The ANTI-CAPITALIST MARCH and the BLACK BLOC (Oakland, CA 2nd Nov 2011)

from bayofrage:
In addition to the marches called for by the General Assembly of the Oakland Commune, several marches were organized outside the formal processes at Oscar Grant Plaza. The organization of this, and other “unofficial” actions throughout the day is a point to be celebrated: the GA  has consistently emphasized autonomous action and the strike has to be seen as a success in opening space for such autonomous activity. Most significant of these was the march that departed from the intersection of Broadway and Telegraph at 2 p.m. This march had been anonymously called as an anti-capitalist march. Both the poster promoting the march and the banner at its front boldly proclaimed “if we cannot live, we will not work; general strike!” An accompanying banner declared “this is class war.” This messaging of the march matched its stated intention and its subsequent action: to shut down those businesses and banks that remained open despite the strike (a promise it would make good on).

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Greece: The prisoner Panagiotis Avdikos is now on hunger and thirst strike

from contrainfo:

Mobilization at Koridallos dungeons – Update on his health condition

On December 3rd the gathering outside Koridallos prisons in solidarity with Panagiotis Avdikos was held as planned. The place resembled a war zone, as there were cops everywhere, various officers, a police squad’s bus, DIAS motorcyclists, police blockades in every alley. Indeed, a few solidaritarians were threatened to be detained, when a cop found that the glance of a comrade was too provocative… The gathered people arrived opposite the so-called hospital of Koridallos prisons, giving their support to the fair struggle of Panagiotis. The response of inmates from within the men’s prison was immediate and dynamic. The hunger striker himself talked with solidaritarians on the phone and stated that he is determined to continue his struggle until justice is done. Then, the demonstrators moved opposite the women’s prison to express their solidarity —particularly with the anarchist prisoner Stella Antoniou.

As far as Panagiotis’ condition is concerned, he has already suffered irreparable health damage. When the prisons’ prosecutor threatened to put him on an intravenous drip by force, he replied that he will step up the pace by going on thirst strike.

One day before the protest, the prison authorities had intended to transfer Panagiotis from the hospital to a cell, and had also spread that he allegedly ‘stopped the hunger strike’. After the hunger striker contacted his solidarity group, the comrades complained to the hospital’s director saying that if anything happens to the prisoner who is in fact under pre-trial detention, the responsibility is hers. The director attempted to shift responsibility to the doctor in charge (after all, he is an SS). However, the dangerous transfer was successfully avoided.

Since December 5th, Panagiotis went on thirst strike too. According to his strength till this day, he believes that he’ll lapse into a coma very soon. He considers his incarceration totally unjust and arbitrary; nevertheless, the Greek ‘justice’ and the prison system show a blatant disregard for people’s lives.

Contact address:
Panagiotis Avdikos
Aghios Pavlos hospital for prisoners
Koridallos prisons
Terma Nikiforidi (Street)
PO Box 18122, Athens–Attica, Greece

Freedom now to Panagiotis Avdikos!
Solidarity is our weapon!

from the collectivity Antistrofi Metrisi (‘Countdown’) of Corinth

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Chile: Communiqué for attack on La Florida Prosecutor’s Office

from Liberación Total (December 6, 2011), translated by This Is Our Job:

Within the context of Comrades being persecuted on this piece of land dominated by big Business and the filthy Chilean state, just like they are in other parts of the world, in the early hours of November 29 we decided to attack the La Florida Prosecutor’s Office with a simple yet direct Bomb full of Love For our Comrades in Arms around the Globe (Warriors, prisoners, defendants, and the persecuted) and immense Hate for those who create, defend, and enforce the existent Order/Misery. We want to make them aware that they are in our sights. Everything that reeks of the broad spectrum of Power, ambition, and Capitalism will never again enjoy the peace it is so accustomed to. We will not rest until we see them insecure and destroyed.

As far as those who are judging our Comrade Tortuga for having courage, dignity, and character, we’re not asking for any compassion or anything else from their grotesque political-media show. We are simply warning them that, for every imprisoned and persecuted comrade, we will leave more bombs at the structures and symbols of their Power. We will set fire to everything built by Anthropocentricism and steal all we need in order to expand the Storm of free, furious Individuals who are tired of this stinking society.

For the Destruction of this and any other Society.

Solidarity with Imprisoned and Persecuted Comrades.


—Antisocial Friends of Gunpowder Insurrectionary Horde

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Italy: Hatred translated into Action – Anarchists for the Destruction of the Existent claim incendiary attack on bank

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Many are the reasons that groups or individuals go on the attack, and great is the hatred for a world that does not belong to us and in which we spend too much time.

