Letter from Marco Camenisch in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

from culmine:

Dear comrades of the first phase of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire:

Perhaps too late and certainly too briefly, I respond to your call, to your proposal.

But I respond with a heart of solidarity, within the timeless time of the struggle for freedom.

I respond with warm and revolutionary love, within the timeless time of our revolutionary path without history, beyond any false story of the rulers, where our generations in struggle are the only and always-living present.

I salute and embrace you as I embraced the signals, the many brave signals of your actions and words and those of others, and others like us, that reach me in the about 7,000 days of prison without the least boredom, desperation, or repentance. They are signals of persistence, continuity and of the diffusion of the struggle for freedom in which 0 or 7,000 days of prison don’t matter, because they are signals of this same struggle, because what matters is the struggle for life, for freedom. What doesn’t matter are the years, centuries of prison or our deaths in combat. Yes, they weigh on us like mountains… but it doesn’t matter because, if the struggle lives, we will continue to live, we will continue to live although we are dead or spend centuries in prison, we have fallen as free women and men, and that is what we remain. Because one who has truly lived and lives the struggle has lived and lives the freedom that unites us. In this, then, our rebel spirit can never go back to the vile and annihilating slavery of this civilization of thieving masters and murders, with their history and their epoch of destruction and exploitation.

A rebel and insurgent spirit is a serene spirit, a spirit without time because it lives in a continuous present made of solidarity. Solidarity which by definition unites generations, unites efforts, unites action, unites our lives, unites our hearts, as different and physically distant as they may be, they have lived, live and will live!

They may do their trials, but these are nothing more than the signs of their cowardice, of their fear, of their decline. They may call us terrorists, this is just the sign that we hit the target, it is just a signal of their defeat in the face of every indication of the rampant insurrection. Insurrectional rumblings and insurgent individuals who, one by one and all together, demonstrate that they don’t support their government, their terror, their lies and divisions that for millennia they have used continuously to maintain their exploitation and domination, to continue their crazy path toward global destruction.

Solidarity, love, and courage to you, comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, to you who already have a name that they want ridiculously put on trial, but the revolutionary struggle cannot be judged!

Solidarity, love and courage to you, comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire without names–the second phase, that, carrying the revolutionary offensive and retaliation, makes masters tremble and so too their servants–you are the living demonstration that the revolutionary struggle cannot be judged!

Solidarity, love and courage to you, comrades all over the world, who are the rampant insurrection and organization that will defeat every authority, every State, every master, giving back life, giving back the future, giving back freedom to this world.

For permanent insurrection, until total Liberation, Anarchy!


Marco Camenisch, November 2011, from the Swiss jail

edited slightly for clarity by war on society.

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Tacoma, WA: Update on Justin Solondz’s non-cooperating plea hearing

we receive and publish:

Today at the federal courthouse in Tacoma, Washington, prisoner comrade Justin Solondz appeared before the federal court in his first appearance in the United States. In 2006, the federal government accused him of several federal criminal charges in relation to Earth Liberation Front activities: conspiracy, arson, making an unregistered destructive device and using a destructive device during a violent crime.

The charges against Justin were based on the testimony of snitches related to “the Family” case within the FBI Operation Backfire. In particular, the federal case against him is largely based on the testimony of snitch Briana Waters, who chose to take a cooperating plea deal after hearing of Justin’s plan extradition back to the United States. In the plea Water’s provides information incriminating Justin in at least two acts of arson, although he is only pleading to one act, along with conspiracy.  Justin’s plea agreement recommends 7 years without the terrorism enhancement and over 6 million dollars in restitution.

Justin remained a fugitive from the law in China with false identification, living free until late 2009 when he was jailed by the authorities of China. He was extradited to the US in the summer of this year to be prosecuted for these charges.

He appeared strong, in good spirits, and when he spoke to the court about his crimes he did so without remorse. Smiles and winks were exchanged.

It’s important to realize that of the four others who participated in the arson of the University of Washington Horticulture Center, William “Avalon” Rodgers remained non-cooperative until he took his own life in a jail cell. While the three others Lacey Phillabuam, Jennifer Koehler, and Briana Waters ALL took cooperating pleas incriminating others who participated in the action. Despite all of this betrayal, Justin has remained strong and has taken a firm stance against cooperating with the State, never turning on his comrades.

Justin’s sentencing is scheduled for March 16th 2011 at 1:30PM at the federal courthouse, 1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, Washington. The attendance of all supporters is encouraged.

We are in communication with Justin and his family, a support website will be launched soon with regular updates on Justin’s situation in prison.

Solidarity with all non-cooperating Green Scare prisoners!

