Russia: Moscow punks attack Indonesian embassy with paint in solidarity with Indonesian comrades


from 325:

On December the 15th a group of anonymous punks from Moscow decided to act upon receiving news of brutal state repression of Indonesian punk-scene. We consider ourselves anarcho-punks and these news offended us in the deepest sense. We wont tolerate any religion to hold sway over living being’s freedom, especially over our subculture. Thus on the same evening we gathered to express our rage. We chose Indonesian embassy as our target. For us solidarity starts on subcultural level. We feel that modern Russian anarchists pay too little attention to subcultures of resistance. We wish the news of our action to reach Indonesian comrades. We hope they will have their spirits soar after hearing that in such far-away country there are folks who feel solidarity with their struggle.

Punk is not a crime. Religion is fascism. Fight for your looks.

We didn’t want to make video, but it was agreed upon after a tedious discussion that even the most pacifist action should have video documentation. So here it goes:

Link to the statement of responsibility (Russian)

Up the Punx!

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Site in solidarity with Luciano – Tortuga, we want you wild and free!

from (translated by war on society) to be spread far and wide:

We have kept a silence similar enough to stupidity…
(Insurrectional proclamation of the Tuitiva Assembly in the city of La Paz, July 16, 1809)

Months have passed. Long damned months since our comrade suffered an accident in handling an explosive device designed to make evident the critical necessity to the financial institutions that hold billions of people in deplorable conditions of debt and psychosis. Months in which our silence has been the most deafening sound that we have felt in our bodies. Months of not knowing about his situation, days and nights of doubt, of intense rage and profound sorrow breaking our heart muscles and our calm. Hours that never ended, that pointed at us and threatened that they would not do it.

But it stopped, here we are wounded, but not dead and never defeated. Our legs may tremble, but we are decided that this silence will disappear with the bellows, growls, meows and cries of the herds seeking the freedom of our cub.

Today, after more than a month of your captivity following the hearing, we raise ourselves to defend your precious life. We want you together with us again to lick your wounds without any condition or reason. With this we seek to create bonds and networks of solidarity in Chile and in all the world to agitate for your freedom, so the firm and strong voice of those who do not give up in the struggle for total liberation will be heard. So that for no moment do we forget your name, TORTUGA, because we have not forgotten anything. From Chile to Indonesia, through Greece, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Portugal, France, Mexico and so many countries where people live confined under 4 walls thousands of prisoners.

We shout with strength that we love you with the same intensity, and with the ire that gives us passion we agitate for your freedom here and now.

This is only a small presentation, soon we will update the site, and embellish it.

In the meantime we will receive letters and pictures to break the isolation of our cub.

For those deprived of freedom, our solidarity and complicity until they return to be with us, free and wild.

We take the words of a comrade: Strength Luciano! The pigs repress you and the imbeciles criticize you, but the purity of your determination delivers you from all that avalanche of garbage.

Group of Friends and Lovers of Luciano Pitronello


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In solidarity with the authors of the attempted escape from Korydallos Prison

from culmine:

“Today we tried to do something. To gain our freedom and the continuation of urban warfare. We lost a battle, but we have not lost the war and continue to fight to win. We are an organization that fights for the ideals of a free life without any authority.” – Christos Tsakalos

What better approach to an upcoming trial than the attempt to regain a freedom taken away by the state, without regard for the established times of the judicial routine? Why not reaffirm once again, in an effort to escape from prison, one’s own irreducible individuality, betraying the role of the automaton prisoner? The passion for freedom burns in every rebel heart as a fire that rages strong and proudly. Impossible to stop, it grows more and more. Unarrestable.

Inside, as outside in the past, some of the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, protagonists of the escape attempt of 13 December from the high-security prison of Korydallos, reiterated their indomitable will to face in person their torturers. Acting in this way, this time with the valuable and timely support of the prisoner P. Vlastos, who was apparently decided to make good on his need to escape, they have once again demonstrated their radical and deep-rooted self-determination, aware of their skills and positions, showing once again their incompatibility with the normality of prison.

Perhaps now the jailers who were held hostage for hours have been given an idea of what it can mean to be deprived of freedom, sharing a fate that is addressed by dozens of decent prisoners, daily kidnapped in the prison cells of Korydallos. Direct action instead of reeducation and reinsertion, the boldness and the will for counter-attacking instead of compromise.

