Individualist Anthem from Italy (1901)

Individualist Anthem – Anonymous author (1901)
lyrics translated from the Italian by waronsociety: Continue reading

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Chile: Bombs Case political trial update, March 5 to 23

from solidaridadporlxspresxs, transl waronsociety:

After continuing to recount and show various evidence from the CSO Sacco and Vanzetti and from the house of the comrade Felipe’s family, now the chapter begins relating to the incendiary attack on the Church of the Sacrament linked to the comrade Mónica Caballero and the raids on the “La Crota” squat where she lived, it is in this way that we have already surpassed the 100 witnesses who have testified in this trial, and the more than 40 experts. But there still remains the chapter on “financing of terrorism” and finally some police chiefs who have not yet presented themselves. Continue reading

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Argentina: Action for March 24 in Buenos Aires

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

We understand living memory, fighting!!!!!

This March 24, 2012 is not another anniversary for those who chose, choose and will choose subversive struggle, ours is for absolute freedom.

We are and we will be part of a history of paths, of traces of passion, of will. Continue reading

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Chile: Noise bomb against the Center for Social Reinsertion in Puerto Montt

from culmine, transl waronsociety, communique:

On the night of Wednesday, March 21 in the city of Puerto Montt, a noise device was installed in the Center for Social Reinsertion (CRS), Special Unit of Gendarmería of $hile, and two slogans were left on the walls: DOWN WITH THE PRISON WALLS / LUCIANO TORTUGA TO THE STREET! Continue reading

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Spain: Explosive device goes off in business school in Barcelona

from culmine, transl waronsociety:

According to various media of bourgeois press, an explosive device has exploded in the elite business school ESADE, located in the wealthy neighborhood of Pedralbes, causing the evacuation of the center and nearby houses. Classes have not resumed through the afternoon. Continue reading

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Chile: To prisoners, wounded, escapees, warriors, for Active Solidarity

translation from contrainfo:

Often hard to write knowing there will be nothing more than texts disseminated via the technological tool, also invented by the enemies, but in times like these we find it necessary to inform, invite and motivate comrades in other parts of the globe, since we have confirmed the information* about the wounded comrade in Chillán ($hile) through a compilation of articles that we have seen in the Press of the powerful, what motivates us to communicate again, filled with uncertainty and grief, and not only that; also the situation of comrade Tortuga/‘Turtle’ and other prisoners of this social war that each day makes us walk with anxiety. Nor do we forget Gaby and Diego, two clandestine hearts far from the hands of authority, as much as we are encouraged by all anonymous warriors in the territory who are risking their lives for the destruction of this society and all forms of domination. Continue reading

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Italy: Message by the activist Luca Abbà from the hospital in Turin

Translation B.pd/act for freedom now:

Three weeks after the events in Clarea of 27th February, I think it is the case to tell all the friends and comrades close to me some more precise news on my health conditions.

As everybody knows I’ve been out of danger for a few days now, but my conditions are still pretty serious even if the situation is slowly improving. Continue reading

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Mexico: Package-bomb explodes on a militant of the Institutional Revolutionary Party

from the press, via lt, transl waronsociety:

March 22: A package containing explosive material exploded in the hands of a militant of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) which arrived in their home in the Cuautitlan Izcalli municipality, ministerial agents reported. Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Site of police violence and the home of mayor’s aid vandalized

from the press:

Graffiti that appears linked to a confrontation between Occupy protesters and police at Compton Hill Reservoir Park last week has appeared at the park.

The graffiti, which includes phrases like “Class war,” “The city has blood on their hands” and “Cops, pigs, murderers,” was sprayed on buildings, walls and statues at the park on Grand Boulevard just south of Interstate 44. Continue reading

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Statement from Eric Desouza on his current situation

from bayareaabc:

My situation? My situation is totally fucked. What else can I say? I think I went down on some bullshit charges. I also think anybody in my shoes would have made the same decision to cop a plea. If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t be in this mess but I’m not rich so this is the justice that I get. It hurt me a lot when my attorney working pro bono told me that the NLG will not take my case because I’m facing some serious felony counts. Uuuhg.I really thought they’d have my back. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack against Banco de Chile in Chillán

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

In the early hours of this March 20, the date set for the hearing of our brother Luciano Pitronello, we directed ourselves with hatred and rage toward a Banco de Chile branch located on Av. Collin (Chillán), coming there loaded with flammable material, two minutes were sufficient for our anarchic and wild fire to illuminate the night. Continue reading

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Chile: Hearing against comrade Tortuga suspended

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Today, Tuesday March 20, the hearing of oral trial preparation against the comrade Tortuga was suspended. The hearing was rescheduled for April 11th at 9 AM. Continue reading

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Montreal, QC: 5 people are on trial over arrests during the night of Monday to Tuesday

translated from french by sabotagemedia:

5 people are on trial over arrests in a collective space during the night of Monday to Tuesday.

They were released on Wednesday afternoon with a curfew from 22h to 7h. They no longer have the right to find themselves in a large area bordered by Sherbrooke, Notre-Dame, Saint-Laurent and Papineau (except for one of them living inside the area) nor to drink alcohol. They are charged with obstructing police and intimidation of a person part of the justice system. A demonstration of solidarity 50 of people was held during their court appearance.

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Montreal, QC: Kidnapping, pre-emptive arrests and Hollywood-style fascism

translation from french by antidéveloppement:

This is related to events that happened on March 15th, a few hours before the anti-police protest that became famous in the media these last few days. Continue reading

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