Chile: Action in memory of Mauricio Morales [video]

from hommodolars, translated by waronsociety:

It was around 2 pm on May 22 when over a dozen compañerxs covered up and with faces concealed decided to launch a direct action in memory of our compañero Mauricio Morales (El Punky Mauri). They took the intersection of Grecia Avenue and Doctor Johow, at the outskirts of the University of $hile, erected barricades and posted themselves to wait for the fanatics of order with 100 molotov cocktails. Continue reading

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Mexico: Words from Conspiración Ácrata in memory of Mauricio

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

“The Hero of Life goes toward Death accompanied by the tragically triumphant march of dynamite and the head encircled with flowers. Yes, anyone who has desired and been able to live as Rebel and Hero wants the freedom to burn in a beautiful blaze ignited by the greatest sin so that the prelude to death is nothing but a sweet and melancholy poem…”
– Renzo Novatore, “
In the Circle of Life,” written in memory of his friend Bruno Filippi who died transporting an explosive device.  Continue reading

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Chile: Activities in Plaza Yungai in memory of Punky Mauri

294176_533242250067329_31341841_nfrom materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Note: The photos below are from an activity that happened in Santiago, specifically in Plaza Yungai, a neighborhood where the compañero lived, on May 26, 2013. Continue reading

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Mexico: Letter for Mauri by Braulio from prison

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Words for compañero Maury,
wherever you are, from Braulio Durán.

Due to the circumstances I now find myself in, I haven’t had an opportunity to formulate a letter or text, but in this moment this comes to me into my head and I only wish and desire that the compañero is well and that your “spirit,” if it exists, continues to be as indomitable as it always was. Continue reading

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Mural for Mauri – Arm yourself and be violent

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:


Arm yourself and be violent
Beautifully violent

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Chile: Mauricio Morales, Presente!!

600867_511013845630732_1468855190_nfrom Enrique Torres Radio Press Team, translated by waronsociety:

At four years since the death of a warrior, Mauricio Morales (Punky Mauri) several of his friends remembered him in Ventura Lavalle street where on May 22nd 2009 in the early morning there exploded the bomb with which he would have attacked the Prison Guards’ School, a place dedicated to teaching torture, beating and humiliating anyone who transgresses the law. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for arsons of a police car and other luxury vehicles

Imagen de previsualización de YouTubefrom vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

“Hanged in Chicago, decapitated in Germany, garotted in Jerez, shot in Barcelona, guillotined in Montbrison and Paris, many of ours have died, but you have not been able to annihilate anarchy. Its roots are too deep. Continue reading

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Chile: Action in memory of four years since the death of compañero Maurico Morales Duarte

08from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

“Because when freedom, love and anarchy accompany the beating in your heart, anarchy does not die in the mouth, it prevails in active hands.” – Mauricio Morales Duarte.

As we have expressed before already, “actions do not speak for themselves alone and should be carried out with a clear conviction full of love for the compañerxs and full of hate for those who sustain power”– Continue reading

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Chile: Posters against the forgetting of Punky Mauri


“When freedom, love, and anarchy accompany the beating in your heart…” – Punky Maury.

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety

Through this simple action we wish to remember the compañero Mauricio Morales and to not be indifferent toward a brother who put himself at war against authority. Your memory remains alive in every word, revolutionary gesture, and in each insurrectionary action.

Compañero Mauricio Morales Presente. Continue reading

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Chile: Street barricades in memory of compañero Punky Mauri

foto_0000000420130520104201from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

A group of encapuchados erected barricades at the corner of Matucana and Mapocho streets, in the Quinta Normal neighborhood, at the commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the death of compañero Mauricio Morales, whose bomb exploded as he was preparing to place it at the disgusting Prison Guards’ School in downtown Santiago. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for incendiary attack against OS9 police station

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Through this communique we claim responsibility for the incendiary attack against the OS9 carabineros police station carried out at 8:30 pm on Friday May 17th, on Macul Ave and Grecia (in front of the UTEM) by an organized group of 13 urban guerrillas who, protecting ourselves and having secured sufficient space for the attack by means of a barricade, sent 40 molotov cocktails at various parts of the surrounding buildings, which were seen enveloped in fire for some moments, to then retreat toward an unknown destination and put an end to the operation, which lasted a total of 45 seconds. Continue reading

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Chile: Communique for incendiary attack on prison guards’ gym

Sin título

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

“One would say, then, that force is aimed at imposing the organization of a certain social order in which a minority governs, while violence tends to destroy this order. The bourgeoisie has used force since the dawn of time up to modern times, while the proletariat reacts to the present, through violence, against it and against the state” – George Sorel Continue reading

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Spain: Anarchists arrested for ‘exalting terrorism’

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Note from VLA: We have to emphasize our distance from the naive speech presented in the following text. We have never believed or demanded that the communication media of the bourgeoisie speak for us, or that they show “the other side of the story.”  We carry out OUR struggle, with OUR media and with OUR principles, and for this reason we will not beg for crumbs or naively say that they report unfairly: on the contrary, there are positions in the war and the only thing that interests us is illuminating where we are and where the enemies are. Continue reading

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France: It’s been four years since Zoé died

from non-fides, translated by waronsociety:

Four years. Difficult to know if it’s four years already or just four years. Four years and a long mourning which has only just begun several years after her death, after those who justice found necessary to punish directly for the accident which cost Zoé her life finished the prison sentences which they had been assigned, after those who remained outside prison were no longer listened in on, tailed, photographed, filmed, intimidated. Continue reading

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