Reject, then, every compromise, every attempt of re-positioning inside society, and act by all means for its total downfall. To deny total perquisitions and the humiliations perpetrated by jailers, to react to the constant attack of the penitentiary system and its agents, to spurn the whole judicial apparatus, to organize and to effect an escape, arming oneself and holding hostages. To sow Terror in the assuredness of those who, like the jailers, thought they could continue to undisturbedly torture free individuals even though locked-up in the cages of society, and more generally in the assuredness of those who bow their heads, glad to be and to remain willing slaves in the service of the Capital and its metropolises.

Here is the demonstration that even prison cannot eradicate the deeply illegalist attitude of an individual who doesn’t meet halfway with anyone, aware of her own actions and of the thoughts behind them. Conscious of the fact that he doesn’t have to wait for permission to take what he wants, knowing that she has to do it alone, with violence and nihilism.





And we wish of course for the next escape attempts to be successful

Maurizio De Simone and Federico Buono – Edizioni Cerbero

Cenere and Tomo – ParoleArmate

* the translation has been edited slightly for clarity – war on society.
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Joint declaration of the insurrectional anarchist and eco-anarchist groups of Mexico (second public communique)

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Joint declaration of the insurrectional anarchist and eco-anarchist groups of Mexico (second public communique) [1]

To the anarchist comrades of Mexico and the world,

To the arsonists and unmanageables [2] in affinity of the whole planet,

Health, imprisoned brothers and sisters in Mexico, Germany, Chile, Spain, United States, Greece, Italy, England, Switzerland and the world!

Health, comrade Gabriel! Health, comrade Tamara! Health, comrade Luciano! Health, comrade Camenisch! Health, comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire held captive in Greece! Health to all those who fight for Total Liberation!

The coordination of the unmanageable struggle solidifies and extends over the whole world. The anarchist fire and explosion leave their mark and awaken libertarian conscience. From Santiago de Chile to Mexico City, the chaotic night is illuminated with gasoline and black powder in solidarity with our captive comrades. Montevideo, Lima and Portland raise themselves to anarchic arson. In Greece, in Germany, in Italy and Argentina, the roar of dynamite is heard. The fire spreads from Russia to Indonesia. The condemnation of the States is unanimous no matter the ideological color of whatever governments. The prisons of the world keep hostage our sisters and brothers in struggle. With this horizon and in the face of the extension of the anarchic struggle, the attacks and slander from the opportunists on the left side of Capital were to be expected. Leftist liberals and diseased Bolsheviks sealed with french kisses their disgusting alliances in search of power, and anarchists threatened once again to ruin the party; thus they call us the “public enemy number one” and hasten their onslaught. Toward these ends they do not have any scruples in carrying out the orders of the State and offering themselves as volunteer police. In the final assessment, they do not fight to destroy the system of domination but to “transform it.” Leninists and leftist liberals fight to take State power, not for its elimination. Thus in Greece and in Chile, they hold delegations and public posts, defending the system of domination from the anarchists, as we see recently in Greece with their defense of Parliament.

Leftists and Leninists rely on semantics, word games and doublespeak to camouflage their intentions, trying to mislead the naive with a grotesque gymnastics that try to establish a supposed difference between instituted Power and instituting Power. Crushing to death the supposed goodness of their “Popular Power” (the same shit in a different bottle!) and pulling out of their sleeve an “anarchism” aligned with Power and inclined toward “proletarian” dictatorships and populist governments, they intend to give body to an incompatible mishmash which puts a Leninist project into practice with a libertarian discourse, with the objective of halting the anarchic contagion and attracting the ingenuous to their ranks.

The opportunists from “” adhere to this strategy with their attacks on the Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS). “Communique” after “communique” (and even with a shit sandwich they call “documentary”), they try to present the anti-civilization anarcho-environmentalists who make up the cells of ITS as “government agents” and “as a distraction from the population in order to intimidate and characterize anti-systemic expressions.” With the Cantinflesque language that characterizes them and with their use and abuse of leftist verborrea [3], they try to sow distrust and division through slander, suspicion and defamation. Old techniques frequently used by the mercenaries of the system of domination, as by the volunteers on the left side of Capital aspiring to Power.

