Letter from Mono – To everyone who continues to fight for liberation in spite of all adversity

from liberacion total, translated by war on society:

This text was written days after Mono found out about the escape attempt by some comrades of the CCF. Now he finds himself in the street.

To everyone who continues to fight for liberation in spite of all adversity

Tuesday December 31, 1996 – The assault approached from the sky, the propellers resounding and stronger than usual. Yes, there is no doubt that they’re coming to the rescue, the sound of the rifle shots makes one forget that of the propellers. The bullets hit against the structure of the cold walls, against the executioners in the towers. The ones who will shoot to kill anyone trying achieve their freedom. Because it is better to die than to lose. It descends in smooth flight with the bulletproof weave basket below. Kevlar, an easy-to-handle fabric that can slow the impact of the bullets. Quickly and attentive to the crossfire aimed at the basket, it doesn’t matter how they fall. The flight is fast since the alarm has already alerted the hunters. The hijacked helicopter was abandoned in a field in the area south of Santiago. Four comrades of the FPMR were rescued from the High Security Prison. Four rebel spirits, who without repentance chose to recover their lives. Denying Power’s justice, making justice by their own hands. Among these four comrades there was one comrade of anti-authoritarian essence. One who his own comrades recognized as “anarchist.” Ricardo Palma Salamanca “the Black,” who recognized the bravery of Severino Di Giovanni, who always disdained the tricolor flag. But in spite of this he joined the FPMR. He wanted to be part of the war against the tyranny of Pinochet and being a youth without weapons nor means, he decided to join the only option he had. It was what there was at that time, and he did not think twice in taking to the armed struggle. The Black is still on the run, like many comrades who due to their decision to struggle have orders of search and capture over them.

Monday December 12, 2011 – Korydallos prison, visiting hour. That space of meeting with your loved ones, with the “outside,” with the life that you decided to carry out. That life that they seek to annihilate, because it is not what the TV sells, but it’s instead a threat to order, a threat against the existent. A pistol and some knives, but the strongest weapon is the conviction that the “crimes” for which you ended up in prison were necessary. Acts of war launched from the anonymity of the CCF; acts of war from the prison with your names and faces in plain view. The relatives did not collaborate with the executioners. You advance firmly ahead with the jailers as hostages, how ironic that the hunted are the hunters. You overcome several doors, there’s only one left, but a jailer presses the emergency button and the doors close. Now the release of the hostages is negotiated. The shouts go from one side to the other. The rebels do not trade, the oppressors don’t budge. The battle is lost, but not the war. There will be another chance. You hand over the hostages but you do not surrender. Days later and without respect for the judge, one of you raises his voice to say “they will rush to speak of failure. Our escape has been successful. We have escaped from the defeatism of accepting our role as prisoners.”

The CCF continues, more alive than ever. A fact that leaves no one indifferent. Receiving the news on a visiting day dislocated me, it was an inexplicable feeling. Many questions, few answers, there was only what the press said. Even my mother regrets that they do not allow me to leave, for her it’s the most horrible place that she never wants to visit again.

After a year full of offensive against Dominion, from $hile to Greece, we cannot forget any comrade in prison, we must let them know that they are not alone, the same must happen with those who go without leaving traces being more astute than their hunters, those who in spite of being far from the cages live in a captivity that is mental, imposed by not being able to live their lives as they would have forged them, not in the same way nor with the same people or animals. For each prisoner and fugitive who fights for total liberation, in whatever part of the world, know that you are not alone.

Nothing is over, everything continues!

Nothing and no one is forgotten!

Prisoners and fugitives of war, present in every act of revolt!

Prisoner of War.
2nd week of December.
Santiago, $hile.

: Ricardo Palma Salamanca has written several books from clandestinity, one of them being “The Great Rescue,” which narrates in detail the project of escaping from the High Security Prison from how it was planned up to his flight.

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Chicago, IL: Words from the Committee for Illegal Life and from the Noisy Nihilists Brigade on the NYE demo

from to live is illegal:

Last night around thirty anarchists, nihilists, and other generally furious people gathered outside Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center for an anti-prison noise demo in solidarity with the international day of action against prisons.  The MCC is a prison in the middle of downtown Chicago, infamous for holding non-cooperating Green Scare defendant Justin Solondz after he was captured in China and extradited back to the United States.  The prison is built to look like just another skyscraper, a disgusting attempt to hide the reality of state violence and terror from curious tourist and corporate passers-by.  Our noise demo attempted to remind the prisoners in the MCC that although the State has tried to make everyone forget their existence, that we would be with them until every prison is destroyed.

When the first few folks trickled into the area, pigs in full riot gear already lined the entrances to the prison, while Homeland Security officers roamed the block surrounding the demo.  Nevertheless, about 10 or so folks began banging on bucket drums, cowbells, and pots and pans, blowing on New Years noisemakers, and cheering and calling out to the prisoners inside.  We were fortunate enough to have been able to make contact with inmates inside to facility and have them spread the word about our intentions a few days prior, so folks would know what all the noise was about.  After about 10 minutes, we began to see waving silhouettes pressed against the windows of the prison and some flickering lights to welcome us and send affection across the painful distance that separated us from so many potential friends inside.  These simple communications back and forth continued to grow in frequency as time passed and the noisemaking crowd multiplied.

