Chile: Vengeance Federation claim bombing of BancoEstado

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, claim of responsibility on text of pamphlet:

By means of this communique we claim responsibility for the attack on the Banco Estado at the intersection of J.P. Alessandri and Las Encinas. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for arson at UDI headquarters in Rancagua

from Liberación Total (April 9, 2012) translation by This Is Our Job:

Whichever color political parties may be, whether right or left, they are one of the principal supporters of the existing order of domination and exploitation, legislating and trying to manage people’s lives so that everything stays the same. Many (some naively) believe their false promises, but it’s clear that politicians are only looking out for their personal benefit and that of their class. Continue reading

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Greece: Explosive/incendiary attack on Ministry of Reforms in Athens

UPDATE: the communique for the action can be found at contrainfo.

from the press, via lt, transl wos:

In the early hours of this Monday, a homemade bomb exploded in a branch of the Ministry of Reforms, in the center of Athens. Continue reading

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Personal Inferno – for an overcoming of solidarity, for Culmine and Parole Armate

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

 “I don’t want and I don’t grant solidarity,
because I am convinced that it is a new chain,
and because I believe with Ibsen that the one who is most alone is the strongest one.”
Renzo Novatore – I am also a Nihilist
______________________________________________ Continue reading

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Chile: 7 days since the attack on the comrade Bengalas

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note by LT: In the following text they make reference to hoping that the bastard who shot the comrade be judged. From our part, we hope for nothing from the laws, nor the judges, nor from administrative reviews made by the wretched police institution. The action of the police is backed up by Power and we can hope for nothing from our enemies. Solidarity with the comrade Bengalas, it makes us deeply happy that he is recovering. Nothing is over, everything continues. Continue reading

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Mexico: False bomb found in Mexico City campaign office of presidential candidate

from the press:

April 3: A false explosive device that arrived by courier to the campaign house of the PAN [National Action Party] presidential candidate Josefina Vázquez Mota last night mobilized the special group Taskforce of the capitol city Police. Continue reading

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Letter from the imprisoned members of the CCF to Culmine and ParoleArmate

translated by Act for freedom now!/boubourAs:

For a few days now has begun one more oppressive operation against anarchist comrades in Italy. Some comrades were arrested, interrogated, some got conditional discharges and others, house arrest.

The cops raided houses in the areas of Pisa, Chieti, Genoa, Catania, Ravena and elsewhere. The operation included the Carabinieri of Perugia, the Antiterrorist and the team of Technical Investigations of Rome. Amongst the arrestees, were also 4 anarchist comrades who were persecuted for “criminal organization of a subversive nature”. From the confiscated objects from the houses of the comrades, this time the cops showed special interest to their email communication with Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch and the members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire. During the investigation the email account of Culmine and Parole Armate was broken into and copied. By the cops. Continue reading

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France: Explosive attack against the Indonesia embassy in Paris

A bomb explodes in front of the Indonesia Embassy in Parisfrom the press, 21 March 2012:

A bomb of artisan manufacturing has exploited this Wednesday in front of the Indonesia Embassy in Paris, without causing casualties, although damage. Continue reading

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Gabriela Curilem’s third letter from clandestinity – Reflections on the CSO Sacco and Vanzetti

from liberaciontotal, translation from anews:

These days will mark 10 years since the Sacco and Vanzetti Social Center opened its doors for the first time.

We continued with the space, articulating ideas and projects against all authority, we kept on because that has always been our attitude, even in the worst periods of repression and misery, but that August 14th we were raided for the second time in the name of operacion salamandra, [Operation Salamander] and the bombs case. That same day we were evicted, the house closed off and our things seized and later stolen. Continue reading

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The Day of the Combatant Youth is not a protest

from liberaciontotal, translation we received and publish:

If there is anything as stupid as analyzing or believing that March 29th is a day of celebration, it is to analyze and understand it as a day of protest, it isn’t under any circumstances, because it has always been one more day of Revolt and Social War in memory of the fallen of this long war. This date was never meant to be a protest, because we understand that term as a demand or quest for dialogue with power. To the contrary, we seek for the 29th of March, another day of battle against the powerful through action coordinated or not but always insurrectionary and of the streets. This is not a protest, this is a war and coming to a 29th of March we must begin to coordinate, stress, and execute all kinds of action that serve social war (or antisocial) against all forms of authority. Continue reading

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Lublin, Poland: Direct action in solidarity with political prisoners across the world

updated translation by contrainfo from the Polish original:

Solidarity attack on ATMs

In the last days of March 2012, we attacked three ATMs with paint, each belonging to another bank.

The growing climate of state repression must meet with our overwhelming response. An uncompromising attack of the Capital, taking away from us the remaining social gains, can no longer remain unanswered. Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim of responsibility for two incendiary attacks

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Cities condition us to an awful life of commerce and submission.

We extend critique and combat through the subversive extension as a form of life, our goal (among others) is to make daily the generalized revolt of the oppressed and rebels. Continue reading

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Chile: Anarchist shot by the police in Viña del Mar

WOS note: Beyond this initial announcement from Bengalas’ comrades which appears below, there are several more texts and updates about the comrade which we will translate soon. At the moment, we are too busy to present all of it. The additional texts and updates may appear as edits to this post, or separately. We send an embrace full of fire and health to Bengalas. Continue reading

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Portland, OR: Communique for attack on Chase Bank branch

from Portland Indymedia:

During the final hour of April Fool’s Day, a small group busted all of the front windows out of a Chase bank in the Woodstock area. We want to make it clear we do not glamorize or romanticize our actions over anyone else’s actions. Nevertheless, we encourage other people to make visible the conflict with capitalism in whatever manner they see fit. Continue reading

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