We may have theoretical differences and discussions with the comrades of ITS (polemicizing always in a comradely way in a constant attempt to actualize ideas and for the construction of a unitary critique attuned to the reality of the anarchist struggle) but we have never disagreed over the methods used, understanding anti-authoritarian violence and propaganda by the deed as valid practices in accordance with our ethical principles. With this, we not only want to make clear that we recognize their anarchist anti-civilization trajectory but also that we see nothing “strange” nor “suspicious” about a direct attack against the representatives of the techno-industrial system of domination; nor do we see any difference between an attack made against a smaller or larger piece of shit, since what matters is to realize the attack against the system of domination, putting into practice permanent conflictuality and, above all, choosing the target that entails the least risk for ourselves. This has been the basis of the practical coordination between the new anarchic insurrectionalism and the anti-civilization anarcho-environmentalism.

From their virtual “reality,” the opportunists of “,” playing at “investigative journalism,” rely on the same strategy recently implemented by so-called Carolina Romero and those who write under the name Notices from the Rebellion, demonstrating a fictitious dichotomy that tries to present two positions within the anarchist movement: “the good anarchists” and “the bad anarchists,” praising dead anarchists and defaming the living ones, promoting the old saying: “The best anarchist is the one who is dead.”

They intend to use to their favor that portion of anarchism that we have constantly pointed out as immobilist and evolutionist, opposed to anarchic action and partisan of waiting, of quantitative growth and of centralist bureaucratic organization; nevertheless, to them we declare that we can distinguish perfectly well (despite our differences) between these anarchists and the anarcho-Leninist fetal monstrosity aligned with the populist governments and “proletarian” dictatorships that they try to promote. We are all aware of this intention that attempts to mislead the unsuspecting. An irrefutable proof is the note dedicated to Carolina Romero in the pages of the most recent issue of the periodical Apoyo Mutuo, giving an account of the slander and defamation by this opportunist at the service of the Cuban hierarchy against Cuban anarchist comrades.

But these virtual “saboteurs,” in addition to slandering and defaming, cynically lie, trying to sow discord and division between affinities. Likewise they have involved the Chilean comrades from Liberación Total in their bickering, pretending that they received “confidential” information from this site for the diffusion of global anarchic action, in order to then conclude that it deals with their very particular paranoid and bad-intentioned “interpretation.” Likewise they mention in their endless bullshit affinity groups and even signatories of this new Joint Declaration and sites of solidarity with unmanageable anarchism (Viva la Anarquía, Portal OACA, and Culmine) of proven integrity, creating doubt and pretending to have a nonexistent support from these anarchist counter-information media closely in affinity with our project of struggle. It becomes clear that it is not a coincidence that this scenario presents itself here, while in Germany and Switzerland, a similar campaign goes on the march and from anonymity there appears a letter to the anarchist Galaxy, critiquing the unmanageable action of comrades held captive by the State.

We know well how these opportunists expend themselves, more now that the whole leftist pile of shit closes ranks in the face of next year’s elections. The opportunist rats also prepare to board the ship of López Hablador [4], discovering in the former PRI-ist the new messiah of the Mexican left in search of that supposed “Popular Power” they so preach. It is not an accident that the subcomediante [5] faced with this moderates his tone, describing him now as a “scoundrel,” nor is it an accident that la Otra Campaña (supposedly created to confront the electoral campaign) keeps absolute silence toward the new presidential plans of López Hablador, after accusing him in the past of being a “corrupt rat at the service of the powerful.” They try to disguise Peje with the glowing look [6], presenting him as the Mexican Chavez, Morales or Castro. Thus they view with profound distaste the extension of unmanageable anarchism — it worries them that the contagion is spreading. They know that for us anarchists it is the same fucking shit one government or another; it means the same to us that there is a rat from the left or the right in Power. Anarchists (as the word indicates) are against all authority, against all government, against all Power. Thus, we are not of the left nor the right. We do not place ourselves on one side or another of the system of domination: WE ARE AGAINST ALL DOMINATION. Thus, whoever wins, we will continue in struggle until Total Liberation because the only thing we have “below and to the left”[7] is our left ovary or testicle (as the case may be) — NOTHING MORE. And in our hearts the only thing that beats with force is Anarchy…

The times of the elections are approaching, and the choice is ours: [8]

Let us again become their worst nightmare!

Strength, compañerxs kidnapped for the “Bombs Case”!

Strength, compañerxs imprisoned from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!