After about an hour, the demo reached its full force.  Folks continued their boisterous noisemaking, and passed out booklets with a short text [included below] regarding the struggle against prison and a list of information about supporting various rebellious prisoners around the world.  Banners were held, stating “Prison=School=Work, They All Must Go!”, “Contra La Migra, Contra La Ciudadanía, Liberación Total!”, [“Against immigration cops, against the citizenry, total liberation!”] and “EEUU, México, Chile, Grecia: Contra Las Fronteras En La Guerra Social” [“US, Mexico, Chile, Greece: Against the Borders in the Social War”].  Some chanted “Burn the jails, Burn the prison/Just make sure the cops are in ‘em!”  Passerbys stopped to join, thanking us and telling us about their loved ones in jail.  One man who had been incarcerated in the MCC itself in 1991 stopped to chant about his hatred of the police with some participants at the demo.  By this time, we’re told that the demo was audible from about 3 city blocks away.  The noise reached many more inside as well, as the word about our demo spread.  By about 10:00, there were dozens of lights flickering at once across the the face of the giant skyscraper prison.  Prisoners from a number of cells were able to slip handfuls of playing cards out the cracks of their windows, showering us in a confetti-like rain of tokens of affection from friends on the inside.  Inmates at the lowest level of cells all stood at their windows, waving and pumping fists and writing to us in the condensation on the glass of the windows.  The amazing display of mutual appreciation, solidarity, complicity, and hatred for the prison renewed the fire of struggle in the hearts of so many that participated last night.

The demo continued for another good while, and when it ended we couldn’t help but once again feel the pain of separation that the prison enforces and that we had been able to break for a number of hours this New Years Eve.  We decided that we would be back as soon as possible to reconnect and intensify our relationships with our new friends inside the MCC through more noise demos and other actions.  Love and solidarity to the other noise demos around the world and to all of the rebels in prison that will not be pacified by cages and intimidation.

-Noisy Nihilists Brigade

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Hollywood, CA: Dozens of arsons in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the US

UPDATE: a person has been arrested after the arsons continued for several nights, striking almost 100 targets. While the press “investigates” the possible motives, the only statement from the suspect which has been made public is this: “I hate America.”

from the press:

LOS ANGELES – An arsonist swept through the Hollywood area under the cover of dark early Friday, torching vehicles whose flames ignited nearby houses, including one once occupied by Doors frontman Jim Morrison.

The four-hour onslaught started shortly after midnight and sent firefighters scrambling to douse fires in 21 locations in Hollywood and the neighboring city of West Hollywood. In nearly every case, the fire started in a parked car.

Authorities ruled out any possible link to terrorism while bracing for another round of fires and continuing the search for a suspect.

“We are hoping for the best but anticipating and preparing for the worst,” Los Angeles City Fire Chief Brian Cummings said.

Los Angeles officials urged continued public vigilance Friday and offered at least $35,000 in rewards for information leading to the conviction of an arsonist or arsonists.

County supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky says the county is offering a $25,000 reward and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is adding another $10,000 to the reward.

The city council is drafting a motion to add another $25,000 to that sum, but councilman Tom LaBonge urges citizens to come forward with any information they have immediately.

Dozens of people were rousted from their homes, power was disrupted in several neighborhoods and Los Angeles police were put on alert in the Hollywood area. One city firefighter was treated and released from a hospital after a fall from a ladder while battling one blaze. No other injuries were reported.

All of the fires on Friday were in a 2-square mile area and most were in densely populated residential neighborhoods where residents would likely be asleep.

“This is the most dense part of Los Angeles and West Hollywood. We have 20,000 people per square mile living in this area. One fire out of control could cost dozens of lives,” said John Duran, mayor of West Hollywood where four of the fires were set.

Authorities were interviewing witnesses and looking for any video footage that may have captured the person, or people, responsible for the spate of crimes. Investigators from four agencies met for a strategy session, while Los Angeles officials summoned investigators from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa praised the coordination of the agencies, saying they’re “working around the clock to investigate these crimes and they’re pursuing every single lead.”

We will “be preparing for what may be coming tonight,” said Los Angeles County fire Battalion Chief Tom Sullivan.

Fire officials couldn’t say whether the rash of fires was the work of a copycat. There was a series of other arson fires early Thursday, also in Hollywood. Two people have been arrested and remain in custody for those blazes, officials said.

One of the homes was in Laurel Canyon, where Morrison and his girlfriend once lived, neighbors said. The winding road was the inspiration for the Doors’ hit “Love Street,” and the house was listed for nearly $1.2 million earlier this year, according to real estate website Zillow.com.

Sandy Gendel, who owns a nearby restaurant, said he heard explosions from what he later determined were likely car tires. He saw flames 30 feet high coming from the deck of the former Morrison house and a gutted Mazda Miata.

“It was just like a towering inferno,” Gendel said.

Jeff Dorman, who lives in the neighborhood, said he and his wife were awakened by noise in the street.

As he and his neighbors watched the firefight, he said they worried about embers floating toward their houses because they are so close together. They also were concerned about a firebug being loose in their neighborhood.

“One spark could have been a huge problem,” Dorman said. “The fire department did a fantastic job.”

One fire destroyed four cars at a single apartment complex, reports CBS Los Angeles.

City Councilman Tom LaBonge said the arsonist is mostly targeting underground parking in mid-century type apartments that have no security gates and putting some kind of incendiary device under cars.

“These are not trash can fires on street corners. We are just a second away from tragedy,” he said.

Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Jaime Moore said car fires spread to adjacent buildings in at least three cases, and investigators were looking for patterns that might link the blazes.

Hollywood is served by the Los Angeles city police and fire departments. Adjacent West Hollywood is a separately incorporated city served by the Los Angeles County fire and sheriff’s departments.

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Chile: Update on the Bombs Case (December 18 to 30)

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

The trial continues against the 5 accused, currently they are speaking about each attack for which the comrades are accused.

Attack on the National Intelligence Agency (ANI).
Testimony has finished from so many police, experts and witnesses of the explosion, including the sweeper who was the accidental victim of the attack, which left him only with injuries classified as minor.

The explosive device was made of a 2 kilo gas balloon filled with gunpowder and activated by a timer system that failed and was activated by the sweeper’s handling.

The group León Czolgoscz Autonomous and Destructive Forces claimed the attack (Spanish link).

The comrade Francisco Solar is accused of participating in this bombing by the statement of the delirious Gustavo Fuentes Aliaga (“el Grillo“).

