December 16–22, 2013: International solidarity action week with the 5 anarchists arrested on November 13 in Barcelona

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From the C.A.S in combative solidarity with Francisco, Monica, and Carlos

From refractario, translated by waronsociety:

To all those that fight!! To all the conscious free and alert!! To those who do not forget and persist!! Time of repression and prison for my brothers.

It seems the state’s and its assassins’ thirst for vengeance will never end…clearly! Punishment of the rebels and insurrection is as perpetual as our fight for a society without classes, bosses, and authority. Beginning the postponed preparation for our trial, the news came from democratic Europe, from the fascist Spanish state: Francisco, a beloved and respected brother, along with Mónika sister and young compañera in the idea, both Continue reading

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Mexico: Communique for direct actions in solidarity with Mario González

from contrainfo, transl waronsociety:

To all the unmanageables in Mexico and the World!
To our companions in affinity!
To those who fight for freedom!

“It is the time when it happens again! Into the darkness! The darkness!
Because the night gives us the moment and it knows no mercy!”
–Luigi Galleani

Compañerxs, in the night of December 2nd, two cells participating in informal coordination set off explosive devices in the following structures of Capitalism and the State: Continue reading

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Mexico: Barricades in solidarity with compañero Mario Gonzales

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Uncontrollability: propagation of the attack

What the system is afraid of is not these acts of sabotage in themselves, so much as their spreading socially.  It is materially impossible for the State and capital to police the apparatus of control that operates over the whole social territory. Small actions, therefore, easily reproducible, requiring unsophisticated means that are available to all, are by their very simplicity and spontaneity uncontrollable./ Conflictuality should be seen as a permanent element in the struggle against those in power.  A struggle which lacks this element ends up pushing us towards mediating with the institutions, grows accustomed to the habits of delegating.
-Killing King Abacus

Fire rains down on the asphalt, illuminating the night, breaking the social peace and destroying the normalcy of this capitalist order. In a solidarity action with compañero Mario Gónzales, who is Continue reading

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Mexico: 2013 Days of Informal Anarchy – International Symposium


2013 Days of Informal Anarchy
International Symposium
December 2013
27th: Constantino Cavalleri
28th: Wolfi Landstreicher & Gustavo Rodriguez
29th: Alfredo M. Bonanno
Discussions * Films * Intervention and participation from comrades from Greece, Italy, England and Chile * “Anarchism and Rights” talk * Publishers * Anarchist Materials * For everyone’s security: no backpacks, no cameras, no photos, no videos, no drugs, no alcohol.
No state media journalists.
Starting at 2 pm.
Okupa Che, FYL Campus, UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

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Uruguay: Two Santander Bank ATMs sabotaged

from vla, transl waronsociety:

In the night of November 16 and the night of December 10, we sabotaged with paint and glue two Santander Río bank ATMs in downtown Montevideo, another salute that goes out to our 5 compañeros imprisoned in Spain and especially Mónica and Francisco who are imprisoned in that state’s jails. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for bus arson outside the Juan Gómez Milla Campus

quememofrom vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

First of all, about the anti-systemics’ false social/anti-social dichotomy… recently there has appeared a growing current of anarchists and nihilists who claim their actions and aims as anti-social; in order to clarify our position as one of these “anti-social” cells, we make clear that: Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive devices detonated at Banamex and BBVA

from vivalaanarquia, transl. by waronsociety:

December 2nd

Explosive devices were detonated at branches of the BBVA and Banamex, causing serious damage, and according to sources serving power leaflets with text of a subversive nature were found at both locations. As of now the content has not been leaked out. This past week three bombs also exploded at branches of the same financial entities. These actions were claimed a few days later. Continue reading

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Mexico: Claim for attacks with explosive devices on three banks

From vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

During the early hours of November 26, in a coordinated action, with explosive devices three representations of Global Capitalism were attacked: The BBVA in the Portales suburb of Mexico DF and two EDOMEX banks in Toluca.

The enraged and angry bombing is our response to the situation which compañero Mario Gonzales faces, who finds himself “formally” behind bars in the men’s preventative prison and also has been carrying out a hunger strike for 49 days as a form of struggle against his incarceration. In recent days, the compañero was transferred against his will to the medical wing of Tepepan, where he continues his fight. This action is for you, in solidarity and in total support of your struggle! Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for bombing of the Mutual de Gendarmería and arson of two cars

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Trying to be at our best and to continue maintaining the dignity deserved by human lives that rebel against the authority that provokes all kinds of oppression over the face of the earth in which we live, we again go on the offensive in the war declared by the lovers of freedom and their enemies.

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Chile: Propaganda for Hans, Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:


Let’s Agitate Against Power
Death to the State and All Authority!!! Continue reading

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Mexico: Clashes during the protests against energy reform (photos, videos) receive and translate:

During the protests against the energy reform, anarchist cells attacked the police in the nation’s capital.

The clashes between the police and encapuchados started at the beginning of the demonstration. There were several sallies and collisions, but the most relevant was in the La Merced neighborhood. Continue reading

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Uruguay: The State kidnaps two comrades

from 1_de_diciembre_fotorodrigo_jardon_18materialanarquista, transl waronsociety:

Another attack on the anarchist movement in Montevideo

Yesterday afternoon [August 29th], a comrade from Chile who is living here and applying for her papers was kidnapped by the State, she was called to present herself to Immigration and we do not know exactly when she was arrested by the police forces. Continue reading

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Mexico City: 2013 Days of Informal Anarchy


2013 Days of Informal Anarchy
International Symposium
Circuit of Conferences and Debates Among Comrades
December 27, 28 and 29th 2013
Info Tables
Publishing Projects
Documentary Film Screenings

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