Strength, compañero Tortuga!

Strength, compañera Tamara! Strength, compañero Gabriel!

Against the techno-industrial system of domination!

For the demolition of the prisons!

For the destruction of everything that dominates us!

For Total Liberation!

For international anarchist coordination!

For Anarchy!

May it illuminate the night!


– Anonymous Anarchist Action / Informal Anarchist Federation (AAA/FAI)

– Revolutionary Action Brigades for Propaganda by the Deed and Armed Action – Simón Radowitzky (BARPHAA-SR)

– Insurrectional Cell – Mariano Sanchez Añon (CI-MSA), fraction of the Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico (FAI-M) Mexico City and Guanajuato

– Terrorist Column of the Revolutionaries in Black (CTRN)

– Former members of the Eco-anarchist Cell for Direct Attack (CEAD)

– Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation – Mexico City (CCF/FAI-DF)

– Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation – Jalisco (CCF/FAI-J)

– Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation – Veracruz (CCF/FAI-V)

– Earth Liberation Front (FLT)

– Free, Dangerous, Savage and Incendiary Individuals for the Black Plague (ILPSIPN)

– Luddites against the Domestication of Wild Nature (LDNS)

Mexico, Planet Earth, December 12, 2011


translation notes:
1| The first joint public communique (English translation)
2| The word refractarios and other derivatives are used throughout the communique. It refers to being resistant or unyielding to whatever force, and the authors are deliberately using it to distinguish from individuals, political tendencies, and forms of struggle that are compromising or manageable. We translate it throughout as ‘unmanageable.’
3| Cantinflesque refers to the comedian Cantinflas, whose way of speaking in character derived its humor from going on and on about a topic while only confusing and obscuring it more and more. Verborrea = verbal diarrhoea.
4| Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a Mexican politician. The authors change part of his name from ‘work’ to ‘speak.’
5| An insulting reference to Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos — the authors combined the word for ‘comedian’ with his usual title.
6| Peje is the politician’s nickname. Look is in English in the original.
7| “Below and to the left lies the heart” is a slogan of the leftist EZLN (Zapatista movement) in Mexico.
8| In the original the same word is used for the elections as for the choice we have.
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Argentina: Incendiary attack against excavator in La Plata

from culmine, translated by war on society:

In the early hours of Tuesday the 13th we carried out a small act of disobedience against the terror with which the State and its mechanisms of control threaten us: we poured 5 liters of gasoline over an excavator located on 61st street between 10th and 11th in the city of La Plata, then lit the flame of our rage which destroyed much of an apparatus ready to cement the urban order. The techno-industrial society with its consumerist life devours what nature is for its simple necessity of existing. The real estate business builds spaces for profits and promotes the eviction of those who squat uninhabited houses or lands for not having a roof over their heads. If anything was deepened in this model K it is the progress that finishes with the water, the air, the green and the health of all beings; mining, soy, petrochemicals, all multinationals organized to profit and increasing the industry that involves death and more death. Machines only serve the benefit of the rich, technology is developed in order to control us. Under the cement is the earth, and beyond the corset of daily life are our revolutionary yearnings that call us to act here and now against the eternal enemies.

A salute for Tortuga and for the indomitables who in Chile are being tried under the blackmail of the “Bombs Case” which is no more than an intimidation for those who publicly encourage the extension of the revolt in the streets and the construction of the anarchist life.

In memory of those executed 90 years ago in the Patagonia Rebellion

let’s defend nature, let’s attack capital

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Australia: Attack on Melbourne public transport ticket and validation machines

from anews:

On Wednesday night majority of the Sydenham trainline ticket, myki and validation machines were sabotaged;

We cram ourselves into these steel tubes like sardines. Forced to endure the discomfort day after day, literally being crushed by society. The sweat, smell, and heat is unbearable. As we stand clinging to a stupid little loop, gasping for breath and shifting our weight from foot to foot aching from the tedium and muttering apologies to the fellow passengers we are crushing and suffocating, we can’t help but think of livestock packed together being transported to the slaughterhouse. Because work and consumerism is a slaughterhouse of our minds, and free will.

The public transport system is an essential apparatus of capitalist democracy. It is a conduit with the purpose of efficiently transporting the inhabitants of the metropolis between their homes, their workplaces, and the shops. Making our exploitation by managers and bosses possible. Limiting our actions to either work or consumerism.