Attack against the State Defense Council (CDE).
On December 21, 2006, the CDE was being guarded by a gatehouse and a police officer who made continual rounds around the building when unknown persons places an explosive device on its stairs around midnight. The device was made of a 2 kilo gas balloon with black powder plus a timer system, an electric detonator, battery and leaflets that claimed the action.

After the device was detected, the special antibomb unit of GOPE arrived and, in a long and cumbersome operation that included a special robot, disarmed the homemade explosive.

The attack was claimed by the Tamayo Gavilán group.

Accused for this explosion are the comrade Francisco Solar and grillo the delirious collaborator, both only due to the statement of the latter.

The prosecutor presents different witnesses who once again are almost all police, detailing the procedure and the security measures to deactivate and identify the device. On the other hand they try to speak of the fear that the mere placement of the homemade bomb provoked, some arriving at the nonsense of saying that they were afraid that the building would collapse from the explosion.

On show and theater in the court
During these days they have brought in the disarmed device, its parts and piece showing them to different police so that they can recognize them. At this time the prosecutor tries to make an unprecedented show seeking to shock the judges, asking to bring the black powder and the electric detonator with a special unit of GOPE in the courtroom due to the supposed dangerousness of the evidence.

After a discussion on the part of the judges, they decided that the mere presence of GOPE in the courtroom contaminates the evidence since they bring a context with them in one way or another and does not allow a simple display. The judges rejected the presence of GOPE, understanding that these items (black powder and the electrical detonator) alone and separated are not necessarily dangerous.

After this new setback for the prosecution, a police officer of GOPE brings the evidence into the courtroom in the area designated to the public, in order to from there pass it to the prosecutors who with highly exaggerated performance and theatrical displays try to show and act out the dangerousness of the items. The defense remained unintimidated at any moment and handled the black powder without any problem, touching it and smelling it, explaining that if it is not compressed it only combusts and does not explode, demonstrating once again that that goal of the prosecution is to generate a context of fear, terror and danger… again, the only terrorist is the State.

Attack on Atal Automotive.
In the early hours of March 27, 2007 an explosive attack happened against a luxury car store, a metal container full of black powder and activated by a safety fuse exploded breaking a couple windows and damaging a car after coming close to burning it.

The attack was claimed by means of leaflets with the signature March 29 Youth J-29.

Again different police parade through to carry out the procedure and respond to the call, as well as a local worker. That same day at a similar time another attack occurred at a BCI bank where it was claimed with the same leaflets, the gross lack of consistency is made obvious when the police mix the different leaflets from different places, presenting them as the only evidence, confusing them and changing their places.

El grillo, delirious collaborator, is linked with this attack and Candelaria was also linked (presently dismissed or stayed on that charge).

Nobody saw nor knows anything and Bomb threat
Of all the attacks that have been exposed in court, no witnesses recognized or saw who placed the devices, when there were cameras the police say that these were so blurry that any identification was made impossible. No police officer said they even have suspicions of who the author could be.

On the other hand during the last session of the trial, on Friday December 30, different bomb threats were made to some institutions including the Justice Center, forcing to suspend the little that remained of the hearing on that day.

Quite to the contrary of what the persecutors seek and have tried to show during this month of trial: the people did not leave running, nor terrified, nor afraid, nor in a state of panic or shock.

For the complete absolution of the 5 accused!
End to the anti-terrorist law!
Faced with the political trial, the best defense is unstoppable solidarity!


Hearings are every day from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 2:00pm, with the obligatory attendance of the accused comrades. In the (in)Justice center (Metro Rondizoni)
Hearings are held in room 103 of Building C in the so-called “emblematic room,” the sessions are open and public so any person can attend with the exception of the witnesses who have to testify. For those who wish to attend it’s only necessary to bring id.

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Union City, GA: Government targets attacked during anti-police protest

from the press:

UNION CITY, Ga. — A protest against police violence turned violent in Union City [a suburb of Atlanta, GA] Wednesday night.

Some of the people who had gathered to speak out against the shooting of an unarmed 19-year-old man by a Union City Police officer tore up a street sign, spray-painted vulgar graffiti on government buildings and broke out a window to a nearby jail, Action 2 News reporter Tony Thomas said.

Organizers of the event said they were unaware of the activity until they were informed later.

Union City police said no one was arrested.

The gathering began peacefully as leaders from several different civil rights groups gathered to demand that Union City leaders speak with the family of Ariston Waiters.

Calls by Channel 2 Action News to Union City Police and the mayor for comment went unanswered.

Authorities said an officer shot and killed Waiters after a call reporting a fight in progress. Investigators said Waiters struggled with an officer.

His supporters said he never fought with the officer, but ran because he was afraid.

His mother, Freda Waiters, spoke at the rally on the steps of the Union City City Hall.

“I am so hurt because my son was gunned down like an animal. He did not deserve that,” Freda Waiters said. “I am reminded every day, even in my house, of things my son would say and little bittie things he would do.”

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is now investigating the case and has not released any findings.

Activists said the Waiters shooting is just another in a long line of police violence they believe is unwarranted.  The groups want Union City’s mayor and police chief to speak with the family. They also want Fulton County’s district attorney to take the shooting case to a grand jury.

“How can you shoot someone in the back twice and define it as a fair fight?” asked Georgia NAACP President Ed Dubois.

National Action Network member Marcus Coleman told the crowd, “This is just like Katherine Johnston.”

Johnston was the elderly Atlanta woman shot and killed in a bogus drug raid .

Union City leaders have not identified the officer involved in the Waiters shooting, but the family believes they know who he is.

“To the officer that did this, I do not hate you and I’m not angry. I love you like I love my son. I want justice for what’s been done to my son.” Freda Waiters said.

It was just moments after she spoke those words that violence broke out. Members of Occupy Atlanta and others marched down the main street in Union City to the public safety building and around the corner to a jail.

One man, his face covered with a black mask, was spotted pulling up a street sign and then tossing it in the street.