Joseph Dibee, Josephine Overaker, and Rebecca Rubin on the run from power, stay free forever!

Long Live Avalon! Your fire eternally burns in our hearts!

For the destruction of civilization!

– Anonymous for the Freedom of Eco-Prisoners and of the Earth

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Ontario: Leah Henderson Sentenced and Taken into Custody

from Guelph ABC:

Today Leah Henderson was sentenced to 10 months in prison for one count of counseling mischief over $5,000. This is after 1 and a half years of restrictive bail conditions, house arrest and jail. The court house was packed full of people that care about her as she was lead into custody. Please show Leah love and support by writing to her, organizing letter writing nights for all of the G20 defendants, and donating to the G20 prisoner fund.

you can read Leah’s statement to the courts and letter to her community here.

She has been transferred to Vanier and will wait their to be classified, therefore she may be moved to another institution in the future.

Leah Henderson
c/o Vanier Centre for Women at Milton

665 Martin Street
Milton, Ontario L9T 5E6
Telephone (905) 876-8300


the Guelph Anarchist Black Cross (GAyBC)

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Argentina: Cell of Conspirators for the Spread of Chaos claim bombing in Buenos Aires

from culmine, translated by war on society:


Ten years after the rebellion of December 20, 2001, we see how in the streets the left wing of capital and the progressive sectors continue to the use the blood of the comrades who fell in confrontation in order to promote politics, perpetuating power and achieving a comfortable seat in congress in some temple of development of the state/capital, and to thus to keep reproducing and making routine the beatings and the misery.

On December 20, 2011 at 1 am we attacked with a bomb the secluded residential triangle yards away from the Department of Security and the place where various embassies are located.

The reasons why we carried out this action abound, but will we mention three:

1. For the 10th anniversary of the insurrection of December 19 and 20 of 2001.

2. For the incarcerated comrades in the prisons of the states of Chile, Greece, Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico (to name only a few) and we will never forget the comrades in the prisons of the Rio de Plata basin region [of Argentina/Uruguay].

3. For the advancements in repressive matters and the investment of time and money in the process of perfecting the techniques of social control that the Department of Security, as primary organ of the state, drives. The significant increase of security cameras distributed far and wide across the city of Buenos Aires and the suburbs, the system of biometric identification and the new anti-terrorist law intend to contain any step outside of the narrow path of the rule of law, order, and social peace.

Therefore we say: we are going to make life impossible for them and there will be no safe place for them to hide because we will continue destroying their cars and every one of the doors where they take refuge.

From now on, they will know that any bag of trash abandoned on their property could be a potential bomb.

Cell of Conspirators for the Spread of Chaos.

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Greece: Political statement of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

from contrainfo:

Second trial of the ‘Halandri case’ – Day 2, December 20th, 2011
Special court of Koridallos women’s prisons

Before the hearing was adjourned, the four defendants made a statement. Christos Tsakalos read it after explaining that, ‘We want to read a political statement in regard to the facts of our recent attempted escape from Koridallos prisons. Initially, the issue may seem irrelevant to the court’s case, nevertheless it has a direct relation, for a specific reason. This attempt of ours not only conveyed a message to Koridallos prisons and the entire prison system in general, but also to this court.’

The full text of the statement, a copy of which was filed in the court records, is as follows:

POLITICAL STATEMENT of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

This statement is made to clarify and publicly state our position in relation to our recent attempted escape from prison.

The fact that we are captives in the prison cells of democracy does not mean that we accept for a moment our position either as prisoners or as defendants before the civil court-martial that you have set up against us. There will never be either a prison guard to lock up our soul or a judge to rule on our values. We are eternal enemies of law and order and eternal prison breakers.

Obviously these few following words cannot describe the miserable conditions inside penitentiaries that are experienced by those inmates who have not given up their dignity, but carry it with them in each and every isolation wing, each and every disciplinary unit, each and every transfer, each and every torment, each and every beating…

You, the appointed military judges of the judicial mafia, may give out sentences to hundreds of years in prison sitting on your benches, obeying the hands which move you as puppets, but you should know that our willingness for freedom is catching fire day by day.

With your decisions, as modern hangmen, you bury people in tons of concrete and bars, thus hiding the consequences of the rotten system that you serve. As for us who are anarchist urban guerillas, you wish to retaliate and punish us because you know that your names and those like you are already written to the list of our future targets. The prison, in which you send people as easily as you leaf through the case files, is a huge mincer that grinds bodies, feelings, thoughts, imagination…

It’s a sterile mechanical world where orders from loudspeakers, lockings of prison cells and the noise of human resignation are echoing.