We are subjected to constant surveillance in the stations, trams, busses and trains. Security personnel silently observe banks of monitors behind thousands of cameras. Vigilantly watching for “suspicious” behaviour. The ticket inspectors terrorise us into paying up everyday, they are nothing else than armed enforcers of capitalism who use violence and fines to guard the profits of companies who make millions of dollars everyday out of their need for us to travel to and from work.

We refuse to cough up more money in order to make the rich richer. They are parasites that are sucking the blood out of us. Fuck them. We wont pay for the rich to have a free ride into luxury.

We spend all our day at work at jobs we hate, making a profit for bosses that humiliate us. And with the meagre earnings we take home we buy into the illusion of happiness and freedom that we can find in the latest electronics, or clothing, cars, and other products which ultimately bring us neither happiness nor freedom. Our homes have become merely the location where we recover from the previous days work and await the alarm clocks chime which interrupts our sleep and signals us to proceed again to work.

And now the metcops who fulfil their role as armed enforcers of capitalism- guarding profits and threatening us with violence and fines if we refuse this exploitation.

We don’t demand cheaper, more efficient, or more punctual public transport. We attack this entire way of life. Even to make it free doesn’t satisfy us. We already ride for free everyday and refuse to pay or submit to the terrorism of the ticket inspectors. It’s not enough to merely evade the fare or hand our ticket to the next passenger boarding the carriage, an invisible rebellion against these circumstances which we all hate. This whole system must be attacked and sabotaged.



Artful fare dodgers

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Portland, OR: Claim of responsibility for theft of TV news camera by anarchists during port blockades

from anarchistnews:

25,000$ News Camera Stolen at Port Action

From Media Bistro [this link to press report of the incident was included in the communique; it is not the source of the communique]

Given the good deal of media-led misinformation//opposition to the west coast #d12 port shutdown, the presence of habitually unsympathetic local news crews at the blockaded terminals in Portland seemed to assure that our actions would be misrepresented beyond recognition. So when the opportunity arose to relieve KATU of a 25,000$ news camera, we did just that. Given KATU’s inclination to distort current events through the filthy lense of power, we figured they were no worse off filming their story from the muddy bottom of the Willamette. #splash.

-some folks.

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Greece: Update for day 1 of the CCF second Halandri case trial

from actforfreedomnow:

C.C.F. TRIAL UPDATE, (second Halandri case trial) | DAY 1. | 14/12/11

The court was adjourned until 20/12/11 at 9am after the demand of defence advocate F.Ragousis. Ragousis represents Mihalis and Giorgos Nikolopoulos and Christos Tsakalos. Damiano Bolano appeared without a lawyer. The comrade was transferred yesterday afternoon from Trikala prisons to Koridallos and consequently could not have found a lawyer, let alone be prepared for the trial. The court self-appointed two defence advocates who accepted their appointment. The chairman of the court gave the suffice, for him, deadline of 6 days to study a massive trial brief such as the 1 Halandri case one.

In the political part, the comrades began with a political statement while reading the communiqué of F.A.I./Freedom to Eat and Billy Cell/ I.R.F. concerning the mailing of a bomb letter to the central offices of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, with Ackerman as the receiver.

The comrades from the first moment declared that this is a political trial or better a court martial, where anarchist urban guerrillas are being tried. They continued saying that they do not realize themselves as defendants, but as proud members of the revolutionary organization C.C.F. and that for them defendants are the prosecutors and judges, which they will show during the court-martial that is taking place in Koridallos prisons. They unanimously declared that they do not recognize this procedure or the prosecutors as their judges but through that they will reverse the terms with which the trial is taking place transforming it into a step to promote their political beliefs.

Finally, matters were mentioned but will be analysed in the process, the matter of filing the information of those who attend the court in solidarity by the anti-terrorist and the cops and the non-recording of the trial minutes.


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Greece: Explosive attack targets justice minister’s office

from greek press, 14 Dec 2011:

A canister bomb has damaged the entrance of a central Athens apartment block where Justice Minister Miltiadis Papaioannou has a private office, in the second attack since Monday’s stand-off at Korydallos prison.

Police said no one was hurt when the device made using small gas canisters exploded and caused minor damage outside the building at 28 Academias Street.

