Seattle, WA: Communique for attack on Umpqua Bank branch

from pugetsoundanarchists:

The Ravenna branch of the eco-insidiuous Umpqua Bank lost sleep last night when rocks shattered their large external windows. This action stands in solidarity with non-cooperating green scare and anarchist prisoners. As we know, it’s easy to attack. Continue reading

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Spain: Communiqué for the bombing at ESADE business school

from Liberación Total (March 27, 2012) via This is our Job:

Street protests against the attacks of capitalist States on our living conditions have recently spread throughout Europe. Despite the strikes, actions, and massive demonstrations, and despite the broad movements that haven’t even expressed any grand revolutionary aspirations beyond the mere defense of minimum basic necessities, the States have responded with indifference. Continue reading

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Italy: Another wave of repression against anarchists

“Yesterday morning, 29/03/2012, the ROS units [Special Operations Unit of the Italian Carabinieri paramilitary police] of Rome and Perugia searched four houses of comrades looking for evidence concerning the usual charge of conspiracy. And as usual, the watchdogs of the authority were particularly interested in electronic equipment, mobile phones and paper. Wastepaper, searches and warnings: we’ve seen more of the same many times but every time it just makes us sick.”
________________________________________________________ Continue reading
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Culmine’s email violated and copied

Culmine is informing you that in the context of an investigation against anarchist comrades from Italy, our mail has been violated and copied. So, we notify that we will no longer use culmine(at)distruzione(dot)org and that in the next days we are going to decide if and how we’re going to continue operating the blog Continue reading

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Chile: Day of the Combatant Youth updates

from vla, transl waronsociety:

22:00 – News arrives from Concepción of a count of 30 youth arrested by the clashes that have happened in southern Chile.

21:45 – The focal points multiply and the clashes begin motivated by the arrival of carabineros trying to clear the streets. Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive device placed at 7th Precinct in Valparaíso

from the press, transl waronsociety:

At around 12:30 PM on the afternoon of this Tuesday March 27, a homemade bomb was found in front of the gate of the 7th Precinct of Valparaíso, home to the region’s Special Forces (FFEE). Continue reading

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Peru: Solidarity action with Tortuga and the Security Case prisoners

sol-01from vla, transl waronsociety:

“If the objective is to destroy domination, silence and forgetting, any solidarity act that does not compromise with power is valid and necessary.”

Last Thursday. Using a tire and one of the area’s guard shacks, we decided to take it as an item to blockade the street, and dousing it with liters of gasoline, we set fire and threw leaflets in solidarity with the insurgent comrade Tortuga, who is imprisoned for directly attacking the elements of capital, risking his very life. Continue reading

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Chile: Clarification about the clashes on March 26

from vla, transl waronsociety:

By means of this communique, we seek solely and exclusively to clarify the events on the day of March 26 outside of the university and thus we anticipate (not without some delay) the outright lies and speculations of Power and the press: Continue reading

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Chile: Clashes for the Day of the Youth Combatant in Valparaíso

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

This Wednesday, March 28, at around 2 PM, a group of encapuchadxs (hooded individuals) exited from the Playa Ancha University and began to block off the street with barricades. This in commemoration of the Day of the Combatant Youth. Continue reading

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Indonesia: Sending email to imprisoned comrades Eat, Billy, and Hidayat

from hidup biasa:

Now it is possible to send emails to three people imprisoned in Indonesia for their resistance. Friends and families will print those emails and bring them to the prison when they go to visit. As prison is a very isolating experience, receiving messages of support, even from people you don’t know, can make a big difference. All three prisoners will be able to read your letters if you write in English, but it may be difficult for them to reply directly – obviously they have no computers in their cells! Continue reading

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Chile: Three arrested on suspicion of having burned a bus

from vla, transl waronsociety:

At 1 PM yesterday, March 26, a 104-line bus belonging to the business Alsacia, was burned in the intersection of Macul and Grecia, in front of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. Continue reading

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Italy: Rail sabotage for Sole, Baleno and No-TAV

from informa-azione, transl waronsociety:

We learn from the media that on the night of Sunday March 25 to Monday March 26, unknown persons started a fire, dousing with benzine and setting fire, to the electrical wires of a telephone exchange between marshalling yards and Rogoredo Lambrate. At the spot the words “No TAV,” “Sole and Baleno live,*” along with two No-TAV flags, were found. Continue reading

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Guelph, ON: Communique for attack on RBC bank branch

from anews:

Around March 15th, 2012 we paid a visit to the Willow West RBC branch and attacked both drive-thru ATMs with paint bombs. We have nothing but contempt for these capitalist institutions that uphold and perpetuate the forced conditions and misery of this society. Let us not forget, (nor forgive!) that it is largely the banks that act as financial advisors as well directly finance the State’s projects and systems of social control. For example, RBC currently has its’ greasy paws in the Toronto South Detention Centre in Mimico, ON acting as the financial advisor to ITS (EllisDon & Fengate Capital) who are constructing the prison. Continue reading

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Mailing address for anti-fascist prisoner Eric Desouza

from bayareaabc:

SO the pigs fucked up Eric’s last name, word that we are getting now is that it is SOUZA, at least for now, we will update it whenever we get word but until then this is his address. Please write Eric letters in support of his resistance to fascism and his struggle. If we don’t support those who fight to stomp out fascism, the most overtly oppressive types of systems, who will we support. Continue reading

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