Kitchener, ON: Communique for attack on office of member of parliament

from anarchistnews:

On the evening of December 8th, 2011 the office windows of conservative mp Stephen Woodworth, in kitchener-centre were decorated with paint-bombs! This action was done in solidarity with the indigenous community of ATTAWAPISKAT. This community like many other indigenous communities on turtle island are living in third world conditions, while the Harper regime spends millions on surveillance and infiltration of native groups and their allies. There seems to be a trend of bullshit responses from the Harper regime. Manitoba reserves ask for help with the swine-flu outbreak, you send body bags. Attawapiskat asks for help with their housing crisis and you send a 20th century “Indian Agent”. Fuck You Harper. This is just the beginning, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

*T.I.P.I.* Turtle Island Peoples Initiative

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Olympia, WA: Communique for attack on police station

from anarchistnews:

In solidarity with the West Coast (Best Coast) Port Shutdown, we attacked the police substation on the west side of Olympia in the early hours of December 12 by gluing the locks and spray painting the building. We hope that these actions will be copied and amplified in struggle against domination everywhere.

-some anarchists


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Russia: Brief report on the last month’s insurrectionary activity

from blackblocg (follow the link to watch all videos embedded):

Cheers, dear comrades!

Here is a brief report on radical acts of social confrontation in Russia since 9th November and until today. Nowadays we are faced with the pre-revolutionary situation of great people’s disturbance all over the country after parliamentary elections, where United Russia, the party of the ruling bunch of corrupted bureaucrats and oligarchs, took its “victory” due to massive falsification. We all hope here, that this not only beginning of the end of this semi-authoritarian regime, but also the dawn of people’s liberation – libertarian revolutionary struggle.

09.11.2011 – the office of United Russia party was set on fire by a group of guerrillas in town Shelkovo, Moscow Region. In their communiqué, comrades declare that this office has conquered a building, which in previous times was occupied by nursing home. So that was an answer of the people to United Russia, which is so ‘care’ of those who needs help.

Video from this action: Click to download in FLV format (1.64MB)

11.11.2011 – R.A.T.S. (Red and anarchist terror section), guerrilla group from St-Petersburg has torched a bulldozer in Udelnoe woodland park, where Gazprom company holds building of the football stadium with deforestation.

Video from this action: Click to download in FLV format (2.39MB)

04.12.2011 – anonymous group has set on fire by Molotov cocktail the office of United Russia party in Bryansk-city. Fire has damaged an office furniture inside. THIS DAY WAS A DAY OF PARKAMENTARY ELECTION, SINCE THAT THERE HAS BEEN STARTED A WAVE OF PROTESTS.

05.12.2011 – ALF group torched a car of so-called “forest service” in game preserve in Moscow region.

05.12.2011 – On the same day in the city of Penza a DIY-bomb was rendered in front of large police center. None took responsibility for it.

09.12.2011 – CCF-Russia has burned a police car somewhere in Russia…

Video: Click to download in FLV format (5.17MB)

10.11.2011 – in Ufa city, a capital of Bashkortostan republic, part of Russian Federation, anarchist guerrilla squad has set on fire another office of United Russia party, blaming them for stealing public wealth.

Video from their action:

Passionate times are coming: raging crowds are gathering! Viva la Revolution!

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Vancouver, BC: Statement from the demonstration against the Pacific Trails Pipeline

from vanmediacoop:

On Friday, December 9th, approximately 60 people gathered at 200 Burrard St., outside the Vancouver office of the Apache Corporation. Apache Corporation is a 40% shareholder of the Pacific Trails Pipeline (PTP) which would carry liquid natural gas from eastern British Columbia to the coast. PTP would transport liquid natural gas from the developing Horn River basin, now Canada’s largest shale gas deposit, to a proposed facility in Kitimat and then be transferred to tankers to carry the gas to Asia. The gas from Horn River will also travel east via pipeline to fuel the world’s largest ever industrial project, the tar sands.

The demonstration was in solidarity with the Unist’hot’en Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation and the Lhe Lin Liyin (Wet’suwet’en for ‘Guardians’). Located in Northern BC, they are currently opposing multiple pipeline developments threatening their territory. The PTP is the first of these projects scheduled to be completed and would clear the path for the proposed Pembina, Kinder Morgan and Enbridge oil pipelines.

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Italy: Explosion from second FAI parcel bomb injures director of tax collection agency in Rome

from the press:

A parcel bomb has exploded at a tax collection office in the Italian capital Rome, injuring the director.