The vast majority of inmates have made a fools’ agreement and surrendered their freedom and dignity in exchange for a day wage, a temporary leave, a promise of parole or even for nothing.

All discussions about the humanization of the penitentiary system are nothing but foolish and hypocritical talk. The solution is one; you either escape or destroy the prison.

Within this choice of ours, we heard knocks on the wall also from different circles of fellowship and met people who shared with us the common desire for freedom. We can say clearly that we are proud of our choices and the relationships that we have built with them through our joint attempt to escape, even if it did not live up to our aspirations. Unhappily, we stood less fortunate than we wanted, while stupidity found its expression in a homunculus-guard showing that it is powerful.

Some people will rush to talk about failure.

Yet, our escape succeeded. We escaped from the defeatist acceptance of our role as prisoners. We escaped from the sleep up by psychiatric drugs that are generously distributed in prisons, from the benefits of day wages, from the illusions of future leaves and paroles, and we acted as anarchist revolutionaries.

If the work of jailers and judges is to lock the prisons’ doors, ours is to unlock and violate them. Even though we failed to release our bodies, we released our existence even for a few moments, occupying a space in prison.

This sense is unique, and we do not regret anything.

Besides, we struggle for a freedom beyond the official version of the laws and values of this society. This struggle cannot either be tried or imprisoned.

Today, many people die from traffic accidents, drug addiction, industrial diseases. Others accept the death of boredom and loneliness, sunk in the conventions of a law-loving life. We choose to risk our lives for the leap to freedom, even though there is no safety net underneath. There is nothing more important than that.

Now, we lost a battle, but not the war. We are looking forward.

Each time promises a new project, a new collaboration-friendship, an unexpected chance which lies before us dangerous and subversive.

Besides, what matters is not if you get caught but if you surrender within you…


The imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

The trial was interrupted to continue on Monday, January 9th, 2012. Relatives and friends of the defendants call for comrades’ presence inside the courtroom during the proceedings, in solidarity with Damiano Bolano, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos and Christos Tsakalos.

Source (Day 1)

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Denver, CO: Burning barricades and clashes with police during eviction attempt

 from ignite:

Update 4:51PM 12/20: Here is some pretty solid video of last night’s action. As we speak, several of those arrested on minor charges are in the process of being bonded out.

Update 1:15PM 12/20: Important tweet from Denver ABC: Clarity: DABC is not coordinating legal support for #occupydenver. Members are aiding those from OD working on legal in a limited capacity.

Members of DABC are assisting OD in coordinating their own legal support. Apparently they had nothing in place for this. Another DABC tweet: As of 1:15pm, the total bond needed for #occupydenver arrestees is $9,727 (excluding booking fees, which are typically $30-60 per person)

Update 12:00PM 12/20: The Denver Post has released nine names of people arrested last night. Most of the arrested are facing misdemeanor charges, but Michael Clapper is facing a fourth degree felony arson charge. Highest bond right now is for Clapper at $5000, lowest is $100. Bail needs are nearly at $8,000.

Update 11:30AM 12/20: Protesters marched through the capitol hill neighborhood after the eviction, waking people up. Many left their homes and joined the march.

Update 11:30AM 12/20: From a street medic at the scene last night reports several bleeding wounds from baton charges, a broken hand, broken teeth, cops attacking mainstream media.

Update 11AM 12/20: Six confirmed arrests from last night. Bail so far is set to exceed $3000. Waiting for updates from court to confirm charges and bail amounts.

Last night, during police action taken to evict the Occupy Denver camp, protesters bravely faced down battalions of riot police. Structures built in the park were set alight, demonstrators fought police, threw barricades in the street, and staged raids on the dump trucks carting away their things. 4 arrests were made, 2 of which are felony arson cases.

While some of the Denver anarchist community, thick with ranks of veterans of militant protests, has checked out of the encampment (including the Denver Anarchist Black Cross, who headed legal support until two weeks ago, where that support was withdrawn for various reasons), many have woke up this morning surprised and concerned for the comrades on the ground. Many are doubtful as to whether Occupy Denver’s legal team will be willing to take on these arson cases, being that setting fires, barricading streets and fighting police doesn’t fit their liberal narrative of what a protest should look like. Those of us in Denver who know better are looking to step (back) up.

It is inspiring to see elements of the camp resist police eviction with tangible, meaningful action, especially in light of losing formal radical legal support. The local ABC was not expecting to take calls last night, yet the demonstrators on the ground fought back without fear and knowing full well bail might not be a phone call away. Please send updates to us on Twitter or through email at ignitedenver@riseup.net.

