Chile: Claim for bombing of the Special Forces Barracks in Temuco

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:

Today, Saturday March 16, we placed an incendiary device in the annexes of the Temuco Special Forces, this fire extinguisher was put under one of their “RP” (radio patrol) cars, asserting our hatred of that fucking murderous institution. Our ire is based in small part on all the years of repression that the exploited have been victims of the guard dogs of the $tate who, ever loyal and submissive before the oppressors, don’t hesitate to torture, confine and physically or mentally kill those who rebel against Power. Continue reading

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Letter from Mike almost four years after the accidental death of Zoé in France

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: Our path as a propaganda project is still marked by the moment when we found the information in French that a compañera had died and a compañero had been wounded, this accident happened when the two armed an explosive device during the early hours of May 1st, 2009. But we found this information and translated it more than a month after this painful accident happened, and also the information was always equally scarce. We have never managed to understand why there was such silence, if there was even a review published in France titled “Peste Noire” (Black Plague) in honor of the compañero Mauri, in which texts were translated from Spanish to French and the editors did a lot of work to copy communiques and reflections. We often asked why they couldn’t find similar texts to the ones we could find for Mauri after his accidental death, except with Zoe’s name, but the responses were always that this was how her close compañerxs wanted it. Which we never shared. Continue reading

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Argentina: Mural painted in Buenos Aires in solidarity with the fugitive compa Felicity

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

“I am proud of being an anarchist, of being an enemy of power, authority, and the state.” – Felicity Ann Ryder

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Russia: Ford belonging to Police Ministry member set on fire in Moscow

from blackblocg:

Ticket to fire: Ford of Police Ministry member set on fire in Moscow

We have received message from our comrades: “We have burned a big Ford
nearby VDNKH subway station about two weeks ago. The car had a pass of
Police ministry behind a windshield and it looks like a typical car
granted for official of medium/high level. We proclaim solidarity with all
our comrades prosecuted. And you, police pigs, should know that any your
aggressive act against freedom fighters won’t be unrequited.

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A short clarification about Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS)

In light of a recent piece of shit journalism from Business Insider titled “Mexican Anarchists Are Blowing Up Scientists And The Government Is Freaked,” we make the following clarifications:

1. The group Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) did not claim the Pemex bombing in their 7th communique (or any other), as the journalists in their total lack of comprehension stated. In fact, the group has never mentioned that event even marginally. Continue reading

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Dan and Olivier – “Nothing to declare: Why we refuse to participate in our own repression”

from nonfides, translated by waronsociety:

Nothing to declare
Why we refuse to participate in our own repression

It has now been two years since the investigation into “public defamation of public officials” and “incitement to the commission of an attack against a person without effect” was opened in relation to the tract “Correspondants de nuit: des agents de proximité de la guerre aux pauvres” [Night correspondants*: Agents of the war on the poor], published in late 2010 on Indymedia and then reposted on many sites, such as Non Fides and Retour à Belleville, but mainly distributed widely in several districts of Northeast Paris. Continue reading

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Spain: A few words from Gabriel Pombo da Silva from the prison in Villena

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

[…] Today the Assistant Director of Security of this prison came to see me, to see to it that they were giving me visitations and letting me use the telephone. He gave me the impression that he was (is) serious. Continue reading

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Chile: Victor Montoya arrested and accused of bombing the police precinct in Las Vizcachas

from publicacionrefractario, transl waronsociety:

During the early hours of Saturday February 9, 2013, an explosive device went off in a wall of the police barracks in Las Vizcachas. The explosion happened between an irrigation canal with vegetation, and the area where the members of the repressive forces who are “single” sleep. Continue reading

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“Cautious Detonation” – Advice for saboteurs in the handling of explosive devices

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: This advice that came to us by mail goes out to those who choose the path of nighttime action. It is very important that the compañerxs who risk their lives to deliver, with their homemade armaments, blows to the icons and ideology of the dominant system take every measure of precaution to not injury or damage people who have nothing to do with the target of the attack. And by precaution we mean not using means or tools for the attack that we don’t know or understand well, such as the chemical reactions that a device produces at an internal level. But this doesn’t mean that other means can’t be used, that are easier to handle like (correctly armed) molotovs, rocks, etc. The same goes for incendiary devices with mechanical and/or chemical activation (slow or homemade fuses), as we noted in a previous article [En], since these tools of the guerrilla arsenal are made by processes that are simpler and easier to understand. The life of a warrior is worth more than the lives of thousands of soldiers or police! Continue reading

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Chile: Arson of Homecenter truck and bomb placed at prison guards office in Temuco

from rojoscuro, transl waronsociety, communique:

In the early hours of this Thursday [February 28th] we set fire to a truck located outside of the Sodimac Homecenter in Temuco, and the fire spread thanks to some pallets. Continue reading

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The Mexican State goes after the anarchists’ “terrorist wing”

from the press via liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Note from LT: The following is an article from the press titled “Going after the anarchists’ ‘terrorist wing'” which shows the State’s worry in the face of the attacks from the Individualists Tending toward the Wild. The importance in paying attention to the State’s spokespeople and their publications is to have clarity about where the enemy is pointing its possible repressive remedies. Continue reading

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Spain: Claim for bank bombing and for package bombs to a Bishop and to a Legion of Christ School director

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, Note from LT: The image came attached to the communique that we received by mail. Press links at the end. Communique:

We don’t need a lot of rhetoric to explain our reasons for attacking a bank branch.

Everyone can come up with their own.

On December 20th, 2012, with the complicity of the nighttime.

A coffee pot with black powder and screws.*

Three disposable gas canisters connected with adhesive tape.

Determination. Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for incendiary attack against church

from rojoscuro, transl waronsociety:

We claim responsibility for the incendiary attack made in the early hours of Tuesday February 12th at around 3 am against the Our Lady of Montserrat Church located on Luis Matte Larraín street, in Puente Alto, with an incendiary device with a fuse, detonated in the vulnerable front of the church, causing material damages mostly to the main door, as well as damage in the heads of the hundreds of subjects of order and power who meet there day and night. Continue reading

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Russia: Black Blocg claims destruction of police station in Povedniki (Moscow region)

from blackblocg (follow link to view or download video of the action):

In the night February 19/20 we attacked local police station in the village Povedniki (Moscow region). It was settled in non-residential building – so we felt free to act strongly. It is likely, that a good portion of incendiary has completely destroyed the contents of this enemy’s nest (we had no possibility to watch fire up to end). Continue reading

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