Another person covered in black spray-painted vulgar graffiti on the courthouse door before also targeting the sign to the Justice Center. It was painted so it read “Injustice Center.”

Union City police said after the marchers went to the regional jail, someone broke out a window to the facility. A flag from the post office was also torn down and mail drop boxes were vandalized, as well.


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Communique from #AntiSec for leak of 8,000 cop and military credit card numbers

communique from pastebin:


Greetings fellow global pirates,

The halls are decked with lulz, AnonSanta’s battle sleigh is re-filled, and lulz lizards worldwide are awaiting his arrival. Wait no longer, good denizens of the Internet, it’s time for another round of the LulzXmas festivities.

But first, tell us, have you enjoyed the complete obliteration of Stratfor live on IRC and Twitter? We have. We also laughed heartily whilst these so-called protectors of private property scrambled desperately to recover the sensitive information of all the customers who they wronged by failing to use proper security precautions. Stratfor’s Terms of Service stated, “Security: The personally identifiable information we collect about you is stored in limited access servers. We will maintain safeguards to protect the security of these servers and your personally identifiable information.” Yet Stratfor lazily stored credit card information and corresponding data unencrypted. Is the irony palpable yet?

Continuing the week long celebration of wreaking utter havoc on global financial systems, militaries, and governments, we are announcing our next target: the online piggie supply store SpecialForces.com. Their customer base is comprised primarily of military and law enforcement affiliated individuals, who have for too long enjoyed purchasing tactical combat equipment from their slick and “professional” looking website. What’s that, officer? You get a kick out of pepper-spraying peaceful protesters in public parks? You like to recreationally taser kids? You have a fetish for putting people in plastic zip ties?

We had to contain our laughter when we saw these two “hacker proof” logos plastered on the SpecialForces.com website: “Scanned by GoDaddy.com: secured website” and “McAfee SECURE sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses, and online scams.” Despite the almighty powers of GoDaddy and McAfee’s logos and some reassuring words, SpecialForces.com was just no match for our hella wicked black hat voodoo. We have just one question before we continue: You mad, officer?

To be fair, at least SpecialForces.com DID store their customers’ credit card information using blowfish encryption (unlike the global intelligence and security industry “professionals” at Stratfor, who apparently remain confused as to whether their customers’ information was even encrypted or not). Nevertheless, our voodoo prevailed and we were quickly able to break back into the military supplier’s server and steal their encryption keys. We then wrote a few simple functions to recover the cleartext passwords, credit card numbers, and expiration dates to all their customers’ cards. That’s how we roll.

In reality, for the past few months, we have been in possession of approximately 14,000 passwords and 8000 credit cards from SpecialForces.com. Unfortunately a former comrade leaked the password list early, and the full story on this owning will be told in our upcoming zine. Until then, feast upon one hell of a juicy text file.

We’ll continue to have ourselves a merry LulzXmas at the expense of capitalist pigs, corrupt public officials and all those third parties who cater to the continued oligarchic elite worldwide. We are your secretaries, your janitors, your babysitters, your IT guys, your bus drivers, your maids, your hard-working, driven and determined fellow humans. We could be sitting next to you in a coffee shop, scanning your goods at a department store or even fixing your busted-ass computer. We are here to stay, and by now, you had better damn well expect us, cause the time for simple “lulz” is long past.

Oh, and by the way: Did Bradley Manning get his fancy holiday meal yet? Might want to hurry up before we hit even more targets.

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Spain: Claim of responsibility for multiple actions by Nihilists’ Column in Barcelona

from 325, translated by war on society:

The city from the bombs will burn once again.

Claim of responsibility for attacks against authority, against capital, and for the propagation of revolt.

November 28: At 3pm in Montcada i Reixac attack on the CCTV system, attacking various (in)security cameras with hammers and strong cords.

December 6: At 5:30am a group of comrades blockaded Tessàlia street in the precarious neighborhood of La Mina, subsequently attacking a nearby bank branch in solidarity with the comrade Alexis Grigoropoulos.

December 12: Blocked Mercé Rodoreda street at 8am, then hurled paint and pelted with rocks the windows of various fashion chain stores. Hours later at 9:30pm in the evening after the end of the march in memory of comrade Roger, various bank branches were attacked in Vila de Gràcia.

December 19: Two ATMs were attacked at Caixa Catalunya on Mare de Déu and Lorda streets with two molotov cocktails at 2:30am.

December 20: At about 11:00pm, a simple noise bomb was placed in the outskirts of the police station of the Glòries de lxs Mossxs d’Esquadra neighborhood. Hours later at around 1:32am, various security offices were attacked with hammers and heavy sticks.

Since we were young capital has oppressed us, since we were young we fight against capital! For an autonomous and savage insurrection!

We are witnessing a time that is very confusing and interesting at the same time. The long unemployment lines, the dozens of unemployed waiting for guilds and sites to give them a work post at 8am, the social cannibalism, the misery and poverty, the marginality of the suburbs and satellite neighborhoods are still undeniable evidence. Nevertheless, faced with the new political-economic conditions that are given, or are radicalizing, everyone acquires a position within the permanent social conflict. The system decides to radicalize, perpetuate and increase total control. The presence of cameras that convert metro stations or supermarkets into bunkers spread and are extended to the field of the anti-capitalist demonstrations.

The system radicalizes, and so do we. Contemplating the exaggerated police apparatuses, the omnipresence of CCTV cameras and the other particulars of an authoritarian system, we understand that the only possible alternative is the creation of a new paradigm based on human relations of affinity. The proliferation of riots and actions against authority and capital are more necessary than ever before.

Radicalizing since the system has radicalized! A breath of fresh air and a wide generational shift, a form of struggle based in the diffuse attack, in anti-authoritarian organization and autonomous assemblies far from bureaucratic organizations. To ignore the laws, since only thus can we achieve the change we want.

