Poster – Solidarity with Marco Camenisch


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Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up


Freedom for comrade Krudo imprisoned by the Bolivian state

from krudoalakalle, translated by waronsociety:

One year into the political persecution and repression by the state after having framed up slanders against individuals who refuse to be part of the established order, thirteen in total, some of whom were pulled from the case and freed, like other snitches and/or collaborators in the investigation of this frame-up. Continue reading

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Nueva publicación – Palabras Nocivas N°3

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Palabras Noctivas

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Mauricio Morales – ‘Rayén and the spirit of the river’

rayen img

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Poster for Henry – ‘We are the struggle without borders or distance’

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[en/es/fr] France: Solidarity attack for Henry Zegarrundo

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety:

Over the past few nights in Paris, the screens of two ATMs were cracked, we were thinking of the anarchist comrade Henry Zegarrundo, imprisoned by the Bolivian State for a year now (he was arrested on May 29, 2012, held in prison and recently released to house arrest).

All the States, the prisons, all the banks are of this world that we hate, let’s attack them! Continue reading

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Sergio Maria Stefani – ‘To End with the Cult of the Carrion’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

Four years ago Mauri died, while the trajectory of struggle he chose would continue without vacillation. To the lightning of the explosion, which unfortunately struck him instead of the enemies for whom it was reserved, followed the thunder which shook all our spirits, we his brothers and sisters scattered across the world and animated by the same desire to destroy the existent. Continue reading

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Nicola Gai – ‘For a single hour of furious anarchy’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

The lightning which four years ago lit up the night of the Chilean capitol and which kept Mauri from carrying out his action made evident to all of us the beauty and strength there is in the struggle for anarchy. Nothing can give us greater joy and satisfaction than lighting the fuse of the device that should strike the place where they train the executioners who will go on to torture our imprisoned brothers and sisters. Continue reading

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Italy: Letter from prison by Alfredo Cospito four years since Mauri’s death

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

When I read the news of Mauri’s death, the accidental explosion of the device he was carrying, it was a blow to the heart, even if I didn’t know him, even if I never saw him, I instinctively perceived that he traveled the same path as me. In the days that followed, the actions, the confrontations, the eviction of the place where he lived, the rage-filled funeral. Continue reading

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Letters of Freedom – write to Henry Zegarrundo

from vivalaanarquia, click for translation by waronsociety:
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Chile: Words from Juan Aliste four years since Mauri’s death

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

One must be deaf of soul, blind of skin, a yanacona* or a déclassé to not recognize that we are passing before a social inquisition of a capitalist and police-encrusted order. Continue reading

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Argentina: Solidarity with Henry and Krudo

nuevos llllll 396from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

On May 29 various individuals concentrated in the Consulate of Bolivia in the city of Buenos Aires to demonstrate our solidarity with Henry and Krudo. Continue reading

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Action for May 29 and reflection on the affects imposed by civilization

Afrom materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

As anarchists we position ourselves in the constant conflict and the insatiable fight of freedom which guides us and incites us to permanent critique and self-critique which are as sharp as our daggers. Continue reading

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Chile: Propaganda in the streets of Santiago for the prisoners in Temuco

Dibujofrom refractario, transl waronsociety:

Look how little we are and even so their insults against us turn to sobbing, their arguments become petty, having all the power in their hands, they are frightened by just the least of our solar gestures… see how little we are and you will see that one day or another there will be millions like us… then they will have reason to have feared us so… Continue reading

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