evidence.

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Greece: Police crackdown and arrests after direct action in Exarchia

from contrainfo:

Today (3rd January) the Solidarity Cell ‘In Carcere et Vinculis’ claimed responsibility for attacking — probably with sledgehammers — the building located in Solonos Street, in downtown Athens on January 2nd, 2012. At about 22.30 they smashed the front windows of Goody’s fast food restaurant and IEK Domi, a private institute of professional qualification, in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist Stella Antoniou. Much to our surprise, the communiqué failed to refer to the arrests and police crackdown after this direct action.

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Argentina: Communique for arsons of luxury vehicles and bombing of police station

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


By means of this communique we claim responsibility for the deliberate arson of two luxury vans last morning–the first at the intersection of Rawson and Diaz Velez in the Almagro neighborhood, totally destroying the vehicle, and the second at the intersection of Senillosa and Rondeau, Boedo, burning the van with partial damages.

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Matthew DePalma is in the streets

We are pleased to have learned, although quite belatedly, that comrade Matthew Depalma was released from prison on September 16, 2011. Welcome back, comrade!

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Ontario, Canada: Prisoners rebel at Penetang on Christmas Eve

from guelphabc:

On December 24th, multiple ranges in unit 5 at the Central North Correctional Center (AKA Penetang) refused to go on lockdown. On one of these ranges (5F) Erik Lankin was held. During the holidays, it is common for prisoners to be on lockdown most of the time, because the guards are short-staffed. “Lockdown” refers to prisoners being locked into their cells, rather than being out on the range with about 20-30 other prisoners.

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Canada: The State files an appeal of Ryan Rainville’s sentencing

from guelphabc:

On December 20th 2011, a member of the G20 Investigative Team came to his home at Sagatay Mens Residence to serve him with an appeal of his sentence. The implication of this action is that his sentence is to light. It is clear that Ryan’s pride in his convictions and anarchist values have led them to target him in an attempt to send a clear message to other anarchists, that our politics and bodies will be criminalized if we do not fall in line.

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List of New Years Eve noise demos outside prisons, jails and detention centers worldwide

Athens, Greece

In response to the global call for noise demos, the following demonstrations (that we know about) took place:

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Seattle, WA: Arrest made in anti-development sabotage

from greycoast:

A heartfelt & incendiary embrace goes out to the Seattle comrade arrested this New Year’s Eve for allegedly breaking windows and smashing property at a hi-rise apartment/condo construction site on Capitol Hill, Seattle.

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California State Law Enforcement Agency Website Defaced & Destroyed By #Antisec



Soundtrack to the Rev Track: The Coup – Five Million Ways to Kill a CEO

I’m from the land where the Panthers grew
You know the city and the avenue
If you the boss we be smabbin through
And we’ll be grabbin’ you
To say “What’s up with the revenue?”

Most everybody already knows that we don’t like police very much. Shit, just
about everybody hates them, everybody except for the rich and powerful who
depend on their protection. But which state got the most blood on their hands?
Well we already owned pigs in Texas and Arizona, and many many others; guess its time to ride on the California police.

From the murder of Oscar Grant, the repression of the occupation movement, the
assassination of George Jackson in San Quinten prison, the prosecution of our
anonymous comrades in San Jose, and the dehumanizing conditions in California
jails and prisons today, California police have a notorious history of brutality
and therefore have been on our hitlist for a good minute now.

So we went ahead and owned the California State Law Enforcement Association
(CSLEA.COM), defacing their website and giving out live backdoors. We dumped a
few of their mail spools and forum databases, and we did get a few laughs out of
reading years of their private email correspondence (such as CSLEA’s Legislative
and Police Liason Coby Pizzotti’s convos with his girlfriend who calls him
“doodle”). But what we were really after was their membership rosters, which
included the cleartext password to 2500 of their members, guaranteeing the
ownage of many more California pigs to come.

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Pittsburgh, PA: Courthouse attacked during NYE noise demonstration

from anarchistnews:

On December 31st at midnight, 30 bodies gathered at the Allegheny County Jail in response to an international call for jail solidarity noise demonstrations. On this day, simultaneously in many cites across the world, people gathered outside of prisons to connect and communicate with prisoners held inside. The general formula is to hold banners, chant, bang drums, and shoot fireworks. The message is clear; the demonstrators stand in solidarity with those who transgress the constraints of society. They stand on the same side of the line as the imprisoned in the war of social order.

In Pittsburgh on this day some actor(s) broke out of the symbolic representation of resistance against prisons. Person(s) unknown materially attacked the Pittsburgh Municipal Courthouse, which is attached to the jail, causing 5 ground to ceiling windows to be shattered. As the municipal court operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this attack occurred during the operation of the court amidst a full shift of court clerks and judges.

The police arrived in force with handguns and battle rifles drawn and detained every member of the demonstration. Apparently the attack was reported to the police as gun shots fired into the courthouse. It is believed by most demonstrators that this was an inaccuracy, but it has been difficult to confirm or deny because of the media blackout of this event. The demonstrators were detained for two hours, frisked, ID’ed, photographed, questioned, and harassed. Nonetheless, it was impossible for the police to ascertain who was responsible for the attack and no one has been indicted at the time of press.

We refuse to blame the one(s) responsible for this attack against the court for the actions of the police. We are disgusted by the police daily, to hold us at the end of a gun and threaten us with prison is their unexceptional practice. It is always the police who are our enemies and they are the ones we hold culpable.

As those who are committed to the destruction of all prisons, to escaping from all the external constraints of society that prohibit us from actualizing our desires, we sing the highest praise for the shadowy figure(s) who attack the institutions of control.

For a thousand more attacks, the destruction of police, the court-factory that turns people into inmates, and every institution and relation that inhibits us from actualizing our total potential.

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Italy: Two more attacks on Equitalia tax agency

from the regime press, translated by war on society:

ROMA – A bitter beginning of the year for Equitalia, again the subject of attacks on the night of New Years Eve on its offices. A rudimentary explosive device was set off in Foggia on V.Portogallo, while an incendiary attacked has affected the agency’s headquarters in Modena.

With respect to the incident in Foggia, the explosion destroyed the gates of the location which houses the local office of Equitalia and has severely damaged the furniture that was located at the entrance. An intervention of the scientific police agents has taken place. Investigations are in course to identify those responsible for the attack.

In Modena unknown persons set fire to the windows of the location that occupies the first floor of a commercial gallery on V.Emilia Ovest. We tried to find out if there were traces of explosive or if it was a simple arson, but the police seem convinced of the incendiary origin. Cameras are installed in the gallery that could have captured images that will be useful for the investigation. The damages are minor, mostly limited to blackening of the two windows.

These attacks come only a few hours after the words of the police chief Antonio Manganelli, who yesterday visited the operation room where the Chief of Naples had spoken of a “leap forward of the anarcho-insurrectionalist area.” “We see a development of of a new phenomenon,” Manganelli had said: “from the spontaneity of the individual within the anarchist association into a true organization, a sort of international network with an exchange of favors and actions related to acts of violence.” The police chief has expressed optimism in the outcome of the investigation into the mailing of package bombs against institutions and collections agencies: “We believe we have identified the authors and matrices of these acts. But a single package bomb,” he observed, “remains a difficult act to prevent, we must remain vigilant.” Words confirmed by the new attacks on New Year’s Eve.

* wos note: Equitalia is a tax collection agency which has been the target of other recent attacks in Italy.

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