Chile: Attempted bombing of West Santiago Precinct and the 18th Ñuñoa Precinct

bombafrom vla, transl wos:

When a comrade falls we cannot remain disconnected, blind ourselves and keep reading forever so we can give pretty speeches in talks and debates. Our tears for our compañerxs who fall in war turn into lava that runs through our bodies, transforming into this internal fire that gives us the flame to give it all in each action against our enemy and the bastards who protect them. Continue reading

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Hans Niemeyer – Requiem for the Passing Moon

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Hans Niemeyer was arrested on November 30, 2011 near a BCI Bank after an explosive attack. Held in preventive prison under the terrible Anti-terrorist Law, he was charged for another 3 attacks. After a year in prison, Hans was granted house arrest and went underground on December 7, 2012 after his legal process was skillfully paralyzed. On April 26, 2013, he was arrested by the Investigative Police (PDI). Hans was sentenced in July 2013 to 5 years in prison, and since then has carried out multiple hunger strikes, the latest (es) in solidarity with Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Sebastian Oversluij, and Matias Catrileo. Continue reading

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Chile: Incendiary action in memory of Matías Catrileo

from contrainfo, transl.  waronsociety:

In rebellious and combative memory, no one and nothing is forgotten.

Matías Catrileo presente!!

We responded to the call for agitation for the combative memory of the weichafe Matias Catrileo, with whom we have affinity in his life as a revolutionary and his will to struggle against the Chilean state and the destroyers of the earth. Continue reading

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Mexico: Anarchist Gustavo Rodriguez kidnapped, interrogated, beaten and deported to the US

from contrainfo:

A few hours ago, comrade Gustavo, missing since December 29th, communicated with his close ones. He briefly explained that he was detained by federal agents and submitted to harsh interrogations. Gustavo commented that he was beaten up, and after some hours he was deported to the United States, because they were unable to charge him with anything. Continue reading

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Chile: Comrade imprisoned for attempted murder of a police officer

from contrainfo, transl wos:

At 11:40 pm on December 20, a group of about 20 encapuchadxs carried out a road blockade from the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH), specifically in the exit from Matucana and Romero streets. Once the police started to show up, a group moved toward the main entrance of the university, at the corner of Alameda and Matucana, where in addition to cutting off the main street, they threw a series of molotov cocktails at the tree that is put up every year in the Mall Paseo Estación. Continue reading

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With Tears in Our Eyes, With Closed Fists

from contrainfo, transl wos:

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Mexico: Phoenix Project. Unique Act (#9)

acto IXfrom contrainfo, transl wos:

From individual initiative, without bases of support or complex revolutionary rhetoric/theories, without complex destructive devices WE ATTACK! A Unique and Annihilating Attack, Belonging to itself and without any moral, ideological or material condition. Continue reading

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Brazil: ATMs burned in Porto Alegre in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

from contrainfo, transl wos:

Solidarity is a living force! Ignite it!

On Monday, December 16, while the hot 34°C (93°C) sun was setting and the full moon was rising to the sky, we paid a visit to a Santander Bank branch located on Osvaldo Aranha Avenue right in front of a police post. We entered the place and left an incendiary Christmas gift for the ATMs, with the obvious intention of destroying the establishment. After this, time and fire did their part, and we achieved our goal. We didn’t go to rob its money, just to destroy it. We reached our aim: Continue reading

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Olympia, EEUU: Comunicado del ataque a 3 patrullas en solidaridad con los Barcelona 5

fuente actforfree, trad waronsociety:

La noche del 16 de Diciembre, se rompieron las ventanas de 3 patrullas estacionadas afuera del centro de justicia de Olympia (que incluye la cárcel municipal y la tribunal municipal).

Esta fecha particular se escoge en conjunción con la llamada internacional a solidaridad con los Barcelona 5, acusados por el ataque explosivo al catedral católico en Zaragoza, España. Continue reading

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New project: La Semilla Negra – social war, &c.

action * analysis * chile * mapuche * news

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Avalanche – Anarchist correspondence – issue 0


issue 0 – December 2013 – pdf English edition

from avalanche:

Anarchists always appropriated means to spread anti-authoritarian ideas and struggles to feed the dialogue and subversive action. It is in this sense that this publication is also intended as a tool, more precisely that of providing a space to nourish the international debate between anarchists. That is why these particular pages create space for struggles that spring from anarchist activities; autonomous, direct and self-organized struggles; struggles that go towards the destruction of power in all its forms; struggles happening today, yesterday or that are announcing itself.

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$hile: Banco Estado expropriation ends with a comrade killed, two comrades arrested and one fugitive

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Urgent: Painful news from the Chilean region to the uncontrollable anarchist/anti-authoritarian world…

¡Larga vida al compañero Sebastian!

Long live compañero Sebastian!

Yesterday at about 9:30 am, compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel (26 years old) was shot down while he was preparing, along with other compañeros, to rob the Banco Estado on La Estrella Avenue in the Pudahuel neighborhood. Sebastian was killed by the bullets of the lackey who was guarding the bank’s premises, his body taking at least 6 bullets. Continue reading

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Mexico: Anarchists set the Coca-Cola Christmas tree on fire; three arrests

incendiaarbolfrom vivalanarquia, transl wos:

In the framwork of the protests against the Metro fare hike, some anarchists set fire with a molotov cocktail to the Coca-Cola Christmas tree, 3 arrests were reported, 2 minors whose identity was not specified and the youth Fernando Bàrcenas Casillas. Continue reading

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$hile: Incendiary action in solidarity with Mónica, Francisco and the social war prisoners

cortefrom vla, translated by wos:

With Solidarity Actions We Salute Monica, Francisco and Those Who Resist In the Dungeons of Power

Because we believe that the struggle against prison society must spread as part of the struggle against every kind of authority, the distances must not diminish the unyielding solidarity with those who experience in their own flesh the punishment of the powerful for opposing the system of domination and those who maintain it. Continue reading

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