A day earlier, youths hurled petrol bombs at riot police guarding the Culture Ministry in Athens’ central Exarcheia district. [communique at actforfreedomnow]

No one has claimed the attacks, but suspicion fell on anarchist groups acting in solidarity with jailed terror suspects.

Members of the armed anarchist group conspiracy of fire cells were involved in the failed escape attempt at Korydallos. Three prison warders and 25 visitors were all released unharmed after the stand-off ended peacefully.

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Mexico: Communique for the attack against the Italian Institute of Culture

from culmine, translated by war on society:

Last night we decided to give a demonstration of our anti-indulgence with respect to the norms that govern this society, the unmasked consumerism, the “commodity” of not thinking and refraining from an infinity of alternatives, and of, zombie-like, letting oneself be carried by commercialism, walking without a fixed course, without a project, passing stores, malls, barracks, museums of the State full of culture and useless “art” that has infatuated many “alternative people” thinking that with paintings about an unreal reality they can change something, they can see a different world and envision a future without violence, without hate, with agreement, without conflict… and passivity! eternal ally of the State/Capital, the useless urge to not do anything for oneself nor for anyone nor anything, nor to change minimally our situation as individuals. The only beneficial change for the majority of this society is that the economy and progress grow desperately, they can have more than the rest, can take a better position of power in this world in which each goes for the best bet. And the others? They and we are those who from our barricades–whatever they may be–remain in resistance and offensive against a system that does not propose anything but acceptance and resignation and a life of placid slavery.

Nevertheless, there are many of us from whom the media discourse–of pacifism, non-violence, and consequently the pacification of conflicts that is so popular these days–do not remove our desires nor our energy to depart from and combat in every moment a world that is not our own, to keep our life in a constant and permanent war against the State/Capital, to express solidarity, to combat actively, which for us is much better and more dignified than to remain seated, simply as spectators, awaiting uncertain futures like teachers of the pen, professional revolutionaries, ignoring other realities, and discrediting other possibilities, living eternally locked up “in our own GALAXY.”

It is for this reason that we decided to fraternize ourselves with the decision of the “Italian” anarchist comrade Fede Buono with respect to his trial and defense… in conclusion, to the total rejection of whatever juridical medium of the State/Capital’s system of justice, including the rejection not only of the trial, but also the rejection of a defense based on the legal standards of the State [e.g.: 1, 2]. We know that it is a strong decision. So, yesterday in the morning, the REVOLUTIONARY ANARCHIST CELL – GABRIELLA SEGATA ANTOLINI, converging in the AUTONOMOUS CELLS FOR IMMEDIATE REVOLUTION – PRAXEDIS G. GUERRERO, placed and detonated an explosive device at the doors of the “Italian Institute of Culture,” belonging to the “Italian Embassy in Mexico,” located in an affluent part of the Coyoacan area of Mexico City; with this action we decided to burst the apparent peace and perfection of this city, and to burst as well the normality of the institutions belonging to the Italian State, sabotaging them as they deserve, vindicating the struggle that our comrade Federico is carrying, also vindicating the war that our anarchist comrades in that country have fought–and continue to fight–directly against the State/Capital and its institutions, past war and present war! With this act we intend to burst the diplomatic relations between these two countries where Fascism reigns, giving continuity to the campaign of the convergent cells in the FAI of Europe in order to sabotage the powerful capitalists and governors on an international level. With this act we claim ourselves participants in the INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION and in the INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY FRONT!

Solidarity with our anarchist brother and sister prisoners of war in the Italian State!!!

Solidarity with the comrade Fede Buono!!!

For international anarchist coordination!!!

For the international anarchist conspiracy
against the State/Church/Capital!!!

Long live the FAI!!!





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Mexico: Claim of responsibility for two sabotages in Leon

from culmine, translated by war on society:

sent by mail:

December 12, 2011: We claim ourselves the authors of two sabotages last year in the city of León, Gto.

* June 1st, 2010: Placement of an explosive device in a furniture store on Av. Miguel Alemán. Although the device did not explode it generated a huge police and military mobilization. Statements from the press:

* June 2nd, 2010: Placement of an incendiary device in the ceiling of the Banamex building in downtown on Calle Madero. The device functioned efficiently and burned part of the bank’s offices. Note from the press:

We claim these actions now since we had not felt so prepared to let it be known that these actions were not by the same police or from a short circuit, but that it was rather ourselves who perpetrated them.

