U$A: Anonymous words in solidarity with the Cleveland 5

from anews:

We express solidarity with the Cleveland 5 without a doubt. We stand in the spirit of revolt against the ruling order that seeks to dominate us. The enemy here is clear—the State, the FBI, their informants and their snitches, and, given the holiday, those who control and profit from our daily misery. When a group of anarchists is accused of plotting an attack on the veins of capital, there is no question whose side we are on. When the FBI launches yet another entrapment scheme against their enemy de jour (anarchists, Muslims, Environmental activists, the occupation movement), we stand in solidarity with the accused. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Anti-authoritarian individuals and collectives against the arrest of anarchist activists

from anarquiacochabamba, transl waronsociety:

Public and political denunciation


FREEDOM NOW!! Continue reading

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Chile: The comrades accused in the Bombs Case will be sentenced tomorrow morning!

On Friday, June 1st, at 11 AM at the (In)Justice Center in Santiago, Chile, almost 2 years since the raids and arrests of August 14, 2010, and after 6 months of the political trial, the tribunal will dictate the sentencing against the 5 comrades Carlos Riveros, Monica Caballero,Francisco Solar, Felipe Guerra and Omar Hermosilla accused of financing of terrorism and placement of explosive devices.

The prosecution has asked for sentences of up to 15 years.

There will be a solidarity rally outside of the courthouse.

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Letter from Eat, member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF

from 325:

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) is serving a 1 year 8 month jail term for burning down an ATM bank with fellow comrade Billy Augustan, as members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF. Continue reading

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Atlanta, GA: Solidarity attack on police precinct

from atlanta.indymedia (links added):

Tonight, we smashed out many windows of the Little 5 Points police precinct and now you can too.

As has been stated elsewhere, attacks on police stations are hot this summer of 2012. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim of responsibility for bomb threat against Falabella branch

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

By means of this communique we claim responsibility for the bomb threat made on May 22nd to a branch of the $hilean business Falabella located within the disgusting center of mass consumption. Continue reading

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Olympia, WA: Police station attacked in solidarity with St. Louis rebels

from anews (link added):

Dearest St. Louis rebels,

Hearing of the recent beatings and torture you endured while refusing the compliance your captors demanded is both beautiful and terrifying. More than anything, the image of repulsive swine punching in your face, holding a knives to your throats, choking you, and generally having a field day with your bodies derives an engulfing inferno of rage and malice; our mouths water for revenge. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Four youth arrested for ATM bombing in La Paz

from the press, via culmine, transl waronsociety (links added):

The Special Force of the Fight Against Crime (FELCC) yesterday arrested four university youth, two men and two women, allegedly involved in the bombing of the ATM of Banco BCP on Av. Saavedra in Miraflores, at a wall of the General Staff of the Army. Continue reading

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Chile: Banner in remembrance of Punky Mauri hung in Chillán

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

On the morning of May 29 after that date when our hearts become anguished, never ever forgetting the early hours of May 22 when our brother fell, slept and awoke again in our actions and daily feelings, we placed between Brasil avenue and Constitution street (Chillán) a banner in remembrance of the compañero Mauricio Morales, which read “At three years since the fall of a warrior… Punky Mauri Presente.” Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Court update on Christopher French

from freedomforchris:

Christopher had a second hearing today; however, this was a pre-trial hearing where lawyers & prosecutors make their case for/against the defendant & the judge decides whether there is enough evidence to proceed to a grand jury trial. Continue reading

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Public communique before the coming end to the “bombs case” political trial

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

To those who supported us through the whole course of this long process
To those who felt, from near or far, the arrests of August 2010
To those who were in the streets demonstrating, or outside (and within) the police stations…
To those who were in the lines at the prisons carrying bags
To those who saw their loved ones surrounded by bars, cameras and guards Continue reading

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St Louis, MO: Anarchists beaten in interrogation – Call for solidarity

from anews:

We all saw the footage from Chicago. The phalanxes of police officers and frame after frame of bleeding head wounds. Our friends and comrades had just returned from those brutal city streets. Even those witnessing these scenarios unfold for the first time understood the necessity of response. Continue reading

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New Publication: Insurrectionary Anarchism in Mexico 2011

we receive and publish:

click photo, here, or here to download pdf (75 MB, 48 pgs, tabloid) Continue reading

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Argentina: Incendiary attack against garage of the Federal Police

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

“The heart’s night is very long”

Continuing with the asymmetrical path of attacks. We took a stroll along Av. Velez Sarfield in the early hours of Monday, where there is a garage of the Argentina Federal Police. Throwing two bottles with Styrofoam, diesel and a bit of tar (molotov). The cowardly agents servile to the interests of the rich, of the country and of order could do nothing from their security post. Continue reading

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