Chile: March for the prisoners of the Struggle in the Streets

“In struggle together with those who fight in the street.
Not a single day longer in prison for Cristobal Franke,
Zerman Elias, Francisco Moreno, Gonzalo Zapata”

from liberacion total, translated by war on society:

The march for the prisoners of the Struggle in the Streets took place on December 16 in Santiago. The manifestation began at 7pm in the Plaza de Armas in Santiago and passed through the center of the city with banners and propaganda. Remember that the comrades who find themselves incarcerated are for their presence and support in the marches and protests that have taken place recently in $hile.

Of these:

Francisco Moreno
Santiago 1 Prison, Module 35.
On July 14, 2011, he was arrested in a massive student march, accused of throwing a molotov bomb at the Brazilian embassy left a riot police officer injured and another with severe burns.
Francisco was detected by plainclothes police who supposedly identified him by his clothing, and a photograph in which he is seen hooded. Eventually he is charged for serious injury and intend to murder and weapons possession.
He is currently awaiting trial.

Cristobal Franke, “Mono”.
Special High Security Unit. High Security Module.
On September 11, 2011 in the manifestations in protest of a new anniversary of the military coup and its democratic continuation, a police officer received a powerful beating in which Cristobal is accused of participating. In the following days he was identified and arrested by DIPLOCAR, finally entering prison on September 22, 2011.
The compañero Cristobal is a vegan anti-authoritarian known in the scenes of politically active squatting, solidarity with prisoners and animal liberation.
He is currently accused of serious injury to police and finds himself in preventative prison awaiting trial.

Gonzalo Zapata
High Security Unit. High Security Module.
Detained on Tuesday September 27 after his home is raided, accused of participating in the beating of the carabinero of the mounted police in the general cemetery on September 11.
Currently in preventative prison awaiting trial.

Zerman Elias
High Security Unit. High Security Module.
Held in the prison-company Santiago 1 since September 22, 2011 after being arrested and accused of throwing a molotov cocktail at a gas-deploying vehicle of the repressive forces.
Currently in preventative prison awaiting trial.

Solidarity with the prisoners of the Struggle in the Streets!!

Prisoners to the Street!!

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Antisec & Anonymous attack security firm Stratfor, leak private info, expropriate $1M

from vanzetti’s ghost:

Just when you think they couldn’t surprise and delight, Anonymous & Antisec deliver… On the eve of Christmas LulzXmas News broke today of a massive hack by Antisec forces of whitehat security firm stratfor. As of this post, the site is unavailable but those interested can view a mirror of the deface. Anonymous hackers posted this youtube video at the top of the defaced page:

And here’s a note from Antisec to Stratfor:


“You do realize how preposterous it is to suggest that stratfor simply
shutdown completely for 2 days, right? The plan that you’ve attached paints a
gloom and doom picture claiming no chance that such a move will succeed. Does
that really seem a rationale conclusion?”


“Attended the TakeDownCon security conference. Focus of the conference was on
wireless and mobile security. No vendors pushing product or service at this
conference. Instead, great presentations by renowned white hat hackers (good
hackers) and security experts. Bottom line is that no mobile platform is
secure, including the Blackberry, but there are best practices that minimize
the risk of their use within the enterprise. We will be incorporating these
best practices in our operation over the coming months.”


“It blew my mind to discover that our email server backups are being stored on
the same physical server. I’m affectionately referring to these little
discoveries as ‘Mooney turds’.”


“Most if not all of us use professional and social networking sites like
LinkedIn and Facebook. All offer levels of privacy ranging from wide open
where everyone can see your profile, activities, and posts to closed allowing
only your immediate connections (or friends) access. As a private intelligence
company we must all take extra care to protect our personal information from
those who would use that information to exploit us personally or
professionally. Although we don’t have hard and fast rules on how to set your
privacy settings nor do we restrict use of such sites, I suggest that you
temper your need to share with prudence and consider the business that we are
in. It’s also important to check your privacy settings regularly to ensure
that the sites you use haven’t changed the meaning or scope of privacy
settings — we’ve all heard or read the news regarding this practice at
Facebook. I suggest that you never include any information in your profile –
regardless of privacy setting — that could be used to compromise your
identity. Specifically, never include: your birth date, your exact street
address (although this information can usually be found on the web quite
easily), your cell phone number, SSN or other government issued ID number
(that should be obvious), or any other information that someone could use to
compromise your identity if your account were compromised.”