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Italy: Bank attacked in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire prisoners

from informa-azione, translated by war on society:

12/15/2011 Frascati – Rome

“Anarchist attack” on Unicredit Agency

Action in solidarity with the Greek brothers and accused comrades, processed and imprisoned by state repression. Destroyed with a sledgehammer 6 windows and the ATM of Unicredit in Frascati.

Graffiti read:



For permanent guerrilla war!

For anti-civilization anarchy!

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Informal Anarchist Federation Poster – Do not say that we are few

from culmine:

the poster reads:

Do not say that we are few’

[A verse by Lee Kwang Su, from the statement by the Italian Informal Anarchist Federation]

If the acts are the bullets that tear the flesh out of the capitalist world, then the theoretical foundations, thoughts and feelings are the rabid-firing weapons. Acts not accompanied by the meanings that inspired them are inconsistent moments devoid of the possibility of diffusion and appropriation, while thoughts and ideas not applied in practice result in dull discussions inside cafés and degenerate into another ideological sham.

On these foundations, rebellious groups and individuals communicated their attacks forming the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front (FAI/IRF). The anti-authoritarian in-formalistic international network of insurgent groups and autonomous individualities that applies the direct action and sabotage against the State and the Capital but also the opposition of consciousness to every relation of Power, which is inculcated in all the way to the bottom of the social pyramid and translated into petit-bourgeois competition and possessive envy. The FAI connects the attacks and destructions in Italy, UK, Russia, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Indonesia and Greece, orchestrating the polyphony of nighttime explosions in view of the JOINT revolutionary aspirations and the JOINT struggle for freedom, thus creating an ocean of dialectics and communication in the ranks of the anarchists of the action.


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Ontario: Imprisoned comrades Adam Lewis and Erik Lankin transferred

from guelphabc:

Today [December 13], Adam and Erik were moved to the super-jail in Penetainguishine, the Central North Correctional Centre. They are currently cellmates and in good spirits. Peter is current at the same prison but in a different range. Here is their new mailing address:

Adam Lewis / Erik Lankin / Peter Hopperton

Central North Correctional Centre
1501 Fuller Ave.
Penetanguishene, ON
L9M 2H4

It isn’t likely they’ll be moved again.

They especially want mail and reading material.

Thanks for the support.

Guelph Anarchist Black Cross

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Mexico: Brief communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from culmine, translated by war on society:

we have sent a package with an incendiary cargo to the offices of Greenpeace Mexico –
brief communique from ITS, December 2011

* * *

Since the last public communique from ITS (21 September 2011) many things have happened, we have continued with the attacks that characterize us, but within this short text we will not claim responsibility for them (only one). Since the purpose of sitting down to write this and placing our fingers on a machine again is to deny all the mediocre information and disqualification that is emerging from a minority of leftist cells.

While it is certain that ITS is alien to everything that happens in the virtual world, that is, we are not aware of what happens in the full spectrum from anarchists of action to those who defend passive anarchism, the case is simply that some time ago this information has come to us.

We have heard of a commotion that is forming with respect to our ideas and actions within those circles; they accuse us of being a fabrication of the “repressive state” (phrase that the wretched leftists so love to mention), they say that we are the work of a Machiavellian supernatural evil force that controls the minds of the entire world, they call into question our critical words against all the system’s values because they do not appreciate that someone who has Reason to make them see the Truth.

To begin with, on hearing so many atrocities we decided to remain silence, but seeing that the racket continues we decided to write these lines.

ITS may be everything that “important” (and not so “important”) members of the techno-industrial society have repeatedly said we are, but never accomplices of the System of Domination.

We categorically reject all those labels that they have put on us, we are not “eco-anarchists” or “anarcho-environmentalists” as we have made quite clear in our September 21st communique, if anyone has not understood it, they may read it again.

It is logical that before a discourse and actions like ours there must be reactions from all parties and it seems that the “indignant” wing of anarchism has responded, although not very intelligently. We are against the values that they preach left and right, we are against various concepts that they consider sacred, we are against their strategies because everything that they defend is deposited in the system. Idiots who do not tack the ship and will soon sink, irremediably. Thus they find something (or a lot) “strange” about ITS, they find themselves to be like civilized people within a forest of sylvan vegetation when they read our communiques, they do not know where they are. Confused leftists who perhaps some day will learn or else will remain stopped in the quicksand, immobile and passive, waiting for their environmental conditions to consume them. But that in reality does not concern us in the least.

ITS has seen an analyzed that the leftists are a real threat who only seek to reform the system and create alternatives in order to “fight” against it, but (although they don’t realize it) they are useless, since this only feeds it. The war against academics and technologists is declared (that is more than clear and we have shown it) but also the war against leftism, thus we have sent a package with incendiary cargo to the offices of Greenpeace Mexico (which arrived [according to the authorities] on 25 November of this year).

