A letter, a drawing and a song for Tortuga

from negratortuguitalakalle, translated by war on society:

We immensely appreciate this letter.
A greeting, an embrace, and a complicit smile. Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive device placed at BBVA bank in Santiago

from the press, via lt, translated by war on society:

A bag abandoned outside of a BBVA Bank branch at the intersection of Vicencio and Apoquindo across from the Metro Los Dominicos station in the Las Condes neighborhood, created alarm. Continue reading

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Chile: Prosecution presents indictment against Tortuga and requests 15 years of prison

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:

Yesterday, Monday February 20th, exactly at the deadline for presenting the indictment on which they intend to bring the comrade to trial, the South Prosecution presented the indictment against Luciano before the Seventh Warranty Judge of Santiago. Continue reading

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Russia: Anarchist antifascist murdered in Samara – Friends and family need your support!

translation from contrainfo:

On February 9th, 2012, at 6.30 in the morning in the area of ‘FIAN’ institute, a janitor found the body of Nikita Kalin, born in 1991. At 8.00 police arrived, and at 11.00 the cops finally contacted the mother of the murdered. According to his mother, Nikita was stabbed 61 times; besides this, his ribs were fractured multiple times, and head was wounded as well. No property was stolen. Currently, a suspect of the murder is arrested, as blood of Nikita was found in clothes of the arrested. Continue reading

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UK: Claim of responsibility for solidarity arsons

from 325:

“The spirit of insurrectionalism is still in the air like a light of hope – in this
dim atmosphere of cages of repression.”
Eat & Billy (Indonesian FAI) Continue reading

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Russia: Claim of responsibility for cell phone tower arson

from 325:

2 cell phone towers torched south of Moscow (Rostov-na-Donu direction). The cottage settlement we chose to disable is a popular site among hunters. And not only that. Local residents decided to add to the abuse of wild life and started two commercial fishing resorts. They breed fish to be hunted by tourists. Continue reading

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Chile: Bombs case update (January 30 to February 17)

from solidaridadporlxspresxs, translated by war on society:

The political trial continues and begins to advance slowly chapter after chapter with the particular accusation against each comrade, bringing different police officers, experts or simply “at the scene” witnesses. This time the trial was suspended due to the extensive and continuous months of daily hearings, setting aside 5 days of “rest” to then return on February 13. The rhythm continues to be slow and tedious, so the prosecution asked for a day of recess at the beginning of next week (February 20) to put their evidence in order to present only the “important” witnesses after the tribunal’s continual appeals of attention; next week the evidence relating to this same chapter will continue. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Graffiti in solidarity with Zerman, Billy and Eat

from culmine, translated by war on society:

In the early hours of February 8, 2012, the group Uncontrollable Forces in Solidarity with the Black Rebels, painted graffiti on the walls of downtown La Paz in solidarity with the comrade Zerman Elias who faces an abbreviated trial after spending months within the Chilean prisons, accused of being a danger to the public order after being arrested in a street confrontation; and also in solidarity with the comrades Billy and Eat who in Indonesia face the charges of placing an incendiary device at an ATM, both members of the FAI [Informal Anarchist Federation.] Continue reading

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Chile: Court revokes house arrest for Tortuga, he is forced into prison again [updated]

from materialanarquista, translated by war on society:

The second chamber of the Court of Appeals of Santiago has revoked the house arrest of comrade Luciano, because he is considered a danger to society, because of the possibility of escape since he has dual-citizenship (Chilean-Italian) and has a valid passport, and the other spoken reason is the comrade’s “good state of health” that does not justify house arrest, finally they closed the arguments on this judicial action with the statement Luciano made several weeks ago. Continue reading

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Switzerland: Statement from Billy on the hunger strike

we receive and publish this translation:

Prison separates us physically from the struggles. It isolates us from our loved ones and from the daily complicity of our paths of struggle; denying us our own desires. However it doesn’t manage to take them away from our head nor the fight from our spirit. On the contrary, the rage and hate we feel against these walls and our jailors roots them further on into our soul, into our flesh. Continue reading

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Toronto, ON: Communique for rail line sabotage

from anews:

Sometime earlier this week, we blocked 3 CN rail lines running east-west in Toronto. This small interruption to the flow of capital was taken in solidarity with all people fucked over by the state repression following the Toronto G20 in 2010. Continue reading

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Chile: A brief statement from Tortuga’s friends and lovers upon his release to house arrest

from negratortuguitalakalle, translated by war on society:

Thanks to the anarchist periodical El Surco for the information.

Today, after the completion of the investigative period, at around 3 PM in the justice center there was a hearing where preventive prison was revoked for the anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Third update from the trial of the Jogjakarta combatants

from negasi, rough translation by war on society:

Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) and Billy Augustan yesterday (February 14, 2012) returned to court for the third time. The agenda was the same as the second hearing on February 7, 2012, that is to hear testimony from witnesses. The State Prosecutor (JPU) said they would present 30 witnesses to prove and convince the judge that the two combatants can be charged with the terrorism clauses. Continue reading

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Olympia, WA: Communique for attack on a bank

from pugetsoundanarchists:

Last night we smashed up a bank and an attached ATM. This was a disruption of the banality of our everyday lives and a small attack on the institutions that attempt to dominate us, in which money plays a vital role. This attack was carried out in memory of V-Day 2008 and in solidarity with those facing charges in Oakland and prisoners everywhere. Continue reading

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