// Frank Ginac CC Number: 376792323491009 Expiration: 5/2014 CVV: 9385
// Pass (md5): 6c0e721556401ce239ad454e83f0dc60
// Phone: 512-788-3882 Address: 7901 Bee Caves Road #23 Austin, Texas, 78746″

And then the hackers added to the deface with this video of the Oakland General strike of November 2nd:

They topped it all off with posting the full text of ‘The Coming Insurrection‘ on the deface Stratfor site… You might be tempted to sit back and light up a cigar, maybe sit some brandy while listening to the lulzboat theme song, but I’d say wait, that’s not all Anonymous has in store for us on LulzXmas. Via Sabu’s twitter…

So that’s over a million dollars in wealth redistribution/expropriation. And here is the client list of Stratfor, mirrored here= stratfor_private_client_list But the coup de grace is the database/leaked emails yet to be combed through for the enlightening info they surely contain:

I agree Barret Brown… Well, that’s it for now. I figured I just had to do a post memorializing the pure EPIC WIN of this hack. A Merry LulzXmas to all, and to all a good night!

“In the subway, there’s no longer any trace of the screen of embarrassment that normally impedes the gestures of the passengers. Strangers make conversation without making passes. A band of comrades conferring on a street corner. Much larger assemblies on the boulevards, absorbed in discussions. Surprise attacks mounted in city after city, day after day. A new military barracks has been sacked and burned to the ground. The evicted residents of a building have stopped negotiating with the mayor’s office; they settle in. A company manager is inspired to blow away a handful of his colleagues in the middle of a meeting. There’s been a leak of files containing the personal addresses of all the cops, together with those of prison officials, causing an unprecedented wave of sudden relocations. We carry our surplus goods into the old village bar and grocery store, and take what we lack. Some of us stay long enough to discuss the general situation and figure out the hardware we need for the machine shop. The radio keeps the insurgents informed of the retreat of the government forces. A rocket has just breached a wall of the Clairvaux prison. Impossible to say if it has been months or years since the “events” began. And the prime minister seems very alone in his appeals for calm.”The Coming Insurrection

Vanzetti’s Ghost

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David Japenga is back in the streets!

We are pleased to learn that comrade David Japenga finds himself once again in the streets.

For those who do not know, he was tried, convicted and jailed for attacking several businesses during demonstrations against the 2009 G20 in Pittsburgh. After spending several months in confinement, he was released. He was again arrested early this summer, this time on a minor charge for attending a demonstration in response to an armed attack on queer people also in Pittsburgh. The authorities again kept him captive, this time for half a year under the justification of a parole violation.

It’s good to have you back, comrade.

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Argentina: Giant Christmas tree burned in Buenos Aires during commemoration of the 2001 uprising

from the press, translated by war on society:

They ended up covered by the smoke. Leftist forces marched yesterday [21 December] to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the social upheaval that marked the end of the reign of Fernando de la Rúa. Some met in the Obelisk and others in front of Congress; all found themselves in 9 de Julio to march on Av. de Mayo toward Plaza de Mayo. There they waved banners and demanded justice for the 36 victims of the repression of the 19-20th December 2001. All went well until the giant Christmas tree placed in front of the Council by the Government was set on fire.

Black smoke spread through the central streets for a long time.

TV cameras were unable to identify who set the fire that burned the tree that was inaugurated on December 8th, but did catch the clash that minutes later took place involving militants of the Workers’ Party and an anarchist bloc. This latter group of no more than 20 youth joined the march near the end waving black flags and shouting “death to the State” and “the left and the right are the same shit.” [in Spanish this slogan rhymes]

A Christmas manger was also burned in the fire, and the protestors erected barricades during the clash.

Video here.

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Australia: Communique for attack on bank dedicated to comrades accused of the transit system attack

from 325:

In the early hours of the 24/12/2011 we attacked the Mountain Gate branch of the Commonwealth Bank with rocks causing some damage to windows in a small, spontaneous expression of nihilistic solidarity with our comrades fighting the state both here in Australia and all over the world.