The package was sent to the activist Alejandro Olivera, who insists on carrying out hypocritical campaigns in “favor” of the environment in order to gain public notoriety, his psychological necessities make his activism a pathetic surrogate activity that sugarcoats artificial necessities like self-realization that he acts like it is his “moral duty” to do the “right thing” in the face of the devastation that ecosystems are undergoing.

Surely Olivera will not realize this (since his reasoning does not allow for more) because of this action, he will not realize that Greenpeace is one of so many highly reformist organizations, that they only want to change the laws for other ones in order to illusorily achieve a supposed rescue of the Earth, and here comes the threat–the change of economic, political, social and cultural aspects so that the system continues on its path. (On this point we will not say more, it will have its time when we write a long communique that brings all the rational explanations to such attacks.)

Before this kind of leftist organization we respond with direct attempts, all those who seek a world that is “more just,” “more humane” and “more green” are on our list, ITS have finished with consideration, have fininished with what they will say, we do not pretend to be “well-intentioned activists” with a moderate and good image, we are a group of radical environmentalists, anti-industrialists of a terrorist stripe (towards society and its defenders).

ITS shows its true face, we go to the central point, the fierce defense of Wild Nature (including human); we do not negotiate, we carry out our task with the necessary materials, without compassion and accepting the responsibility of the act. Our instincts make us do it, since (as we have said before) we are in favor of natural violence against civilized destruction.

All leftists be warned (and by leftists we refer as much to those of the left as to those of the right): ITS does not hesitate to make an attempt on the physical integrity of any one of you, you are our enemies and thus our threats will materialize in bullets and dynamite.

With this said, we declare that we will not make further mention about the attacks of the leftist eunichs for the moment; they do not merit any consideration, since these mediocre people (with much lack of attention) act toward the impossible (and go to ridiculous extremes) in order to gain notoriety within some movement (a completely pathetic deed); as they say: the fish dies by its own mouth.*

To the humiliating leftist mythomaniacs who seek to destroy our discourse and attacks with false arguments founded not in Reason but instead in speculation, irrationality and animism, do not expect our attacks to stop, do not expect dialogue with ITS, do not expect any answer to questions you may have; from ITS, only expect the worst…

Individualidades tendiendo a lo salvaje

(Individualists tending toward the wild)

* An expression referring to the way in which things that one said carelessly can return with a vengeance. It seems (it’s not quite clear) that the expression’s sensibility is that humans live in and by words in the way that fish live in and by water, and so do we also die by them. – transl
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Chile: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack on Banco Estado branch in Santiago

Note by War On Society: We present this important communique from June 2011 mainly for the exemplary analysis on a number of themes, also because the CCF responded to it in their text ‘Fire and Gunpowder‘ and because it is cited in another communique which we are presently translating.

from liberaciontotal, translated by war on society:



The qualification of attacks is necessary considering that statist logic heightens and perfects itself with the same rapidity as the technology that enables, practically, the present societies’ whole apparatus of domination and control.

Society, as the primary origin of a good part of the worst present human situations, does not only worry about positioning itself as a condition for sustaining the existence of humanity, but rather it has also charged itself with violating the consciences of individuals as much as collectivities with the idea that it (society) is necessary for the development of the full human condition–that is, for individual and collective freedom. The overvaluation of “the social” has made it so that all references to “the wild*” are by definition absurd, not only in the sense of being somewhat distant from the present reality, but also as being opposed to society itself. This is why anarchism from the insurrectionalist perspective places itself in the anti-social position.

Without a true critique of the ENTIRE existent, we cannot decide to fully exist.

The negation of the existent (i.e. society) has as its result the affirmation of our individuality, integrity and free associations, prepared for everything that one’s own conscience tells one to do and pleased to act as one’s passions impel one, without judges beyond oneself. In this sense, our consciences are what take shape in the field of practice by means of actions that negate the established, the given, the preformed, the existent… that is: society, the State, the family, salaried work, among much more. The free life is what we seek in the extremes of that same negation, as absolute counter-parties of the crushing machine of the all.

Progress, as that which gives complete unity to the whole flow of history since modernity, is the greatest myth that governs conscious individuals and collectivities. From Marxists who believe in absolute and complete truths, to anarchists who admit that the most expeditious means to achieve the revolution is the internalization of the ideas of freedom in the collective conscience–that is, the same thing that capitalism does with the idea of “competency,” but with another meaning–all accept, perhaps without realizing it, the idea of progress. Thus, one must not only to spurn the idea of progress in its most rudimentary sense–that is, the idea of material progress as in technological development–one must also spurn the idea of progress as the development of certain ideas in human conscience. Consequently, the critique also goes for the other side–that is, the notion of capitalism.