Everywhere, brave comrades decide to attack the system with direct action of any kind against any of its aspects – offices, banks, schools, churches and so on – carrying forward the war against all authority.

We have decided to take part in this war, attacking during the night of December 3-4 a Unicredit Bank branch, leaving a clear message to the exploiters of Ravenna and of the whole world and to all their guards: the powder keg is about to explode. We will reappropriate all that they have taken by force and with all means.

This is no time to remain immobile in the face of the destruction of our lives and of our dreams. It is time to attack, here and now.

We also want to renew the call to international solidarity, asking all comrades in affinity to strike Capital as they see fit and as the opportunity presents itself.

We dedicate this action to the comrade Luciano “Tortuga” and we send him all our affection. We are with you comrade, and we hope that these flames are able to show you that.

We are close to the comrades in Bologna who face trial December 12. You have all our support and we hope that this has given you some strength.

We want to send a fiery embrace to the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire because their courage and determination have inspired us. We are on your side in this war, until the end.

We salute, finally, any comrade who chooses to attack with any means this nightmare, and all those who find themselves imprisoned for their desire for freedom.

For comrades who are fallen or confined in society’s cages

For a Black International

For Anarchy

Anarchists for the Destruction of the Existent

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Toronto, ON: Noise demonstration outside Metro West Detention Centre for comrades imprisoned there

we receive and publish:

On the evening of Monday, December 5th, about twenty masked people descended on the Toronto Metro West Detention Centre for a noise demo for our comrades locked up inside these prison walls. Stuck in the middle of an industrial wasteland in the northwest part of Toronto, Metro West serves to incarcerate over 600 inmates from the Greater Toronto Area.

We arrived at the prison during a correctional officer shift change, and while we received a wealth of bewildered looks, the demo went off without a hitch with no police interference. When we got around to the back of the prison, we began shooting off fireworks and chanting slogans to the prisoners.

We were able to clearly see the faces of prisoners through their windows. We heard from one of our friends locked up on the inside that the whole building was rumbling with the sound of fists pounding against windows. Many hearts were filled with joy both inside and outside for this outpouring of love and rage. Discarded firework casings were then thrown at the building as we left the institution.

This action was a small act of solidarity with all those criminalized for their involvement in anti-capitalist resistance during the G20 in Toronto in June 2010.

Solidarity to prisoners in revolt and those criminalized for their
thoughts and action.

– some Anarchists

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Peter Hopperton transferred

from Guelph ABC:

Today Peter Hopperton was taken from his cell which he was sharing with fellow G20 prisoner Eric Lankin and transferred to Central North Correctional Centre, commonly called Penetanguishene after the city it is located in.

Penetanguishene is a Maximum Security prison holding almost 1200 prisoners and deals mostly with provincial (2 years less a day) sentences.

You can send your letters, postcards and letters of solidarity to Peter at the address below.

Peter Hopperton
c/o Central North Correctional Centre
1501 Fuller Ave.
Penetanguishene, Ont.
L9M 2H4

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Greece: Anti-repression demonstration in Halandri attacks police station

from actforfreedomnow:

As part of the anti-repression commemorations, across Greece and in other parts of the world, for the three years since the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos and the December ’08 uprising, a morning rally was held today, December 6th, 2011, in the northern suburb of Halandri, organized mainly by high school students.

More than 150 people (mostly youths) attended the protest march. The demo started from the square of Aghios Nikolaos and moved on to the police station which was guarded at the time by at least one squad of YMET forces (in blue uniforms).

Youths attacked the police station throwing stones, reaching its entrance and forcing the cops to retreat and hide inside the building. During this direct action which lasted nearly five minutes, the facade was shattered and a police shield was taken as a trophy. The cops used fire extinguishers and shock grenades to disperse the rioters. The protesters took to the streets again and continued their march, attacking a luxury car parked nearby, but also smashing shop windows and destroying several bank surveillance cameras along their way. The anti-repression demo ended without any report of arrests.

source: athens indymedia

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Toronto, ON: Ryan Rainville sentenced to house arrest

from Guelph ABC:

On Monday Dec. 5Th, 2011 Ryan Rainville was received to a conditional sentence of 4 months under house arrest, followed by 4 months curfew and then one year probation. Ryan had pled guilty to 3 counts of Mischief over $5000 for using a red and black flag and a hammer to destroy Toronto Police cruisers during the G20 riot last year. He also pled guilty to a Breach of Peace.