We would like to dedicate this action to the comrades Jessica Bigby and Jonathan Penman who were arrested by the pigs and accused of the counter-attack against transit cop violence at North Melbourne railway station and to the comrades who evaded capture and are still running free. Even though we do not know you, your action filled us with much happiness and we were angered to learn of the arrests – we want you to know that you are not alone and that we also agree with your statement that it is now time to broaden the resistance here in Melbourne!

We also dedicate this action to all active anarchist cells and to all imprisoned anarchist fighters across the planet.


For The Total Destruction Of All That Oppresses!

Insurgents Anonymous

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Greece: Solidarity with the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle

from contrainfo:

‘The insurgents are right’

with the members of REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE
and and all those who are prosecuted for the same case

The gathering call of solidarity

The case of social liberation within a revolutionary perspective
is always current because the chains of the repressed of this decayed world will only break if we fight by all means.

All the subversive purposes ought to get organized in common without creating matters of division within the struggle for the social liberation. It is important to realize that the means used for the overthrow of the current system are choices that all converge in the same direction.

The armed struggle is a radical form of struggle and should be analyzed as such. It is another choice within the polymorphous action of the revolutionary and radical movement, since it propels the actual and direct confrontation against the state and its mechanisms of exploitation.

The comrades that are prosecuted for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle continue to give meaning to the struggle with their speech and criticism for the overthrow of the State and Capitalism inside and outside the cells of democracy and courts.

 Assembly for the case of Revolutionary Struggle

source 1, 2

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Montreal, QC: Counter-information action in solidarity with the G20 prisoners

we receive and publish:

Two banners were hung in Montréal in solidarity with the G20 prisoners. Solidarity with the G20 prisoners / Tear Down the Prison Walls was hung from a building on St. Catherine street downtown.  Solidarité avec les Incarcéré(e)s du G20 / Propageons la Révolte (Solidarity with the G20 Prisoners / Spread Revolt) was hung in the St. Henri neighborhood. Flyers were scattered at both sites, and further distributed in the metro system and on the street in the following days. We hope this counter-information action brings a smile to our locked up comrades.

Text from the flyer (followed by french):

Solidarity and Complicity with the G20 Prisoners!

It has now been almost a year and a half since the mobilization against the G20 in Toronto that witnessed the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. A $1 billion security operation caged over 1100 people over the course of a weekend in order to defend a meeting of the bureaucrats from the richest capitalist economies. A group of individuals, many using the black bloc tactic (wearing masks and black clothing), nonetheless broke this militarized social peace; a peace that exists to keep us obedient and passive so that capital can flow smoothly. The large breakaway demonstration attacked corporate property and the police, liberating space from the control of authority and targeting places of capital for destruction. What more human response could there be to a financial district—an urban space devoid of life, deprived of affordable rents, scoured of autonomous livelihoods, subordinated to the needs of traffic and commerce, held under the eye of surveillance cameras, occupied by police, and plagued with corporate outlets and banks—than to destroy it?

The day before the demonstration, twenty organizers were rounded up and charged with criminal conspiracy for planning the disruption of the summit. This vague charge is increasingly being used against anarchists and is essentially used for ‘thought crime’. After over a year of non-association conditions, pre-trial detention, house arrest, and a publication ban, six people took a plea deal to lesser charges in which the rest of their co-accused charges were dropped in November 2011. Mandy Hiscocks, Alex Hundert and Leah Henderson are expecting sentences between 10 and 16 months. Peter Hopperton, Erik Lankin, and Adam Lewis are currently serving jail sentences of 3-5.5 months. Others face prison time for alleged participation in the riot.

Innocence and guilt mean nothing to those who understand law as a structure that does not keep us safe, but that keeps us in line. In the words of the conspiracy defendants, “There is no victory in the courts…The legal system exists to protect Canada’s colonial and capitalist social structure.” To consider questions of guilt or innocence is to indulge in all the hypocrisy of a judge, a prosecutor, or a cop. It doesn’t matter that most of these people were already arrested when the property destruction occurred, and it doesn’t matter that they didn’t lead any conspiracies because anarchists don’t have leaders. What matters is that when all those workers died, when all those people were evicted, when all that money was taken from us by the banks, when all those bombs fell, when all that air and water were poisoned, it didn’t matter whether rules were broken or followed. To speak of rules and laws is to perpetuate one of the greatest lies of our society.