Officials at the Equitalia agency said the blast shattered a glass desktop, causing hand and eye injuries to director Marco Cuccagna.

Police said the package also contained a leaflet signed by the Italian anarchist group FAI.

The FAI has said it sent a letter bomb on Wednesday to the headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany.

The Frankfurt bomb, addressed to chief executive Josef Ackermann, was intercepted and made safe, but a letter from the FAI found with the device promised three bomb attacks.

A hospital doctor said surgeons had managed to save Mr Cuccagna’s sight after removing shards of glass from both eyes. They were still attending to his hand injury, the doctor said.

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Russia: CCF / FAI-IRF torch police vehicle in Moscow during popular protests

from 325:

After December the 4th (election day in Russia), when the Russian state deployed numerous police and military forces in Moscow and common people took to the streets to shout “Enough is enough” in the face of cops and corrupt bureaucrats in all major Russian cities, anarchists were engaged in assembly work, organizing and propaganda.

Last week saw several clashes of common people with police (anarchists took part in those fights): 1 & 2 [machine translations: 1 & 2]

This “popular dissent” is expressed not only in Moscow, but in St. Petersburgh, Nizhnii Novgorod, Tyumen and other big cities.

System opposition called for a mass rally on December the 10th. Them and the authoritarian lefties try to come on top in this situation and direct the malcontent towards liberal reformism and pacifist practices.

Tomorrow will be the day we’ve been fighting hard to see coming. Tomorrow is the day that the Russian regime anticipates with fear.

Being not the least among those who helped build-up the situation, we continue to push for a more radical character of popular uprising.

On 09/12/2011 we torched a police car. Solidarity with all active insurgents, solidarity to all revolutionary anarchists in prisons!

Push for anarchist revolution!

Occupy Red Square!

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Russian Cell, FAI/IRF

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Greece: Banner in solidarity with the revolted in Oakland

from athens indymedia:

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Claim of responsibility for Deutsche Bank package bomb and two others from Free Eat and Billy Cell FAI/IRF

from the Italian press via culmine, translated by war on society:

The claim of responsibility for the package bomb to the
central headquarters of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt








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Mexico: Explosive attack on the Federal Electricity Commission

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


By means of this communique we wish to claim responsibility for the placement of an explosive device (consisting of two canisters of butane gas as the explosive charge and a rocket payload as a starter) in a branch of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) located on Av. Reyes in the state of Irapuato Guanajuato; the device was placed on November 16 of this year at around 11 pm in the area of CF maticos (the area where payment for the electricity system is made) with some significant damages.

We decided to claim this action not for sympathy from leftists groups such as SME (or so many others) who in the final assessment matter very little to us (or, to be honest not at all), it does not interest us that some have been left without work or that they do not have enough monetary support to feed their families, rather we do this because the electric system involves tremendous environmental deterioration and the advance of the industrial technological system and hence the domination of non-artificial systems of self-regulation.

For the ridiculous “saboteurs” who say that we are governmental fabrications,* we critique and we attack!

Against the industrial-technological system and civilization!

Neither leftists nor anarchists nor vegans!

Earth Liberation Front

* War On Society note: There has been a series of texts from Mexico over the past few months which we did not bother to translate in which a group/website calling itself “saboteamos” said the recent wave of anti-civilization attacks by the Individualists Tending toward the Wild and others were nothing but a massive governmental fabrication with the purpose of justifying repression, to which others responded with denunciation and criticism. Of course there was much that was said, but this is enough to give the context for the comment in this communique. One example from this exchange can be found here (in Spanish).
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Germany: Italian Informal Anarchist Federation claim responsibility for letter bomb sent to CEO of Deutsche Bank

from the press (we will of course release any news we receive about the action from anarchist sources, but this is all we have for now):

Italian activists have claimed responsibility for a letter bomb sent to the head of Deutsche Bank, German investigators revealed today.

Officials investigating the explosive, sent to Josef Ackermann’s office in Frankfurt, Germany, said they had obtained a letter written in Italian from a group calling itself the Informal Anarchist Federation.

In a statement, the Criminal Investigations Office for the state of Hesse and Frankfurt prosecutors said the letter spoke of ‘three explosions against banks, bankers, fleas and bloodsuckers’.

Investigators said they now feared two more letter bombs could have been sent.

The letter bomb addressed to Deutsche Bank chief Josef Ackermann was described as ‘fully functioning’ by experts and could have severely burned him if opened.
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Mexico: Package bomb explodes at the Polytechnic University of Hidalgo

from the press (12/8/11) via liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

A letter bomb sent to the Polytechnic University of Hidalgo (UPH) caused minor injuries to a teacher of the institution, said sources from the Secretary of Public Education of the state and from the department of studies.