It is important to realize that capitalism and everything that it involves does not advance nor progress, since it is already completely positioned, installed and mediates all social relations which accept, implicitly or explicitly, the logic of the market, of winning or losing, of truth or falsity, of benefit or harm. In this sense, capitalism does not progress (nor does it transform into something “better”), but rather it heightens, since it is already a compulsory part of reality.

This (i.e. reality) is what, through its complexification, becomes more dispersed, polyform, and thus more difficult to detect, analyze, combat and strive against. The qualification of the attack is a necessary response to the heightening of the logic of capitalism in the field of social relations. To blow everything up is not to blow up everything that can actually be blown up, it is to blow up the complex social structures that are determined by commerce and its flow, and which in turn legitimate the same social structure. It is a vicious cycle in which one thing sustains the other. One does not understand capitalism without the people who endorse it, and one does not understand the people who legitimate it without the capitalism that determines their forms. Thus, to physically attack the institutions of capital is not to attack symbols, it is to attack the same structure of reality that determines the field of social relations, in short, it is to undermine the legitimation of capitalism.

It is wager that is not random, to let’s say attack a bank — to attack a bank is to attack the reality that it determines, and to blow up the vicious cycle in which the present social relations are based.

This scenario clearly does not leave space, at least not relevant space, for the logic of “protest” in the historical/Marxist sense of the term and practice, which claims a posture, faced with a situation, in which what is sought is the propagation of an ideological position that is pre-formed, pre-configured, and–most importantly–pre-Reasoned by the never-wrong intellectual vanguard of the organized people. In which there simply is not room for the individual conscience, nor much less for collective dissent, since this kind of a posture brings out the “true truths” of a person much more intelligent than the common individual of the poor exploited people, such victims and so stupid that they do not realize what passes before their noses. They say that someone who loves you beats you, but to treat the people as naive, unconscious and even “asleep” is to say that love is like sending someone to the psychiatrist. A condition that can be expected of people who illusorily dream of “popular uprisings” and similar messianic yammering.


It’s at this point that situations are intertwined, protests become platforms, the place that subjects occupy which they believe democratically contributes to the development of their civilized society, transforming street demonstrations into mere strolls or concentrations of bodies without initiative, groups that only follow their leader in the same way as the flock follows the shepherd, condemning all action that breaks their scheme. It is these spaces/situations that many times are approved by individuals and/or subjects who choose to organize collectively, with a critical point of view, in order to attack the entities of power with everything they have on hand. While this kind of action is important, mostly in order to leave evidence that an antagonist to the system exists, we consider nevertheless that those who remain stuck in these actions only serve as another cog of the system, a system that needs its “opposition” to validate its own existence and also to criminalize those who oppose it. With this we do not seek to prophesy, nor to guide the ways of focusing discontent, but rather to identify those demonstrations that do not seek to expand themselves into everyday life, in order to critique them and not become subject to them.

It’s at this point when we see that the most ideal way to manifest our discontent is the ATTACK, not only with the mere expression in demonstrations, where one begs for reforms to the system, we do not expect even the slightest response from the system, we do not want improvements in it, we fully reject everything that it is able to offer us. It is for this reason that we see the attack, in a concrete form and not in a symbolic or rhetorical way, as an option against power and the entities that it puts at the disposition of the population, since to disable a bank, to loot a store, to burn the products that they offer us in glass cases, to attack the protectors of the interests of power and to attack power itself, these carry immediate negative consequences for the globalized society in which we are embedded.

This is the position that we have taken in the war that we are enmeshed in; we believe that the maturative process of contextual analysis gives weight to the ATTACK as the best choice before the repressive onslaught of power. That is to say, it responds to a “reading” or interpretation of the reality and its circumstances. We are fully aware that this choice has as a side effect a qualitative growth of our capacities, as much for groups as for individuals, whether they be sabotage, dissuasion, planning, etc.

It’s at this point — the same qualification of attacks, together with the evident complexification of the scientific-technological components incorporated into the commerce society’s structural functioning — that an escalation in the mode of the attack becomes necessary, whether in the targets to hit, or in the places and situations to act. That is to say that, in addition to the recurring incendiary actions in the universities campuses and populations (those that have a character of attack and not of hippie marching) and the placements of explosive devices in ATMs (which in no way do we intend to dismiss), the nature of the attacks multiplies constantly and in a versatile way, turning to new products that can be robbed at the market, useful in the production of destructive devices, and/or focusing on new targets that come with the self-same technological developments. What the wide gamut of locations reveals is that with a minimum of security and planning, there can be targets of sabotage that are safe and quick for those who attack them, and that thus do not require high exposure or risk like that needed in excessively “frequented” locations.