Repression is the inevitable consequence of living under capital and the State, whether in a democracy or dictatorship, because few are fully blind to the domination around them and many are willing to fight back against it. To combat this social unrest, the State responds with repression. Many systems of oppression target various identities daily for being a potential enemy to the social order; whether colonized, genderqueer, or not white, to name a few. Imprisonment is structured to perfect control over anybody who’s locked up, and manifests itself outside its walls as a threat towards those whose privileges don’t fool them into identifying with power. Repression tries to prevent us from making the all-too-sensible decision to revolt against the systems that destroy our lives and future.

The new omnibus ‘tough on crime’ bill is an intensification of social control, as is the federal prison expansion that will see expansions at 36 federal prisons between now and 2014, along with provincial prison expansions in every province. Correctional Services Canada will be the largest building contractor by 2012. The Montreal police even have a new ‘anti-gang’ police squad, GAMMA, dedicated to the surveillance and repression of anarchists and other ‘marginal movements’.

Prison is the concrete intensification of the alienation, isolation, and exploitation that surrounds us in our daily lives. With a desire for freedom comes the simple realization that prisons, and the world that needs them, must be attacked with revolutionary intentions. The urgency for rebellion makes itself even clearer when the State is tightening its grip on our throats in times of austerity.

As anarchists, we understand solidarity as lying in action. When we act we expand our own freedom as well. When the State takes anarchists and other rebels captive in its cages of democracy, revolutionary solidarity involves continuing the struggle that they are imprisoned for. Solidarity with prisoners in struggle should not be due to debt or sacrifice, but because our own liberation is intrinsically tied with their liberation and the destruction of prison. By actively pushing their struggles forward outside the prison walls, our solidarity ensures that the State’s attempts to intimidate and control us are only met with escalated resistance. Our struggles against the State and capital must grow into a force that their cages cannot contain.

Let’s lose our fear, and spread rebellion against authority.

Prisoners to the streets!

For more info:

* * *

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About “Anti-Judicial Anarchism”, Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More

from 325:

Here is an English translation of an article from the journal Conspiracion Acrata from Mexico referring to the idea of “Antiguiridismo Anarchico”. We hope you like it.

“Antigiuridismo Anarchico” which translates to “Anti-Judicial Anarchism” is a concept which has been used throughout anarchist history to define the attitude of a radical and total rejection of the concept and practice of the “justice” of the State, or as otherwise said – the judicial methods of the State including defence through a lawyer. This attitude or concept is or should be something normal within the anarchist movement but there are few companer@s who have put it into practice for diverse reasons or strategies.

Antigiuridismo Anarchico is the rejection of declaring a position to the State in front of the court or contributing to the circus of the State. Often the declarations of those who position themselves in this attitude are only directed as a dialogue or explanation to the compañer@s of their movement. This attitude is the rejection of any legal resources through which one could obtain “freedom”.

For some, Antigiuridismo Anarchico’s basis can be found in the texts of Max Stirner such as “The Ego and its Own” as individualists have used this concept or method in the past, usually those who have used explosives or have been involved in diverse sabotages against the system, in other words those who have “nothing to lose”.

Historically, in Italy the “anti-organizzatori” (anti-organisationalists) close to the anarchist Luigi Galleani used the Antigiuridismo Anarchico method, although it’s worth noting that not all of the “antiorganizzatori” were individualists, however they did maintain themselves in a total contrast to the anarcho-syndicalists. We also know of anarchist individuals who have positioned themselves under this method without defining it as such, examples include Severino di Giovanni and Paulino Scarfo in Argentina, the anarchists known as the Galleanists in the USA, French Anarchists such as Ravachol or Emile Henry, or Italian-Americans like Gabriella Segata Antolini.