Ryan’s sentence took into account the 96 days he spent in the Toronto Metro West Detention Centre and Maplehurst Correctional Facility following his initial arrest on these charges. Ryan fought and won during a trial where he contested charges of Assault Police with a Weapon and Obstruct Officer. These charges stemmed from accusations that a police cruiser Ryan had damaged was occupied.

Guelph Anarchist Black Cross (GAYBC) has just released a zine of Ryan’s statement he read to the courts before his sentencing:
Print Version:
Web Version:

If you’re interested in writing letters of support and solidarity to Ryan, we will be forwarding mail from our P.O. Box. send your letters to:

Ryan Rainville c/o Guelph ABC
P.O. Box 183
Guelph, On
N1H 6J6


-Guelph Anarchist Black Cross

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Chile: Communique for the bombing of BCI Bank

from culmine, translated by war on society:

We claim responsibility for the installation of a handmade explosive device with a double watch timing system in the ATM of the BCI Bank located at Macul and Olmos on November 30 at 9:36 pm.

The detonation was programmed for 10:20 pm, and we gave ourselves this time to leave the area in vehicles that had their engines running, and then enjoyed a cold drink while we contemplated chaos.

At almost one year since the murder of 81 prisoners at the hands of the State, in San Miguel prison, we do not forget the pain and anguish of their relatives, the cowardly blood of the jailers and the laughter of the powerful.

At almost one year, the complicit press is silent, the “justice” is silent, the prosecutors silent, the politicians silent, the leftists silent…

Listen well: we are not silent nor will we be silent, we do not forget and we will not cease to attack power and its defenders a single time, to attack its infrastructure and its symbols.

Journalists, judges and prosecutors, from now on you will not sleep peacefully, from now on a shadow watches your steps, from now on an attack can happen on any one of your corners.




Combat Group – Manuel Gutiérrez

**** **

PS: We regret that a passerby has been wounded by the explosion, and that the police in their cowardice, eager to lay blame have linked him to the action.


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Global Call for New Year’s Eve noise demos outside of prisons, jails, and detention centers

from anarchistnews:

Global Noise Demo: New Years Eve 2011/2012
Outside & inside prisons, jails, and detention centers everywhere.

This event is inspired by the North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2011, which remains relevant unchanged:

Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that.Prison has a long history within capital, being one of the most archaic forms of prolonged torture and punishment. It has been used to kill some slowly and torture those unwanted – delinquents to the reigning order – who have no need of fitting within the predetermined mold of society.

Prison is used not only as an institution, but a whole apparatus, constructed externally from outside of the prison walls. Which our enemies by way of defining our everyday life as a prison, manifest themselves in many places, with banks that finance prison development (like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, and Barclays), companies that are contracted for the development of prisons (like Bergelectric Corporation, SASCO Electric, Engineered Control Systems, MacDonald Miller Facility SLTNS and Kane MFG Corp.), investors in prison development (like Barclays Intl. and Merrlin Lynch) to the police and guards who hide behind their badges and the power of the state.

Solidarity is not only an expression by way of our own revolutionary poetry which is defined by a developing anarchist analysis, but as an expression of actions put into practice within the social war daily. That is why we propose to others who have a certain reciprocal understanding of the prison world and the conditions it creates to remember this day, to mark it on their calendars. To locate points of attack. To not limit ourselves to just a noise demo, but proliferating actions autonomously from one another. That break the mundane positions we lock ourselves into by our own internalization.

To all our comrades known and we have yet to know. Just because we have not met, does not mean we do not act in affinity with one another. Our struggle continues not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. Prison is not an end, but a continuation. Through individual and collective moments of revolt, by the methods one finds possible. Like fire our rage must spread.

Against prison, and the world that maintains them.

For the social war.

In memory of those currently imprisoned.

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Letter from Jock Palfreeman in response to the CCF proposal for a “Black International”

we receive and publish:

Greetings and solidarity
To all the prisoners of war we call comrades.

My name is Jock Palfreeman, I’ve served almost 4 years of a 20 year sentence for defending two Roma against a nationalist attack of 15. I was charged with the murder of one and the attempted murder of another. My case is documented further at and I don’t wish to waste words on it here.

For almost 4 years now I’ve been officially kidnapped in Sofia Central Prison – state of Bulgaria. The realities of my case censured from the bulgarian public by a state sponsoring media. I stay strong and look forward to the next 16 years as I know with all the essence of my being that what I did was right.

Prisoners of War are not victims of injustice like the “liberals” speak about in their self-justifying wank. We are willing enemies of the capitalist state and their organs.

Prison should not be glorified as a prisoner knows there is nothing glorious about prison. We are quadriplegics, deaf, dumb and blind. But this is an admittance of success imparted by the state.