In order to develop this qualification of the attacks it never hurts to share, through secure and trustworthy means, experiences of this kind and to contribute to the discussion that helps generate variety and creativity in the forms of attacking domination. Thus avoiding the repetitiveness that can be anticipated by the repressive apparatuses, and likewise avoiding falling into monotony as consequence of stagnation in the comprehension of socio-political conditions, having so close at hand the proliferation of the destruction and sabotage in every corner of society.

All of the above obviously requires the proper recognition and positioning as antagonistic to the social order, we dismiss halfway postures that utilize a negative discourse but do not develop autonomous critique in practice.


It is not only that technology enables the pathogenic deepening of forms of control, but rather that all of this, without a legitimacy mediated through society, is simply impossible.

With regard to recent events, in which different freely-associated individuals (individualists tending toward the wild) have attacked institutions of higher education, specifically schools involved in nanotechnology research, it becomes necessary to sharpen the knife of critique towards the giant industries that play at manipulating life.

We believe that struggle is the consequence of our positions against the forms of life that are imposed by power and legitimized by the masses, and it is in the continual return to direct action that there exists the sole possibility to take our lives as really our own. We act without limits, without regret and without remorse. One cannot destroy the existent simply with the pretensions of doing so. These pretensions are the classic positions of class struggle. The Mexican comrades made the analogy that we ourselves had in mind, namely the following:

“The enlightened or the preachers are the ‘revolutionaries,’ maintained by the faith that is the blind confidence they have that someday the ‘revolution’ will come; the disciples are the ‘potential revolutionaries;’ the crusades and missions are carrying the word to the circles of people involved in green or anarchist struggles (where they would find the ‘potential revolutionaries’); and the atheists or sects are those who do not believe in their dogmas, nor accept their ideas as coherent with reality.” (23 May 2011)

Revolutionaries are the ones who have believed this story the most. The old story that the future will be better, that we are walking toward a better tomorrow, that sooner or later it will arrive. Nothing could be further from reality. A basic question in the face of this would be: What makes you think that the future will be better? And better yet: Is there something concrete that brings you to think this? Questioning ourselves in the first place is paramount to questioning everything else. No one is more blind than the one who does not want to see. In this sense, we believe that it becomes necessary for the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, to state in what way they call themselves “revolutionaries,” and in what sense their organization (which is completely respectable and dignified) calls itself a “revolutionary organization.” Much more concretely, what “revolution” means for them. We do not believe in the revolution, but we believe that all action should be accompanied by a strong political content, and that that political content should be solidly argued. Actions do not speak for themselves, as so many comrades everywhere have already said. And thus it is necessary, taking into account the calling to international solidarity, that the networks of information are not so segmented. Through dialogue between comrades we sharpen the critique against the entire existent, never with power, nor with the political class, nor with reformism, nor much less with the masses that condemn everything that is not consistent with the social peace.

Speaking of which, critique is dead if it is not accompanied by that sweetest of nectars: direct action. It is this that marks an essential rupture between the false critics and those conscientious insurgents who have thrown themselves into the abyss of the nothing in search of questions, not answers. Eternal dissent, whose source is the infinitude of the human condition, is nothing more than the only answer to the question: What do we want? This is the sense in which insurgents take awareness of their infinitely infamous condition that answers to nothing, that gravitates toward nothing more than one’s own I. We do not have answers to the questions that everyone wants answered, we do not know where we are going, but we are clear on where we come from, and on what and whose side we are on. ALWAYS on the side of those persons who are consistent and not repentant in their decisions, ALWAYS in the path of confrontation, and NEVER with the timid who have sought to satisfy their egos with pseudo-positionings.

The masses, the people, the citizenry, civil society, humankind, the multitude, the exploited, the sheep. All names for the same thing: “cowards.”

With all the above we do not intend to instate anything, neither a unique form of positioning, nor much less the enlightenment of consciences. But rather to simply expose the point of view of distinct individualities, and to provide nuance to the always-fertile discussions in the intensification of critique and the offensive against the established. Since we are not those who fire the most accurate shots, nor the most gutsy, nor do we pretend to be. In such manner we claim responsibility for the attack made against the branch of the Banco Estado of Central Station, located in the intersection of Alameda and Ecuador.