At the moment this is the case with the compañer@s of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from Greece who have used Antigiuridismo Anarchico as an attitude of rupture with the judicial system as well as with the society of the masses, refusing to declare and as such collaborate with the police investigations. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire has put out communiqués referring to their situation, but as a form of communication with the compañer@s in solidarity, rather than as an explanation or justification before the State.

We can see that Antigiuridismo Anarchico is a decision taken individually (or collectively as is the case of the CCF) that works as part of two sides. For one part there’s the individual conviction to refuse to take part in any dialogues or compromise with the State/Capital or the line of politics, ensuring that each individual, group or cell maintains itself in contrast to the current reality. The other part can be owed to a consistent movement and a strong capacity to stand with prisoners and not leave them alone and one that is capable of physically interrupting the development of repression, for example we could cite the first trail against those of the Brigate Rosse in Italy, in which the same organisation brought judges, lawyers, prosecutors etc, to justice.

Furthermore, without putting forward any judgement whatsoever, there are other compañer@s who, as a contrast to this position of complete rupture, decide to analyse their possibilities and take advantage of legal avenues as a “strategy” to get out of prison and continue the war on the outside, always questioning power and its laws and taking these same laws or resources as weapons that can be used to avoid prison based on what’s possible within the judicial system, taking into account that this only works as a strategy and not as a dialogue with power. Many compañer@s who have taken use of legal resources as a strategy have demonstrated that once back on the street, they continue the war and maintain themselves in conflict. Unfortunately, there are some “compañer@s” who justify the State medium of ‘social rehabilitation’, to attempt to contradict our compañer@s in war, affirming such things as “you haven’t learnt anything from your time in prison”.

Whichever way you look at it, the two attitudes are equally valuable, however during this article we have attempted to lay out the concept defining the particular standpoint of Antigiuridismo Anarchico. There are a few philosophical law studies about Antigiuridismo Anarchico by Max Stirner, but generally they are academic texts which refer to a more nihilist and existentialist Stirner.

Luigi Galleani was an Italian anarchist who lived in the USA and edited the publication Cronaca Sovversiva which was edited for the first time on the 6th of June, 1903. One of Cronaca Sovversiva’s characteristics was the listing of addresses and locations of businessmen, “capitalist spies”, strike-breakers and all those considered enemies of the people. Luigi Galleani also edited a bomb-making manual called “Health is in you”, which was later translated into various different languages by various people supposedly including Emma Goldman. The Anarchist circle that revolved around the Cronaca Sovversiva were called “The Galleanists” and in their time carried out numerous bomb attacks against institutions of the State and Capital, such as the first car-bomb in history carried out by Mario Buda. They also sent a great number of packet bombs to personalities of the Church, State and Capital and expropriated the businesses of capitalists. Luigi also published various articles, the most well known called “Faccia a faccia col nemico” in 1914, which Severino Di Giovanni later would use in his publication “Culmine”, as well as in his way of life.

The newspaper Cronaca was published throughout 15 years until it was banned under the Sedition law. It’s worth nothing that the anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti were close to the publication’s circle.

Gabriella Segata Antolini
was an Italian anarchist who was arrested on the 17th of January 1918 at the age of 19 for transporting dynamite in a purse. When she was interrogated she gave a false name and refused to cooperate with the authorities or give them any information. She was sent to prison for 14 months. During her time in prison she got to know the notorious anarchist Emma Goldman with whom she formed a friendship. Gabrielle was from the Galeanist group from the Cronaca Sovversiva.

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is an anarchist nihilist urban guerilla group from Greece who have carried out direct actions ranging from arson attacks to powerful explosive attacks such as that carried out against the Athens Courthouse in solidarity with their imprisoned members. The CCF also sent a number of packet bombs to different ambassadors and world capitalist leaders including Silvio Berlusconi. Currently there are members of the CCF under trial.

The Brigate Rosse (Red Brigades) were a Marxist guerilla group from the 1970s who carried out various armed actions against those in power. Those years were called “the years of Lead” in Italy, a time in which many anarchists also carried out direct action, and some formed the anarchist action group Azione Rivoluzionaria.

Max Stirner was an anarco-individualist theorist who was born in 1806 and died in 1856, his most popular work was “The Ego and its Own” which caused innumerable discussions within the anarchist movement, including the anarchists of action.