We do not attack only capital as vengeance for our economic situation, we attack it because simply it doesn’t please us. We don’t like this life condemned to automatic doors and gates, to continual qualification and to solely commercial thinking imposed by school, religion and modern bourgeois art. We don’t like the urbanism that only seeks to increase the productivity of the exploitation of individuals. As precarious youth we see ourselves lost in the environment of social exclusion. We have no possible future work, our future was ruined before we even were conscious. Thus, we have nothing except to proliferate the confrontations against what we don’t like, to continue with actions, to be irreducible, to hold on to a burning nail and not let ourselves be dragged by a country that is poorer every day.

We are on the side of the immigrants, the homeless, the precarious, the invisibles, we are on the side of those who squat and rob. Faced with a world based on authoritarian social constructions we are left with nothing but to destroy and to finish with the certainty of the routine, to occupy and expropriate.

A salute to the subversive people of the suburbs and the ghettos! To those who conspire! To those who break the pivots of the pavement and attack the banks! We see ourselves in the barricades, in rebellion.

Viva Exarchia and the resistance in the barrios.

Down with capital, the state and adult power!

For the freedom of the individual!

For diffuse anonymous and incendiary attack!

For the armed resistance of the lumpen and of the precarious class!

For combative resistance of the barricades against the neoliberal politicians!

Down with work!

Long live Anarchy!

Alexandros, Mustapha, Roger, Patricia Heras,
we do not forgive, we do not forget.

Nihilists’ Column

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Before the year ends: A salute for the clandestine comrades and those incarcerated by Power

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

The war against all authority is incarnated by comrades who sharpen our ideas and practices, sharing experiences in the heat of each battle. Anti-authoritarian combatants are not soldiers trained to annul our feelings and affects. Totally to the contrary, we are warriors, human animals who hate, suffer, love, laugh and enjoy in our choice to live giving life to our freedom.

Thus, we cannot forget our comrades who have had to go and disappear and cover their tracks as a consequence of having repression over them; nor can we act as if there weren’t hundreds of comrades–political, rebel, insubordinate, subversive (or however they want to call themselves) prisoners–all over the world who continue to fight within the prison, but it is in the street where we want them to be.

We cannot forget them because to forget the comrades is to betray them, ourselves, and the ideas that move our lives.

Without falling into the routine of capital’s time and its spectacles of the new year, we want to salute our comrades. We want to send them our strength because each year is a cycle and we have started off and lived many of these years embracing each other as brothers in the struggle.

We especially want to send our fraternal greetings to Gabriela Curilem, Diego Ríos, and all those comrades who decided to escape from the clutches of the enemy. It goes without saying that it is the same whether we know you or not. We only want you to know that we continue to be loyal to the insurgent ideas that unite us with you.

Because loyalty toward a comrade does not happen only by thinking about them or only wanting the enemy to not catch them; nor is it enough to want the prisoners to be in the street. Those desires have to make themselves into offensive action–open or secret–of conspiracy against authority, destroying its symbols and structures and annihilating daily its relations of power beginning with those that exist in our own life.

Dear comrades, we cannot embrace you, but through this channel we want to tell you that we continue to be comrades, we are still united in action and in the everyday practice of proud warriors, in solidarity and aware of our individual responsibility in the advance of the struggle. We want to tell you that between all among all those who forgot you, abandoned you, isolated and silenced you, we, a handful of anti-authoritarian combatants, continue to stand with our hearts, our propaganda and our deeds overflowing with the insurrection.

We do not forget, we will not keep your names silent and we will not allow the repression to paralyze the offensive against power.

With comrade Mauricio Morales always in our memories and action,
Gabriela Curilem, Diego Ríos and all the clandestinxs and prisoners of the social war.


Anonymous in solidarity
$hile December 2011.

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Chile: Gonzalo Zapata and Cristobal Bravo leave prison

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

Both compas arrested for beating a cop in the day of the demonstration on September 11 remain with nighttime house arrest, leaving the approximately 3 months of captivity for the duration of the investigation period. But we remain attentive to the appeal that the prosecutor can make against the compas due to this measure.

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Italy: Communique for attacks on two banks in Frascati, Rome

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society (it is a partial translation because some parts we found unintelligible):

12/22/2011 Frascati (Rome)

The newly inaugurated DeutscheBank in the main plaza of Frascati was hit, the windows and ATMs were destroyed. In the place slogans were written: “work is consumption (A),” “Struggle for anarchy,” “The Earth is wild!”

Banco Popular of Sondrio was burned a few yards from the DeutscheBank on the same night, it was attacked with a homemade incendiary bomb. By means of the local papers it has been discovered unexpectedly that the bomb exploded in the entrance and allowed the fire to spread, even inside of the bank, which was completely destroyed. Bank Closed! Slogans were left “against technological-industrial domination (A),” “slaves to consumption,” “Viva anarchy!”

* * * * *

We have chosen the path to follow, you already know at what risk, but, above all, we have chosen to give ourselves an expectation of life consistent with our ideas and our instincts.

Our struggle against the domination of technology and industrial waste, toward total liberation, placed at the forefront of our lives.

Scientific progress and technology are always feeding on life and the earth, producing environmental disasters, of domination and control, confirming our reasons and all that we have in mind and putting into practice from this “progress”… its destruction. With the available weapons, incendiary or explosive attack on the whole system of energy, centralized and on each side, where most damage, without thinking twice, perhaps we feel bad for not having done more each time, with each attack.

Everyone screams what you feel inside, we will not stop for a single day calling for the person on the side or the warriors of Earth, brothers or combatants. We were not born in the forest, but we are ready to unleash hell for a tree to not be cut, to free an animal or to stop a monstrous industry.

Solidarity, prisoner support, support for the prisoners in prisons and the struggle against domination push us to go every day and to never pull back from the enemy. It is not necessary nor desired to feel in the minority, we do not want the consent of the honest citizens, we have nothing to ask of the governments … they do not accept certain compromises.

All the individual actions and the anarchists were murdered, wounded, imprisoned or free are part of us and of pushing armed insurgency, the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front and the individual cells and informal across the world.