It is worth mentioning that we are not eco-anarchists or eco-terrorists as the press mentions; we are individuals in plain combat against civilization.

To the prosecutor Zamarripa we only wish to say that the black plague still continues in his state.

Expect further notices from us…

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Chile: On the burning of Transantiago on December 2nd

from culmine, translated by war on society:

In Vengeance for the murder of the 81 in San Miguel Prison

We decided to attack their dirty machine with the fire that is our friend, we covered our faces and we went with eyes fixed on the objective, we intercepted a 506 microbus of the nefarious $hilean transport system and, after having the passengers (whose inability to take position in the war led them to criticize those who struggle) get off we doused the tires and interior seats to later launch a phoenix so that the fire arising in the streets which at that hour were filled with a spirit of false solidarity; our eyes laughed to see how that street corner burned; minutes after the attack we disappeared with the wind, they did not know who struck them; with our action we want to remind the powerful that we are here, that we have not wavered, that although they imprison us we are not afraid, we want THE FIRE TO VENGEFULLY REMEMBER THE PRISONERS MURDERED BY THE DAMNED PRISON SYSTEM IN SAN MIGUEL PRISON, WE WANT THE SMOKE OF THE BARRICADES TO OPEN UP TO THE COMRADES WHO EVADE POWER, WHO FLY HIGH, WE ALSO REMIND THE PRISONERS ACROSS THE WORLD YOU ARE NOT ALONE

We call for the multiplication of actions, for the expansion of the barricades over the whole world, for there to be no peace for the powerful; let us transform ourselves into a volcano and make the cities burn, let us become earthquakes and destroy every center of consumption.



See: report of the events claimed in this communique (in Spanish)

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Greece: Some news of an attempted escape from Korydallos Prison by comrades of the CCF [UPDATED]

UPDATE: We have received much more and better info from actforfree:

…in your dead world, we will always be
the nihilistic fuse that defect…
…creating the conditions
for the coming of cosmic chaos… your dead world, we will always be the nihilistic fuse that defect... ...creating the conditi
To those accused for participation in the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Around 6.45 this evening, P.Vlastos (a known underground figure accused of organizing kidnappings among other things) took some prison guards hostage in his attempt to escape. A few members of the C.C.F. (who are in Koridallos because of their trial there on Thursday) also participated in the attempt. After the escape attempt failed, they started negotiating, while one of the comrades of the C.C.F. made a statement to the media that they participated in the escape attempt but do not want to negotiate with cops, but want to publicize the horrible conditions in Koridallos prison.

The comrade mentioned that five members of C.C.F. and Vlastos tried to escape during visiting hours.

Cops of all kinds surrounded the prison and closed off the inside in order for other prisoners not to find out and cause a generalized revolt.

In the early hours of 13/12/11 the “hostage situation”, as the media called it, ended.

Vlastos and the comrades released the remainder of the visitors and the people guards.

After the visitors left the prison, ending their long day, they had to deal with all sorts of cops harassing them and searching them, while interrogating them with the last demand, “do they want to press charges against the prisoners”… !  Of course they received the appropriate answer.

Comrade Christos Tsakalos said: “Today we tried to do something. To gain our freedom and the continuation of urban warfare. We lost a battle, but we have not lost the war and continue to fight to win. We are an organization that fights for the ideals of a free life without any authority.”





EVENT: for the upcoming second trial of the Halandri case TUESDAY 13/12. 18.00 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, ATHENS *open call with the imprisoned fighters Members of the C.C.F.


No matter what it is that happened or will happen,
We send all strength and total complicity to the Greek comrades!

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Greece: Claim of responsibility for the beating and robbery of a PASOK member of parliament

from actforfree:

On the night of November 23rd we tracked down the MP of PASOK S. Kouvelis boarding a luxurious Lexus, probably his car.

Without a second thought we decided to attack him.

We punched him and robbed him, as is done from the side of politicians.

In his bag which we confiscated, were: a laptop, documents of PASOK, expensive pens, credit cards with a total of 90.000 euro in them (!!!) and his MP identification card.

As well, we were amazed by the fact that his bag was full of condoms, what did that dirty old man want with them???

This action was a reaction to the daily violence we receive.

Freedom to our comrades.

Fighting salutes to the imprisoned members of the C.C.F.

Violence to the violence of authority.

Unknown anarchists

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