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Denver, CO: Communique for attack on police substation

from colorado indymedia (21 December 2011):

anonymous missive on recent attack

target: district 4 denver cop shop

time: after your bedtime

mode: vandalism

rationale: immediate retaliation for the eviction of the civic center park homeless encampment. for dpd’s existence. to encourage you to join in on the fun.

announcement: expect more


fuck you.

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Australia: Communique for the counter-attack against transit cop violence

via 325: On Monday afternoon [19.12.11] a young man riding an Upfield train in peak hour was pushed to extremes in order to attempt to escape the terror and punishment of Metcops and the law.

In his efforts at evading both everyday beat pigs and their Metro lackeys he was left no option but to attempt to get back onto an already moving train on Platform 2 of North Melbourne Station or face fines, embarrassment and the physical and psychological violence that inevitably presents itself every time a person is arrested or detained by the cops. We must recognise that the actions of the cops and Metpigs created this circumstance that put this man’s life in danger.

Unfortunately he was not successful at escape.

Fortunately he is still alive.

After undergoing extensive surgery he has now lost part of one hand from the fall according to mainstream media reports.

This man’s blood, fear and pain rest not only on the hands of those who were chasing him through that train and on that Platform but on the hands of all Metcop scum that arrogantly patrol our trains and our stations daily. Whose purpose is to force our hand into our pocket and cough up our measly wages so that we can navigate paths through this city – to our friends, families, to food and of course our work where we must sell our lives to buy our legality.

We choose not to wait until more tragedies occur on our train lines and in our stations but feel the need to act immediately to express our solidarity with all fare evaders, escapees of the law and to state clearly that Metcops, ‘real’ cops and “protective services officers” are our daily enemy that we all must avoid, outsmart and outrun.

North Melbourne Station is an obvious location to attack as it was the scene of this horrific accident. Despite your surveillance, under the cover of night we will let our rage spill, we will shatter your smug notions of immunity. They must be held accountable.

They are breathing a sigh of relief that they did not kill that man on Monday, but only because they fear public outcry, fear losing their job – not because they give a shit about his life. Does wrongdoing look like a person without a ticket? Or a person chasing that person to near death in order to hand out a fine?

Against “protective service officers”, cops and metpigs patrolling our public spaces.

For immediate responses to inevitable future misues of power by all forms of authority.

Solidarity to our recovering friend whom we may never meet.

Solidarity to all free riders.

Two friends have been taken in for questioning in relation to this attack. May we give open, ongoing solidarity to them in this time. Let us take this oppurtunity to broaden this resistance on every level – the mainstream media have taken it on board and its everybodies responsibility to trash the pigs cover-up story of their guilt. SPEAK UP / ACT UP

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Chile: Incendiary-explosive attack on BancoEstado

from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

After 10pm yesterday, Wednesday December 21st, a group of 8 comrades who traveled in three white vans set fire to a barricade on Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 2690 (at the corner of Rodulfo Philippi) in the Central Station neighborhood. After sitting fire to the barricade, they proceeded to attack a branch of BancoEstado located nearby. The bank ended up with its windows shattered and with an ATM burned.

There are two versions of what really happened. One says that the individuals threw a fire extinguisher full of explosive which blew up. The other, more accepted, version is that a molotov cocktail was thrown onto an accelerant that had been poured inside the place, which caused damages to the windows and a loud bang that was heard by the neighbors for several blocks around.

In any case, at the end of the action, all the attackers–who dressed in black and were hooded–fled the place without the police being able to follow their steps.

It is not know if the objective was to rob the ATM.

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UK: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack on bank depot


from bristol indymedia:

At 4:30 am on Thursday 15th of december we attacked Bristol LLoyds bank depot in solidarity with comrades imprisoned in Greece, Chile, Switherland and all over the world. We painted the message “UNTIL ALL ARE FREE” on the building and positioned three bins of flamable material soaked in gazoline in front of their wooden doors and set them alight. Unfortunately our attempt to burn the building down was scuppured by fast emergency services response.