Afterwards, in the morning of June 1st we found out what happened to the compa Luciano… the following (not alone) words are for him:

Tortuga, you were able to draw out the most difficult conclusions that exist, you confronted the most complicated paradigms for a person, and in spite of all this you were able to live with valor the consequences of your decisions, decisions that brought you to transport that cargo on that night.

We should say that when we found out about your “accident,” a day after having illuminated the night with those ATMs, it was the most difficult awakening that we could have wanted, imagining those interminable seconds that you had to endure in that street pierced our soul; great was the blow that we received on seeing how the press feasted on your image without any consideration, apparently unconcerned about the consequences that this would have for your friends and family.

If only the timer had been delayed a little longer, we would not be in this situation, there would have been another blow against the cheats, the usurers, but it is not so, instead on the contrary your physical condition was seriously affected, likewise those close to you are arduously harassed by the (un)intelligence agents of power.

From our point of view, and open to criticism, we want you free, even if this means that you stop breathing–we do not say dead because you will never die, you will always be at our side striking at what we so hate–this is what any of us would want if we had some mishap. We do not want anyone to be the scapegoat of power, we are free and we want to die free, which is why we chose the more difficult path, the path of the war against the established. Across the darkness and the distance, we carry your impetus in our hearts.

Mauricio Morales and Lambros Foundas live in every insurgent heart.

Freedom to the prisoners of CCF in Greece and to the captive comrades of the “bombs case.”

Solidarity with the comrade Theofilos Mavropoulos, who fell into the clutches of power in confronting the cops with dignity, and solidarity is not a written word between anarchists.

Diego Ríos, Gabriela Curilem, Theofilos M’s companion and Tortuga’s companion:

Strength to all those captive in the cages of power in whatever part of the world, may the fire of this night reach your cells. No one is forgotten!

Incendiary Antagonist Columns.

* literally “the savage” or “savagery” – transl.
* Video of the action
* More photos
* Press report (in Spanish) with videos
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Finland: Claim of responsibility for arson of two police vehicles

from takku:

As the world economy falters the power elite holds on to capitalism with tooth and nail, even though around them, the house of cards is wavering. The people who suffer from this listen to the money-grabbing power elite without calling into question the orders the elite hands out just to save their own hinds.

The police are a model example of obedience. The decisions are made high up in the hierarchy and the people who execute these commands can not and will not put them into question. Bureaucracy will always prove too slow and rigid for life that is characterized by being fast-paced and ever-moving.

On the night of Friday the 16th of December 2011, we burned two police cars in the backyard of a Volkswagen-dealership in the Herttoniemi district in Helsinki. We torched both cars by lighting and placing a handful of lighting briquettes on the front wheels and then fled the scene.

According to their communiqués the police have apprehended people in the vicinity of the dealership on the same night. It is not unheard of that the police bungle arrests without any evidence.

We claim responsibility for the arson of these cars and wish to say, that no arrests will resolve this situation.

Solidarity with all who are imprisoned!

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Gabriel Pombo da Silva – For a black Christmas!

from culmine, translated by war on society:

I express my total fraternal solidarity with the anarchist comrade Gustavo Rodríguez, for the continual attacks that he is receiving from the authoritarian and reformist trash.

I express also my solidarity with all the groups and individualities of action (from the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution to the Individualists Tending toward the Wild, and all other groups) and insurrectionalists of Mexico and of the World, regardless of whether they adhere to the project of the FAI/IRF or not.

I salute with pride each action of our sisters and brothers in struggle… all of them!

For a black Christmas against the consumption, capitalism and repression!

A black Christmas that recalls our incarcerated sisters and brothers of the CCF and the FAI (Indonesia), those of the so-called “bombs case,” Tortuga, and the prisoners of the Struggle in the Street in $hile, those who were murdered in San Miguel prison last December, Marco Camenisch, Juan Carlos Rico, Tamara, the antifascist Jock and all the anarchist prisoners of the world.

Gabriel, December 2011

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Italy: Additional parcel bombs and violent threats to politicians and journalists

from various sources:

On 11 December, the Greek embassy in Paris received a letter bomb, which was defused. It was sent by the Freedom to Eat and Billy Cell of the FAI, which sent two other parcel bombs under the same communique. (source)

On 15 December, another package bomb was received by the tax offices of Equitalia in Italy, and was defused. The note inside read in part: “don’t kill yourself, rebel: death to usurers!” (source)

Also on 15 December, Italian authorities intercepted a dozen parcels filled with bullets addressed to the head of the Italian government Mario Mont, to his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi, and to several managers of newspapers. Notes in the letters were signed by the Movement of Armed Proletarians, and stated in part: “We will make you pay. We will strike and there will be war to the death… You will no longer sleep peacefully.” (source)

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