Chile: Solidarity graffiti one year since Tortuga’s accident

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

One year since the accident that still wrenches our chests, we went into the streets to spread the name of our brother and with a minimal gesture among many gestures, to again act in solidarity with the comrade Luciano Pitronello. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Claim for incendiary attack on Wells Fargo bank

from anews:


Forever in the footsteps of beautiful queers like CeCe McDonald, we frustrated queers and dissidents refuse to take people’s shit. Continue reading

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One year since your accident, we continue on the warpath for the freedom of Tortuga

from negratortuguitalakalle, transl waronsociety:

How to forget the thunderous sound of that pre-dawn of June 1st that reverberated in the hearts of the uncontrollable rebels who had many times savored that sparkling music of the explosion, and who now received the news bitterly, inundated with suffocating feelings of love and hatred beyond expectation? That same day when the arrogant ones and cynics appeared in droves, while so many others repented a disappointing previous encounter with you, which in one way or another they wanted to erase. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Anarchist Cell for Revolutionary Solidarity FAI/FRI on the recent events

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

Do you have some decency to at least feel a bit of disgust every morning when you look at yourselves in the mirror? Do you have some blood running in your body that allows you to feel even the least bit of shame at the lowness and infamy of the betrayals committed? Continue reading

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Greece: Letter of CCF member Olga Ekonomidou (in solitary confinement of Diavata prisons)

from contrainfo:

In this moment I am writing these few lines from inside isolation; 30 days of solitary confinement is the price I pay for my refusal to sell out my dignity and obey the humiliation of a full body search, which would last 5 minutes. Continue reading

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To the insurgent comrades – report on the recent events in Bolivia

from culmine, transl waronsociety, by Some Wayward Noctilucae FAI/FRI:

The following text has come out of the necessity of making known to the comrades of the insurrectional struggle around the world what happened, distancing ourselves from the solidarity that has been manifested thus far, which has been, along with the press, the only means for informing ourselves of the situation. We refer to the texts from collectives, individuals of the Bolivian territory who in coming out (see this text) in the face of what happened have taken recourse to protesting and pleading for the “right to free expression,” illogically since it is an illegal action that the state is trying to condemn, affirming that the four arrested are innocent when it is known that one of them does not accept this qualification, and other similar claims. For our part we are interested in widening, by means of our possibilities, the information that is circulating on the web, without any intention of identifying anyone as innocent or guilty, much less victimizing, denouncing, demanding, repudiating or protesting about the “repressive action of the Bolivian state,” since none of these notions corresponds with our anarchist principles. Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Update from Christopher French bond hearing

from freedomforchris:

So Christopher’s bond hearing went well today!

His new bail is $100,000 which means we only have to raise $10,000 to get him out! Continue reading

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Albany, NY: 24 ATMs and other targets hit

from anews:

Late in the night of June 2nd a group of young Anarchists destroyed 16 ATM’s, 5 surveillance cameras. Also 3 banks, their locks were glued, and anti-state/anti-capitalist slogans were painted throughout downtown.We destroyed the ATM’s by filling all of the slots with expandable foam and spray painting the screen and hidden cameras. The surveillance cameras were destroyed by climbing the street lamps and smashing the spy cameras with a large poll. Continue reading

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Chile: Bombs Case: The comrades are absolved! (corrected)

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

After a long process during which the $hilean state and the plaintiff institutions tried by all means to condemn the compas at any cost, they were absolved of all the charges, in the final hearing today June 1st, 2012.

All the charges such as placement of explosive device and terrorist financing were dismissed; also they raised all the cautionary measures against the 5 compas.


* WOS note: Initially we had translated directly from a post on VLA which incorrectly mentioned “6 comrades.” There were, of course, only 5 comrades accused and at the trial; the 6th mentioned was the collaborator who is no comrade at all.

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Bay Area, CA: 24 ATMs sabotaged in solidarity with comrades in St. Louis and those facing repression in the Midwest

from anews (links added):

Early June 1st, we carried out a campaign of diffuse sabotage in solidarity with our friends and comrades in the Midwest.

Specifically, we attacked ATMs and surveillance cameras in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. In all, 24 ATMs were sabotaged in addition to other surveillance cameras. We attacked ATMs because they are the perfect little embodiments of everything we hate about this society: capital, surveillance, control, mechanization, economics. Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Bail funds needed for the Tinley Park 5

from antiracistaction:

Saturday May 19, 2012 five antifascists were arrested in Tinley Park, a Chicago Suburb, for allegedly assaulting a number of white-supremacist organizers. Help us raise funds for their support and costly legal defense. One of the alleged “victims” was arrested on warrants for child pornography and another was arrested for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. Bond has been set at nearly $1 Million dollars for the alleged attackers. Legal funds are needed in order to secure adequate legal representation and ensure that their families are taken care of until they are released. Continue reading

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Canada: Updates on G20 repression cases

from guelphabc:

Since the last G20 Repression Update in March, there are a few new developments in people’s situations. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: Updates on the “smoke bomb terrorism” case and more

from sabotagemedia (see their site for more regular updates on the unrest in Montreal), heres an update on May 23rd and 24th from Montreal:

May 23 – Hostage of the smoke bombs case released under conditions

The last accused still held in the case of the smoke bombs in the subway, on May 10th, has been released on parole. Continue reading

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Chile: Pedro Quezada Neculman arrested in Valparaiso accused of transporting weapons and attempted murder

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Today, May 31, the appeals hearing was held in which the defense of our compa and friend Pedro Quezada Neculman presented IRREFUTABLE evidence of his innocence in the frame-up orchestrated against him.

Today our compa finds himself imprisoned for more than a month and a half, accused of throwing a molotov at a cop of the special forces in a demonstration in the Playa Ancha University (UPLA) on the day of the combatant youth. Continue reading

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