We took this action to send our love and Solidarity to our Revolutionary Struggle comrades on trial in Greece and to the Chillean comrades persecuted for the “bomb case“, also to Silvia, Costa and Billy the Swiss comrades persecuted for “IBM nanotechnology building” and for all those Imprisoned for their political beliefs.


anarchists individuals/ cells of FAI

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Bolivia: Communique from the Wrists of Fire Insurrectional Command FAI-IRF

from culmine, translated by war on society:

From Indonesia to Chile…
and passing through every path

“The most productive solidarity with respect to prisoners and to the struggle that is being carried out, is that of making one’s own struggle, extending the struggle where we live.”
Constantino Cavalleri

In the early hours of Wednesday December 21 of 2011, we have set fire to a pair of ATMs in the city of La Paz, in one of the wealthy neighborhoods of the city’s south. Carrying out all the steps in joint and organized form so that our attacks see the fire of success, we used chemical mixtures of Napalm, an incendiary charge and the necessary measures to set fire to the destruction of capital and our salute to the anti-authoritarian warriors.

This action, carried out in coordination with the Incendiary Solidarity Cell, is our form of taking to the streets and spreading the struggle in light of the call from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: “from Indonesia to Chile.”

To set fire to a couple of ATMs is for us an attack that transcends simple material damage; these actions of our signify from one angle a direct attack on one of the venues of capital: the banking institutions. Burning them signifies an anarchist sabotage to the money totem and a disregard for the social values associated with purely material (economic) well-being and thus an attack on power.

But on this occasion it means above all a message of fire for all imprisoned comrades and those who face “justice” in Greece, Chile, Indonesia and in each one of the paths in which power has felt hurt and seeks revenge.

Showing solidarity with the political prisoners as we anarchists have always done: through action; we salute with applause the escape attempt of the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece. The anti-prison struggle gains power with mutiny as a strategy. From outside we are attentive, ready to help these shows of confrontation with control, ready to carry them out as well. Your courage inspires us in this anarchist revolution.

The cages of “democracy” are the clear demonstration of the social values of punishment, isolation and exclusion that the “civilized” countries use against those who dare to question the norms of power, the authority, hierarchy and domination. They are the physical representation of dominion, and of the mythification of the democratic systems that deny all critique, rebellion and insubordination–hiding, caging and denying the freedom of those who do not accept their rules of a life of consumption and slavery. But the prisons at the same time show the conviction of society around punishment and imprisonment, the same denunciations, the seeking of prison for any kind of “offense” shows how deep the prison system has caught on in the mentality of the individuals who have lost the autonomy of solving their own problems. In these ideas and practices of power, that seek to deny freedom to individuals, lie one of the worst forms of domination.

From here, we seek with our action to destroy part of those values: Showing solidarity with the imprisoned comrades and at the same time attacking an aspect of economic power materially with fire and uniting us with the strongest weapon of the anti-authoritarian struggle: solidarity.

Neither bars nor sentences can stop the affronts to power

The FAI-IRF raises its fist from innumerable lands

Anti-authoritarian warriors, let us together form a history where freedom is not given nor expected, but rather is lived.

Strength to the compañerxs
Zerman Elias Vallejo, Gonzalo Zapata, Cristóbal Franke- Mono, Luciano Pitronello
Mihalis y Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Hristos Tsakalos y Giorgos Polydoros

In memory of compañero ALEXANDER GRIGOROPOLUS

Wrists of Fire Insurrectional Command
Comando Insurreccional Muñecas de Fuego


.: video from the press :.

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Bolivia: Communique from the Incendiary Solidarity Cell

from culmine, translated by war on society:

In the darkness of night and in coordination with the comrades of the Wrists of Fire Insurrectional Command / FAI-IRF, we have set vengeful fire to 3 ATMs in the city of La Paz.

We took care of the ATM of the FIE bank located in the central street Camacho, a couple liters of gasoline, research and the conviction of our actions were sufficient to execute the plan.

We will not sleep until all cages are empty.

Active solidarity with the incarcerated and persecuted in Indonesia, Greece, Chile and with all the unmanageables of the world.

Honor to the compañero ALEXANDER GRIGOROPOLUS.

Incendiary Solidarity Cell

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