Chile: José Miguel Sánchez is in the streets!

ajueraaafrom refractario, transl wos:

After spending almost 20 years in prison, the compañero Jose Miguel Sanchez completed the sentence imposed by power in the early hours of February 27th.

Starting at midnight, February 28th, various relatives and compañeros of Jose Miguel approached the ex-Penitenciaria to wecome the compañero back to the street. This is how with banners, pamphlets, fireworks, and shouts in memory of the rest of the revolutionary prisoners, Jose Miguel was able to leave the extermination centers with his fist and face held high. Continue reading

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Instinto Salvaje – new counter-info site

instinto salvaje

“Our action should be permanent rebellion with the word, with the printed letter, with the knife, with the gun, with dynamite…”

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Chile: Communique for incendiary attack on Banco Estado in Padre las Casas

from vla, transl waronsociety:


1. To leave alone and separated from other things.
2. Exclude someone from communication and interaction with others.

We wander lurking around the prison society, nothing is more important to us than to destroy its regimen of life and the institutions it fosters. Continue reading

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Chile: Santiago, Villa Francia: Letter from Tamara Sol’s family

tamaraFrom vivalaanarquia, transl. waronsociety:

Villa Francia, Feb 3, 2014

Dear friends and compxs:

Our beloved Tamara Sol is imprisoned.

With the speed of an avenging lightning bolt, as always happens when they are condemning a poor person or a subversive, a judge of the system, Paoloa Robinovich, is considering sentencing her to 10 years and a day to life in prison, accusing her of “aggravated robbery” (robo calificado) the hardest statue in the Chilean penal system, arguing that Tamara Sol is a danger to society. Society constructed so orderly on the aberrant inequality between a few immensely rich and the many Continue reading

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México: Interview with Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ΙTS)

From contrainfo, transl. waronsociety,

It’s been a few weeks since the publication of the book “May the night be set alight! Genesis, development, and rise of the Informal Anarchist Tendency”, in which an interview with the ITS is presented, and on our behalf we want to (newly), re-clarify our total gratitude to those who have made it possible for our words to be spread in this form. While recently, upon re-reading our interview, ITS has decided to make a few changes (albeit very small ones) to the original text that we sent on April 28, 2012, which we now present. Continue reading

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Chile: Action in front of the 26th Precinct of Pudahuel, Santiago

from contrainfo, transl wos:

Friday, February 7, 2014

It makes us very sad/angry that when the university classes end the action in the street ends with them; it is sad/enraging that action takes vacations, and this goes for any kind of agitation (not only incendiary). This absolutely lowers the intensity of the anarchist praxis. Continue reading

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Chile: Trial date finally set for comrades Juan, Freddy and Marcelo

from vla, transl wos:

Compañeras and compañeros,

We inform you that finally, and after a legal precision that was carried out a few days ago, there is finally a definitive date for the beginning of the oral trial of the compañeros Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villarroel, accused in the so-called Security Case. We remember that they have asked for sentences for the compañeros from 18 years of prison up to life imprisonment for several bank robberies and the death of the cop Moyano in October 2007. Continue reading

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Hans Niemeyer – Requiem for the Passing Moon (pdf)


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Puerto Montt, Chile: Solidarity from southern Chile

angryfrom contrainfo, transl wos:

Freedom for Tamara Sol, a compañera from these parts, we send you a fraternal greeting of strength, encouragement and energy to bear the prison, you were a shout that came crossing forests and borders to remain until you are free. Continue reading

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Chile: Compañera Sol F. Vergara charged with aggravated robbery and held in preventive prison

scl201401212352cea2127smfrom refractario, transl waronsociety:

“Strength, Sol, we love you. We are proud of you.” – Luisa Toledo, grandmother of compañera Sol, on entering the courtroom.

Our dear compañera Sol was pointed out by power and accused of the attack on the miserable Banco Estado security guard Rolando Vargas Fuentes, in which 4 bullets were fired as a gesture of revenge for the murderous shots that another of his colleagues fired months earlier at the body of the anarchist compañero Sebastián Overluij. Continue reading

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Chile: Propaganda 22 years after a bloody January and in greeting to the dear compañera Sol F. Vergara

from contrainfo, transl wos:

On January 22, 1992, after a bank expropriation, two revolutionaries, Alexis Muñoz and Fabian Lopez, were killed. REMEMBER and FIGHT Continue reading

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Argentina: Incendiary attack against Fiat dealership and other vehicles

from vla, transl. by waronsociety:

We always do what we say because we feel the need to carry out the acts we think about. Theory is all the ideas that exist inside of our heads, practice is everything that comes out of our bodies including words.

At the same time we do one we also do the other, we are unable to separate them, there will be moments when one imposes itself on the other, but we never want to separate them, it is our spirit, our projectuality. We are aware of the different realities that exist in the world, but also the same desire anarchist compañerxs have to be more free each day. Continue reading

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Chile: Comrade Tamara Sol arrested, accused of firing at a BancoEstado security guard

baleoaguardiafrom vozcomoarma, transl wos:

According to an email sent by compas from the anarchist anti-prison publication Refractario to this blog, a compañera has been arrested, accusing of opening fire against a security guard from a BancoEstado branch on January 21st.

Yesterday, January 21st, a woman dressed in black entered the BancoEstado branch in the Alameda area (Santiago de Chile) and, once inside, drew a pistol, fired 4 shots at the guard and shouted “Revenge!”, then fled on a bicycle, leaving behind the revolver that was used and taking the guard’s. Continue reading

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Brasil, Balneário Camboriú: Attack on an electrical substation

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety

For a Black International

Around 2 in the morning on Jan. 20th, with the complicity of the night, the cries of the devoted denounced us, but the cries were not raucous or sufficient enough for the lone wolves that visited the Celesc Energy Substation next to the Balneário Camboriú, in southern Brazil. This action was carried out in response to the call for a black international and to mark the beginning of the year’s activities. We did not have a single problem during the attack, because the pigs were feeding on one thing or another during an unexpected raid of the tactical group of special operations and other vehicles, Municpal Guards and the Military Police, a day of big moves for the police. We were equipped with two explosive devices with shrapnel, one which did not succeed, since it Continue reading

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