Chile: Report on Tortuga’s prison conditions

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Three months ago we visited Luciano Pitronello, accused for the failed placement of an explosive device on June 1, 2011 at a Santander Bank branch located at Vicuña Mackenna 1347. Luciano was in this place with multiple severe wounds on his body, loss of vision in one of his eyes, for which he was submitted to a cornea transplant operation and mild hearing loss, along with 33% of his body burned, and as a result of the burns they had to amputate one of his hands. He was charged for two crimes: Terrorist placement of an explosive device, punishable under Article 2, number 4 in relation to the 1st Article of the “Law On Terrorist Conduct” (18.314) and use of false liscence plate or one corresponding to another vehicle, punishable under Article 192, letter E of the “Transit Law” (18.290). Continue reading

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Berkeley, CA: Communique for attack on the snitches at the Tang Center


Early Monday, March 19th we attacked the University Health Services at the Tang Center on the UC-Berkeley campus. We targeted the Tang Center because it has recently been made public that so-called ‘care givers’ at the center turned over medical reports about several comrades who went there for treatment. These individuals went to the center for help after being beaten by University police during an Occupy demonstration on Nov 9th. Continue reading

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Italy: Incendiary attack against Punto Enel Green Power

from culmine, transl waronsociety; Claim of responsibility:

With a homemade incendiary device of 5 liters of flammable liquid with a fuse ignition, we have set fire to the Punto Enel Green Power in Frascati [Rome], with the business being destroyed by flame.

This action in solidarity with the Indians, natives and populations in struggle against all the technological monsters that devastate the Earth. Continue reading

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Guelph ABCs G20 Repression Update: March


It has been one and a half years since the leaders of the twenty richest nations and their commercial and financial interested convened in Toronto for a glamorized photo-op. In June 2010, the G20 Summit took over and militarized the core of Toronto, Canada’s largest city, and saw a week of protests, actions and mass arrests. Continue reading

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Chile: Clashes and riots after the first student march since the beginning of classes in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

The student march that was not “authorized” by the government was on the morning of Thursday, March 15, but also in the afternoon-evening of the same day there were demonstrations in support of what is happening in Aysén that were held in various parts of Santiago. Which included hooded individuals trying to burn a Transantiago bus in the center of Santiago, which was left with partial damages, see the press here. Continue reading

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Dark Matter Publications: ‘The Sun Still Rises’ by CCF : Imprisoned Members Cell

from 325:

As a contribution to the anarchist struggle we publish ‘The Sun Still Rises’ by the Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in an English-language version with an expanded introduction. Here we attempt to provide a chronology of the projects of the CCF, and the intersection and collectivization of diverse insurrectionary projectualities around the world (increasingly expressed as the Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front), to give those who are unfamiliar a more contextualised understanding of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the developing struggle. We believe ‘The Sun Still Rises’ is an incisive text of the new rebellious anarchist guerilla war and this pamphlet is intended for decentralised DIY printing and mass distribution. Continue reading

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Greece: Responsibility claim for arson on the district court of Kallithea, Athens

from contrainfo:

We are experiencing the peculiar economic and political conjuncture when capitalism oscillates unpredictably and the political system is under widespread contest. This contest, though, does not come to propose an alternative solution on a political level, but can be found in the form of general discontent. But the general discontent that pervades the broader social realm is nothing more than a most energetic aspect of inertia. Nevertheless, we view the bases of struggle in neighbourhoods in a positive light, which along with the anarchist space stand as the only counterweight to capitalism that, even though finds itself in recession, continues its onslaught, while the majority of resigned working population leaves social ground to subside. Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Comrades evicted and beaten by police; call for solidarity

from antistatestl:

Last night [March 15] close to 150 people from the occupy movement – ourselves, our friends, and comrades – took over Compton Hill Reservoir Park.  Met with overwhelming police force intent on evicting the camp, protesters marched into the streets.  Where they were met with batons, pepper spray and fists…  at least 15 were arrested and three hospitalized, with severe facial injuries, concussions, staples and stitches in the head, and broken bones. Continue reading

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Peter Hopperton released from jail!

from guelphabc:

We now have our beloved Peter Hopperton back in wind blowing, bird chirping, love filled reality! He was released from jail the morning of Thursday, March 15th, after serving 107 days in custody. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: March 15 Fuck the Police demo (updated)

from anews:

We flipped over a policecar on rue Sainte-Catherine. Prole stroll. Everyone was like WHOO! and happy kids were dancing on the chassis, happy cuz they were right to be happy.

Banks got their windows broken. Fancy stores too. A lot of garbage got pulled into the streets, and pylons, and heavy signs. You know, the usual. But it’s the moments when the pigs backed off cuz they were scared! It’s the moments when you get away with political crimes in totalitarian Canada! It’s the moments when the pig cruiser is flipped over and you’re highfiving strangers becuz you’re happy and they’re happy and this is a moment to cherish. Prole stroll! Continue reading

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Oregon: ALF claim of responsibility for pheasant liberation

from pugetsoundanarchists; communique:

Last night, the night of March 14th, we infiltrated the property of Queener Ridge Pheasant Company (40485 Queener Drive, Scio, OR) which breeds ringneck pheasants primarily to be murdered in commercial canned hunts. After jumping a barbed wire fence, we made our way to the main breeding facility where we dismantled a huge section of an aviary that held between 75-150 pheasants; liberating them into the night sky. Although the number of animals freed represented only a tiny fraction of the thousands more still held captive on this farm, we feel that every life saved–no matter how few–is a victory. Continue reading

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Chile: Carabineros ‘welcomed’ to Aysén (updated)

from liberaciontotal, translated by waronsociety:

These events happened in the midst of a context of demonstrations (which have already surpassed the month of conflict) for social reforms, such as to lower the price of gas, against the HidroAysen project, improvements to wages, connectivity to the rest of the country, health assistance and a long etc… In this way, after various attempts of negotiation with the State, yesterday Wednesday March 14 the dialogue between social managers and the government broke and again barricades were produced and access blocked. This is how a water-launching truck was flipped off a bridge and later burned, as was a police bus. Continue reading

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An invitation to multiply the attacks against power in solidarity with our brother Tortuga

from culmine, translated by waronsociety:

“Solidarity among anarchists is not just a written word”: this has remained demonstrated for more than 80 years, and has to again resonate in the bourgeois ears and thus create fear and the fire in the authority that holds our brother Tortuga captive. We are very close to March 20, the date accorded for the hearing against the compa when the filthy Public Prosecutor will seek a penalty of 15 years and thus turn this into the State’s vengeance against those who are on the offensive against every form of domination and who do not allow the oppressors to sleep. Sisters, brothers, comrades! we cannot remain with crossed arms assuming that it will be others who will place the bomb or raise the barricade, we cannot waste time… Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for incendiary/explosive attack on police chiefs association

from culmine, translated by waronsociety:

By means of this communique we claim responsibility for the placement of the incendiary/explosive device that detonated in the early hours of March 15 in the association of police chiefs and officials in the heart of Valparaiso, we did it on the day of the year’s first educational march, not in order to support their demands for free domestication but rather to contribute to the spread of revolt and direct action against all that oppresses us. Since we do not aspire to be students nor workers, we are free individuals recovering all that is wild that civilization has robbed us of and robs us of day after day. We also denounce the mockery of the supposed justice that keeps unpunished the murder of Manuel Gutierrez at the hands of the cop Miguel Millacura and his filthy accomplices who supported him in hiding the evidence of the crime. Continue reading

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