EARTH wild and free!

Informal Anarchist Federation
Subversive Individualism Anti-civilization



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Atlanta, GA: Call for solidarity with incarcerated comrade Barry Rogers

from anarchistnews:

To other anarchists worldwide:

A friend of ours is currently in jail charged with three felonies including assault on cop. Please help break the social isolation and keep our ally connected to the outside. Mail call is the best time of day on the inside, but not if you don’t have mail. Write him:

Fulton County Jail
Inmate Barry Rogers, Booking #1142374, JID#679324
4 South 114
901 Rice St. NW
Atlanta GA 30318

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Chile: Extensive summary of the Bombs Case trial proceedings

translated from spanish by sabotagemedia from LIBERTAD A TODXS LOS PRESXS

This report covers the trial proceedings from December 5 to 16th.

1.   Introduction
2.   An Illegal Terrorist Association trial without Illegal Terrorist Association
3.   Witnesses continue parading in uniform
4.   Police Fantasies
5.   Financing and informants
6.   The attack on the ANI (National Intelligence Agency) chapter begins
7.   Lawyer fees
8.   Irrevocable dismissal of Cristian Cancino
9.   Some information
10. Situation of the accused

The ongoing political trial against the 5 comrades is a historical trial and unprecedented in recent times, where ideas, positions, forms of life, writings, posters and friendly relations are brought to court.

Discussions extends over the nonexistent links between comrades and the bombings or financing, or go straight ahead to making direct and only reference to texts, posters, zines, books, thoughts and writings. A political trial where in the end the judgment is not even on the 5 that are in the bench of the accused, but an entire antiauthoritarian, libertarian or anarchist environment. Where any sentence added to the long years in prison for the comrades, would be a dangerous precedent for the struggle, being that any radical critique to power would be associated directly with a direct participation in placing explosive devices, without any logic, without any rational sense the door will be left open so that a poster in memory of fallen comrades, a critique of the church or the very existence of God, internationalist beside speculations and sentencing for direct actions. That is why the importance and relevance of this trial for all comrades and not only for the defendants.

This would be a perfect trial for illegal possession of ideas and storage of critiques.

But the trial follows its pace and is plagued of police contradictions, including one of the highlights where a police officer says he requested to raid the squatted social center and library Sacco y Vanzetti on May 22, 2009 (after the death of Mauricio), while there is no written record of that, because it simply did not happen. He’s looking to fit his investigative thesis and with lies is trying to make sense of its supposed conclusions.

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for attack on BancoEstado

from hommodolars & vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society (unfortunately the ability to translate all of the original humor is beyond our capacities):

About the supposed “attempt to rob” BancoEstado on December 21

At around 9pm we arrived magically with 3 white vans with turbo-nitro acceleration, around 10 to 12 crazy hooded individuals bent on robbing those juicy ATMs full of painted paper (yeah!!) and well, as soon as we started taking out our gear we realized we brought the shitty chain, the kind you get at the fair and it began to dawn on us that misfortune was coming… then we proceeded to wrap the ATMs and hook them up to one of the vans, all this in plain view of the naive worthless sheeple… while the rest of the individuals blocked the street, looking like those hooded hooligans who fight the police in the marches, the Alfa 2K van made the first pull, and nothing… the second and the chaiin broooke!! And then we said… “Uh oh… we are in trouble…” and without knowing what to do it hit us that on the corner there was watching us the famous skinhead-Nazi bomb-seller!! he’d gotten out of the joint. Oh, sweet! with that our frustration led us to a card that had remained trapped in the ATM from some citizen who we butchered on the spot, we took out 200 grand and said “Hey you nazibomber!” to which he responded “Yeaaa, wassup?” “We’re in need of your merchandise!” “Alright” and then out of his backpack he handed over for the modest sum of 199K a fire extinguisher full of black powder with a homemade short fuse… Then he ran off and we lit the fuse, throwing it inside the BancoEstado and we ran toward our white nitro-turbo vans, which took off like DeLoreans and carried us to safe houses guarded by FARC and Al-Qaeda bodyguards.

And now what really happened on the night of December 21 and not what the press and police creatively and deliriously invented:

A group of hooded individuals set out and went with the intention of burning the BancoEstado in front of the sinister BBVA, at which we proceeded to block the street, break its windows with blunt objects and enter it to douse it with about 5 liters of gasoline on the ATMs and on the floor, because this enclosed space had an explosive reaction to increase the gaseous volume of the fuel above the closed space of the bank, which the was the real reason for the “explosion” that was heard; it was nothing more than the gas catching fire in such a small closed space, in addition to bursting the glass, left the ATMs with irreparable damages, the damn citizenry left with its ass in its hands, and the police with crossed arms. There were no arrests nor traces…

We take this opportunity to make a violent cry of war against those who have imprisoned us forever in this society-world, in its schools, its prisons, its universities, its jobs, its stigmas, its families, its sexes…

We are for the destruction of the existent civilization and every one of its vestiges in the powdery ashes!!
Long live chaos!! and may anarchy exist in every second and breath of our life!!
¡Freedom to Tortuga and to Mono and to all the prisoners in the world!
Fire to the prison and its cities!

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Evil Passions – The Right of the Self: On Anti-Christianity, by Maurizio De Simone

we receive and publish:

Note from Edizioni Cerbero
“The contribution in this fragment of a longer text which will be published later will cover a vast critical terrain of close examination on the discussion opened (or at least made public) by my egoist comrade and affine Federico Buono on the anti-juridical issues and on the ethics or non-ethics with regard to living illegally here and now.
“This temporary text is intended to be, starting from anti-Christianity, a cue to accommodate written intervention of egoist comrades who will feel the need and if they will want to participate to nourish this nihilist project. The texts will complement a pamphlet that we will edit as Edizioni Cerbero.
“This text retains the words of the comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and redeploys in these Christmas days, his solidarity greeting to the prisoners of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and FAI – Indonesian section.
“For a black and nihilist Christmas that sows terror.”