Protests are sanctified by the capitalist state as the state knows that all protests have parameters and within these perimeters the demands of the people are annulled. I would be so arrogant as to presume that many incarcerated comrades who took up means of direct action did so after several wasted years of shouting in endless marches to the bemusement of the petty bourgeois shop owners. Indeed the only benefit of this wasted time in our lives is that we now understand that it was wasted.

Protestors are not jailed as they pose no threat to the status quo of the capitalist elite. In this regard we must ask ourselves “why are we in prison?”. Exactly as we do pose a threat to the status quo. Incarceration is the state’s ackowledgement that we challenge their legitimacy to control our lives. Due to this knowledge I wake up (almost) every morning with a smile. Although our enemies still sit on the throne of oppression, that throne is shaken.

We as prisoners of war should draw further strength from those who came and went before us. From the Greek students who stared down the guns of the state as they invaded the universities to the miners in Australia at the Eureka stockade. What we share with these people spanning through history as well as national or cultural bounds is that we’ve all declared “enough is enough” despite the real potential of death or capture we’ve all followed our conscience first.

We became enemies of the capitalistic state as we refused to live under their submission without resistance. Although we are in “prison”, we always were, as the comrades outside still are. The cameras recording our lives, secret files collected on us, infiltrations of our organizations, police attacks and murders, censorship and brainwashing. The only difference between the state inside the prison walls and outside them is quantity. The crimes of the capitalist state that are committed against the outsiders are the same committed against us insiders and the crimes committed by the state within the prison walls you can be certain are committed against the outsiders. The only difference is the quantity of the same oppression.

Specifically I’m speaking to the comrades who have never been incarcerated. Every attack or set up you’ve experienced at the hands of the state agents, we experience it every day. Every beating you’ve experienced, we experience it every day. Every time you’ve felt hungry, we experience hunger every day. Every time you’ve experienced a cold night, we experience it every night of winter. We share the exact same problems inside and outside of prison, but the state uses the separation in prison to focus its tyranny. In prison it’s purified and concentrated.

As we share the same tyranny as our comrades outside we also share the same hopes and dreams. I remember EVERY act of solidarity with my case. My heart jumps with joy with every blow against capitalism. I sing the Internationale and I smile. Because I know there is no end, but the end of capitalism. When I think of the comrades from the Cospiracy of Cells of Fire who showed such extraordinary solidarity I feel a pain of guilt in my heart that comrades were sentenced so harshly for their acts of solidarity. Yet instantly my heart rejoices as I know why they did what they did. I know they knew the repercussions of their actions before committing them. It was wholeheartedly and consciously that they decided to show solidarity in the only meaningful way possible to so many prisoners of war.

Relatively out of context, I’d like to highlight my problems that affect me in prison. Although pan European solidarity has been shown (including direct action) there still remains a total lack of solidarity or direct action within the state of Bulgaria. Not a single murmur of solidarity from where it should be expected the most. My proposal or idea is to export resistance from where it is plentiful to where it is lacking. All too often I read about solidarity actions being committed in different states to where the issue is located. But Bulgaria seems to be a complete black hole on the european map of resistance. With the cross workings of european states, including Europol, N.A.T.O. and businesses, we too must be more prepared to contribute to “foreign” actions. We must be more prepared to seek out the enemy behind any borders s/he is hiding behind, despite cultural, lingual or national differences. How is it possible that Greece is on the brink of revolution, yet in Bulgaria hordes of fascists burn the houses of Roma unopposed? I stopped asking the question “where are the bulgarian comrades in Bulgaria?” many years ago. Now I ask: “Where are the greek comrades in Bulgaria?”. How can such a thing as a state border be such a separator of a movement that claims it holds no value for borders? Our comrades in Eastern Europe are greatly outnumbered. In Bulgaria there is no resistance to fascism, only the empty words of the “liberals” who have the nerve to call themselves anarchists. As far as I know, I’m the ONLY anti-fascist in prison in Sofia, you might think that is a good thing, but it can’t be forgotten that we are their enemies; the lack of anti-fascists in bulgarian prisons is reflective of the lack of resistance.

Although I have no contact with the Cospiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), or the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), I recognize that they are part of an effective minority. While the “liberals” try to negotiate with the non-negotiable, the organisations like the CCF and the FAI are the only ones who scare the plump politicians. The CCF and the FAI are the physical manifestations of the desires of many who are too scared to realise them.

The obvious evolution is the Black International, whereby the states that hold our prisoners of war will know that we will not be forgotten as numbers on files in a prison archive. As we pay with our lives, that state should not be held any less accountable for their crimes then they hold us accountable.