The events occurred around 5pm yesterday in the university’s facilities located in the town of Zempoala where 3,064 students are enrolled.

The assistant secretary of Higher Education of the state of Hidalgo, Rolando Durán, said that UPH received a package addressed to one of their professors.

An academic noticed “an anomalous, unlikely situation” on not recognizing the sender, which motivated him to activate a security protocol, so the package was isolated and opened “carefully,” said the functionary.

In spite of the precautions, the package “exploded in the hand” of a professor which caused him minor burns.

The rector of UPH, Sergio Arteaga Carreño, explained that the wounded professor suffered “burns on the hand” and on his clothes.

According to initial inquiries, “inside the package was gunpowder that was activated with a 9 volt battery, it was addressed to a professor, but it exploded on another professor since he opened the package because it appeared suspicious since the sender did not have the correct address.”

The explosion provoked a deployment of municipal, state and civil protections police without having more information on the carrier at the moment. The General Prosecutor of Justice of Hidalgo opened the preliminary investigation 12/DAP/556/2011.

The event comes after the group Individualists Tending toward the Wild, who oppose industrial and technological development, sent a package bomb that wounded two scientists of the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey (ITESM), in the State of Mexico on August 8th.

Several months ago, the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES) introduced more rigorous security protocols to prevent this type of attack against Mexican universities.

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Uruguay: Incendiary attack on Santander Bank

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:


In the morning of Wednesday December 7 we decided to attack Santander Bank (on calle Rondeau) with two molotov cocktails.

This bank is involved in financing hydroelectrics that affect the Amazon forest in Brazil.

We also want to point out the hypocrisy of this bank, which with its discourse of “social responsibility” steers farcical campaigns like the so-called “TELETON” utilizing different people’s problems in order to boast of solidarity. In this case Santander was the primary driver and sponsor of this event where different businesses cleaned their image by giving money to this institution, when really these businesses are the causes of the ills by the lifestyle they impose and also the principle drivers of the devastation of the earth and the consequences this carries.

We want to take this opportunity to say also that the leftists are not different than the right-wingers. That these leftists are oxygenating to capitalism, giving it new tools to take hold, develop new techniques of control, persecution, repression, enclosure, and murder among so many other things. In this world and in particular this month of so much consumption we want to make it clear that nothing is well as they want to make us believe.

Finally let us say that every bank (state or private) is the sustainer of this reality of exploitation, exclusion, because they are a fundamental part of the assemblage that makes up capitalism as a whole, because money is the center of life.

Against the state and capital.

Solidarity with Tamara!! captive in Spain, Santander Bank’s place of origin.

Solidarity with the warrior Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga”!!!, kidnapped by the Chilean state for the detonation of an explosive device in a Santander Bank branch in Santiago, Chile.

To all the comrades sequestered in the different prisons of the world.

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Finland: Communique for incendiary attack on police station

from 325:

There’s been a new attack against the police in Finland. Exactly one month after the last attack against a police station in Kerava, on the night between the 6th and 7th of December (6th is the Finnish independence day) a police station in Kirkkonummi (about 30 kilometers from the capital Helsinki) was attacked with an incendiary device.


While a number of people were lining up for pea soup and elsewhere the “cream of society” was dancing in the president’s castle, we decided to take action. Early in Wednesday morning 7th of December we warmed the cold night by setting alight two canisters of gasoline with a fuse in front of the doors of Kirkkonummi police station. To warn the creatures moving in the area, we set a mechanism in the fuse that would send a warning with a loud noise.

While some people are still living in “welfare state” outside this illusion the reality looks very different. Everywhere we can hear voices of discontent. In front of the obstacles that we encounter, we are forced to look for the guilty ones from among the people already pushed aside by the society, even though the real answer to our situation can be found in front of our eyes, in the present system.

Time and time again we can read about people taking to the streets to present their growing rage and discontent and the police stopping the progress towards a change. We notice once again that in the capitalist system the police only has one function, to protect the interests of the ruling class.

Inspired by recent events we decided to act for ourselves instead of waiting for the change to come. Anyone can form affinity groups for direct action, instead of waiting for the mystic ‘vanguards’ or the out-of-date organizations to act.

No borders, no nations!

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Toronto, ON: Mapuche and Anarchist Solidarity Night

from wccc:

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