On Anti-Christianity

“That’s enough! Whoever talks this way is an enemy of the people!”
A MAN (from the crowd)
from An Enemy of the People by H. Ibsen


It would be appropriate to make a detailed analysis of the anti-juridical thought in Stirner’s work The Unique and His Property [1], which is rich in content on the issue, I would dare say foundational for an individualist theory-study and practice in the arena of the Right.

Stirner immediately faces the problem of the Right in the first introductory pages highlighting what the Self (and notice not Man), reduced to simple subject-citizen, is called to not do: “be egoist”. “Only my cause is never to be my concern. ‘Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!’”[2] The author of The Unique and His Property demolishes this supposed truth which is nothing but a lie perpetuated and consolidated even now because of a pervasive Christianity. [3]

Everything that is born
it is written that it will rot

Everything perishes
in the fate of your
immature breath

Everything touched
suffers a pain, decays

the ego falls in the void
swallowed by the farce of the times

The cause of God and of Man are not my thing, these are not my cause. There is no cause, whether Humanity, truth, morality, ethics, etc., I do not kneel before superior causes, instead I make myself my own cause and my end, and become and am myself egoistic. Here one can perceive from the grotto where was laired my egoism, the Cerberus [the watchdog at the gates of Hades] of voracious passions, “the others’ nothing,” which you wanted to sacrifice for some evening with your luxurious lady, I who do not placate my rage and the insatiable urge of enjoying myself and who dismisses – this is very important – the concepts and principles of the Right that is outside of my being.

To the less attentive it could appear that I am forgetting the main theme of this text, but it is not so. The foundation as I outlined before for a radical unyieldingness to law and likewise to any organ that promotes it and emanates it, whether a theater that is ethically accepted by the mass or the expression of a restricted minority, must withstand absolutely, departing from such considerations on the individual.

The Right is the enemy to tear apart in order to reveal the great moral deception that resides in all comfort within the lie and illusion of precisely such a right, one that is right [fitting] for all. The phantasms that the Self has to deal with are many and, in the struggle one faces in the anti-juridical critique, are even too many. The many and various preacher-thieves of the Self flock to ensure that the horror mortis is amplified in the ritual of submission to these indefatigable slavers.

“Every saint, but in particular martyrs, are witnesses of God, who is Love: Deus caritas est. The Nazi concentration camp, like every extermination camp, could be considered extreme symbols of evil, of the hell that gapes on earth when Man forgets God and act in His stead, usurping his right to decide what is good and what it bad, to give life and death. Regrettably, this sad phenomenon isn’t limited to the concentration camp. They are rather the culmination of an extensive and widespread reality, often of shifting boundaries. The saints, who I briefly mentioned, make us reflect on the deep differences that exist between atheist humanism and Christian humanism; an antithesis that runs through the whole story, but which at the end of the second millennium, with the nihilism of the present, has reached a crucial point, as great writers and thinkers perceived, and as events amply demonstrated. On the one hand, there are philosophies and ideologies, but increasingly also ways of thinking and acting, that exalt freedom as the only principle of man, as an alternative to God, and thus transform man into a god, but it’s an erred god, who arbitrarily makes his own behavioral system. On the other hand, we have precisely the saints, who, practicing the Gospel through charity, make reason of their hope; they show the true face of God, who is Love, and, at the same time, the true face of man, created in the divine image and likeness.” [5]

The ravings of a delirious old man in the grip of lust for power.

“In fact, the Greek religion, the pagan cults and myths, were not able to shed light on the mystery of death, so that an ancient inscription said: ‘In nihil ab nihilo quam cito recidimus’, which means: ‘In the nothing, from the nothing, how soon we fall back.’ If we remove God, if we remove Christ, the world falls back into the void and into darkness. And this is also reflected in the expressions of contemporary nihilism, an often unconscious nihilism that unfortunately plagues many youth…” [6]

We won’t be the prodigal son submitted solely to youthful transgression, nor will we be dirt-cheap Raskolnikov, we will kill the old usurer and his sister with everything in our power and we will face what follows, we will usurp the right to decide what is good and what is bad, forcefully tearing out the thorns of renunciation without giving in to the sense of guilt instilled by Christianity. We’ll never offer our wrists deliberately to the grand inquisitors, but rather we will throw ourselves into the abyss of the unconscious in order to regain the Self, plummeting again into the void and in darkness we will able to look in the face of the material reality and we will not hang ourselves like Smerdijakov if it is not of our own will, nor will we fall into the cerebral fever, a cold fever of madness and guilt, the same fever of the philosophical genius of “everything is permitted” immortalized in Ivan Karamazov. No, the Bishop of Rome’s metaphysics and his entire theology is moved to annihilate the unique one, the nothing, the creator, the Self.

Every past thing
it is written that it will vanish

Every present thing
the advance of the unique

 Every future thing
arid and uncultivated ground

Stirner in the second part of his main work gets to the heart of the ethical question, touching on the struggle between egoist individuals. In the own individuality, he announces the true egoist nature of the Christian God:

“How one acts only from himself, and asks after nothing further, the Christians have realized in the notion ‘God.’ He acts ‘as it pleases him.’ And foolish man, who could do just so, is to act as it ‘pleases God’ instead.—If it is said that even God proceeds according to eternal laws, that too fits me, since I too cannot get out of my skin, but have my law in my own whole nature, in myself.”

My own law, my own nothing. The center, the foundation of existence must be ourselves, not some phantasmal external right a focus that does not reenter into the sphere of our individual force nor something beyond our will, so one must address oneself rather than gods or idols.

