Bolivia: Speaking of Snitches

from non-fides, transl waronsociety:

On January 3rd, we received an email from Roberto Flores Terceros of Bolivia, asking us to publish a “right of response” from Nina Mancilla, Virginia Aillón and Paula Estenssoro in reply to some texts that we have published (see “While witches are being burned: Against indifference, delation and complicity with the State” in Dark Nights #27 (pdf); and “About what happened in Bolivia” (Spanish link)). Continue reading

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Call for a Black February!

actionweekenglishfrom fightnow:

We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world. Continue reading

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Argentina: Communique for incendiary attack on Fiat van

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

We hate society. We absolutely despise it. We do not feel that we are part of it. If we go out around the streets we may be, in your eyes and your limited minds, good citizens. But make no mistake. We live at the edge of its values and its practices that you happily buy. Because there aren’t chains around your necks, there aren’t whips at your jobs, there isn’t a gun to your head. You made a choice. You could have said NO but you preferred YES. You preferred the comfort of paying for life in installments. The happiness of the car, the house, the family. And who doesn’t? We don’t blame you. We are not here to say what is good or bad, because we are beyond good and bad. Beyond morality. But we prefer dignity. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the bombing of the Colún agribusiness offices

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety (thanks to liberaciontotal for help), communique:

“In the permanent practice
of subversion for the Social War”

The ultra-patriotic German Friedrich Grob Besler… settled (in lands expropriated after the Pacification of La Araukanía!!! [1]), was received by the Chilean State and the Patriotic Leagues of Chile as a settler of the La Unión commune in the de Los Ríos region. Continue reading

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Chapel Hill, NC: Solidarity Attack on Fraternity

we receive and publish:

On the night of January 13, we smashed out the front windows of the Chi Psi frat house, 321 Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill, NC. We did this for anyone who has ever been afraid to walk the streets of this town because of harassment for their body, gender, or sexuality. This fraternity was chosen at random. All fraternities are sites of conscious self-organization for patriarchal power and the homophobia that supports it. They exist to convert this power into real capital. Continue reading

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Bolivia: Update on comrade Henry

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety:

On January 17, 2013, the hearing set for the request for house arrest for the comrade Henry was supposed to be held. This audience was postponed at the request of the comrade himself, who has rejected the case in the first court due to the fact that there were many prejudices on the part of the judge in charge of this court. Now they have to wait for the assignment of the case to a new court, therefore there is no date set for a next hearing.

We will continue reporting on the case.
Solidaridad Negra

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Chile: Prison updates on Adrián Díaz and Jose Miguel

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Adrián took responsibility for and is accused of attacking and burning a gendarmería [prison guards] truck with molotov cocktails during a student protest. After spending 4 months in preventive prison he was able to go into the street through an abbreviated trial [similar to a plea deal – transl]. Finally, in a judicial trick, the plaintiffs (Ministry of the Interior and the Gendarmería) managed to nullify the abbreviated trial, requesting a new trial. Continue reading

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Chile: Judicial update on Carla and Ivan; Alberto Olivares returns to Santiago Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

On November 23, 2012, after a violent fight in the oval of his former prison which ended with the death of a prisoner, the prison administration decided to punitively transfer Alberto Nicolas Olivares, who was locked up in a completely separate module (Module A). Nico is an anti-capitalist comrade, former member of the urban guerrilla FPMR and now a libertarian. Continue reading

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Chile: Riot commemorating 5 years since the assassination of Matías Catrileo

from liberación total
translated from spanish by sabotagemedia:

pics here

Hundreds of people gathered at 7pm in the center of Santiago, to march from the Alameda by Paseo Ahumada to Plaza de Armas. This as part of the fifth commemoration in memory of Matías Catrileo. Continue reading

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“Lighting the fuse of subversion” – Prison letter from Marcelo Villarroel

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Letter from the comrade Marcelo Villarroel for the “Anti-prison Sound” event on 12/14 at the La Mákina squat in Santiago, Chile.

Lighting the fuse of subversion
Stirring up the insurgent fire of social war beneath the prison walls

The Prison is the circumstantial or possible destiny of all persons who take control of their lives, navigating the path of emancipation which runs counter to a capitalist normality that imposes the routine of the citizen, that obligates one to waged work, to a study that validates a bourgeois system of education, and to staying within the parameters of the judicial order that capital imposes on us. Continue reading

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Argentina: Communique for bombing of prison office and arsons of police and bourgeois cars

from vla, transl wos:

At the same time that we are attacking the police, they are carrying out their habitual tasks, harassing and humiliating street people who don’t have a roof to sleep under or beating a prisoner who refuses to remain obedient to the guards’ orders. In Argentina, we know well that they torture, that the police torture in all of the prisons they have at their disposal. And as is police custom, they always pick out the weakest, the most defenseless. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for explosive attack on Agrosuper in Santiago

from liberaciontotal, translated by waronsociety:

We claim responsibility for the explosive attack on the offices of Agrosuper on the 2 of January 2013 at 11:30 pm, on 18 and 10 de Julio streets in central Santiago. Direct attack against the bourgeoisie and those that support them. We chose to target this holding company because they control agribusiness and are owned by Gonzalo Vial, a business man who accrued much of his fortune during the Pinochet dictatorship. We salute the resolute stance of the people of Freirina who continue resistance in Vial’s whimsical swine-opolis. The bomb and its shrapnel are a clear message to you, Vial: “We have you in our sights.” Continue reading

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Letter from Juan Aliste 5 years since the beginning of the hunt for him

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

I remember the cold of that October morning. I have not forgotten the disinformation media’s mercenary barrage, legitimizing images behind a discourse. The message was clear and there was not a radio or TV that did not spread it; thus began the hunting and killing of several rebels–all of us libertarians and subversives with no turning back, and all happy owners of our lives. Continue reading

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Chile: Hans Niemeyer is on the run


Esperemos que vueles como el viento, con las estrellas y la luna como su guia!!!!


* * *

From vivalaanarquia, transl. by waronsoicety:

As anarchists we recognize the war against this society and its logic. At the same time we can not nor want to overlook the difficult moments those of us who go on the offensive must live through. Clandestinity is an extremely difficult decision for those who choose it, but without a doubt one of the most dignified. Continue reading

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