Comrade Jock

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Italy: Incendiary attack on UniCredit Bank in Ravenna

we receive and publish:

from the press, 12/15/2011:

Fire in the night on the entrance of a Unicredit bank, in Ravenna: unknown people used a home-made incendiary device composed of a plastic box and a nylon bag filled with inflammable material. The action was carried out on saturday night around 2:15 a.m: it could be a demonstrative gesture, seen the dynamics of the fact. It was a police patrol car, driving in the area, to discover the fire: the cops extinguished it promptly with the ordinary fire extinguisher they hold. The political police is investigating the case.

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Vancouver, BC: Letter from Class War Anarchy Coast Salish Territory to the G20 defendants

from Class War @:

anarchist G20 solidarity demo in Vancouver in July 2010

Times are hard and it is painful to see comrades railroaded by the state, although it must be relieving for those who have had their charges dropped. A heart felt congratulations to you! Had all 17 of you drawn the legal processes to their logical conclusion, it would have been a horrible drain on resources and emotions, your decision to take a plea deal is understood and respected.

In our current context, the Canadian state is expanding the prison industrial complex at an increasing rate. On our streets as well surveillance on our everyday lives as human beings continues to creep up on us, camera by camera, microphone by microphone, on buses and street corners and alleyways.

As the earth is plundered, and climate change intensifies, the state fears the anger that bubbles beneath the surface. It knows the minor privileges it is used to buying the working classes of the west off with, rest largely on the ability to produce more junk and more spectacles, that capability is bound to come to an end.

The earth can only offer so much and so the Canadian state’s role in the global economy is dictated by it’s control over a large land mass with a tiny amount of people. As has been the case since it’s birth the Canadian state has had to deal with indigenous communities who have spiritual and cultural ties to the land and a strong desire to survive. In the future it will of course continue with it’s policy of genocide, cultural and otherwise. It will continue to seek members of all communities, indigenous or otherwise, that are willing to sell off their survival, for minor personal privilege. And it will continue with it’s crocodile tears for atrocities of the past. But it still has to deal with new and old generations of land defenders, who are not going to be silenced by democratic rights and privileges, or temporary security in the form of land destroying jobs.

The effects of climate change are felt disproportionally in the global south as are often the effects of the drug trade which is all too conveniently held as a separate issue from resource extraction and land title. This all encompassing control over masses of people is the most horrible and large scale form of biopower to have been seen in history. Those that are forced to flee the places of their birth come to places like so called Canada to find themselves managed in a new form with a different type of fear. People who have recently migrated live in constant fear of incarceration. First and second generation youths face the jackboot of the pigs and the demonizing of the media on a regular basis, as women are often subjected to the worst of abuses that this society has to offer.

The working classes with legal status and citizenship, can at best expect mindless toil, weekend binges, distractions of all kinds, and meaningless strained relationships with each other. They can choose between the comforts of racism, sexism, homophobia, or “multicultural” patriotism. They have only not to slip and end up in prison or homeless and they have these threats to keep them on track.

It is in this context that we can find tremendous inspiration in the revolutionary youth of England, for their ability to express such amazing solidarity with each other, to reject the concept of rights and privileges that a democratic society has to offer, and to get down to the business of attacking all that our society holds in esteem. We can find inspiration in the people of the Pico-Union district in Los Angeles who when a pig murdered a member of their community they opted for Mayan justice, an eye for an eye, rather than the sham offered by the state apologists. We can find inspiration in the California prison hunger strike, initiated by prisoners in Pelican Bay for their shows of strength and determination in the face of the harshest of conditions. We can find inspiration right now in the Wet’suwet’en land defenders who will not, and will never allow the poisoning of the water in their territories.

There are many reasons to keep our heads up, and these examples are everywhere in far too many places to name. Of course we can still find inspiration in the events in Toronto back in June 2010.

You are all correct that there can never be justice in the processes that our enemies use, and it is relieving to see this pointed out in such a high-profile manner. Let us never become weakened by the ploys of our enemies, and let us never forget our comrades in this war!

Strength and Solidarity to Ryan, Kelly, Erik, Mandy,
Leah, Adam, Alex, Byron, and Peter!

Freedom to All Prisoners!

For an End to KKKanada!


– Class War @ Coast Salish Territory!

Prisoner support links:

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Kingston, ON: NORR Limited prison architect office attacked by anarchists

from anarchistnews (12/1/11):

Last night we went to the Kingston office of NORR Limited, glued their locks shut and defaced the glass door with a corrosive solution. We did this because NORR designs prisons, and we are anarchists. This is not the first time that NORR and its property has been targeted, and it won’t be the last so long as their money comes from putting people in cages.

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