“From this comes a new way to live the human existence, the Christian existence. One of the most important experiences of those days for me was the meeting with the volunteers of the World Youth Day: they were approximately 20,000 young men who, without exception, devoted weeks or months of their life to collaborate in the technical, organizational and contentual preparation of the World Youth Day, and thus had made possible the orderly development of all this. With his own time man gives always a part of his life. At the end, these young men were visibly and “in a tangible way”  full of a great feeling of happiness: their donated time made sense; precisely in donating their time and their labor force they found time, life. So for me, a fundamental thing became clear: these young people offered in faith a piece of life, not because this was ordered and not because with this one might earn heaven; nor because one might escape the danger of hell. They didn’t do it because they wanted to be perfect. They didn’t look back, to themselves. I remembered the image of Lot’s wife who, looking back, became a pillar of salt. How many times Christians’ life is characterized by the fact that they look primarily to themselves, they do good, as it were, for themselves! And how great is the temptation of every man to be worried first of all for themselves, to look back to themselves, becoming so inwardly empty, “pillars of salt”! Here instead was not a case of perfecting themselves or wanting their own life for themselves. These young people have done good – even if that was hard, even if it required sacrifices – simply because to do good is beautiful, to be there for others is beautiful. One must only dare the leap. All this proceeds from the encounter with Jesus Christ, an encounter that ignites within us the love for God and for others and liberates us from the search of our own “I.” A prayer attributed to St. Francis Xavier says: I do good not because in return I’ll enter into heaven nor because otherwise You could send me to hell. I do it, because You are You, my King and my Lord. I encountered this same attitude in Africa as well, for example in the Sisters of Mother Teresa who reach out to the orphans, the sick, the poor and suffering, without asking questions about themselves, and so they become inwardly rich and free. This is the proper Christian attitude. The meeting with young disabled people in the foundation of San Jose in Madrid is still memorable for me, where I met again the same generosity of making oneself available for others – a generosity of giving oneself, that is definitely born from the encounter with Christ who gave himself for us.” [7]

How many plumped words, how much this egoist draws water to his mill! Sacrifice! Dare the leap! Here is the good news transformed into what it is! Withdrawing from the I, rejecting the “search of our own I.” But which sacrifice, and for whom? Who should I serve? What could be more severe than the prayer of the Saint Francis? Should I kneel to another egoist?

“God and mankind have concerned themselves for nothing, for nothing but themselves. Let me then likewise concern myself for myself, who am equally with God the nothing of all others, who am my all, who am the only one.” [8]

Stirner’s words are so full that the dominators are afraid of the anti-relativists, of the absolutists. The Bishop of Rome wants with all of himself to demolish the gates of the Ego, he wants a slice of our life, he hopes to gorge for breakfast, lunch and dinner, goosing his belly with our existences, and in whose name? Of his God and of the enjoyment of himself. Not by chance does the Catechism of the Catholic Church irrefutably clarify what lies behind the “altruistic” message and the “humanity,” what for two thousand years Christ (“the only Christian there ever was”[9]) and the apostle Paul of Tarsus “the priest” wanted to be the undisputed truth:

“The desire for God is written in the heart of Man, because Man was created by God and for God” [10]

 Maurizio De Simone – Edizioni Cerbero

*    [Translation notes to ponder: I translate l’Io, literally ‘the I’ as ‘the Self.’ I variously translate l’unico, which in Italian grasps pretty well Stirner’s Einzige, as ‘the unique’ or ‘the unique one.’ I translate egoista as ‘egoist.’ Where ‘myself,’ ‘oneself’ (etc) appear in the text it should be noted that these are translations from the Italian me stesso (etc), which means the same as the English, however the word stesso itself means ‘same’ and nothing more (whereas the English ‘the self’ refers to the essence of a being). I translate essere as ‘being.’]
1    Cf. Max Stirner, The Unique and His Property; Adelphi.
[Translator: The common but misleading English title of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum is The Ego and His Own; I use instead a more literal translation. The quotations in the main body of this text and in footnote 3 are from Steven T. Byington’s translation of the book. But because that translation is controversial, considered outright awful by some, and quite different from the text Maurizio would be reading, my own translations from the Italian are offered in some cases.]
2    Ibid.
[Translator: ‘Cause’ and ‘concern’ are both sache in the original German.]
3    Just to give an example:
“Because Christianity, incapable of letting the individual count as an ego [Einzige], thought of him only as a dependent, and was properly nothing but a social theory—a doctrine of living together, and that of man with God as well as of man with man—therefore in it everything “own” [Eigene] must fall into most woeful disrepute: selfishness, self-will, ownness, self-love, and the like [Eigennutz, Egensinn, Eigenwille, Eigenheit, Eigenliebe]. The Christian way of looking at things has on all side gradually re-stamped honorable words into dishonorable; why should they not be brought into honor again? So Schimpf (contumely) is in its old sense equivalent to jest, but for Christian seriousness pastime became a dishonor, for that seriousness cannot take a joke; frech (impudent) formerly meant only bold, brave; Frevel (wanton outrage) was only daring. It is well known how askance the word “reason” was looked at for a long time. Our language has settled itself pretty well to the Christian standpoint, and the general consciousness is still too Christian not to shrink in terror from everything un-Christian as from something incomplete or evil. Therefore “selfishness” is in a bad way too.”
Max Stirner; ibid. Part Second of The Unique and His Property.
4    “In difesa dell’Io” (“In Defense of the Self,” ndt); Cerbero.
5    Benedetto XVI, Angelus, Castelgandolfo, Sunday 9 August 2009.
6    Benedetto XVI, Angelus, San Pietro square, Sunday 6 November 2011.
7    Benedetto XVI, Hearing in the Roman Curia at the presentation of Christmas greetings, 22 December 2011.
8    Max Stirner, The Unique and His Property; Adelphi.
[Alternate translation from the Italian: “God and Humanity have set their cause on nothing, on nothing other than their being. Likewise I set my cause on myself, on I who, like God, am the nothing of others, am my own all, I who am the unique one. [Einzige].”]
9    F. Nietzsche, The Antichrist
10  Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church; first chapter Man’s Capacity for God – The Desire for God.
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