Chile: Communique on the aftermath of the Banco Chile arson

contrainfo translation of communiqué on the rumors about injured anarchists:

Comrades, we decided to write in response to a degree of uncertainty we’ve noticed that expanded word-of-mouth following our last attack (on March 20th, 2012) on a bank branch in Chillán, $hile, where we happily turned a large part of the bank to ashes; we cannot forget to mention that this was part of the day of solidarity with our brother Luciano Pitronello, but we know what intrigued was the news that circulated in the local mercenary Press, in which echoed how individuals of our cell were reportedly injured in that action. Continue reading

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Urgent: Two arrested transporting an explosive device in Santiago, Chile

Imagen:Operativo Policial | Rodrigo Pino (RBB)from vivalaanarquia, 4/16/2012, transl waronsociety:

Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo were arrested transporting an explosive device in the Granja neighborhood today at 3:30 AM.

They were taken to the 13th Precinct where one of the prosecutors of the bombs case, Christian Toledo came. Ivan and Carla were carrying a backpack which according to the press had a fire extinguisher full of black powder with two butane gas canisters and a fuse as well as a change of clothing. Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack on ASE patrol

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

“Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too!”
M. Bakunin Continue reading

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Federico Buono – “In the Cells of Redemption”

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

“In the Cells of Redemption”: thoughts of Federico Buono locked up in the security cells of a police station. Fede has refused the public advocate, is not presenting himself at trial, nor will he appeal, in accordance with his anarchist anti-juridism.

These thoughts will be included in the next issue of “Vertice Abisso” Continue reading

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“Today I went out into the night,” song by Nido del cuco

As a small gesture for Tortuga at the start of the State’s trial against him, we share this song made and dedicated by Nido del cuco. Our translation of the lyrics and the video’s text is below.

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On Propaganda, by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On Propaganda
In solidarity with the comrades from Culmine and the spaces of propaganda raided by the Italian State

A couple of weeks ago, a group of Italian comrades were arrested in Florence passing out leaflets against the death of an immigrant at the hands of the police. The guardians of order inserted this arrest into a new repressive operation against anarchist comrades. By means of the operations, with raids on houses and confiscation of personal objects, the police seized and abducted the emails of the blogs ParoleArmate, Culmine and Iconoclasta and accused some compas of subversive crimes. Continue reading

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Urgent: International Call for Solidarity to Billy’s Health

from 325:

“Most of all, this is an attempt to send me your hug. Coz I send many greetings for you guys.”Billy Augustan

We are asking for donations and solidarity for our brother, Billy Augustan (proud member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia). As many of you know that he was detained since last year (with our brother and camerad Reyhard Rumbayan a.k.a Eat) by the pigs for a political action by setting fire to ATM belonging to BRI Bank in Jogjakayarta. He is still being held and is currently on trial. Continue reading

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Chile: Preparation of the oral trial against Luciano Tortuga begins

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

In light of the information, we make a call to the comrades close to Tortuga to inform us of how the judicial process against the comrade is going. Perhaps it is not necessary to inform day by day, but rather by weekly update. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Update on the trial against Eat & Billy

Important update: We got news about our brother Billy’s health. He’s sick and getting worse since the prison conditions are so bad. More details coming as soon as possible. Strength and health to Billy, united in struggle and affinity for insurrection. War against the existent… Continue reading

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Bolivia: Incendiary attack on Bank of the Andes ATM in La Paz

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

We claim responsibility for the sabotage of an ATM belonging to the Pro Credit Bank of the Andes, located in the Miraflores area [of La Paz], which ended up totally unusable due to the fire.

There are new times of insubordination and disobedience in Bolivia. Continue reading

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Letter from Tomo of Parole Armate on the recent repressive operation against anarchists in Italy

translation from contrainfo:

On Thursday, March 29th, during the night, by order of the general prosecutor’s office of Perugia and the pubblico ministero (public prosecutor) Manuela Comodi, diverse house searches were carried out against four anarchists in various cities (Pisa, Ravenna, Genoa, etc.); different divisions of the carabiniers were mobilized, including the Anti-Crime Section from Bologna and the Anti-Subversion and Technical Investigations units of the Special Operations Group (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ROS) from Rome. Continue reading

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Spain: Claim for various actions in Barcelona in solidarity with Greek comrades on hunger strike

“We want to forge a generation of wild youth, disposed to destroy the city and the capitalist economy. From the Barcelona suburbs, we make a call to the rest of the youth for you to assume the nihilist branch of anarchism, to investigate your perceptions and to unite, under a black anti-authoritarian fist, let’s subvert the old order. Let’s go beyond.”
__________________________________ Continue reading
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Text in solidarity with the anarchist comrades and with Culmine, from Mexico

“From the editorial collective of CONSPIRACION ACRATA we express our solidarity with those comrades arrested in this raid and with the comrades affines of CULMINE whose mail the repressive apparatus has seized and surely — very surely — are investigating everyone who we communicate with through this medium, near or far.”
______________________________________________________ Continue reading
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Chile: Claim for bomb threat to the Greek embassy and death threats to Greek diplomats

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

To ask for something from the State would be to recognize its authority over us. But knowing that there are imprisoned comrades who interact daily with the most brutal face of the enemy, we support those who demand dignity within and outside of the prisons, above all those who decide to risk their integrity fighting against power. Continue reading

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